Zhan merciless looked at Mei Qiduo with a smile on his face. A bewitching smile came from the corner of his mouth. His voice said faintly, "how do you want to find out, Miss Mei?" The fox's narrow eyes were filled with deep coldness.

Mei Qiduo held her hands in front of her chest and looked very alienated. "The Lord of the pavilion is so condescending to live here. He must want something, and..." Mei Qiduo raised her eyebrows, and her tone was clear, "and it must have something to do with fenglingjue."

"So you know." Fighting ruthlessly doesn't mean that Mei Qiduo knows this from her mouth. After all, this woman is very smart.

Smart women are often appreciated, but they can't be liked.

Mei Qiduo said in her heart that her performance was so obvious that she really thought she was a fool. If she hadn't had a little free mind to have fun with the fox recently, I'm afraid she wouldn't stand here and talk to him like this.

"The pavilion leader must have taken the wrong place. You should go to fenglingjue." Mei Qiduo's tone is full of schadenfreude. She is sure that the damned fox will not go to fenglingjue.

Because, if he went to fenglingjue, there would be absolutely no sweetness, so he would be here.

War ruthlessness is naturally the schadenfreude in Mei Qiduo's tone. His expression is very gloomy. Looking at Mei Qiduo's eyes, he suddenly becomes very fierce. His lips are like roses, and he seems to have a radian from hell.

Mei Qiduo felt the change of the breath of Zhan merciless. Suddenly, he was very alert, and his eyes were full of Su Sha and hostility.

"Miss Mei, smart women don't live long." The voice of the war is merciless, with incomparable regret, but the tone is with a deep-rooted cold bloodthirsty.

Mei Qiduo naturally felt the bloodthirsty and cold breath of Zhan merciless and the murderous spirit in her tone, but Mei Qiduo didn't have the slightest fear in her heart. After all, there were more people threatening her, even the Zhan merciless standing in front of her was no exception.

Moreover, once he gets close to himself, even if he is injured, he will make him regret his actions today.

Sure enough, although Zhan merciless's face was murderous, especially the woman in his eyes who wanted to teach a good lesson, he knew in his heart that this woman was absolutely kind-hearted. If he hurt her, she would definitely get revenge.

And the means will never be light, or even very cruel.

"But... I'm curious about how long your previous relationship with fenglingjue will be." War ruthless voice with a trace of irony, looking at Mei Qiduo's eyes are also full of unspeakable irony and contempt.

After all, a man like Feng lingjue has a cold heart. How long can the relationship between him and Mei Qiduo be.

"You don't have to worry about it. After all, your family doesn't live by the sea." Meiqiduo glanced at Zhan mercilessly, and said faintly that the fox was really picky at all times, and it was all pervasive. Just, I'm not, after all, not the woman of this era, even if it is true that one day, I will let Fengling absolutely pay the price.

Just like Bai Qi.

Living by the sea?

Zhan merciless heard Mei Qiduo say this, his expression was slightly stunned, and there was some puzzled expression in his eyes. What does this mean“ What does it mean to live by the sea? " The voice of war heartless is full of doubt to ask a way.

Meiqiduo heard Zhan merciless so asked, rolled his eyes, very calm said: "that is to say, you live by the sea, the tube is too wide."

"I see." Zhan ruthlessly nodded and seemed to agree with what Mei Qiduo said.

It seems that he himself thinks that what he said just now is quite broad. When he hears Mei Qiduo say that he lives by the sea, he has a little identity in his heart. He is noncommittal and ruthless. For a moment, he seems to admire Feng lingjue.

After all, people who can make Fengling extremely emotional are not so simple.


After that day, Mei Qiduo and Zhan merciless broke up a little unhappily, and they never met again. After all, Mei Qiduo was eager not to see Zhan merciless, because as long as she saw Zhan merciless, Mei Qiduo would think of herself like that.

It's annoying because it's too much the same.

"Master, can the fruit wine be opened today?" Xue Wan asked excitedly in his tone. In recent days, he passed by the place where the fruit wine was placed. He could smell the fragrance coming from it, which was very intoxicating.

He really didn't expect that the wine made from fruit would be so intoxicating. Although there are some places where fruit wine is made, it uses green plum. He hasn't seen anyone who makes wine from apricot. This time, meiqiduo not only uses green plum, but also apricot to make wine. When the grapes are ripe, he needs to make wine from grapes.

Xue Wan had some worries in his heart, but seeing that the aroma of this fruit wine was so intoxicating, Xue Wan firmly believed that Mei Qiduo wanted to make wine with grapes.

Because meiqiduo will do it every time she says it.

