God treats her well. Although she is poor to the minimum, give her a mother who loves her most. In this life, she must cherish her family affection, stay away from blood and killing, and live a life without struggle in this small mountain village.

Mei Xiaolan gently stroked the smooth fur of the big grey rabbit, "Duo Er, how did you catch it?"

"I saw it eating grass in the grass. I ran after it. The rabbit ran too fast and ran into a tree. In this way, it was picked up by me."

Hey, hey, tell me the story of waiting for the hare.

Mei Xiaolan is sure of him. He nods and looks happy. It's a good thing that can't be eaten during the Spring Festival.

"Niang, I'll peel the rabbit clean, you cook it at home, I'll go to Aunt Fu's house and let them eat together!"

"Well, mother, I'll make a fire and boil water." Mei Xiaolan went to the kitchen happily.

Mei Qiduo's family lives in the northernmost part of Liushu village, near the mountains. Aunt Fu's family lives in the south of the village. In a relatively flat place, Mei Qiduo picks up the rabbit, drinks half a ladle of cold water, tightens the waist strap, and walks to Aunt Fu's home.

To go to Aunt Fu's house, we have to go through the whole village. At this time, in this small mountain village with dozens of families, people come back from work in the field, and the cooking smoke is curling, which is harmonious and warm.

At the door of some people's houses, the children are running and fighting madly, and several women are chatting. What they are talking about is nothing more than today's event, that is, the death and life of the single woman Mei's daughter.

People with sharp eyes saw Mei Qiduo walking slowly in the distance, busy touching each other and stopping talking.

Mei Qiduo had seen their gossip for a long time, ignored them and walked by them silently. Anyway, Mei Qiduo was like this before.

"Little seven!" An aunt called to her, "why go?"

Mei Qiduo frowned. They knew it and asked! Mei Xiaolan's mother and daughter are extremely poor in the village. No one has any contact with them. Only aunt Fu's family often helps them. Therefore, the only place Mei Qiduo goes in the village is aunt Fu's family.

"Go to Aunt Fu's house!" She answered honestly.

"Do you want to find Chunsheng?"

The aunts laughed, and the noisy children ran around her, "don't be shy, don't be shy, don't be shy."

Mei Qiduo ignored them and walked quickly to Aunt Fu's house.

Chunsheng is aunt Fu's son. He is 16 years old and the same age as Qiduo. When he was 12 years old, he left Liushu village and worked as a boy in a big family in Qincheng. His salary was OK. He paid three times a month and came back for a long time. Every time, he gave aunt Fu a lot of money, so that Aunt Fu could save a good wife.

Because Qiduo and Chunsheng played together since childhood, Chunsheng secretly brought Qiduo some leftover snacks for her every time she came back. For the seven flowers who have been hungry for a long time, they are as excited as pie falling from the sky, which causes them to go to Aunt Fu's house to look for Chunsheng every time they come back from Chunsheng.

People in the village said that it was probably Chunsheng who went home again.

Sure enough, just entering the gate of aunt Fu's house, they met Chunsheng, who was going out. They almost met each other.

"Brother Chunsheng!"

"Seven girls!"

This is the opening line of every meeting between the two.

Chunsheng, a middle-sized girl, was tall by seven flowers. He was thin and dressed in blue clothes without patches. He took her by the hand and went out to give her something in a quiet corner.

Seven stopped, "brother Chunsheng, I have something to do. I'm looking for uncle Fu and aunt Fu."

"What's the matter?" Chunsheng's simple and honest face is dignified, thinking that something big happened to her family.

They went into the yard, and uncle Fu and aunt Fu came out of the kitchen. Aunt Fu said, "seven flowers are coming!"

The honest uncle Fu rubbed his hands, "seven flowers, come into the house!"

Aunt Fu wiped her hands on the cloth apron, "Chunsheng, you go and ask Aunt Mei to have dinner in our house tonight!"

"No! No Qiduo hurriedly said, "aunt Fu, I've come to ask you to have dinner at my house!"

go to eat?

Fan Laifu's three accidentally look at seven flowers, let them go to dinner, her family has nothing to eat.

"I... Found a big rabbit on the mountain. My mother asked me to ask you to eat together!"

"Big rabbit!" Uncle Fu was surprised.

"Well!" Seven nodded.

Aunt Fu's family was full of surprise. Aunt Fu swallowed her saliva and said, "I've made a good meal. Otherwise, you and your sister-in-law will eat that rabbit!"

"It's big. We can't finish it. It's a rare game. Let's eat it together!"

