"Relatives?" Lai Da raised his voice in a strange tone. "Why haven't I heard of any relatives in your family?"

"Roll, roll!" Seven tired push open him, let the stone into the door, "my family has what relatives you can manage it!"

Seeing the stone coming in, Mei Qiduo closed the door and propped it up with a stick.

"Good! You wait for me! " Lai Da left with a sentence.

Mei Xiaolan looks at her different daughter bitterly. She feels very happy. If she had not had this daughter to support her life, she would have jumped into the river and died.

"Mom, are you okay?" Then he met something under his feet, bowed his head, saw a piece of water tank fragments, turned his head, there were countless pieces of water tank fragments, "is this?"

Seven light dim wicks and see the mess at home after being smashed.

"Mother? Who did it? "

"Alas! Dor, forget it! When can we finish this fight? " The cowardly Mei Xiaolan doesn't want to argue with anyone.

"Who is it?" Seven flowers continue to ask.

"You are a strong man!"

Another strong man, seven angry clenches.

Mei Xiaolan grabbed her daughter, "dor, let's let them do it once. Don't ask again."

Give Way?

Mei Qiduo's Dictionary always says that people don't offend me. I don't offend. I don't let them. The more they let them, the more they are bullied.

But seeing his mother worried, the moon was hanging on the top of the tree, and he didn't eat all day. Seven flowers nodded, "OK! Let's have a good meal first! "

Mei Xiaolan just looked at Feng lingjue standing on one side, "Duo Er, who is he?"

"Oh! Pick up... ER! Cousin I was about to say it was picked up. Fortunately, I shut up in time.

"Cousin?" Mei Xiaolan looked at her daughter suspiciously. She felt her daughter's hand pinching her in the dark. Then she understood and nodded, "Oh!"

"Niang, this is my stone cousin, you forget!" Then he was very serious, "my stone cousin has no father and no mother. He came to us and suffered a little injury on the mountain. I just met him, so I brought him home."

"Oh! Oh Mei Xiaolan repeatedly promised.

There was no pot to cook. Mei Xiaolan went to the third aunt's house not far away in the dark and borrowed a pot to come back. She cooked a pot of eggs for dinner and ate seven full intestines.

There were only two rooms in the house. Seven broken wooden beds were let out and given stone to live in. They crowded together with their mother.

In the morning, Qiduo got up and decided to settle the grudge with the big and strong family first. Otherwise, he would always be bullied. When would he be the leader.

Out of the main door, Qiduo stopped. In the middle of the yard, stood a man with tall and straight back and neat black hair. When he heard the footsteps behind him, the man turned around.

Bright and clean honey color skin, through the angular Leng Jun; Deep blue eyes, full of charming color; Thick eyebrows like mountain peaks, high nose, beautiful lip shape, rosy lip petals, and gorgeous face are full of nobility and elegance.

If it wasn't for his clothes, Qiduo really suspected that he was in the wrong place.


Seven swallow a mouthful of saliva, the original, picked up such a beautiful "cow", not only can raise eyes, but also can work, earn big hair!

After thinking about it, Qiduo went to the kitchen, wiped a handful at the mouth of the stove, went to the stone, raised his hand and wiped a few on his face. The stone turned to dodge.

"Don't move!" Seven more wipe a few times, see his face dirty, can't see the original complexion, just rest assured stop, "don't wash off, just like this!"

Just because of the appearance of bringing disaster to the country and the people, the big girl and little daughter-in-law in the village can't be crazy! That's good.

The village head's house is on the left in the middle of the village, a windward place with excellent geomantic omen.

In the morning, the village head's door was very busy, surrounded by many onlookers.

Qiduo takes Dazhuang Niang to the village head's house and asks the village head to deal with the smashed things at home.

Dazhuang Niang is a standard bully. She is very fierce in front of Mei Xiaolan's mother and daughter. When she comes to the village head, she is gentle. "Village head, you can't listen to her nonsense. I want her rabbit to make up for her child. If she doesn't, she beats me. That's why I smash her things."

"I'm talking nonsense!" Qiduo looked at Da Zhuang's mother and then looked at the village head, "my family has nothing to eat. I haven't eaten for several days. You don't know."

