Mei Qiduo looked at the sound of the stars holding the moon coming slowly, a young face maintained, with infinite pressure at a glance. Worthy of being the empress dowager, the momentum on her body is different. Mei Qiduo's mouth is filled with a smile of irony. I don't know how many women's blood the Empress Dowager stepped on to get to this position.

Finally, all the courtiers knelt down to pay homage to today's protagonist.

With the admission of today's protagonist. The Palace Banquet is really the beginning.

Mei Qiduo looked at the posture of all kinds of people on the table coldly. His eyes were full of ridicule and his heart sniffed, saying it was a palace banquet. It's just a cover for flattery.

The Empress Dowager Gu's just glanced at the bottom, his eyes full of unspeakable majesty, his eyes also full of cold. There's no temperature at all. Voice light of say: "all Qing's flat body, today regard as is common banquet, don't be formal."

"Yes. Thank you for your kindness. "

Though they say so. It's just that there's no lightness in the body. His face was still serious and his eyes were dignified. Without the slightest smile. Mei Qiduo looks at such time, the corner of the mouth raises a smile of sarcasm.

He laughs in his heart. It's really the style of the court.

"Isn't it interesting?" Zhu Yuxuan's voice rang out beside him, and his tone was full of smile. When he looked at Mei Qiduo, his eyes were also full of smile. It's just not in the eye.

"It's interesting." Mei Qiduo said faintly, suddenly in the crowd to see a face of jealousy looking at fenglingjue woman's appearance, life is also beautiful, but the expression is too distorted, abruptly destroyed the beauty. It seems that fenglingjue is very popular.

All of a sudden, Fengling Jue seems to have noticed Mei Qiduo's eyes. Her indifferent eyes sweep over here. When she looks at Mei Qiduo in a green shirt, her pretty and delicate eyebrows are subconsciously wrinkled.

What happened to her?

Mei Qiduo seemed to notice Feng lingjue's eyes, raised her wine glass and motioned to Feng lingjue, and then moved her eyes away. She just looked slightly when she looked at the woman around Feng lingjue. I don't know why, Mei Qiduo always felt that the woman around Feng lingjue had an inexplicable sense of familiarity, I'm just not sure if I know you.

"What's the matter?" Zhu Yuxuan seemed to feel Mei Qiduo's absence and asked faintly.

"Nothing, just... Forget it..." Mei Qiduo didn't say anything at last, but the deep and doubt in her eyes still didn't disappear.

Because this time, everyone in the palace was full of praise after drinking the red wine. In the middle of the Palace Banquet, suddenly a eunuch outside said that the emissary of Ximing came to present his birthday gift to the Empress Dowager.

"Come in, please."

"Please meet the emissary of Ximing." The eunuch's voice was very sharp. Mei Qiduo had been drinking with her head down, but when she heard the eunuch's voice, she raised her head and saw that Ximing envoy came slowly in with a box of exquisite boxes. When Mei Qiduo saw a person in it, her eyebrows suddenly wrinkled tightly, and her eyes suddenly had a strong bloodlust and darkness.

"Are you sure they are emissaries of Ximing?" Mei Qiduo's eyes are brewing a strong storm, her thin lips are tightly pursed, and her voice is very low. She asks Zhu Yuxuan, if these people are really emissaries of Ximing, then today's Palace Banquet seems to be more than just a good play.

Today's Palace Banquet may become a Shura field.

Mei Qiduo said to herself, after all, she knows how powerful the old man in black robe is. Now that he has entered the palace, there are people or things she wants in the palace. Mei Qiduo suddenly thinks of Changsheng and Qiaoer in the house, and her eyes are full of fierce color and bloodthirsty.

Zhu Yuxuan naturally saw the look on Mei Qiduo's face. He felt a little puzzled in his heart, and his eyes were full of doubts. Only from the perspective of clothing, these people were really emissaries of Ximing. But Zhu Yuxuan subconsciously believed that Mei Qiduo had her reasons for saying this, otherwise Mei would not ask like this. He asked: "what do you mean?"

Mei Qi duo suddenly raised a funny smile at the corner of his mouth and said: "if this man is the emissary of Ximing, this Palace Banquet is not just a good play."

After all, it's not funny that there are Gu masters in the envoys.

Zhu Yuxuan hears Mei Qiduo say this, and his heart is suddenly very uneasy. He looks at Ximing emissary step by step. He doesn't know why. Even though he knows Feng lingjue's plan, his heart is always nervous. He always feels that something is about to break away from the general.

But Zhu Yuxuan didn't know what would happen.

"Is he going to be all right?" Zhu Yuxuan's innermost character is naturally fenglingjue.

"I don't know." Mei Qiduo didn't know why she was worried. She just looked up at Feng lingjue sitting in front of her.

However, seeing Feng lingjue holding the quilt in his hand with a very leisurely face, he seemed to be unaffected by the envoy of Ximing and looked cold and indifferent.

Mei Qiduo laughs in her heart. What are you worried about? After all, Ling Wang, the first Prince of Haoyue, is here. Naturally, he can't make any mistakes.

