Mei Qiduo saw such a childish xialan. She smiled at the corners of her mouth and smiled faintly in her eyes. Looking at the look on everyone's faces, she was very satisfied. It's like this. There's nothing wrong here. After all, she has her own hand here.

Besides, there is a person in my heart, and I hope that person will not let me down.

"Well, uncle Xue, come here and scoop out some wine. Let's have a taste tonight and wait until tomorrow's can filling. Soon our winery will open. " Although Mei Qiduo's tone is very light, it is difficult to cover up the pleasure in her tone.

"All right, master." Xue Wan was very excited and said that it was the first time he had smelled such fragrant wine when he lived so old. Now the owner says that we can have a good taste today. Naturally, we are looking forward to it.

"Thank you, boss." All of us are respectfully saying to Mei Qiduo, and all of us have grateful smiles on their faces.

Xue Wan was very careful to scoop out the wine in the jar with a spoon. The original aroma was very strong. After this agitation, he found that the aroma became more and more intense. The aroma was not only fresh plum, but also rose, and some aroma that people didn't smell.

Dongxue sucks her nose, and the refreshing fragrance seems to make her whole body extremely comfortable, just like being in a paradise, surrounded by the fragrance of flowers.

Zhan merciless looked out of the window in a daze. Suddenly, a faint aroma lingered on the tip of his nose. That aroma was something Zhan merciless had never heard before. Surprise flashed through his narrow fox eyes. He knew Mei Qiduo had been brewing wine for a long time. What he wanted to brew was just like some other people. There was nothing special about it.

But now I smell such a fragrance, Zhan ruthless heart is still very surprised. I really didn't expect that this woman still has such ability.

"None." War heartless voice light way.

A figure appeared in the room for a moment, and the voice answered without any waves: "master, what can I do for you?"

"You go and get some wine from that woman." That woman naturally refers to Mei Qiduo. Zhan's ruthless tone is normal. However, it seems that everything he wants in this world must be presented in his hands.

"Yes." No one took orders, and then disappeared into the room for a moment.

He naturally knows who the woman in Zhan ruthless's mouth is, but Zhan ruthless, as the master, has no reason to refuse.

After Wu Yi's departure, Zhan merciless's expression has returned to the original state of indifference and emptiness. It seems that nothing in the world can attract his attention. His delicate and charming face is full of loneliness at this time, and his breath is incomparably empty. It seems that he will disappear in this world in the next second.

It seems that this kind of breath should not appear in the heartless voice of the war. He should be charming and charming, instead of being lonely and lonely like this.

"Mei... Seven?" The war is merciless, just like the thin lips of a rose, softly saying the name of Mei Qiduo.

But with an abnormal tone, people can't understand.


Mei seven flower see no one when eyebrows slightly pick, if you remember correctly, this person should be that damned Fox's bodyguard, at this time come over for what? Mei Qiduo asked in a faint voice, "when is your Pavilion master?"

It's not the dead fox who came to ask for wine! I just opened it today. I can't smell the wine as effective as his nose. After all, this room is a long way from the main room.

No one heard Mei Qiduo ask like this. There was no expression on her face. She said faintly, "the master asked me to come and ask Miss Mei for some wine." It's obvious that he came to ask for wine.

Does a dead fox have a dog nose? It's so effective.

Mei Qiduo scolded herself in her heart, but there was no change on her face. Her pink lips raised a very shallow smile. "It's not impossible to ask for wine, it's just..." Mei Qiduo stretched out her hand to Wu Yi.

It means you have to pay money. My meiqiduo things are not so easy to take.

No one saw the white hand in front of him and looked up at Mei Qiduo. There was some anger in his heart. This woman was really not greedy. After all, when the LORD came in, he gave more than a million taels of silver, and it was just such a room.

With more than one million taels of silver, you can buy many exquisite and spacious houses in Haoyue, where you still live here.

No one is unhappy, but they also know that war is ruthless and doesn't let people touch this woman, so they can only take out a silver ticket from their arms and hand it over. Their face is full of unhappiness and looks with some Yin and prey.

Mei Qiduo took the silver note in Wuyi's hand and looked at the above figures faintly. She was very satisfied. Although she hated Zhan merciless, she had to say that Zhan merciless was rich. Naturally, she was not the kind of person who didn't take advantage of it. When she got the silver note, everything was good.

"Xialan, bring him some jars of wine." Mei Qi duo's voice is very happy to say, now there is a large amount of money, naturally in the heart is very happy.

No one saw Mei Qiduo like this. He said in his heart that this woman was really greedy for money. Then she took the wine jar that Xia LAN had brought. In the blink of an eye, she disappeared in front of everyone, just like when she just came.

