Uncle Fu was cleaning his ox cart and looked up: "it's seven. Didn't you go to buy cotton? Why did you come back so soon.

Where is the cotton? Do you want uncle Fu to follow you to get it

Uncle Fu has cattle in his family. When he's free, he usually takes a car to Qincheng. Some villagers go to the town and some go to the city. Anyway, he can't lose money every day.

Therefore, whenever the villagers buy things, they are basically driven by their cars.

As soon as he heard that Mei Qiduo wanted to buy cotton as a quilt, he began to clear the cart.

It's just that Mei Qiduo, a modern man who is still a little bit white in life, has never thought about it.

"It's the cloth shop on the street ahead. The man told me to drive to his shop." Mei Qiduo answered honestly.

Uncle Fu stared: "girl, why are you stunned? Follow me on the bus." Mei Qiduo was very happy in an instant. She climbed onto the ox cart neatly and didn't wait for her to show uncle Fu the way.

Uncle Fu swung the whip and crackled a syllable. The old cattle naturally walked towards the destination.

Mei Qiduo was amused and asked, "Uncle Fu, you didn't tell the cow where to go. Why didn't it go wrong?"

"Ha ha ha" Uncle Fu said with a smile: "this cow has been walking this road for several years, and has long remembered it.

Many people in our village know that the cloth sold by the cloth shop on the street in front of me is cheaper than that in the town. If I don't come, it's all right. Everyone will buy it in town.

Whenever my ox cart comes to Qincheng, the villagers ask me to help them carry a lot of cloth. No, we are all familiar with Lao Huang. "

Crunchy, crunchy. I don't have much time. With Uncle Fu's help, Mei Qiduo didn't interfere at all. The cotton and cloth were put on the car by the cloth shop's staff.

Leaning on the big cotton bag, Mei Qiduo sat on the cart and asked Uncle Fu, "do you know who can make Kang in our village?

My Kang has been around for more than ten years. It has never been renovated. Now there is a lot of firewood, but it just can't get hot.

This winter is about to open. Do you think you can introduce some good ones and make a new Kang for my family

Uncle Fu asked in front of him, "do you know that your mother wants a pan Kang?"

Mei Qiduo knows it well. It seems that her mother has to come out to deal with this kind of thing.

However, she is still a little unwilling to give up. Then he said, "it was my mother who said that she wanted to plate Kang these days that I remembered to ask.

Why don't you ask aunt Fu to come and discuss with my mother in the evening? "

"It doesn't need to be said that there is a relative at the end of Shanghe village in my family who has done a good job.

If you're not in a hurry, just wait. I'll let your aunt take a message tomorrow. I'll give you a message in about two days

"Yes, I'll tell my mother later. I'll wait for uncle Fu to introduce me."

Mei Qiduo is nagging with Uncle Fu, thinking that it's not enough to be free from the cold this winter. There's not much food in the house. It seems that uncle Fu's car will be used next time.

But Uncle Fu, she can't pack the car for her own use. This time, she doesn't know the volume of cotton. When those gossip women in the village come back, I'm afraid there's some chatter.

But it's only a few decades since Mei Qiduo made a few quilts. She's not afraid of what they say.

But the food is different. She doesn't want to eat only coarse grains, white rice and white flour are indispensable.

Even if you add half of the coarse grain and a cart of grain, it will be enough for the whole month in the village.

That's not enough. If the village gangsters have a lot of food, it's also a trouble to go to her house to play in the autumn wind.

It seems that we have to hire an ox cart at home. Mei Qiduo thought, leaning on the cotton pile, sleepy.

At this time, more and more people came back. Several people from the same village with Mei Qiduo also came back.

Seeing the cotton on the cart, he asked Uncle Fu, "old Ah Fu, who bought so much cotton? I can't make four or five quilts. "

Uncle Fu stared: "take your car. This is bought by the girl of the Mei family."

After that, he whispered: "Qiduo is also old. I think it's preparation for going out."

As soon as the man's eyes brightened, he heard yesterday that Mei's daughter and her cousin seemed to be engaged.

I don't think it's true, so fast? He looked maliciously at Mei Qiduo's stomach.

Mei Qiduo's eyes flashed fiercely. Of course she could hear and see what these people meant.

These shameless villagers are more annoying than those gossipy women.

Because of Uncle Fu's conjecture, the village didn't say anything to Mei Qiduo this time. After all, as far as the ancients are concerned, it's not a good thing to say in front of the unmarried girl what her future man is like.

If Qiduo's mother was there, she would be able to nag. But there's only one girl's house. Forget it. They're afraid to shame the girl.

In fact, they are not kind-hearted, but you are so shy today that there will be no daughter in your family in the future?

It's not like that.

If all the people in their village have such a long tongue and the seal on the outside is broken, there will be problems in their daughter's marriage.

Therefore, this time Mei Qiduo escaped.