The village head's daughter-in-law hid behind the crowd

"I picked up a rabbit on the mountain. As soon as my mother finished it, she took it away. Do you want people to live? Village head, if you don't know, I'll go to the magistrate's and the county magistrate's and find someone to judge. "

The village head was a little flustered when he heard that he wanted to go to the magistrate and the county magistrate. If so, his daughter-in-law would beat someone and almost kill him. He would know, "no, I'll solve it!"

"Village head, I..." what else does Da Zhuang Niang want to say.

The village head waved, "Da Zhuang Niang, you compensate Mei Xiaolan's family for the loss. You are not allowed to trouble her family any more! If we find anything, we must double our punishment. "

When she heard that she wanted to pay for it, she said, "I'm wronged! Village head

"I can't be wronged!" The village head is determined.

"You all help those who raise wild men bully me!" Big Zhuang Niang opened her voice and screamed, "Mei Xiaolan and Mei Qiduo Niang face raise wild man!"

Qiduo was angry. It was too late to stop her from talking. Finally, Dazhuang family paid for her water tank, wooden table and new iron pot ladle. However, the news that Mei family's mother and daughter raised wild men spread all over Liushu village like wings.

Mei Qiduo ignored these rumors and changed the stone for anti-inflammatory medicine. Then she went to the mountain to look for food. She thought of the group of pheasants yesterday, with glossy and smooth feathers. She was a little greedy.

Seven find herbal basket, get a few kinds of root grass industry, put the pot boiling water.

Seeing seven flowers alone, her mother went in, looked back at the direction of the main room, and asked seven flowers quietly, "who is that?"

"Yes! He was hurt on the mountain. "

"He's a good man and a bad man. What if you pick him up?" Mei Xiaolan is obviously worried.

Qi duo looked at his mother and said, "it's OK. We don't have cattle in the field. I don't think he's healthy, and I don't remember what happened before. He can just help us farm. You can tell others that he's your mother's nephew, and they won't doubt it."

Mei Xiaolan listened to her daughter's words and thought it was reasonable. The mother and daughter had no strength to farm. It was always good for a man to work, and then he was relieved.

Mei Xiaolan thought that Qiduo's herbal medicine was for stone to drink. Unexpectedly, Qiduo found a clay pot in the corner of the wall, filled the pot with the medicine, put the pot in the basket, covered it with a cloth bag, put the basket on her arm, and went out into the mountain.

I feel that after my daughter wakes up this time, she has a strong will to do things, which is much stronger than before. She didn't know anything before. She never knew to go out to find food. She only knew to wait at home for her to eat, and never asked where the food came from.

After waking up, these two days, the family even ate some meat that had never been eaten before.

Thinking of this, Mei Xiaolan opened the broken bamboo basket beside the wall of the courtyard and looked at the rabbit happily. Four little rabbits sleep together, but the big rabbit doesn't move. She pokes it with her hand. The big rabbit is dead, and the wild rabbit is hard to tame. After being restricted from freedom, she is very angry.

"Ah..." the kind-hearted Mei Xiaolan sighed.

Mei Qiduo is walking towards the mountain with a basket. She is thinking about which dynasty this place belongs to? The villagers are all wearing coarse cloth clothes. The style is simple, and we can't see whether it was the Han Dynasty? Or the Song Dynasty? Or the Tang Dynasty?

The original Mei Qiduo has never been out of the village, and there are no friends in the village. Her brain capacity is small, and she knows too little. After searching all her memories, she doesn't know what Dynasty it is. This can't ask Mei Xiaolan. She has changed a lot. If she doesn't ask this question normally, she will know that she is not her daughter.

When I came to the place where there were mountain eggs yesterday, there was no sound of pheasants, because some strangers came to this place yesterday and the pheasants moved.

Seven flowers continue to search in other places on the sunny slope. In a place with hay, there are many grass seeds and footprints of pheasant on the ground. Seven flowers put down the basket, take out the pot, sprinkle the medicine soup in the place with grass seeds. After scattering, they carefully identify the surroundings, break several branches to make marks, and then leave to dig herbs.

When the sun was about to set in the afternoon, seven returned to this place with a basket of herbs and saw more than a dozen pheasants lying on the ground.

Pheasant loaded a full bag, pheasant is very heavy, seven carrying a bag of pheasant, staggering on the way home.

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