Mei Qiduo pondered a little, and then said, "well, it's OK. Let's Kaifeng today. After all, our winery also spends money. We can't waste it for nothing."

"OK, the old slave will order it now." Xue Wan was very excited. After all, when he smelled the intoxicating aroma, he could not help thinking that the taste should be so wonderful.

"Well, I'll be there later." Mei Qiduo was naturally excited by Xue Wan's mood, and her face was full of smiles.

I'm also looking forward to the success of fruit wine brewing. After all, this fruit wine is different from other fruit wine. I added my own secret recipe, and I don't know how it tastes?

"Yes, master. I'll leave first."

Mei Qiduo changed her coarse clothes and walked leisurely to the room where she put fruit wine. She saw that mother Qin had four servant girls, and even Mei Xiaolan had come. Mei Qiduo was very helpless and just opened a wine can. There was no need to stir up the crowd like this.

But seeing the expectation and surprise in their eyes, Mei Qiduo felt nothing in her heart.

"Now that everyone is here, let's start." Mei Qiduo said with a smile in her tone and a smile on her face. After all, once the fruit wine has become, it shows that her career will go to another level and be one step closer to the richest man in the world.

Then you can kick Zhu Yuxuan.

Just think about it, Mei Qiduo felt very excited.

"I've been waiting for my boss for a long time." Qiuju is very excited to say that sometimes when she comes to tidy up with mammy Qin, she is very greedy when she smells the wine, and the owner also says that the girl has already drunk some fruit wine.

I've thought about it for a long time, and now I'm finally going to open the can.

Dongxue heard Qiuju say so, is also a face of excitement and expectation, "I am also Qiuju sister think the same." The white and round face was full of expectation, and a pair of round eyes were full of excitement.

It's lovely.

Mother Qin heard the two little maids say like this, "is the master short of you to eat or what? I thought about this fruit wine. " Tone is full of helplessness, eyes are also with a smile.

"No problem. It's rare for you to be happy today. I'll take out some of this fruit wine later and let you have a good taste." Mei Qiduo waved her hand casually.

Mei Xiaolan's face was also full of smiles, and her heart was also full of expectations. After all, she didn't know what this fruit wine was like. "Dor was right, let's have a try at that time."

When they heard Mei Qiduo say this, they all looked excited. Although Xue Wan said that they could have a drink at that time, it was not Mei Qiduo's words after all. Now when they heard Mei Qiduo say this, they were naturally excited and expected.

"Thank you, my master and my wife."

"Well, open it." Mei Qiduo nodded and said to Xue Wan. It indicates that Xue Wan can open the wine can.

Xue Wan got Mei Qiduo's instructions and asked him to move out a can of fruit wine. Then he took off the cloth carefully. Suddenly, a strong aroma of green plum came out, but one of them seemed to be another aroma.

When people smelled the aroma of the wine, they took a few mouthfuls. Before they drank it, the aroma was so attractive. You can imagine how long it was when you drank it into your mouth.

Mei Xiaolan didn't touch a drop of wine, but when she smelled the aroma, she didn't know why she suddenly wanted to drink a few cups, "Duo Er, how can this wine smell so fragrant?" I can't help but want to have a taste.

When Mei Qiduo smelled this kind of aroma, he was a little disappointed. He still couldn't brew the same aroma as before.

In the depth of my memory, there is only one fragrance like that. Compared with the present one, that fragrance is just one heaven and one earth, without any comparison at all. That wine aroma is the real charm, long and charming aroma.

However, it's very good to have this kind of aroma under the conditions here. After all, the conditions are limited.

"Well, this means that it has been brewed successfully." Mei Qiduo came forward and looked at the wine in the jar.

The color of the wine in the jar is very clear, without any impurities, just like a very clear spring. It smells of wine quietly. At a glance, it seems that you can see the green plum under the jar.

"Master, this wine is very refreshing. It looks like a good wine." Xue Wan said excitedly.

But I have never smelled such a long lasting aroma of wine, and the color of wine is very clear. I know it's good wine at a glance. With such wine, I can't make a fire there.

"Well, average." Mei Qi duo said with a light look. After all, he had drunk better wine than this. Naturally, he didn't have much expectation for this.

It seems that I overestimate myself when I think I can make such a wine.

"No, I've never smelled so much wine." Xialan is very serious, because she is poor in a big family, she has never smelled the aroma of wine.

"Sister xialan, have you heard a lot?" Dongxue asked xialan one day.

Xialan face slightly a red, face floating with an embarrassed look, pretending to be angry said: "anyway, I just know." With that, he seldom had some childishness. He put Lian aside and didn't go to see the winter snow.

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