Mei Qiduo thought, and laughed happily. As soon as she picked up her things, she looked up, and the stone was dressed and sitting by the bed, her eyes were burning.

Mei Qiduo's heart suddenly jumped up.

Although she made the stone face dirty on weekdays, she knew very well that the stone was a super handsome man.

You know, once upon a time, Mei Qiduo had no resistance to handsome guys.

Especially when he looked at himself so seriously and attentively, it felt as if his heart had been burned.

"Don't look, go to bed!" Mei Qiduo felt red and angry.

Stone also don't care, looking at Mei seven flower and from the cabinet next to take out a thin quilt, followed her to the outside.

Mei Qiduo's home is very small. There is only one room for her mother and herself. In fact, the outer room is the kitchen. After all, stone is a man, so she can only make a shop in the outer room.

Mei Qiduo put the quilt on the floor and saw him lying down. Then she went back to her room.

Mei Xiaolan has already made the bed. Mei Qiduo climbs up and doesn't want to move.

Although I didn't do any hard work on this day, the cart was bumpy and uncomfortable. Although my bed was not very good, it was a bed anyway.

Mei Xiaolan sat at the head of the bed and touched her face with her hand. Her eyes suddenly turned red: "Qiduo, my mother thinks that you wake up this time and you are much more sensible."

Since she moved here, there has never been so much food in her family, and all this was earned by her poor daughter. Originally, she should not have such a fate

Mei Qiduo grabs her hand and feels guilty. She's not really Mei Qiduo, but it's nice to be cared about.

"Niang, I've been dead once, and it's time to be sensible. I think well, I can't live like this all my life. In the future, I will try my best to make our family have a good life. " The real Mei Qiduo has died, and since she has replaced her identity, she will naturally live well for her. Will take good care of their mother.

"Otherwise, you shouldn't live like this..." Mei Xiaolan was a little sad. If she didn't have a bad life, how could she hurt her child so young to make a living. It's also useless for her to live so hard.

Mei Qiduo feels that Mei Xiaolan must have a story, because there are many emotions hidden in her eyes, such as reluctance, regret and pain.

But she didn't know, meiqiduo didn't ask, "it's late, go to bed. I bought a few pieces of cloth. If you have nothing to do at home, cut the cloth and add a new suit to us. I'll go around the mountain tomorrow. If I can catch some wild girls, I can change money next time. "

Mei Xiaolan is sad, and is pleased to nod, this just and clothes lie down.

Mei Xiaolan fell asleep, but Mei Qiduo couldn't sleep.

It's just the beginning of spring, and it's still cold at home. There's a quilt and a mattress in total. Mei Xiaolan gives the quilt a stone to hit the floor, so they can only lie down with their clothes.

However, it is obvious that both mother and daughter are used to freezing, and there is nothing wrong with this kind of weather. It's just that there's a wound on the stone. It's not easy to do if you get sick. I have to find a way to earn two beds of bedding.

In the village, it's not easy for Mei Xiaolan to earn money and make a fortune. In her previous life, Mei Xiaolan lived on the edge of a knife. Although it's hard for her to survive in the wild, it's also a big problem if she really depends on farm work.

Thinking about it, Mei Qiduo didn't know what she was sleeping about.

I only know that when I wake up, Mei Xiaolan has already cooked a meal and the stone is feeding the rabbit.

With food at home, the morning meal is abundant.

Mei Xiaolan cooked brown rice and sorghum porridge, mixed wild vegetables, and baked several corn cakes.

While Mei Qiduo was having dinner with stone, Mei Xiaolan found a cloth bag, filled it with some cakes, filled it with a pot of water and put it next to Mei Qiduo.

"I don't know when you will come back, bring some food and drink, and come back to rest when you are tired." Mei Xiaolan's voice is soft, but the concern in her words is very enchanting.

Mei Qiduo took a look at the lotus colored cloth bag and felt that her eyes were a little hot.

She bought the cloth for Mei Xiaolan to make her own clothes. Unexpectedly, she didn't make her own clothes. Instead, she cut the cloth and sewed a cloth bag for her to carry things on her back.

Mei Qiduo nodded and answered. After three or two mouthfuls of porridge, she put the bag on her shoulder and went out of the door.

When she went out, the stone was behind her.

Mei Qiduo remembers that Mei Xiaolan was almost bullied before. She didn't let him come out and let him recuperate at home.

Although stone was reluctant, he was obedient and stayed at home.

After Mei Qiduo went up the mountain, as usual, she scattered some brown rice flour mixed with overpowering drug along the road. There was not much food, so she did not dare to waste it. She also scattered some overpowering drug on the tender grass.

After doing everything well, Mei Qiduo went deep. She wanted to find more herbs and wild vegetables.

