However, fan Laifu, who was honest and honest, said in a hurry: "Granny, you can't bully sister-in-law Mei. Is it easy for them to be orphans and widows?"

I didn't expect that it was just a word of love. Fan Laifu is in trouble

"Yo Yo" big Zhuang Niang's spearhead points at fan Laifu“ It's not easy for you to help her! You can take both the big and the small. " He said, looking at Mei Xiaolan fiercely, "this is not a good thing."

"You, that's bullshit!" Fanlaifu's face turned red when she said it.

Mei Xiaolan's sallow face immediately turned red, speechless, and her tears kept flowing.

Looking at the big Zhuang Niang's bloody words, seven flowers could not bear it. A burst of anger rushed from the chest to the top of the head.

Although the body has no strength and muscles are weak, I still remember the peerless martial arts and fighting skills of my previous life.

Seven side body accumulates strength, lift elbow to big strong Niang's face mercilessly blow.

Dazhuang Niang was not prepared for Qiduo's action. She was just hit by Qiduo's elbow on the bridge of her nose. She fainted in front of her eyes. With a plop, she fainted to the ground.

oh dear!

Big Zhuang family flustered, all mad, Erhua holding fainted mother, repeatedly called, "mother! Mother

"Mother, uncle Fu, you go quickly." Seven flower a see big strong family aggressive appearance.

Qi duo ducked his head to avoid Da Zhuang's fist.

Big and strong fists came again, and Chunsheng bravely stepped forward and grasped them.

"Fan Chunsheng, you want to beat him, don't you?" Unconvinced, Dazhuang comes up to break Chunsheng's hand.

"Who told you to beat my seven sisters." Chunsheng is brave.

Dazhuang and Chunsheng are holding each other.

Da Zhuang's father beat seven flowers several times in succession. He didn't touch seven flowers' clothes. At the same time, he felt strange and turned back to see Da Zhuang's mother.

Seeing her daughter so flexible and light, Mei Xiaolan was surprised.

She doesn't know how her daughter can do this?

See Mei Xiaolan's expression, seven know bad, mother must be suspicious, how to explain to her?

Chunsheng and Dazhuang fight, and they roll on the ground. Finally, they were covered with mud and panting. Just let it go!

After Qiduo and his mother Chunsheng uncle Fu returned home, aunt Fu welcomed them uneasily. She saw that they were not hurt. Only Chunsheng was covered with soil, so she was relieved.

That night, the strong family did not come after him.

The seven flower family and aunt Fu's family ate all the rabbit meat together, and uncle Fu drank two liang of wine.

Because of the episode of fighting with big families, the atmosphere at dinner was not as pleasant as before. After dinner, Chunsheng pulls Qiduo to the corner, takes out an oil paper bag in his arms, and puts it into Qiduo's hand. "This is the peach cake from the master's home. It's very delicious. I left a few pieces for Qiduo's sister to taste."

Seven open oil paper package, inside is a packet of broken into noodles snacks.

Chunsheng blushed and scratched his head awkwardly. He saw Chunsheng who was simple and honest. Seven happy way: "thank you Chunsheng brother!"

"Hey, hey! It was good before. It's all big and strong. The fight broke it up! " Chunsheng chagrin!

Aunt Fu's family left in a hurry after dinner, but they didn't take the rest of the wine and black bread with them.

After aunt Fu's house left, her mother closed the door tightly and held it tightly with a wooden stick.

Seven flowers sat on the stones in the yard, burping and rubbing their bulging stomachs.

"Dor!" Mother wants to talk but stops.

"Mother, what's the matter?"

The mother thought for a moment, summoned up the courage to ask, "when Da Zhuang's father hit you just now, how could he not hit you several times?"

"Oh! This...... "Qiduo stood up and hugged her mother's shoulder intimately," I tell you! Mother, after I was injured by the village head's wife, when I was lying in bed in a coma, I thought about how to avoid being hit by others. Thinking about it, I came up with a lot of countermeasures, that is, how can I avoid being hit when others hit me. "

When Mei Xiaolan heard her daughter's words, she let out a sigh of relief. "Duo'er is so smart. She came up with this method to deal with the bad guys. She was startled. She thought it was a ghost!" Then he patted his chest.

