Fortunately, after the rebirth of their own, can realize this wish, think of rebirth after death is also very good.

In early spring, the withered, yellow and dry branches gradually take on a layer of green. Mei Qiduo couldn't beat the stone. With great effort, he used a shovel to cut down a thick branch. After smoothing it, he handed it to the stone, "use this as a crutch!"

Don't point to her holding him, so tall body, he is so thin, not to be crushed!

On the sunny hillside, Mei Qiduo focused on looking for herbs and carefully observed the footprints of animals. She hummed a lively and beautiful song in her mouth, "the pond is full of water and the rain has stopped. There are loaches everywhere in the thin mud near the field. I'm waiting for you every day. I'm waiting for you to catch loaches. Big brother, shall we catch loaches? Calf's brother, take him to catch loaches, How about big brother? Let's catch loach... "

Feng Ling Jue uses a stick to make a walking stick and slowly follows Mei Qiduo. She looks at her with her eyes. She is afraid that she has run away. Although he can feel that the girl is going to leave her at first, but later, he does not know why, and changes her mind. Now, she is humming a nice tune. She digs and searches, and makes some strange grass roots and tree roots, Bark and grass leaves.

All of a sudden, Mei Qiduo stops, stops humming and stares at a certain place.

She saw a rabbit hole. Ha ha, she didn't have to chase them all over the mountain. She stared at the rabbit hole and reached out to the stone nearby. She hooked her finger and asked him to come. She knew he was looking at her all the time.

Wind Ling absolutely see her mysterious appearance, slowly move past.

Mei Qiduo covered the cloth bag on the hole and made a demonstration by pressing it, "this way!"

Fengling absolutely according to the words, slowly squat down, press the bag mouth.

Seven with a shovel to leave, looking for the rabbit in the vicinity of other holes, is not that cunning rabbit three caves? Rabbit is very cunning, in order to avoid the enemy, do nest, will leave several holes, so convenient escape.

Sure enough, soon in the shelter under the thatch, I saw another hole. Seven stones blocked the hole.

Then he searched carefully under the grass and in the stone crevices. Finally, when he thought that this was the rabbit's nest of two openings, he saw another opening in the stone crevices. Seven of them blocked the opening with stones. Then he returned to the second opening and started the excavation and destruction work with a shovel.

The rabbits in the cave were frightened and began to flee. It was exactly what Qiduo imagined. The rabbits got into the cloth bag and were caught by stones.

To Qiduo's surprise, this is not a rabbit, but a family of rabbits, a mother rabbit, with four little rabbits.

Qiduo grabbed a little rabbit in his hand. The little rabbit was as big as a potato. He looked at Qiduo with cute eyes, not to mention how cute it was.


Is such a small thing eaten? Or let it go? So tangled.

Unless it's necessary, Fengling never talks, just like a mute, sitting quietly on one side, holding on to the cloth bag with both hands, looking at seven flowers quietly.

Not to see her good-looking, not to see, is afraid that she ran away, so, eyes do not leave her body.

Why eat it? Why let it go?

You can keep it and eat it when you grow up. Anyway, rabbits don't eat and only eat grass. All kinds of grass began to sprout and let their mother cut grass around the village to eat.

Since it's kept, there's still no place for dinner.

Qiduo put the rabbit back into the bag, rubbed a straw rope and tied it up. She let the stone sit here and watch. She went to other places to look for some food.

In fact, there must be many animals in the mountains farther away. However, if you don't recover, you will have hypoglycemia and dizziness after a few exercises. You need to keep your body well before you can go further.

At this time, the family did not eat, how can we keep the body well?

Seven flowers looking for, hoping to meet a rabbit hole, catch dinner, but the reality is not as good as imagined, until the sun is almost West, herbal medicine dig a basket full, also did not encounter a second rabbit hole.

Because she wandered in the woods, scared a group of pheasants "buzzing" wings to take off.

Qiduo rushed to the place where the pheasant was flying. She searched carefully in the grass. Finally, she stopped and stood beside a nest of eggs. Her thin fingers stroked her thin chin and sucked the saliva.

It was getting dark. Mei Qiduo went out for a day and didn't come back. Mei Xiaolan looked at the door several times.

In the morning, Chunsheng comes to bid farewell to Qiduo. He wants to go back to Qincheng. Knowing that Qiduo enters the mountain at dawn, he has to leave disappointed.

Chunsheng just left, Mei Xiaolan turned back to close the door, the old door was kicked open, Dazhuang Niang stood at the door like an iron tower, Dazhuang and Erhua stood behind Dazhuang Niang.

"You?" Mei Xiaolan was afraid to see their aggressive appearance.

Without saying a word, they rushed into the yard, swung their sticks and smashed things when they saw them. After a crazy smash, they turned away with a smile of victory.

There was nothing in the Mei family. The broken wooden table was broken, an old water tank was broken, the only old pot was broken, the pot table was removed, and even the water ladle was crushed by Da Zhuang.

All these things in Mei's family are in pieces.

Mei Xiaolan sat in the debris of the yard, silently shedding tears, blaming herself for being useless,

Mei Xiaolan sat in the yard all day in a sad trance.

When it was dark, a wretched old man came into the yard, closed the door quietly and rushed to Mei Xiaolan.

Mei Xiaolan looks up. In the dark, she sees that it's laida, the elder brother of the village head, who pours on her. She is so angry that she bullies herself one by two.

Lai Da, in his fifties, is a single man. He idles all day, sneaks around, and runs roughshod in the village with his brother as the head of the village.

He tried to take advantage of Mei Xiaolan several times, but Mei Xiaolan was so mad that he didn't succeed. This time, he saw Mei Xiaolan sitting alone in the yard outside the yard, and didn't see her daughter's shadow. Therefore, the dirty idea grew up again, so he felt it.

The stone was injured and couldn't walk fast with a stick. Qiduo was carrying a cloth bag on his shoulder and a basket in his arm. He didn't eat all day. He was also exhausted and panting. Because of his thin body and lack of blood sugar supply, he felt dizzy.

She didn't know how many times she quietly opened the herbal medicine and looked at the half basket of eggs below. Her fatigue was relieved a lot.

Finally in the dark to see the shadow of the village outline, think of the mother at home looking forward to himself, seven flowers a burst of joy, speed up the pace.

Outside her yard, Qiduo saw the big Zhuang Niang sneaking on the door and looking into the yard. There seemed to be some struggling voice in her yard.

Qiduo hurriedly pushed away the strong mother and the gate of the courtyard. The scene in front of her made her angry. An old man even pressed his mother on the ground and wanted to do something wrong. His mother was struggling hard. The old man didn't succeed and kept pestering.

Qiduo puts down his bag and basket, rushes to laida, raises his foot, kicks laida with full strength, and then helps his mother.

Lai Da was unprepared and was kicked over by seven flowers. He screamed, "who dares to be Lao Tzu?"

Lai Da lies on the ground and looks up. Seeing that Mei Qiduo is coming back, he knows that he can't take advantage of it. He climbs up and swears away.

When Lai Da came to the door, he just met Feng lingjue, who came in from outside. He couldn't see feng lingjue clearly in the dark, but he was tall and tall, which Liushu village didn't have. Lai Da seemed to have caught something, "good! Mei Xiaolan, pretending to be chaste in front of Uncle Lai, led the wild man back behind his back. "

"What are you talking about? This is my relative, my cousin The reason is that Qiduo had already thought about it.

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