"Good!" Uncle Fu happily clapped, and then said to Aunt Fu, "take a few steamed buns, take half a jin of wine, and let's go to my sister-in-law's house to have meat."

Chunsheng is simple and honest. He smiles and raises his hand to touch the things in his arms.

Nearly to seven home, you can smell the smell of meat floating in the vicinity, Fu aunt forced to suck nose, "really fragrant!"

Four feet just stepped into the yard, saw the scene in front of them, surprised.

Mei Xiaolan's hair was scattered and she sat on the ground, her face full of failure and sadness, and her face full of tears.

Qiduo rushed to help her, "Niang, Niang, what's the matter with you?"

"What's the matter, sister-in-law?"

Uncle Fu's family gathered around.

Mei Xiaolan saw them come in, wiped her tears and pointed to her neighbor Dazhuang's family on the left. "The rabbit meat was robbed by Dazhuang's mother. She said that it was to mend her son's body!"

Qiduo ran into the kitchen and saw that the iron pot was empty, with only some dry soup stains sticking to the wall. She turned and ran to the door

Mei Xiaolan worried that her daughter would be bullied. "Duo'er, come back!"

The family of Dazhuang is tall and strong. Mei Xiaolan's mother and daughter can't beat Dazhuang's mother alone. Now Qiduo rushes away alone, and she will suffer. Mei Xiaolan is busy following Qiduo.

Uncle Fu's family followed closely and went to the great family together.

On the big wooden table, there are four bowls of porridge and several black steamed buns, a plate of stir fried vegetables and a black porcelain basin full of fragrant rabbit meat. It's bright in soy sauce and fragrant. It makes people salivate.

No matter parents and sisters just sit down, two big fingers can't wait to reach the black porcelain basin, just about to touch the top piece of fragrant and fat rabbit meat, hand shadow flash, the whole basin of rabbit meat disappeared on the table.

The eyes of the four people only focused on the rabbit meat. They didn't notice when Mei Qiduo came in. They picked up the black porcelain basin containing the rabbit meat and turned around to leave.

"Stop!" Big Zhuang Niang's loud voice is loud.

She is not afraid of this voice in Liushu village.

Mei did not hear the general seven flowers, the pace did not hesitate, facing the mother who came in outside, the basin to the mother's hands, "mother, go home!"

Then turn back to meet the big Zhuang Niang who is walking "bang bang"

Big Zhuang Niang wants to cross seven flowers to rob rabbit meat.

Mei Qiduo's thin body stands in front of him and blocks Da Zhuang's mother from going outside, so that her mother has time to return home. When she sees seven blocking, Da Zhuang's mother shouts angrily and raises her hand to push her to one side

Mei Xiaolan was afraid that her daughter would be bullied. She handed the porcelain basin to Aunt Fu, who turned and left the big family with the black porcelain basin. Seeing the rabbit meat flying again, the Dazhuang family was very angry.

They all stood up and went to the door. Seven hands grasped the door frames on both sides and blocked the door. Dazhuang's family was blocked by her and couldn't get out of the house.

Aunt Fu disappeared into the yard of Da Zhuang family with a black porcelain basin.

Seeing aunt Fu gone, Dazhuang's mother was anxious. She pulled open seven flowers with a hard hand. Seven body thin and weak, can't and strong big strong Niang resistance, was pushed aside by her, hit the wall.

Fan Laifu and Chunsheng's father and son can't see it. Uncle Fu stepped forward and stood in front of Da Zhuang's mother“ Zhuang Niang, this is your fault. Why rob sister-in-law Mei's house? "

"Rob, who robbed?" Dazhuang's mother said righteously, "Dazhuang wants to go to the eldest's house to help. It's hard work. Borrow the neighbor's rabbit meat to make up for Dazhuang. What's wrong? Shouldn't neighbors help each other? " Then he turned to Mei Xiaolan, "you are too selfish. Which wild man gave you rabbit meat? You swallowed it all. There's no neighborhood contact at all. " It's like Mei Xiaolan is all wrong.

"I picked up the rabbit on the mountain. Don't say that to my mother!" Seven brave step forward to block in front of the mother.

"Cut..." big strong Niang a despise of white eye send over“ You picked it up? Just like this, go and pick up another one for me tomorrow,. I also said I picked it up and you robbed it. "

"Is" Zhuang's sister Erhua then mother's words, did not eat rabbit meat, she was angry.

Mei Xiaolan burst into tears and couldn't speak.

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