All the way, Mei Qiduo leaned there, sleepy, until she felt uncle Fu calling her: "Qiduo, Qiduo! When you get home, come down and don't sleep. "

Mei Qiduo rubbed her eyes. It turned out that the people on the ox cart had already gone. There was only uncle Fu.

The cart also stopped not far from her door, waiting for her to get off and call her family to move things down.

Mei Qiduo was stunned for a moment, and immediately jumped out of the car, shouting at the yard, "Niang, Niang!"

At the same time, she also moved cotton down with all her hands and feet. The cotton is just bulky. The man in the cloth shop wrapped six bags for him.

None of them was heavy. She just held one down with her two hands.

"It's coming, it's coming." Mei Xiaolan came out from home and saw Mei Qiduo moving cotton down. She trotted two steps and took the big bag in her hand.

"You bought all this?" Mei Xiaolan asked in surprise.

Seeing Mei Qiduo nodding, Mei Xiaolan thought about something, but she looked at Uncle Yanfu and said nothing more.

He just put the cotton bag in the room and put hot water in the bowl to send it to Uncle Fu.

"This child is troubling you two. Have a drink of hot water." Because Uncle Fu's family was in the village, and now it's getting dark, Mei Xiaolan didn't say she wanted to keep people.

Uncle Fu picked up the bowl and took a hot stream from his mouth. He immediately felt much more comfortable.

At this time, the stone also came out to help hold a cloth into the house. Three people together, this is not a few bags, the second down also finished.

Just then uncle Fu finished drinking his water. In the thanks of the Mei family, he raised his small whip and drove the ox cart home.

"Say, how can you buy so many things?" Mei Xiaolan stares and questions Mei Qiduo fiercely.

Mei Qi duo's eyes turned. She said that because she had money, she wanted to change the quilt.

But when she thought about it, Mei Qiduo swallowed it back. The conversation of the group of people on the bullock cart passed in her mind, and she said, "this is not brother stone..."

She lowered her head and pretended to be shy.

The effect of this method is really good. Mei Xiaolan is stunned at first, but then smiles sweetly. He doesn't blame Qiduo at all. He says, "you should make this quilt well. Later, you will use the red cloth which is also used.

It's the big red quilt that looks good. Look what color you buy. Even if it's fine cotton, it's not so bright. "

Mei Qiduo stares at her mother for a while. No, this ancient man is really good at brain tonic.

Taking advantage of Mei Xiaolan's happy head, Mei Qiduo immediately said: "yes, I bought so many things, and the cloth shop gave me a lot of needles and thread.

They also assured me that these were enough for me to sew a quilt. "

"That's very kind of you. If you have nothing to do these days, just work hard at home and stop hunting in the mountains.

Today, I heard that someone in Xiahe village had an accident when they went up the mountain. Fortunately, many people went with them, so they came back.

You're a girl. Don't go to the mountains all day if you have nothing to do. "

Mei Qiduo is in a hurry. She has an appointment with a restaurant in the town to send the fungus. How can she not go to the mountain.

However, after thinking about it, she didn't say anything to Mei Xiaolan. She just said, "mother, our hot Kang hasn't been renovated for a long time.

There's no lack of firewood these days, but it's not very hot. Do you think we should dish the Kang again

Mei Xiaolan also thought about it and thought it was feasible. However, thinking of her own girl's more and more independent nature, she asked doubtfully, "are you looking for someone?"

Mei Qiduo said without blinking: "well, it's not chatting in the car. Uncle Fu just said that some of his relatives would pan the Kang. I thought of it.

Otherwise, how can you think of Pan Kang with your daughter's brain? "

Mei Xiaolan thought that it was the same reason. She thought that her daughter was old and she had some money in her hand.

"I'll ask aunt Fu tomorrow."

Mei Qiduo praised herself in her heart, and it passed.

Originally, Mei Qiduo was still thinking about making a quilt for the seriously injured at night, but the oil lamp was too dark.

The smell of lampblack made seven plum flowers shed tears. Mei Xiaolan was so upset that she had to wait until she understood.

But in the evening, Mei Qiduo gave stone a layer of linen and a layer of cotton under her body.

At least it won't be cold at night.

The next day Mei Xiaolan really went out to look for Aunt Fu. Mei Qiduo didn't go up the mountain. She had to make three quilts and a mattress first.

When Aunt Fu comes to pan Kang, the house will be covered with dirt, so she doesn't have to make the quilt.

Uncle Fu did what he said. In the afternoon, Mei Xiaolan followed a young man into the house.

This man is very good at craftsmanship, because Mei Qiduo finds that the cocoon of his hand is really thick.

"Niang, this is the little master in Shanghe village. Come in, come in."

Mei Xiaolan white her one eye, "to burn some hot water, Master Wang said, after reading estimate how much material to use, tomorrow one day can finish."

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