"Master, she just left." Xialan looked at the direction of no one left, his eyes were very surprised, he had not reacted, he had already left.

Meiqiduo didn't speak, but her eyes were full of deep looking at the distance. It seemed that this storm was brewing in the deep of her eyes. It was not the first time that she saw Wu Yi's skill. She once asked Qinglan if they really fought with the two guards mercilessly. How could they hold it.

Qinglan said at that time that there were only two points to grasp.

But I remember the dignified look on Qinglan's face at that time. Mei Qiduo knew in her heart that the people around Zhan merciless were not ordinary people. It seemed that she should think of a complete strategy. After all, Zhan merciless would be more dangerous if she stayed here one more day.

It seems that he should let Fengling Jue think of a way to get rid of the fox in front of him.

But thinking of fenglingjue, Mei Qiduo suddenly thinks that he seems to have not received the news of fenglingjue for a long time, and it's not that monster. How's life now? Has the matter been handled properly?

I really want to deal with things here quickly and go to Beijing to see the demon.


The next day, Liushu town was very busy today, because the original Baifu restaurant was renamed zuixiange. As soon as I heard the name, I knew it was a winery. Everyone was very curious. After all, the zuixiange had not opened for three months, just when people thought it would never open.

All of a sudden, a group of people approached the zuixiange yesterday, and then they smelled the fragrance of wine coming from the zuixiange.

The fragrance lingers on the tip of the nose, which makes people very intoxicated. It seems that it is really like the name of the winery.

Drunk fairy Pavilion.

Mei Qiduo stood in the winery and looked at the people. He looked very cold, and his eyes were extremely cold and sharp. All of a sudden, his beautiful face became very serious. When people saw such an owner, they would inevitably have some drumming in their hearts.

After all, they have been recruited to work in zuixiange since three months ago, but it's not until today that zuixiange begins to watch the door, especially when they see Mei Qiduo's serious face at this time, they inevitably have some thoughts.

"With me, as long as you work hard, you will certainly not treat you badly." Mei Qiduo's voice is very light, but it is with incomparable convincing power.

When they heard Mei Qiduo say this, they all looked up at Mei Qiduo. When they saw the look in Mei Qiduo's eyes, they lowered their heads again, and their hearts trembled.

Such cold eyes, such a fierce look, seemed to see through them all.

"I'll take orders from my boss." Everyone said with one voice.

"Loyalty is very important to work here. If you let me know that someone has done something against zuixiange behind my back." Mei Qiduo's voice was very soft when she said in front of her, but when she got to the back, her voice was full of ferocity, and her body was also full of shaking momentum. "If I found out, I would make life worse than death. Do you understand me?"

At the end of the day, the murderous spirit was completely released.

People's hearts were trembling, their faces were frightened, their voices were trembling, and they said, "I have no heart for my master."

Mei Qiduo was very satisfied. Then he sat on the chair lazily and waved Xue Wan forward. "Xue is in charge. Today the winery is going to open. You can tell them some things and some rules."

"Yes." Xue Wan returned respectfully.

Mei Qiduo took the tea from Xia LAN and glanced at Mei Xiaolan, who was slightly pale. She had some helplessness in her heart. She had just forgotten to let Mei Xiaolan go to the wing room to rest. In this way, she showed her original appearance in front of her. No wonder Mei Xiaolan was so pale.

"Mother, are you ok?" Mei Qiduo's tone was very careful. She was afraid that Mei Xiaolan would feel uncomfortable, and Mei Qiduo still had some panic in her heart. After all, she was not Mei Qiduo's affair. Only she knew it.

Maybe others can't feel it, but Mei Xiaolan, as Mei Qiduo's mother, shouldn't she?

After all, they have changed so much that it's hard to doubt.

Mei Xiaolan turned to look at Mei Qiduo. Her eyes were still full of horror and fear. There was not a trace of blood on her face. She was very pale. At this time, she heard Mei Qiduo's voice, "mother is OK, don't worry, duo'er." The voice is so nihilistic that it's hard to believe her.

Mei Qiduo heard Mei Xiaolan say so. She was very helpless, but there was still no way. It was impossible for her to say this to Mei Xiaolan. She could only hope Mei Xiaolan could figure it out by herself, and showed mother Qin with her eyes.

"Mammy Qin, take your wife to the upstairs wing room to have a rest." Mei seven flower light command way.

Mammy Qin naturally understood. Although she was surprised to see the momentum of her master, she suddenly wanted to fight her master. It was not easy for a girl to have a family like this. Naturally, there were ordinary women who had no means.

Otherwise, there would not be such a Mei family.

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