Mei Qiduo put down the same feeling in her heart and went to the bed where fenglingjue had lived before. It seemed that fenglingjue still remained on the bed, which was very overbearing. The aggressive ambergris fragrance, Mei Qiduo's eyes with deep, and then again calm. Said: "come and discuss with you about Zuixian building. After all, I will only take about a month in Beijing." We must finish all the necessary things in one month. What's more, it's important to deal with the things I wanted to deal with half a year ago.

Zhu Yuxuan heard Mei Qiduo say so. Nodded, then said: "yes, after all, there is still a period of time before the new year. At that time, the red wine will start to sell, and it will be very popular. " After all, this red wine tastes very good. It's no inferior to the old wine.

Most important of all. There are some drinks that women can't drink. But according to Mei Qiduo, even women can drink this red wine, except for men's silver. You can also earn women's money.

After all, in the capital. I like this novel thing best. This red wine, especially the dignitaries in the capital, is very popular.

"Well. Red wine is already on the way. It is estimated that the capital will be built tomorrow. Do you have a better position Mei Qiduo looked at the book fenglingjue had just put on the table. Mei Qiduo flipped it at random, and there were very careful notes on it. It seems that it is a book that the owner often reads, and it is well protected. It seems that he is also a book lover.

Mei Qiduo's mind flashed a picture, very fuzzy, Mei Qiduo slightly Leng for a while, did not think carefully.

"I've found a place for you. It's near Zhiyue street. It's a prosperous place in the capital, but the price is not cheap." Zhu Yuxuan knew that Mei Qiduo wouldn't want his money. In addition, he meant that Yuejie street is a place where some nobles like to go. Naturally, business is very good. He also saw it for a long time before he found a restaurant. If the son of the shopkeeper of the restaurant hadn't gambled and lost money, the man wouldn't sell it.

"Well, go and have a look today." Mei Qiduo replied faintly that she doesn't care much about silver now. After all, she has a certain value now. Even if she bought the restaurant for money, she can earn more from others. The most important thing is that she will earn more.

"That's fine. Yes, just now Ling Wang discussed with me that he wanted red wine to be used for the Empress Dowager's birthday banquet. What do you think? "

"Another thing is whether you want to go with me to the Palace Banquet in a few days, or explain some powerful people, which is good for your business." Zhu Yuxuan looks at Mei Qiduo and asks. After all, this Palace Banquet is the emissary of Ximing. If you come here, you can make good use of it.

Mei Qiduo raised her eyebrows and said, "it's OK! The palace! It's not for ordinary people to go in. " The tone was full of sarcasm, and the eyes were full of sarcasm.

Zhu Yuxuan hears Mei Qiduo say so, in the heart rolled a white eye, if didn't have such a matter of words, estimate you all can walk horizontally in the imperial palace.


When fenglingjue came back to lingwangfu, liu'er had already been waiting outside the door. She was very beautiful and gentle. She also had a gentle smile on her face. Especially when she saw fenglingjue's carriage driving slowly, her eyes were full of happy smile.

"Lord, you are back." Liu er's face is full of gentle and happy smile, looking at Feng Ling Jue's eyes are full of love and obsession.

Fengling absolutely didn't answer Liu er's words, but paused when she passed Liu er's side. Her eyes were full of obscurity and indifference and said, "prepare for the Palace Banquet in a few days." Finish saying to see all didn't see willow son face up surprise extremely of appearance, straight straight walk in.

When liu'er heard Feng lingjue say this, her eyes were full of disbelief, and her heart was like a drum beat. Does it mean that the Lord wants to take her to the palace banquet? When liu'er comes back, she doesn't see feng lingjue.

When Feng lingjue returned to his study with Yejin, he sat on the desk and looked at a picture pressed down by himself. See the woman above is also a blue shirt, but no face.

Such a man in a blue shirt has appeared in his dream for half a year, but he can never see her face.

But Jiantian saw Mei Qiduo, especially when she was wearing a green shirt. Although she was a man, she didn't know why. Feng lingjue's face should appear in this painting.

And there's no sense of disobedience.

Night brocade looked at Feng lingjue sitting on it, and her clothes were ready to stop talking. Finally, she said, "master, do you really want to take..." did the woman go to the palace banquet? After all, the Palace Banquet is a formal occasion, if

Feng Ling Jue looked at the painting in her hand with a cold and bloodthirsty smile. "Now that they've done it, it's better to finish it." After all, it's been a long time. It's time to deal with it.

It will be handled at this Palace Banquet.

The third day of the first month is a good day. This day is the birthday of the Empress Dowager of Haoyue. Although the emperor is not the Empress Dowager's grandson, today's emperor has been raised by the Empress Dowager all the time, and there is no difference between him and his grandson.

The emperor is also a dutiful one. Does it mean that this year's weather is good and you want to give the Empress Dowager a good birthday so as to make her happy.

Since all the people above said that, the people below would be happy to comply, but they knew better that this birthday might not be so good.

