Mei Qiduo went to the kitchen obediently. When she came out again, Master Wang had already called several young men to transport some mud and straw.

Meiqiduo looked at it in a hurry when she was delivering water, but she didn't understand it

Until two people cut the grass into the same size and length with a chopper and piled it next to the soil, Mei Qiduo suddenly realized.

At this time, Mei Xiaolan took the water from her hand and looked for a corner to drink when someone was thirsty.

Meiqiduo has no object in her hand. She can't watch it well. She can only go into the room and make quilt.

One afternoon was enough time for her to make do with the quilt.

Until the night when the lamp was on, Mei Qiduo covered her waist and almost didn't get up.

It's not a matter of whether she is weak or not. Normal people do this all afternoon.

Xu is tired of working today. Mei Qiduo slept very sweet that night. Covered with a soft new quilt, he got up in the morning and poured out a sweat.

Because today someone came to pan Kang, so the whole family got up early. Mei Xiaolan made a big bowl of dough soup early.

Mei Qiduo and stone asked, "Mom, do you want us to add a meal to those masters who pan Kang at noon?"

"I asked your aunt Fu. You can have a pot of soup and a cake. People in the village are like this. You are not allowed to go up the mountain. You can cook for me at noon. "

Mei Qiduo rolled his eyes. "Niang, I'm the kind of person. If I have something to do, I'll hide in the mountain."

But she turned her eyes and said, "Niang, we have so much food. We have never grown any food in our land before, so we have finished the meal for these masters.

The grain is about to be bought again. If I buy back the winter's grain, we can't put it in the kitchen. "

"How much iron grain do you want to buy? I can't put it in the kitchen. Don't you know we also have a cellar?

Just pile the grain in the cellar. "

Mei Qiduo is still a little at a loss. She really doesn't know about it.

In the early days, the Mei family was so poor that they could not afford to eat. How could they put extra things into the cellar? The kitchen cabinets were enough.

So whether it is the original body, or now the plum seven don't know. Mei Xiaolan would not have thought of it if she had not been in a better situation at home.

"Yes, I'll go down and have a look later. If I can use it, I'll go to the town to buy food after lunch."

Mei Qiduo quickly rolled up her sleeves and took the bowls and basins everyone had finished to the kitchen.

Today, the stone's wound is a little better. Mei Qiduo didn't drive the stone into the room to have a rest.

With one eye open and one eye closed, he let the wind out.

When Mei Qiduo finished washing the dishes, she was chased out by Mei Xiaolan, because Aunt Fu didn't trust Mei's family and followed her. So I don't need Mei Qiduo to help me with the lunch.

But Mei Qiduo can't stay idle. After thinking about it, she thinks that she can buy food in the evening when she goes to town now.

These are not to say that she will finish her work before dark at night. When she comes back after transporting food at night, no one will find out.

With the help of aunt Fu, she doesn't have to worry about meeting uncle Fu's ox cart too late. It's just right.

Therefore, Mei Qiduo greets Shi Shi, asks him to help Mei Xiaolan, and then goes to town with a small package.

Mei Dido didn't even sit in the car because she wanted to hide from others. I'm in a hurry all the way. It's noon in town.

Mei Qiduo just bought a pancake on the street and ate it while walking. Soon she arrived at the only grain store in the town.

After the man said the quantity he wanted, Mei Qiduo finally asked, "I buy so much grain, will you deliver it to the door?"

In a word, it amused several young people.

"Little girl, if you ask the town and other places, you can see who delivers the goods to the door. There are no dozens of cars, and the money for running errands is not enough for our profit."

With that, the boy kindly said, "there's a car shop on the left when you go out. You can hire an ox cart for more than a dozen coppers. His family often comes to help carry the goods.

There are some cattle carts that don't work. You can find the handlebars to discuss them in private. It's twice cheaper than hiring them directly in the car shop. "

Mei Qiduo was speechless for a moment. In modern times, if she bought a car of things, the merchant would send it to her door early.

She paid the money and asked the man to put it away for her. Later, she could drive it away.

Thanks to the assistant of the grain store, Mei Qiduo didn't spend more than ten coppers. She hired the car with only ten dollars.

This is also because the handlebar type I go home the same way as her, save the empty car to go back at night, ten coppers will be pulled.

Mei Qiduo was in a good mood in the town. When she got home in the evening, she found that there were many people in front of her house.

Hesitated for a moment, she told the cart to slowly approach the door.

When she got to the door, Mei Qiduo found that what she was shaking in front of her house was not the pan Kang, but her distant relative.

Mei Xiaolan doesn't have no relatives in the village. When normal people choose their place of residence, they sometimes think about whether they have relatives or friends there.

What's more, in this ancient times, which paid great attention to human relations.

