Aunt Fu looks at Mei Qiduo and stares at the clothing shop. She probably knows what she thinks. She sighed and asked, "do you want to wear new clothes?"

Mei Qiduo is really poor. Her mother doesn't have the skills to make a living. It's hard to bring her up. So in the past, she wore clothes that her mother or her family didn't want. After her mother changed them, she gave them to her.

In aunt Fu's memory, from her mother's moving to the village to Mei Qiduo's growing up, they never bought a new dress.

No wonder Mei Qiduo is interested in this.

Mei Qiduo subconsciously pinched the money in her hand and nodded: "I'll go and have a look. There are no clothes to wear at home. Now that I have money, I can buy one or two."

Aunt Fu saw that the child was very assertive and didn't stop. She just stood at the door waiting for her.

When Mei Qiduo entered the clothing shop, he saw all kinds of cloth, some hanging and others placed. There are also several styles of ready-made clothes, the style looks good, but Mei Qiduo weighs that ready-made clothes should be more expensive, not suitable for her.

There were only a few people in twos and threes in the shop. A young girl in a long white dress was sixteen or seventeen years old. She was quiet and clever. She was carrying a little servant girl about the same size, and was looking at a pink dress.

A 30-year-old woman is around them, sparing no effort to introduce the benefits of that dress.

Mei Qiduo looked. It seemed that she was the boss's wife.

The appearance of Xu's Mei Qiduo is still more eye-catching. After all, she looks so poor, and she doesn't look like someone who can afford clothes.

The woman who bought clothes saw her first and frowned.

The landlady Xu seemed unhappy when she saw the gold Lord in front of her. She turned around and saw a beggar like little girl standing behind her.

She immediately frowned, "little girl, what are you doing here?"

Mei Qiduo knew that she was looking at people in the crack of the door, and she was looked down upon. But she didn't want to pay attention to these boring people.

"How do you sell cloth here?"

"Thirty Wen for linen and sixty Wen for cotton. Silk is even more expensive and has many kinds. If you want to buy clothes, you'd better come to your adults! " With that, she turned to the woman and said with a flattering smile, "Miss Yu, look at this dress, but it suits you very well."

"Clothes are very good, but how can anyone buy clothes from you? If you feel dirty, can you still sell it? " Miss Yu spoke frankly, obviously running on Mei Qiduo.

The landlady was a bit embarrassed when she heard her words. Although she is a businessman, she will have some influence. But he also knows the truth that opening the door can't drive out guests. After all, big fish are fish. Small fish is also a fish!

Mei Qiduo is not a trouble maker, but she can't help being ridiculed by people: "no matter how good-looking clothes are, they have to be good to wear. Otherwise, it's a waste of cloth to be used on some people."

"What are you talking about? What kind of wild girl dare to scold our young lady The girl next to her couldn't help but rush over and scold her. She raised her palm and wanted to slap her.

Mei Qiduo looked at her disdainfully. She didn't even hide. She just quickly raised her foot and kicked her in the stomach.

That wench hasn't been close to her body, has already been kicked to the ground by Mei Qiduo, ouch of call up.

It seemed unexpected that Mei Qiduo dared to fight back. Miss Yu stared and stamped angrily: "do you dare to beat people in broad daylight?"

"Miss, you are blind, others are not blind. It's your servant girl who wants to beat me. I'm just defending myself. Everyone can see it. I'm not afraid even if I take it to the official. It's you who connive at bad servants. Maybe I'll be put in jail for a few days and teach you a lesson. " Mei Qiduo was not afraid of her, but threatened her fiercely.

There are also a few people beside, listen to her say so, cover mouth to snicker.

After all, most of them are ordinary people, and they can't stand this kind of practice of bullying with a little money.

Yu qiujie's face turns pale. She is really frightened by Mei Qiduo. Her father is the mayor of the town, and she has a good family background. She is used to swaggering and is held everywhere. She naturally looks down on those poor people.

But in the past, those people did not dare to offend her because of the good conditions in her home. Today, they were threatened by a little beggar.

But this is the city, not her family's territory. Naturally, she has no confidence. She is worried that she will be caught by the official master. In the end, she just wants to feel more aggrieved. She throws her clothes at the boss, yells "no" and goes away with her servant girl.

When he came, he didn't forget to stare at Mei Qiduo.

It's just the quarrel between the two little girls, but it didn't cause any big disturbance, so the people present didn't care.

It's just a pity for the landlady. She thinks Mei Qiduo is a good child. She turns her head and asks, "do you want to buy something?"