On the one hand, Ximing's people want to come, on the other hand, Ling Wang's breath has become more and more shocking since he came back half a year ago. Especially, he helps the emperor get rid of the image of a puppet by means of fierce fashion, and there is no reason to let the Wen family and Gu family down bit by bit.

Even though the eldest miss of the Wen family had an engagement with Ling Wang in those years, she begged for Ling Wang's residence in person, but she didn't even see Ling Wang.

On this day, the palace had already been decorated, and the lights were on. It seemed that everything was so warm, but this high wall of red color, I don't know how many people's lives were lost, and how many white bones were used to pile up the prosperity.

Mei Qiduo sits on the carriage and looks at the fragrant cars passing by one by one. Her eyes are full of sarcasm. Even her pretty face is full of sarcasm.

"What? Not used to it? " When Zhu Yuxuan looks at Mei Qiduo's sarcastic smile, he asks jokingly, although his own eyes are full of sarcasm.

"Nothing. It's just a rare visit to the palace." Meiqiduo light said, and then put down the car curtain, compared to the eyes of sleep.

The palace sounds very prosperous, but the people in the palace always want to connect with Bai Gu Ai Ai, looking at the incomparable glory, and I'm afraid the decay will be known by the people in the palace.

I don't know what Ling Wang thought about the prosperity of the imperial palace?

Meiqiduo fiercely opened her eyes, how did she think of him? Meiqiduo suppressed the strange feeling in her heart.

"It's right to come today, but there's a good play to see." Zhu Yuxuan joked, but his eyes were cold.

Today's man should not come to a good end.


When Zhu Yuxuan sees Mei Qiduo like this, he glances at her. This woman is really boring. He always brings her to watch this annual drama, especially her rival in love. Even though she has retired.

"Good luck, young master!" The eunuch's voice sounded very sharp. The last word is very long.

Mei Qiduo followed Zhu Yuxuan to walk down, light swept the appearance here, especially saw several people in the official's expression is very sinister. Looking at this, Mei Qiduo's corner of the mouth raised a very light smile, his eyes were extremely ironic.

It's a wonderful scene.

Then Mei Qiduo heard the penetrating voice of the eunuch.

"Ling Wang arrives!"

Then she saw a low-key and luxurious carriage slowly driving into the palace. Mei Qiduo obviously felt the change of the breath in it. Especially when they heard Ling Wang, some people's eyes were full of evil, some people were full of expectation, and others were full of sadness.

Mei Qi duo's mouth has a light smile. Her face is more and more delicate and warm. Her black eyes seem to have been washed by water. Even in the dark, you can see the shining stars, which is very dazzling.

"It seems that this king Ling is very dignified in the court." At the same time, there should be many dangers. There should be many people who want him to die earlier. Mei Qi said faintly in her heart.

"This is in nature, after all, in Haoyue, but some people say that they would rather offend the Emperor than the king Ling." After all, no one can bear the anger of King Ling, even the Emperor today.

Mei Qiduo hears Zhu Yuxuan say, and then he looks at Feng lingjue's carriage. Then he sees a flash of black shadow, and a black robe with Kirin embroidered with gold thread. It seems that he really likes to wear the black robe. The last time he saw a slightly warm face, his face is cold, and his thin lips are tightly pursed without a smile, His eyes are deeply bloodthirsty and cold.

This kind of look is not like coming to a birthday party. It's like a Shura from hell. It's frightening.

Mei Qiduo raised her eyebrows. It seems that today she will really have a big play as she said with Zhu Yuxuan.

Then Mei Qiduo saw a woman in pink dress slowly coming down from fenglingjue's carriage. The woman's eyebrows and eyes looked very gentle, with exquisite makeup and clothes.

When people around them saw the woman, their eyes were full of surprise. They just heard that there was a woman in King Ling's mansion, but they never saw her. It was a palace banquet. What did king Ling mean when he brought the woman here?

Zhu Yuxuan saw the woman walking behind Feng lingjue. Her face was full of displeasure. She murmured: "how did he take that woman? It's really... "

When Zhu Yuxuan said the last sentence, Mei Qiduo didn't hear it clearly. Do you know why? When Mei Qiduo saw that woman, she always felt that she had seen her before. In particular, the figure seems to be very similar to someone in the memory.

But Mei Qiduo couldn't remember who that person was for a moment?

"Come on, let's go in." Zhu Yuxuan looks at Mei Qiduo and stares at Feng lingjue all the time. He says in a hurry.

Mei Qi duo regained her mind and nodded, "well." Where on earth did you live with that woman? Why is there such a familiar one?

Soon after entering, the Palace Banquet began.

Mei Qiduo looks at the delicacies on the table. She is very sarcastic. There are some places where she can't even eat. In this place, she is not satisfied with such delicacies every day. Will people be satisfied forever.

A group of leisurely carry their wine cup, look at the emperor Feng Qing dust sitting on the top, is also a good look, have to say, Feng family, born should have a good look.

"The Empress Dowager arrived!"

Mei Qiduo raises her eyebrows, and Zhengzhu comes.

Then I saw a middle-aged woman in gorgeous clothes holding the hand of the maid in waiting to walk out slowly.

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