Mei Qiduo didn't go to the places she had been before. First, she had been searched by herself for a long time. Second, she didn't want to pick some buds. She kept them until she grew up. So today, just entering the mountain, Mei Qiduo walked for two hours.

Fortunately, although the body is weak, it is not as dizzy and hungry as before.

So when Mei Qiduo stopped, she just felt a little tired, so she sat down, ate some tortillas, drank some water, and then found some herbs nearby.

The weeds are relatively high near here. Although there is a narrow path, it is obvious that there are few people. Grass has grown on the path. If no one comes, it is estimated that the road will soon be gone.

The more uninhabited the place is, the easier it is to find good things. However, it is overgrown with weeds, and there are many unknown dangers.

Mei didn't know if there were any wild animals nearby, but in order to prevent them from meeting snakes and insects, she left a thick wood branch the size of an egg beside her and patted the weeds along the way.

It can drive insects and open roads.

Mei Qiduo went a long way, and she felt more and more worthy of coming. Among these weeds, there were many herbs for hemostasis and anti-inflammatory. She even found Angelica sinensis and Polygonum multiflorum. Both of them are good medicine for blood. A lot of blood was shed when the stone was injured. It should be replenished.

Mei Xiaolan and himself don't even have food on weekdays, and they certainly don't have enough Qi and blood. Their bodies should also be mended.

Thought, her hand under the action faster, today harvest is good.

When she got home, Mei Qiduo not only had a basket of wild vegetables in her hand, but also had a bag full of herbs in her bag, so she was more and more happy.

However, Mei Qiduo went to the place where the medicine was applied to check. Today, the harvest of game was not big. Only two sparrows and a wild pigeon were poured.

Singing songs all the way home, Mei Qiduo thought that the place where she dug medicine today should be able to go last time, so she had to change to a new place.

On the way to the village head's house, I saw the bustling direction.

Aunt Fu saw her from a long distance and called out: "seven flowers, come quickly. Something happened to your house."

Mei seven flowers a listen, hastily SA Ya son to the family that run.

It's fine. What happened again? She and Mei Xiaolan, who are orphans and widows, how come there are always people who can't get along with them?

Seeing that she was still holding something in her hand, aunt Fu immediately helped her pick it up. "I'll take it for you. Go to the village head's house and have a look. They tied your mother away with the stone."


"Lai Da came again. He wanted to bully your mother and was beaten by a stone. He and Da Zhuang Niang went to the village head's house to complain, saying that your mother hid wild men and wanted to kill them when they were smashed! It's a big deal. "

Fu aunt is also anxious, hastened Mei Qiduo: "you go to have a look, think of a way, I will help you send things home."

No such thing has happened in the village, and they don't know what to do. In the village, only aunt Fu and uncle Fu have a good relationship with his family, so uncle Fu goes with him to the village head's house. Aunt Fu stays here waiting for Mei Qiduo.

I just think that seven flowers have an idea now. Maybe there will be a way.

Mei Qiduo listens and runs to the village head's house. On the way, she also meets some people who want to go to the village head's house to watch the fun. They are laughing at Mei Qiduo.

Meiqiduo also ignore them, his mother is a weak bully, stone and hurt in the body, don't have an accident.

The door of the village head's house was full of people. Seeing Mei Qiduo coming, he took the initiative to give way.

Mei Qiduo just rushed in, saw his mother sitting on the ground wiping tears, next to the big strong dad with a stick, just want to stand on the side of the stone.

"Stop it."

Mei Qiduo yelled at the door, then ran over and knocked Da Zhuang dad to one side, pulled the stone back to one side, and helped Mei Xiaolan up again.

"What are you doing? Want to abuse lynching? " Mei Qiduo yelled at Da Zhuang's father and stared at her angrily.

From her rebirth to this place, this powerful family has been looking for trouble for her family, which is unreasonable. One day, I will teach them a lesson.

In the main hall, the village head sat there, looking at them seriously.

"Village head, is there any reason for us to bully our family? If we don't give an explanation today, we won't let it go. " Mei Qiduo knew that it was the village head who was responsible, so she naturally found the village head.

The village head coughed and patted the table: "don't make trouble, seven flowers, Dazhuang their family, and Lai Da came to me today to report that your mother, cough, doesn't obey women's way..."

"We won't talk about whether to keep women's way. I just want to ask, what did Lai Da do in my house?" Mei Qiduo naturally saw Lai Da, who had been hiding behind Da Zhuang for a long time. If she hadn't had the skills she used to have, she would have finished this rascal,

"Well, why did Lai Da go to Qiduo's house?" Although the village head asked this question, everyone knew it.

Lai Da is lazy and idle. In the village, he either sneaks around or bullies the weak. Although Mei Xiaolan was poor, he was beautiful. He was thinking about it not for a day or two. Why did he appear at Mei Xiaolan's home? You don't have to ask.

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