Mei Qiduo nodded, changed into a lovely smile, and went to the landlady: "is this piece of cloth enough to make a suit?"

"If a piece of cloth is grown-up, it's enough to make one piece. If you're a child like yourself, it's almost the same for two bodies." The boss hung up his clothes again and explained it again and again.

"Then I'll take two pieces of linen, which are fresh in color, for women." Meiqiduo thinks it's right. She looks down and takes out her purse from her arms and starts to count the money.

The landlady didn't realize that Mei Qiduo could really afford cloth. She quickly took a happy detour to put the cloth on the shelf and chose a red one and a yellow one.

Mei Qiduo saw that the colors were all liked by her little girl. She thought it might not be suitable for her mother to wear them. Touch the yellow cloth, let the boss to change a lotus color.

After paying, Mei Qiduo is ready to go home with the cloth happily.

When I went out, I saw a man come in to buy clothes. Mei Qiduo's steps suddenly stopped, and she thought of the man she picked up from the mountain.

Although he is not related to each other, he doesn't know each other, but after all, now he is in his own home, and he doesn't have a decent dress to change. His original one had been stained with blood for a long time. Mei Qiduo thought that although the man looked unusual, he would be very handsome in this linen clothes.

Thinking about it, Mei Qiduo made a decision and went back to the boss to ask for a blue linen.

When she came out, there was only ten Wen left in her arms. Meiqiduo hugs the cloth in her arms. It seems that she has to work harder to earn money.

The ox cart was walking all the way. When it returned to the village, it was dark, like a black cloth cover, and even the stars could not be seen. Thanks to Uncle Fu's experience, he was able to walk safely at night with lanterns in his car.

Almost to the door, Mei Qiduo saw a long shadow standing against the door frame. Even if she couldn't see clearly, Mei Qiduo knew it was a stone.

What is he doing standing here so late?

Before she got home, Mei Qiduo had taken the lead to jump off the ox cart and ran over: "cousin stone, what are you doing here? Is there anything else to eat at home? "

"Are you tired?" Stone also don't know how to return a responsibility, wake up, didn't see the figure of Mei Qi duo, feel empty, oneself also stay at home uncomfortable.

Mei Xiaolan seemed to see that he was not at ease, so he told his sister Qiduo that she had gone to the city and would come back in the evening.

So on this day, in addition to eating and rest, he stood at the door to see when she would come back.

"I'm not tired. I'll see my mother." Mei Qiduo saw the concern in his eyes and felt a little uncomfortable. She turned and went into the yard.

When Mei Xiaolan heard her voice, she wiped her hands and came out: "I'm back. Just in time, I warmed the dishes. There were still some rabbit meat and wild vegetables left yesterday. I asked Uncle Fu to come in and eat them. They worked hard today."

"All right Mei Qiduo was so happy that she ran out of the yard like a gust of wind and said to Uncle Fu and aunt Fu: "Uncle Fu, aunt Fu, my mother has cooked food and left you here for dinner. It's so late. You must be hungry. It's too late to go back and do it. "

Aunt Fu and uncle Fu are helping Mei Qiduo to get food and cloth out of the car. When they hear her greeting, they nod and don't refuse.

In the past, they helped them a lot. Uncle and aunt Fu knew that they were sorry. Now they have a chance to thank themselves, so they are not polite.

Mei Qiduo is lifting up the corn flour. She suddenly reaches out a hand behind her and picks up the things in her hand.

As soon as she turned around, she saw the stone holding the pasta in one hand and preparing to pick up the cloth beside her in the other.

Mei Qiduo thought of his injury, subconsciously held several pieces of cloth in his hand more tightly, and looked at him with some worry: "can you do it?"

The stone knew what she was asking and nodded without saying anything.

Mei Qiduo put down her heart, holding the cloth, carrying the oil and salt, followed aunt Fu into the yard, and the stone followed her silently.

After dinner, Mei Qiduo sees Mei Xiaolan washing the dishes. Then he pulls stone's sleeve into the room.

There was only one bed in the room. She pointed, "go up."

Stone knew that she was going to apply medicine for herself, untied her clothes and showed her back, so she went up.

Mei Qiduo found a clean cloth, dipped in a little hot water, gently cleaned the edge of his wound, and gently tore off the herbs that had been stuck with the blood on the wound, picked up the herbs that had been smashed for a long time and applied them to him again.

The stone wound is still very frightening, but fortunately it has stopped bleeding long ago, and the slight inflammation is also improving. Now as long as good care, after a few days should be able to scab. When the scab is formed, the wound will heal quickly, so that when he wants to grow food, he can help.

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