She wants to sell these pheasants in the town. It's not sure how much money they can sell in the town. It's best to go to the city. It's said that the nearest city to Liushu village is Qincheng, which is 100 li away. After selling the pheasants, she will buy food or seeds. In spring, other people's families have begun to dig the land, and her own seeds don't know where they are!

After Qiduo got home, he was about to collapse. He didn't want to get up when he sat on the stone in the yard. He didn't feel better until he had enough breath and drank a ladle of cold water.

Mei Xiaolan was so surprised to see seven birds catching so many pheasants that she didn't know what to say.

"Niang, can you go to Aunt Fu's house?"

"Dor, what's up?"

"Please help Uncle Fu. Take me to Qincheng in an ox cart tomorrow and sell these pheasants for some grain seeds!"

"Good! Good Mother repeatedly promised, in the pot filled a bowl of rabbit meat, "big rabbit angry, I give stew, just give you fu aunt home send some."

Mei Xiaolan didn't have time to eat with Qiduo, so she went to Aunt Fu's house in a hurry.

Seven into the hall, see the stone sitting at a wooden table, in front of a bowl of rabbit meat.

Seven see the thing in front of him didn't move, "so late, why don't you eat?"

"Eat together!" Simple three words, and then continue to wait in silence.

Qiduo hurriedly washed her face and sat down at the table.

Stone picked up chopsticks, will be a bone less meat clip up, put in front of seven.

Although amnesia, still care about people, see his subtle action, seven smile, "you eat, you hurt, good repair!"

"You are tired, eat more!" Feng Ling Jue picked up a hard place to chew and ate it gracefully.

Mei Xiaolan soon came back from Aunt Fu's house and brought back some black bread. She was very excited. "Your uncle Fu promised to leave early tomorrow morning and leave before dawn, so that she can come back tomorrow night."


Mei Qiduo finished her meal in a hurry and took the traditional Chinese medicine she had dug up in the past two days to the main hall. Under the dim light, she sorted it quickly. Anyway, she was going to Qincheng to try her luck. Maybe she could sell it for money.

Later in the night, when Qiduo was still asleep, she heard aunt Fu clapping on the door and got up to put on her clothes.

In the dark, on the dirt road leading to the outside of the mountain, Qiduo and aunt Fu are sitting on the ox cart, while uncle Fu is sitting on the shaft of the cart, driving the ox cart out of the village and walking towards Qincheng.

Before dawn, the narrow dirt road was only as wide as an ox cart, and the trees on both sides of the road were full of shadows.

"Seven!" In the dark, aunt Fu said, "how did you catch so many pheasants?"

I can't blame aunt Fu for asking this question. Everyone will be curious about it. Pheasant flies in the sky. Few villagers can catch it. Without waiting to get close, pheasant will flutter its wings and fly away. How to catch it?

"Aunt Fu, it's medicine."


Aunt Fu was surprised. She didn't know what medicine the child would take.

"Aunt Fu, when I was in a coma, I felt that I was about to die. I met an immortal who was very kind and dressed in white. He said that he would not die, but if he didn't die, he would starve to death because he didn't have food. I didn't want to live any more. The immortal said that I taught you some skills. You can live if you have food. In order to live, I learned some skills from the immortal, When I open my eyes, I see my mother crying! My mother thought I was dead. "

"Not so much!" Aunt Fu believed it. "At that time, everyone thought you were dead. I didn't expect that you were going to learn from immortals!"

It seems that the legends of immortals in that dynasty can be used to frighten people.

After walking for several hours, it was already daybreak, and the ox cart arrived at the pipeline leading to Qincheng

Although Qincheng is not a big city, it is the only way to the capital. So this small place, you can see the bustle before you enter the city.

On the pipeline, there are ox carts, carriages, grain pullers, vegetable pullers, and people walking with their burdens. There are too many.

Mei seven flower one eye looks past, the person on this road, almost catch up with so many in the village.

With so many people, it's hard to get to the city. It took us half an hour to get to a vegetable market in the west of the city.