Mei Xiaolan originally went to the village because of this, but the Chen family is not as good as Uncle Fu and aunt Fu.

No, it seems that the Mei family has made a fortune. The stone looks like the son of a rich family. As soon as the group left during the day, the Chen family went to the door.

Chen San's family is also very poor. When he comes in, he goes to the kitchen first. Originally, the stone wanted to stop Mei Xiaolan, but Chen San calls Mei Xiaolan his aunt directly. For a moment, he can't tell what's going on.

At first, Mei Xiaolan thought that these people were coming to see her, and she was very kind.

This gave the stone a big illusion. In addition, he was outside all day and had no place to rest. Just as everyone left, the stone went back to the house to have a rest.

The Chen family saw Mei's newly built Kang, the kitchen with the remaining white rice and flour, and the mattress was newly made.

I don't want to leave immediately. I don't want to leave in the room.

This is the reason why Mei Qiduo came home in the evening and saw the Figure shaking in the room.

At this time, the ox cart came to the door, Mei Qiduo had to shout in front of outsiders, "Niang!"

At this time, Mei Xiaolan's face was very ugly. When she saw Mei Qiduo, she was very relieved.

When I saw the food on the bus, my face was immediately full of worry. But she knows what the Chen family is. These years her family is poor, and there is no autumn wind to beat.

But now this full of grain into the door, do not take some back to the Chen family is afraid to be difficult.

Chen San's mother-in-law is not a good thing. She likes to talk nonsense with the village when she has nothing to do.

I'm afraid the news about her family's food will get out sooner or later. But I can't help it. The grain trucks are in front of the door. Can't I let my daughter drive the car away?

At this time, the Chen family came out, saw the grain on the car, and called to Mei Xiaolan more intimately: "Gu, is this the grain bought at home? Come on, motherfucker, help me unload the truck

Without waiting for the Mei family, they helped unload the car.

Mei Qiduo didn't recognize these people, but she was suspicious when she heard them make out.

But she was embarrassed to ask in front of Mei Xiaolan. She was even more afraid that she knew it, but she didn't know it, so she asked the Chen family to muddle through.

But when all the food went into the cellar, and the Chen family didn't leave, Mei Qiduo realized what was wrong with her mother. She couldn't help laughing bitterly in her heart.

No matter what the Mei family's life is like, Mei Xiaolan's steamed bun like temperament can't be changed.

At this time, Mei Qiduo asked Mei Xiaolan with a confused face: "mother, are these our relatives? Why haven't I heard of it? "

If you ask this later, you may have to let Mei Xiaolan think more, but put it here, just like Mei Qiduo deliberately asked.

"This is Chen San, the nephew girl of our third uncle's family. Your name is cousin. "

Mei Qiduo was stunned by this. It's all a roundabout relative.

I don't know how many years I haven't been in touch with you in modern times. In ancient times, you have to be a serious relative?

However, without waiting for Mei Qiduo to speak, Chen San repeated what he had just said, "aunt, let's live here. You don't know what's going on in the Chen family. Anyway, the room is leaking again.

There's nothing to eat. I'm hungry when I go home. My aunt's family is short of food. The stone boy can live in her aunt's house. Why can't we live? "

Mei Qiduo saw that Mei Xiaolan just didn't answer, so she choked directly: "you're a big man. It's normal to do some work to support your family. You can't die of hunger.

What's the matter with my family? I'm an orphan and widowed. It's easy to say but hard to hear.

Don't talk to me about stone. It's my fiance. If you want to live in my house, it won't work here! "

I don't think the three Chens really live here in a short time. They just use this as an excuse to let Mei Xiaolan give them some cheap money.

Sure enough, as soon as Mei Qiduo's voice fell, the other mother-in-law answered: "his aunt, anyway, my Chen family can't eat.

We don't say whether we can take it or not. We just want to borrow some grain from your family and feed it to your aunt. You can say whether you can borrow it or not. "

Mei Qiduo was so angry that she wanted to beat people out with a big broom on the spot.

But Mei Xiaolan answered: "seven flowers, go and get ten jin brown rice for your cousin."


Mei Qiduo choked there in one breath and went to get food for the Chen family.

But she really didn't refuse. She didn't use her original body for a long time, and she didn't know what happened between the Mei family and the Chen family. It was because Mei Xiaolan said something, and Mei Qiduo didn't resist too much.

It's just a slight look.

Until Chen's family left, Mei Qiduo asked Mei Xiaolan, "mother, our food is not from the strong wind. Why do you want food for Chen Lai?

I don't think his family is a serious family. Don't think about returning it in the future. Don't come to our house to ask for food, even if it's good.

Niang, you give a word, this Chen family will come back later, do you still borrow? "

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