Look around him. There is no herb spitting out. The herb put in his mouth yesterday was swallowed by her. Well, it's OK! Seven ordered a head, want to get some more herbs into his mouth. Inadvertently, he looked down at his bulging chest, saw his mouth open, and thought of the steamed bread in his arms.

Take out the black bread, break off a small piece and put it into his open mouth. The man pursed his lips and chewed it gently.

Although his face is covered with blood, his chewing action is extremely elegant and noble.

This steamed bread, seven originally planned to eat half for him, and then left half for himself. I didn't expect that after I gave him a whole meal. He opened his mouth again, waiting for chidorfa to put delicious food in his mouth.

Qiduo picked up the herbs left on the boulder yesterday and put them in his mouth. He closed his mouth, chewed them gracefully and swallowed them.

Shit! At the critical moment of life and death is to chew, swallow what? As a killer, why so gentle?

Since you want to eat, let him eat more. All the herbs on the seven eight stones were fed to his mouth one after another.

It's almost finished, the medicine is finished, and the wound has to be treated. Qiduo takes out yesterday's jade card, prepares to put it in his hand, and leaves. When seven thin little hands touch his well-defined fingers, they don't want to be caught by him. A pair of cold wind eyes suddenly open. Their blue eyes are full of gem like brilliance, and they look at seven flowers' eyes with murderous spirit.

Seeing the murderous hair in his eyes, Qiduo subconsciously took a step back, but his hand was tightly grasped by him. There was a trace of chagrin in his heart. He didn't expect to be caught by him when returning things and hurriedly explained, "I didn't want your things, just look."

The murderous spirit disappears in an instant, and the man's expression becomes at a loss. It seems that the murderous spirit has never appeared.

He looked down at the hand he held with seven flowers.

I looked at it for a long time without expression.

When Qiduo wondered what he was doing, the man broke off her fingers and held the jade card in his hand

Blue eyes with a trace of exploration, look at the hands of the jade, up and down about a careful look. Finally, he put the jade card back into Qiduo's hand and released Qiduo's hand.

Looking at this, he gave the jade card to himself. Qiduo took back the hand holding the jade card and was a little excited. Since he gave it to himself as a reward, he should not do anything to himself any more?

Then he felt that his idea was superfluous. How to say that he was also his life-saving benefactor. He thanked his life-saving grace, which should be. Seven hearts think so, and then, of course, rain card and put back in his arms.

Looking at the sun in the middle of the sky, she picked up the basket and shovel on one side and prepared to leave. She went to the mountains to collect some herbs and try to catch a small animal. When she took it home, she and her mother were in urgent need of nutrition.

Just thinking of leaving, I felt that my trouser legs were pulled when I stepped. Because I stepped, my trouser legs were almost torn off. Seven of them bowed their heads and saw that they were still fingers with distinct joints.

Why don't you say something? Is he dumb?

Qiduo explained to the silent man“ I'll collect medicine and see if I can catch some small animals and take them home to make food. "

Of course, if you leave, you will never come here again. You don't want to have anything to do with the killer. You are afraid of getting killed.

The man's face is expressionless and silent. Finally, when seven flowers think that he can't speak at all, he starts thin lip "sister, who am I?"


Who am I?

A total of five words, but seven surprised.

Looking down at his flat chest and touching his horse's tail, he was dressed in black and patched coarse cloth. It was just like a boy. He could see that he was his sister and his eyes were fierce.

In other words, its skeletal figure is an adult man, and it looks like a 13-4-year-old child. How can it call itself sister? What's wrong with the brain?

And the last three words he asked, "who am I?"

Shit! Who else is he? Where does she know who he is?

Is it amnesia? Think of here, seven a head two big, how to do? A little worried, he won't be like a chick who just opened his eyes. Who did he see at first sight? Who is the mother? When a man first sees himself, will he think that he is his relative, and then stay by his side?

I haven't solved the problem of food and clothing. If I add another person to my family, I will eat a few mouthfuls even if I see the bench hungry!

No, no, no, you can't take him home.

The man saw the girl frown and shake her head, and her black face changed, which was very wonderful.

"Who am I?" I asked again.

The seven eyes turned, thought quickly, raised their hands and casually pointed to the big stone on which the man leaned, "stone!"

"Stone!" Man, repeat

"Well!" Seven flowers nodded heavily

He doesn't know who he is anyway? Call any cat or dog.

Qiduo didn't realize how much trouble this random name of "stone" would bring to her in the future.

What's your name? That the girl knows who she is? It must be right to follow her.

"Take me home," or go home! It's not comfortable in the mountains.

"Go home!"

Seven sad, his mother and two people can not eat, if you take a man back, what to eat? In addition, there are only two leaky thatched cottages at home, one for himself and one for his mother. Where does he live? Also, their mother and daughter, who are chatting with each other, suddenly take back a man. What will the villagers say? And

There are so many problems!

Anyway, I can't take him home.

Determined, seven raised their lips, looked like a former stewardess, showing eight teeth and smiling, "that, stone! You wait for your sister here first. My sister will catch a rabbit and we'll eat it at night. "

Although Feng Ling Jue lost her memory and forgot who she was and where she came from, she was not stupid. Seeing the girl's fake smile, she knew that she was cheating herself.

"How ugly His face is full of disgust.

Ugly also pull himself not to let go, if the United States, not directly strong ~ traitor, then seven and shook his head, cough! What do you want with this?

"Help me up!" Low magnetic voice, with an irresistible command.

Seven frowns, this mysterious killer, is like a master. If you take him home, you will not be his servant!

No, I can't. I have to make family rules before I go in.

"If you can get up by yourself, I'll take you home. If you can't get up, rest here first! Don't move if you are injured! "

Don't move when you are injured, ha ha! What a good reason! How did you come up with it? How clever!

Looking at the girl with every expression on her face, the man's star eyes capture her every expression and keep silent. Then he raises his long arm, holds the big stone beside him, and slowly stands up. Because of his action of standing up, the clothes draped on his body fall off, red fruit on his upper body, revealing his strong chest.

Shit! Shit!

Mei Qiduo just wants to be rude!

With wide shoulders and narrow waist, standard inverted triangle, perfect golden ratio, tall man and long hair, although his face is stained with blood and mud, he can't see his true colors clearly, but a pair of Blue Phoenix eyes look noble and extraordinary. Of course, Mei Qiduo, who has read all over the beautiful man before, will not be hidden by his body. After seeing his strong body, I have another plan.


As for the plan, it's not spring. We're going to farm soon. We don't have any labor or cattle!

ha-ha! God has eyes. A cow fell from the sky.

Feng Ling Jue's eyes tightly locked Mei Qi duo's expression. He only saw a small black face with yellow wax and thin, big eyes looking up and down, and a smile on his lips. He wondered how he felt like he was on the boat?

Mei Qiduo's mood is happy, and her little face collapses again. Why is Mao? Because of the problem of "cattle" fodder, bah! How can we solve the problem of family meals?

How to solve it?

How to solve it?

I don't know.

I caught a rabbit yesterday. What about today? Keep catching rabbits?

Mei Qiduo picked up the clothes on the ground and helped him put them on. "Stone, you wait for me here. I'll find something to eat, and then we'll go home together."

"Together!" He was afraid that she would not come back.

Can you not come back? Farmers won't leave their cattle. Mei Qiduo plans to spend her whole life in the mountains, farming for a living!

To live a idyllic life like a paradise is my greatest wish in previous life. In order to realize this wish, I have to give my life.

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