Sixty years' salary is not much, but Mei Qiduo is young and can't do much. Earning so much money can be regarded as great.

Although the chicken didn't sell, aunt Fu was very happy for no seven flowers when she heard what the shopkeeper said.

In this way, their family has a good income, 60 Wen, spend a month is enough.

"Shopkeeper, are you serious? My seven flowers can work with you? It won't be too hard, will it? I'm afraid the child is too young to be tired. " Aunt Fu looks at Mei Qiduo's thin and small body. Even if the children in the village are tired, she just worries that Mei Qiduo's small body can't stand it.

The shopkeeper is a human spirit, naturally understand her meaning, nodded: "to the kitchen to help wash vegetables or something, if the front busy do not win, help on a dish.". Your village is far away. You can eat and live here. You can take two days off a month to go home and rest. "

Aunt Fu's eyes brightened when she heard that. The conditions were excellent. Just, this still has to go back to discuss with seven niangs.

"Then let's go back and discuss with the mother. If she doesn't mind, we'll send the child back?" Fu aunt said, eyes also can't help floating to his own head.

Uncle Fu is also satisfied, but it depends on whether seven flowers are willing or not.

Mei Qiduo saw that they were all thinking about it. Two willow eyebrows curled up and quickly refused: "thank you for your kindness. I still have my mother to take care of me. It's really inconvenient to work here."

Aunt Fu gave her a hand and hinted at her not to talk. Why didn't the child cherish such a good opportunity?

Mei Qiduo knew that she meant well, but she was not the original owner. What kind of life had she lived before, but she was served by others. Let her serve others, not to mention that she couldn't do it, she didn't want to. Most of all, she also understands that this worker is not as good as a boss. She has a clear goal for her future life, but she doesn't want to be delayed by such petty profits.

The shopkeeper was disappointed to hear that she refused. But think about it, this child is special. If it wasn't for this, I wouldn't have kindly let her do the work.

Such a thought, also relieved: "in this case, there is no way."

With that, the shopkeeper turned around and planned to collect the dishes next to him.

Mei Qiduo cried out: "shopkeeper, if this chicken is to be delicious, you will take my pheasant?"

"Well, what's your idea, you little girl?" The shopkeeper turned to see that Mei Qiduo was obviously interested.

Mei Qiduo's eyes were bright, glittering with self-confidence, and her small chest was also very high. She was determined to get it.

"I really want to cooperate with you. In order to show my sincerity, I can tell you a way to make pheasant, which is delicious. You can try, but if it's delicious, you'll have to buy all my chickens. "

The shopkeeper couldn't help laughing and looked up at Mei Qiduo.

"Since you have said that, today I'll see what you can make of this pheasant. If it's delicious, I'll buy your chicken. Not only that, no matter what you send, as long as the things are good, I will take them. But if it's not delicious, I won't even give you the money for the chicken. "

"All right Mei Qiduo quickly answered and took a fat pheasant out of the bag: "can you find someone to clean up this chicken for me? I'll tell you how to make this chicken

"Well, come with me and have a rest here. Nail, you take the rest of the food When the shopkeeper finished, he handed the small abacus in his hand to the young man who had been standing beside him.

In the kitchen, aunt Fu and uncle Fu looked at Mei Qiduo, who was directing others to kill chickens and pluck hair, and they were worried.

The child could not even make noodles before. Could he really cook?

However, Qiduo said that she had learned some skills from immortals. She must have learned some powerful things, right?

Although Mei Qiduo was a killer in her previous life and lived a very good life, she was very picky about what she ate. So. Although she doesn't know how to cook a few dishes herself, there are so many delicious things in her mind that she can write a recipe.

That's why seven flowers only wanted to teach them how to do it, but they didn't plan to show their own way. It's really because she is a thorough kitchen killer, and the original owner is a crying will not do anything.

Although I don't know what age it is now, Mei Qiduo also knows that there is nothing to eat these days, and the dishes are naturally not much better. The most common way to make pheasant is stew, but it's too common. As the shopkeeper said, it may not be delicious. So, she chose the simple and easy to do braised pheasant.

Blanch the sliced pheasant in water, take it out and drain it, then burn the oil pan, throw the onion, ginger and garlic down to make it fragrant, and then pour the chicken down tightly. The light pink chicken turns white quickly. Then add some wine, vinegar and soy sauce to continue to stir fry. The chicken turns red again. Add water to cover the chicken and simmer for a while, Add sugar and salt, and then simmer for a while, then put green and red pepper, stir fry a few times, then in addition to the pot.

Listening to Mei Qiduo's practice of putting sugar, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and wine, it's hard for anyone who can cook to laugh. How can this salty, sweet and sour dish and wine taste delicious?

They've lived most of their lives and never seen anything like this.

Fu's aunt all followed to pinch a sweat, only thought that this child is disorderly.

However, this time out of the pot, the rich aroma spread in the kitchen, the presence of people have a sense of finger movement, eyes slip sharp straight at the dish.

It's not only fragrant, it's good to look at the color, but also appetizing.

The shopkeeper originally held the mentality of having a try. When he was called in by the kitchen when the dishes were ready, he was immediately moved. The little girl really can bring surprise to her.

Mei Qiduo took the lead to taste the chopsticks. Although there are so many spices that we don't want to put in modern times, the original flavor of this era is obvious. Anyway, they certainly haven't eaten them. The taste is absolutely not bad.

Seeing the shopkeeper come in, Mei Qiduo's eyes smile brightly. She takes up a pair of chopsticks and presents them to the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper looked at the dishes, smelled the taste, and then looked at her proud appearance. He knew that it was very important.

So I just picked a piece of chicken and put it in my mouth.

The originally tight chicken has been simmered for such a long time. The meat is a little loose and rotten, but there is no lack of chewiness. This sour, sweet and delicious taste is also strange.

Although some strange taste, but eat up, it is really full of fragrance, less greasy meat, with a different refreshing.

The shopkeeper ate one and couldn't help picking up one and putting it into his mouth.

Look at this move, Mei Qiduo knows it's done.

The nervous uncle and aunt Fu also breathed a sigh of relief.

The shopkeeper looked at it and nodded, "no wonder the little girl is so strong and skilled. It's for you. Today we'll do it. "

"Try this dish, remember the taste, and let the girl write it down for you." The shopkeeper said, and took out his own small abacus, "I this chicken is 30 Wen price, you this pheasant hard won, I will give you 10 Wen more, just nail said there are 12 chickens, that is 480 Wen money."

After the calculation, the shopkeeper took out his pocket, counted 480 Wen and handed it to Mei Qiduo.

Mei Qiduo held the silver money and put it in the purse Mei Xiaolan specially gave her to hold the money when she went out. Touching the heavy purse, the smile on her face became bigger and bigger“ Shopkeeper, you said that if my dish is delicious, you will accept all the good game I will send to you in the future. "

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