"Well, my mother knows that the Chen family can't pay it back. But we can't be in the village. We don't have any relatives.

There must be someone who can say a word for us at the critical time. " Mei Xiaolan said.

Mei Qiduo was angry with her mother when she heard her mother-in-law's words. Mei Xiaolan gave her own food to others for the sake of a relative's name?

Chen's family has done nothing for Mei's family. If she hadn't taken advantage of it, she might not have been able to get the land in the village.

Chen San's family is a serious relative. Don't trample on your own family.

Although Mei Qiduo thinks so, Mei Xiaolan is her mother. It's hard to get angry with her.

Meiqiduo also can only admit bad luck, just looking at the Chen family, don't talk nonsense with the villagers.

If you really tell me about the grain in her cellar, it's not the Chen family called aunt who comes to her house to borrow grain tomorrow.

Mei Qiduo's worry is not unreasonable. What she didn't expect was that the Chen family didn't tell others. Even the big mouth mother-in-law didn't say that Mei family had food.

But there are a lot of food in her family. When Aunt Fu comes to talk to Mei Xiaolan, Mei Qiduo learns from her.

In fact, it was the neighbor's three aunts who started gossiping.

Almost when she mentioned the words "three aunts of her neighbor", Mei Qiduo would like to slap herself. It's better to build the wall as soon as possible!

Without even thinking about it, Mei Qiduo went out of the yard after listening to it. Mei Xiaolan and aunt Fu thought Mei Qiduo wanted to go to her neighbor's house to find trouble, so they immediately stopped her.

"Mother, what do you want me to do? I just went out and used the rest of the mud and straw to repair our wall

For a moment, Mei Xiaolan and aunt Fu looked at each other. Mei Qiduo borrowed a gap and left immediately.

She also wants to find trouble with the third aunt's family, but now she's not strong enough. Mei Xiaolan is not a serious one. The stone's injury is not good. The family is old, weak and sick. Can they really fight with others?

Now, even if Mei Qiduo has the ability to frighten the sky, he has to endure for a while.

The days went by like this, although after that day, several families came to borrow food.

But as long as Mei Qiduo holds a big broom in front of the door, and there is a stone behind to put a sample in it, all that can be basically sent away.

But as time went on, locusts appeared in the fields this year.

Mei Qiduo's family is not a good field. What they grow is not grain. It's easy to take care of. Mei Qiduo chooses underground roots.

In this way, she didn't plan to take out all the food in it. She planned to let them rot in the field except for some of her own food in the next year.

In this way, when the locust appeared, Mei Qiduo worried about it for several days. Let alone the seedlings on the ground.

Those rice, wheat and other crops do not want to think about it, the reduction of production is good, I am afraid that the locust flooding, to a grain without harvest.

That day, the village head came to her house to rent.

Mei Qiduo looked at the people in front of her. She couldn't imagine that the village head was the head of the village. There was no one who wanted to collect rent before the things produced in the field came out.

So Mei Qiduo didn't give the village head any good looks. He just said, "the crops in the field haven't grown yet. I'm afraid it's too early for the village head to collect rent.

When you come back for the autumn harvest, we will hand it in with the villagers. "

Xu is Mei Qiduo. After a long time, the village head finally understands the reason. I wanted to borrow some fine grain from her family.

Kelai family is the richest family in the village.

How can his family have no food? So Mei Qiduo didn't even think about it and said, "village head, don't talk about borrowing food. Others follow suit. Don't you know my Mei family's background?

Just now we have such a thin mu of land. We haven't got the harvest yet. Where can we get the grain? "

After hearing Mei Qiduo's words, the village head looked at her mother Mei Xiaolan with a very bad face: "Xiaolan, since you came to our village, although I didn't take care of your family.

But with your reputation, as the head of a village, I didn't drive you out.

As far as I'm concerned, when you go out of our village and ask about it, which village is willing to accept you?

And I didn't come to your house for anything else. Now there is not much food in every family, but my new born child has no milk to eat.

For the sake of the children's rations, I licked my old face. "

Seeing that Mei Xiaolan was really sympathetic, Mei Qiduo felt bad.

But the village head said, "they are all parents. It's hard for me to hear children crying from morning to night."

Bang, Mei Xiaolan is hit. Mei Qiduo gave the village head a figurative adjective.

"Seven, don't be stunned. Go and get some fine grain. How to say, you can't look at the baby hungry. "

Mei Qiduo didn't know how to say she was a mother. If the village head is such a family, he can't borrow fine grain, but he just comes to ask us if we are bullied.

It's only a few words if you can borrow the best.

Why don't you think that it's better to have a family like laida's?

It's just pretend. But now people have a good reason. Mei Qiduo can't say that I won't give food to the baby. What can you do.

