"Nature won't fool you." The shopkeeper put away the abacus and took a look at her proud look: "next time, you can come."

"There is no basis for words, but for words." Mei Qiduo doesn't know what it's like to close when it's good. Although the shopkeeper is easy to talk now, it's better to have a guarantee.

Without thinking about this, the shopkeeper was even more surprised. Does the little girl still understand this? Even uncle and aunt Fu, who had worked with him for a long time, didn't understand these. It seemed that they were not ordinary farm girls.

Knowing that this girl is unusual, she likes her a little, and the shopkeeper immediately looks up at her a little.

Immediately ordered people to write notes, and took the initiative to sign a good name, according to the fingerprints, just handed Mei Qiduo.

Mei Qiduo picked it up and looked at it. Although it was a bit traditional, it wasn't so complicated that she couldn't understand it. After confirming that the words on it were correct, she wrote her name and pressed her fingerprints.

After doing this, Mei Qiduo left Ruyi restaurant with the surprised uncle and aunt Fu.

Mei Qiduo goes out with her feet in front of her. The shopkeeper stands at the door and looks at the figure of the three people pulling the ox cart away. "The girl is not ordinary. If she delivers the goods later, remember to ask me to come to see her in person," he said

Walking on the way to the grain store, aunt Fu reached out and touched seven of her hair. Seeing that her hair was a little disordered, she gently smoothed it for her.

"Seven flowers, how can you make such a delicious dish?" Although aunt Fu didn't taste it, looking at the look shopkeeper Cui likes, I think it's very delicious.

Mei Qiduo chuckled and stroked her hair: "where can I cook? That's what the fairy said! He taught me to learn how to cook, but I didn't know how to do it, so I changed to pharmacy. "

"So it is." Fu's aunt doubted him and nodded, "are you also taught by the gods to read?"

Mei Qi duo's heart suddenly jumps. It's too bad. It can't be carried away by the gods.

Mei Qiduo quickly waved his hand and carefully opened his mouth, "where, that's what my cousin stone taught me. He only taught me to write my name. I don't know anything else. I was bluffing."

Not only did aunt Fu smile, but Uncle Fu also laughed and praised her cleverness.

After that, we arrived at the grain store.

There are many kinds of food in the grain store. Mei Qiduo followed aunt Fu around and found that at this time, there was rice, but the price of rice was 100 Wen / kg, which was very high. Looking at the small bag, it was also a rare thing.

Let's see, the second is 30 Wen for white flour, 20 Wen for corn flour, 15 Wen for sorghum flour and 10 Wen for brown rice flour.

Mei Qiduo had been Jingui in her previous life. Although she was poor in this life, she didn't intend to hurt herself. She felt the copper money in her arms and gritted her teeth to buy two Jin of white flour and ten jin of corn flour.

Sorghum noodles and brown rice noodles are hard to swallow. She doesn't intend to buy them back as staple food, but when she thinks about her luxury, I'm afraid others are suspicious, so she bought two kilograms.

In the twinkling of an eye, it cost 310 Wen. Mei Qiduo has some flesh pain. I didn't expect that one day she would have a headache for spending this little money.

Aunt Fu pinched her hand. "Your family finally has some silver. Why don't you save some money?"

The implication is to wonder how she bought so much corn flour and white flour.

Of course, Mei Qiduo couldn't say it was because he couldn't get used to it, so he had to pull a stone as a shield: "my cousin stone is injured. If he doesn't eat something good, how is his health? I'm waiting for him to help me grow food."

Aunt Fu thinks it's reasonable. Seven flowers don't have any food, so there's no way to buy them.

"But you spend so much, how can you buy grain later?"

Mei Qiduo paid and followed aunt Fu to carry things to the ox cart. Then she gave a mysterious smile: "I dug some herbs in the mountains. I can buy some after changing money. My mother and I can't grow much food in my family. "

Aunt Fu smiled and touched her head: "this ghost girl, there is a medicine shop not far ahead. Do you want to go in and have a look?"

"Yes, yes, uncle and aunt. Are you waiting for me here?" Mei Qiduo looked ahead and saw the sign of the drugstore. Seeing that they didn't mean to go, she asked.

"I wanted to follow you to help you, but you are so powerful that we can't help you. I'll wait for you at the door." While talking, aunt Fu had brought her to the door of the medicine shop.

Mei Qiduo didn't ask. She nodded and went in. She only saw an old man with white beard reading a book on the counter.

She was not tall. She looked up and patted the counter. Then the old man squinted at her.

"Do you take medicine here?" Mei Qiduo asked with a smile.

"Yes, the price is not very good!" The old man touched his beard. Although it was strange that a little girl came to sell medicine, it was not surprising that there were many people collecting medicine in the mountain.

After hearing this, Mei Qiduo took out the wrapped herbal medicine hidden in his arms and put it in front of the old man: "how much are these worth?"

The old man opened the package, reached out and twisted some of the herbs, his eyes inevitably brightened.

The package is filled with some hemostatic and anti-inflammatory herbs, but it's interesting that most people only know about Puhuang, Tianqi and baimaogen, but they don't know that mimosa and Qiancao are also good hemostatic herbs. Even if they know, they seldom know about them.

But in front of the child, looking at ordinary, actually know to look for these things, not ordinary, not ordinary!

The old man looked at Mei Qiduo quietly, and then put the herbal medicine classification aside in the small copper scale. Then he said: "although you are good, but the quantity is small. I give you 50 Wen in total."

Mei Qiduo is not satisfied with this, but she doesn't know the market. Besides, there are few things. It's good for people to accept them. Now money is the most important thing.

Thinking about this, he immediately nodded.

When the old man saw her sharp, he didn't say much. After counting the money, he put it into her hand and said, "your family studies medicine?"

Mei Qiduo shook his head. "It's just some research on herbs." With that, he loaded the message and left.

The old man shook his head regretfully. "It's a pity, it's a pity."

After selling the medicinal materials, aunt Fu took Mei Qiduo to buy grain seeds. The price of grain seeds was ten times that of grain. But although grain is expensive, it's good that you don't have to buy too much.

This time, Mei Qiduo bought half liang of wheat, corn, sorghum and brown rice, and spent 37 Wen. He also thought about buying potato, soybean, sweet potato, pepper and cabbage, and spent another 70 Wen.

In the twinkling of an eye, there were only 117 Wen left.

When she came out, Mei Qiduo rubbed the money in her hand. It's estimated that more than ten jin of noodles will be enough for half a month. There is not much money in hand. It seems that we can find a way to earn more money.

After buying what she wanted, aunt Fu went back to the market to buy meat.

Mei Qiduo thinks that she doesn't have much money in her hand, and she can often catch some game to come back for tooth sacrifice, so she won't buy meat for the time being. However, she still spends ten Wen to buy half a jin of lard bianzi, and plans to go back to refining. He spent seven Wen to buy a jin of salt for cooking.

Ready to go back, just passing by a clothing bump, Mei Qiduo holding the money in his hand, and unable to walk.

She looked down at the clothes on her body. The patches were stacked with patches, and even the original quality of the clothes could not be seen clearly.

Girls are born to love beauty, not to mention that she comes from the 21st century, has always lived a life of respect, wearing the soul of major luxury brands.

Now that the food is settled, she naturally wants to wear clothes. No matter how poor she is, she also wants to clean herself up.

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