Then he turned his head and looked away.

Feng Ling Jue naturally felt Mei Qiduo's eyes looking at her. She looked a little, and her pretty mouth was full of a smile. The indifferent smile on her face was gone, leaving only the unspeakable gentle and elegant.

Liu Er naturally sees a light smile on Feng Ling Jue's face. Suddenly, her face is on one side, and her eyes are full of fierce looking around, but she has no clue.

"Mr. Wang, how can you..." Liu'er says with Wei Qu in her tone, but she is interrupted by Feng lingjue before she finishes.

"Liu Er, how about the emissary of Ximing?" Feng Ling Jue's tone is full of unknown meaning, and her blue eyes are full of incomparable cold light.

"This slave..." as soon as Liu ER was about to speak, he saw the emissary of Ximing come in slowly. Especially when he saw the old man in black robe in the emissary, his face changed completely. He was very frightened, especially his eyes were full of fear.

Originally very charming, her face was very pale, just like a piece of paper, without the slightest color of blood. Her lips trembled and watched the emissary of Ximing step by step into the hall, as if every step of Ximing emissary was on the top of her heart.

What's the devil? Is that devil in here?

Liu er's whole body is full of cold, his body is constantly shaking, and his eyes are full of panic, ignoring one side. His eyes are full of sarcasm and Feng lingjue on his face.

The emissary of Ximing went to the center of the hall, gave the emperor and Empress Dowager a ceremony of Ximing, then stood up and said, "emperor Ximing asked us to bring a Purple Pearl, the bright moon, the Empress Dowager is thousands of years old."

"Thank you, Ximing." The Empress Dowager Gu Shi lightly waved, the voice is very dignified to say“ Envoy, please take your seat. "

"Thank you, Empress Dowager."

Feng Ling Jue looked at the old man in black robe in the emissary. She saw the darkness and bloodthirsty in her eyes, and a bloodthirsty smile came up at the corner of her mouth. It seemed that they couldn't help but start. After all, she didn't disappoint them during this period of time.

Is it time to jump over the wall?

When fenglingjue looked at the Empress Dowager above, her eyes were full of complicated expressions, ha ha, deep hatred, and a kind of loneliness and deep pain.

Ming envoy Xi Chen looked at the wine in the cup, especially when he saw that the wine was dark red, and the taste was very delicious. His eyes were full of surprise. I didn't expect that Haoyue could bring out such good wine. Even the best wine maker of Xi Ming didn't necessarily make such a good taste.

When he saw the very lazy fenglingjue, the eyes of Ximing envoy flashed a deep flash. When he saw the woman beside fenglingjue, although he was very surprised, he thought of a way and suddenly stood up and said.

"Don't you know that the woman beside Ling Wang is the princess?" The Western Ming emissary asked sincerely.

Liu'er heard that the envoy of Ximing asked so carelessly. Suddenly, a red glow and shame appeared on her pale face. Suddenly, she heard the indifferent voice of Feng lingjue ring in her ear.

"Not really." She, too.

When the emissary of Ximing heard Feng lingjue say this, he saw Liu er's face was embarrassed and pale. His eyes turned slightly, and he suddenly said, "I don't know that King Ling is willing to let girls dance for us. I've heard that all the girls in Haoyue are very talented. I don't know if they can satisfy my eyes."

"Go and dance to the envoy." The voice is still incomparably indifferent, the tone does not have the slightest change, as if to say today's weather is very good general calm.

When liu'er heard Feng lingjue say this, her heart was tingling and her face was pale. Especially when she saw the old man in black robe in the emissary who seemed to have green light like a hungry wolf, liu'er's heart became more and more scared.

Liu er's eyes are full of infinite sorrow, looking at Feng lingjue, but his eyes are sad, and his face is pale, which makes people love him.

But Fengling absolutely didn't seem to see the look on Liu er's face. She was still drinking the wine in her hand with incomparable elegance.

Liu Er bit her lips, feeling extremely desolate and angry. Then she stood up, thinking that everyone had seen this way, and she would dance in front of them anyway today.

Like a clown entertaining the public.

Liu er's eyes are full of evil and malice. Since you Fengling Jue are unkind, don't blame me for my injustice. She hesitated when she thought that the old man in black robe asked someone to give some things to her half a month ago, because Liu Er couldn't do it anyway when she saw Fengling Jue.

But after all these things, she finally understood what the old man in Black said to her.

Think of here, Liu er's eyes are full of cruel, since so, she also has no what can hesitate.

"Liu er made a fool of himself." Then walk to the center of the lobby.

When Mei Qiduo saw liu'er standing in the middle of the hall, especially when she saw the extremely venomous look in liu'er's eyes, a person's face and eyes suddenly flashed in her heart.

A picture flashed through my mind. It turned out to be her.

Wang Xiaocui.

Mei Qiduo narrowed her eyes. Her eyes were full of danger. Why did she become so thorough? And why do you see the resentment in Wang Xiaocui's eyes, Mei Qiduo's heart is very uneasy, always feel that something is about to happen.

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