Mei Xiaolan's rough hand stroked her daughter's withered and yellow hair. "In the future, you should be careful when you meet someone else. Don't be hit by others. My mother will be distressed."

Seven nodded cleverly, "well, mom, I know."

"Dor, go to bed early! It's very tiring to go up the mountain today. "

"Niang, you sleep first. I eat too much and can't sleep. I sit in the yard and watch the moon for a while."

"Well! Mother, go to sleep first. You can see the moon for a while and go to sleep as soon as possible! "

Mei Qiduo sat on the stone in the yard, not sleepy at all. She came across from the morning. This day, she felt like a dream. She felt like touching her thin arm. It was good to be alive

I've been wearing it all day, and I haven't had time to look in the mirror to see what I look like?

Seven touched themselves all over again.

No chest, no buttocks, skin and bone all over, fortunately, there is no positive. It's a woman.

When I feel my fingers all over my body, I feel a hard thing on my chest. When I take it out, it's the man's jade plate today. There are patterns on the jade plate and some words I can't understand.

Seven will raise the jade card, facing the moon, want to carefully observe what it is.

Moonlight through the jade, seven see jade inside the flow of things.

It's like a group of wild animals, a turbulent tide, and countless troops.

In the end what is it? Seven looked for a long time and didn't make it clear.

But one thing is for sure, this jade brand must not be an ordinary thing.

If that person wakes up, he is a killer. Will he kill himself for chasing this jade card? This is not worth the loss.

He just crossed over, weak and weak, like an ant can be run over by anyone.

If that person comes here, he can die without a move and a finger.

Thinking of this, Qiduo couldn't help shivering. With a shake of her hand, she threw the jade card away like a hot potato.

If you really can't put it on yourself, it will cause trouble.

You can't lose it if you think about it. What if that person is looking for it?

She got up, picked up the jade card and put it in her arms. She decided to go into the mountain again tomorrow and return the jade card. When she went into the mountain later, she tried to avoid it as far as possible. No matter the person's life or death, it had nothing to do with her.

Thinking of this, she turned and went to the main room to have a good sleep, save her strength, and go to the mountain tomorrow.

Although it is early spring and there are not many herbs, it is on this uncultivated mountain. There are still some, seven decided to go to the mountain tomorrow to pick some herbs back. Prepare some special drugs for use when needed.

If only we could go to Qincheng, the nearest County here, and sell the medicinal materials, we could make some money.

The next day, Qiduo got up early and first wanted to find a mirror.

However, there is nothing left. She had to stand in front of the tank and watch the reflection in the water.

Shit, what the hell is this? The small black face is skinny, with sparse withered hair and obvious malnutrition.

After eating radish noodle soup and black noodle bun, I have rice in my stomach and feel a little bit of strength in my body.

Go out with a cloth bag, a shovel and a basket.

Take a few steps, think about it and come back. He found the only needle and thread in his family and put a black bun in his arms.

Mother lovingly watched her go away and felt that she had brought food, so she would not worry about her starvation when she went up the mountain.

Seven flowers quickly found yesterday that place, the man is still yesterday he left the posture, lying in the grass on the rocks, clothes or their own random cover on his back. Seeing this scene, seven eyes flashed a little bit of guilt, yesterday put him more comfortable, because I didn't want to take care of him, so I left.

Then he shakes his head and shakes off his guilt. He and she don't know each other. It's good to do this.

Maybe I heard seven approaching footsteps, and the man's fingers moved,

Seven will pull off the man's back clothes. Seeing that her wound is not as red and swollen as yesterday, it seems that the medicine has worked.

Rough up the corner of a man's clothes, wipe the herbal foam on his back, take out the needle and thread, and simply sew up his split wound.

After the wound was sewn, he applied herbal medicine to him, then slowly turned his body over, helped her to sit up, let him lean on the big stone, put his fingers on his jaw, wanted to open his mouth, but before he started, the man opened his mouth on his own initiative. There was nothing in his mouth.

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