Uncle Fu and aunt Fu occasionally sell some food here. They are familiar with the way and find a place to let Qiduo sell the chicken on the ground in front of them.

Later, uncle Fu went to work, and aunt Fu stayed to take care of her.

Although there are many people in the market, most of them come to buy vegetables. Few of them are willing to buy game like pheasant.

Seeing that time had passed, Mei Qi duo could not help thinking about the pheasant that had not been sold.

I don't have any food. If I can't sell it today, the pheasant will be hungry for a few days, but I can't sell it at a good price. If you starve to death, you'll lose even more. Mei Qiduo is worried. How can she sell all the pheasants?

Seeing aunt Fu chatting with a woman selling vegetables nearby, uncle Fu didn't come back. Mei Qiduo pulled her sleeve, "aunt Fu, where is uncle Fu?"

"Uncle Fu has sent food to the restaurant. A lot of food in our village is sent there." Aunt Fu replied happily.

When Mei Qiduo heard this, her eyes brightened. "Shall we send this pheasant to the restaurant, too? You see, no one bought it. What if I starved to death? "

Aunt Fu felt a little embarrassed when she heard this. The food and vegetables in this restaurant were all given by regular people. They also had good luck the year before last. When the restaurant was looking for food, they took a fancy to their family, which led to such a good way out. Aunt Fu is more honest. She only thinks that if she wants to give chicken to the restaurant, what can she do if they don't want it?

Mei Qiduo didn't know her worry. "You take me to have a look. This pheasant is good. Maybe people will like it. What's more, pheasant is not domesticated. What if he is short of it? You see, nobody buys it. If I can't get enough money, I can't buy food. "

Aunt Fu and Qiduo Niang have always had a good relationship. They know the situation of their family. After listening to her, they feel reasonable. With a try mentality, he grabbed the pheasant, threw it into the bag, took the plum seven flowers and turned out of the vegetable market.

Uncle Fu's food delivery restaurant is not far away. He went out of the vegetable market and drilled two alleys before he came to a place called Ruyi restaurant. There are not many pedestrians in this alley. It's obviously the back door.

There are two red lanterns hanging in front of the vermilion gate. There are several cars, grain, vegetables and poultry outside.

Mei Qiduo saw Uncle Fu who was weighing food at a glance and followed aunt Fu quickly.

A housekeeper also knew aunt Fu. Seeing her coming, she just nodded and didn't speak.

It was Mei Qiduo who turned around a few cars. Just in time, there was no pheasant seller.

She turned back to Uncle Fu and saw that the housekeeper had finished his account. She took out a copper plate and handed it to Uncle Fu.

"Shopkeeper, do you have game in your shop?"

The man heard Mei Qiduo's words and said with a smile, "I don't sell game in my shop. I only make ordinary dishes."

"I'm tired of eating home dishes every day. Why don't I add some game? Maybe I can do more business? Don't rich people like these rare things? " Without waiting for others to speak, Mei Qiduo had already opened the bag and carried the pheasant to the man: "look at me, pheasant, it's very fat."

"You're a little interesting, but what if I buy it and no one eats it? I'm in business. I can't lose money when I open the door. " The shopkeeper doesn't care whether she understands it or not. The little girl looks like she's twelve or thirteen years old. She's very reasonable and has a lot of ideas.

"Why? Your business is so big that cooking must be delicious. As long as it is delicious, someone must eat it. If you don't believe me, I'll sell it to you at a low price. If it sells well, you can tell Uncle Fu that I'll give it back to you next time. I won't charge you a high price. It's guaranteed to be wild game. " Mei Qiduo said, and then he spread the pheasant in front of someone. He was very heroic: "you look at it and give it to me. As long as it's not cheaper than domestic chicken, I'll give it to you. I'm not easy to catch this pheasant."

This made the shopkeeper laugh more happily, but he still shook his head: "this game is delicious only if it is well cooked, but if it is not well cooked, it is not as good as domestic chicken. But you are smart. I like you. If you like, you can come to my shop and help me. I'll give you 60 Wen a month. "

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