Mei Qiduo can ignore her reputation, but Mei Xiaolan cares. As long as she thinks of someone pointing fingers at her back tomorrow, Mei Xiaolan has to agree to the village head's request.

Staring at the old man's back with food, Mei Qiduo hates it. What's the use of Mei's family living here?

He was either bullied by the Lai family or let the autumn wind blow in the village. It seems that Chen San's family is fairly good.

But Mei Qiduo thought that the child was only born now, and her family had fine grain. How much could she give the village head?

This time it's a small bag of grain. What about next time? Next time?

For a moment, Mei Qiduo was so worried that she couldn't eat well. She had to rack her brains to figure out what modern children grew up with.

Before Mei Qiduo could figure it out, Mei Xiaolan said, "let's have bean rice today. There's not much food in our house. It's a big deal to add some white rice.

I don't think the locust plague will last for a while. If you want to go up the mountain in the future, go up the mountain. "

Mei Xiaolan said quite helpless, this situation at home, even if she wants to put her daughter to a small family jade, is also extravagant hope, fortunately, there are stones.

Otherwise, seven flowers like this, I'm afraid it's hard to get married.

When Mei Xiaolan mentioned beans, Mei Qiduo's eyes brightened. Now every family saves food, and no one uses beans to grind tofu.

But this soybean milk can be fed to the baby. The nutrition of soybean milk is no less than that of milk. Why didn't she think of it.

Mei Qi duo could not immediately get up and tell the village head, but on second thought, she stopped. Now, no one in the village is willing to make tofu. They can't eat enough. Who can't save to eat.

This soybean milk has to be ground now, and it is not suitable for babies who feed it once an hour.

Thinking about this, Mei Qiduo's eyes flashed. She quickly walked under the stove, ground and baked soybeans to make soy milk powder.

Looking at this small pot, Mei Qiduo estimated that it should be enough for the baby to eat for ten days?

Mei Qiduo doesn't bother to send them to the village head's house, but Mei Xiaolan is not sure what to do.

Just because stone's registered permanent residence is not available, now the situation is not clear, so she'd better give stone a way out and find the village head to do one.

Thinking about this, Mei Qiduo went up the mountain to find a place and put some overpowering drugs on it. When she came home in the evening, she had two wild chickens in her basket.

Mei Qiduo asked for help, but she couldn't send all the chickens to the village head. But Mei Qiduo thought about it and took two kilograms of millet from the cellar.

I heard it was milked, so I gave it. It's hard for the village head to let go of these things if we want to put them in a normal time.

When it was a little dark, Mei Qiduo went to the village head's house with her things.

"Oh, it's seven flowers. Come in and have a drink of hot water." The village head's mother-in-law was very enthusiastic at this time.

For nothing else, just for her grandson's rations, she had to be enthusiastic about Mei Qiduo.

You know, that child is not a day or two thing, it has to eat every day. She also thought that when she finished eating, she would go to Mei's house to borrow it.

Mei Qi duo's eyes swept into the room. She didn't see Lai Yu. She thought she was cooking in the kitchen.

She didn't say much, just handed the things in her hand to the woman: "Lai Er Niang, I won't say anything else.

Just the day before yesterday, my mother thought of a way to fry the beans, grind them into powder and mix them with water for the baby to eat.

This method is also simple, just as I thought that Lai's sister-in-law was afraid that she would not be able to milk any grain, so she asked me to carry two catties of millet.

It's not. It's all here. "

Just then the village head came out of the inner room and listened to Mei Qiduo. I'm not moved by my heart, but he is not a person who has never been around.

Mei Qiduo didn't have a good attitude last time. Now she has given such a heavy gift. She can't help asking, "Qiduo, but what can I do for uncle Lai? Once you have it, just open your mouth. "

Mei Qiduo praised the old man in her heart. Sure enough, she was a man of understanding.

No more polite, just now: "my cousin's stone has arrived in the village, and I'm afraid it's only a registered residence."

"This is not a big deal. I thought you were afraid to get married. I didn't ask much about what registered residence.

Now that you have mentioned the seven flowers, I will write them for you in a moment. When I go to the county in a few days, I will do them by the way. "

The village head nodded and Mei Qiduo said politely. It was done.

After Mei Qiduo left, the village head opened the basket and suddenly found a wild chicken. "This is a good thing. I'm afraid some chickens can get water when they can go into the mountains in these years.

I can't see that the little girl of the Mei family is thin and small, and she has this ability? "

"What do you think? Don't care where the food comes from. I'll stew it for my daughter-in-law as soon as possible. If I let my grandson have milk one day earlier, I will suffer less.

Alas, if it were not for the locust plague, I would have pity on my grandson... "

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