When Mei Qiduo knew that liu'er was Wang Xiaocui, she subconsciously looked at the envoy to the West. When she saw the old man in black, she suddenly had a strong premonition in her heart. I always feel that Wang Xiaocui's change has a lot to do with the old man in black robe.


Mei Qiduo frowned slightly. Every time she wanted to recall this memory, her mind was blank. But I don't know why, meiqiduo always want to remember what happened six months ago. There is a blank in my mind. No memory at all.

Mei Qiduo's heart seems to tell her again that a lot of things must have happened in the past six months. She must have forgotten something.

Especially when I see Wang Xiaocui. Mei Qiduo will think of going to the Wang's house with Zhan merciless before, but it seems that Zhan merciless is not the only one. Mei Qiduo can't remember another person.

"What's the matter with you?" Zhu Yuxuan saw Mei Qiduo's frowning. It's not clear in my eyes. In the heart dark startle, this woman can't think of what to come! Since the last time Qinglan told him that the seven blossoms of Mumei had forgotten fenglingjue, his heart was secretly happy. But then I thought about how fenglingjue lived in this half year. Some people feel sad.

After all, the one who can make that man emotional. There must be only once in a lifetime.

If you forget, it must be a heartless person. Like a walking corpse, is Fengling not like this?

"Nothing. How is your Kung Fu? " Mei Qiduo thinks that there must be a fierce battle after a while. There may be corpses everywhere. Maybe, she is not fearless. Qinglan now no longer, his body is just some powder, more than enough to deal with these people.

But at the thought of the old man in black robe, Mei Qiduo must be careful. Last time he won it was a fluke, but this time he didn't have much luck.

"Not bad." Zhu Yuxuan's face is a little red. His martial arts are a three legged cat,

"Is it?" Although meiqiduo said so, her eyes were full of doubt, and she obviously didn't believe Zhu Yuxuan's words“ Take this and put it in your nose or ear. "

Mei Qiduo takes out a yellow pill like thing from between the sleeves and hands it to Zhu Yuxuan, with no explanation.

Zhu Yuxuan takes it and wants to ask Mei Qiduo why. But he sees Mei Qiduo always paying attention to the emissary of Ximing, especially with his eyes full of darkness and bloodthirsty. His thin lips are tightly pursed, and his originally clean face stab is just like a scabbard.

It's all sharp.

Zhu Yuxuan swallowed the words in his mouth and stuffed the pills into his ears according to Mei Qiduo. Although he was very confused, he also knew what Fengling would do today and sighed in his heart.

It seems that it's wrong to come to the Palace Banquet.

As liu'er dances in the hall, I don't know why the white fog suddenly rises in the hall. The courtiers look at liu'er dancing in the middle of the hall, just like the nine heaven Xuannv in the sky. Her originally pretty face is full of strange enchanting. Then suddenly, a strange fragrance comes to the hall, which makes people feel relaxed and relaxed.

When Mei Qiduo saw the white fog, he looked awe inspiring. It turned out that it was the powder of poisonous insects. It seems that Wang Xiaocui was really well taught by the old man in black robe.

I just don't know if I can use Wang Xiaocui to achieve my goal?

Mei Qiduo suddenly saw the old man in black standing up. Gan Kuo's face was wearing a strange smile. Looking at Feng lingjue's eyes, they were full of crazy greed, especially when looking at Feng lingjue's face, the light in their eyes was even more intense.

I'm going to get the skin bag on fenglingjue.

Fenglingjue naturally noticed the greedy eyes of the old man in black robe. She was disgusted and tyrannical in her heart, but Dongxu was more and more elegant. It seemed that she was not affected by the white fog at all.

Indescribable ease.

Full of people feel something wrong, because some people in the court actually seven orifices have begun to bleed, and some people have mouth foaming, completely fainted in the Palace Banquet.

"What's the matter with them?" Zhu Yuxuan saw that the servant who had been drinking with him just now was a corpse. But I didn't do anything.

He naturally knew that it must have been Mei Qiduo, otherwise he would have been the same as the people next to him.

"If you want to live, play dead." Mei Qiduo said faintly, just a pair of eyes staring at the old man in black robe. When he saw the old man in black robe looking at Feng lingjue, his eyes were full of greed like a hungry wolf.

Mei Qiduo frowned slightly. Why is the old man in black robe interested in Fengling?

Although Feng Ling Jue's skin is OK, but... And so on! Skin bag, that's right. I'm afraid the old man in black robe is tired of his dry skin, and the only way is to find a beautiful skin bag.

I'm afraid the reason why I don't want to find Zhan ruthless may be that Zhan ruthless's body is immune to all poisons. I'm afraid the skin has already been poisoned. Even if I can't change it, I'll die.

And fenglingjue is the best candidate.

Tut tut! I only occasionally read such a book in the organization, which records the whole process of how to change the skin. At that time, I scoffed at it. I really didn't expect that someone really wanted to do it now.

"King Ling is really the first son in the world." Black robed old man looked at a face leisurely drinking wine Feng Ling Jue said, voice hoarse, at that time in the tone is with incomparable strange and cruel.

"Old poison bug is flattering." Feng Ling Jue put down the cup, a pair of blue eyes at this time is full of ice, originally very clear Confucianist face at this time is full of edge.

"Ha ha... Yes, there are still people who remember me." The old man in black laughed.

This man is the old poison bug who was called the number one poison bug in the world 50 years ago. But he disappeared 25 years ago, but now he suddenly appears.

"If it wasn't for her appearance, I'm afraid I would not have known about your existence." Feng lingjue said with unknown meaning, and her expression became more and more indifferent and incomparable indifference. Wearing a black robe, Feng lingjue was killed.

Poison Gu old man heard Feng Ling Jue say so, Gan Kui's face is slightly a Leng, his eyes are full of fierce expression, "I really didn't expect that Acacia Gu can't take your life." The tone of the poisonous Gu old man was full of regret. Although he knew that Fengling was not easy to deal with, he was a little surprised to see that Fengling Jue had nothing to do now.

"Tell me? How did you get rid of your lovesickness This Acacia bug was improved by himself. If there is no mistake, fenglingjue should need the blood of the person who made the bug all the time. But looking around fenglingjue, there is no other woman?

Is it

"No comment." Feng lingjue stood up, and her momentum suddenly became incomparably fierce and cold, with unbearable domineering and bloodthirsty.

Feng Ling Jue went to the middle of the hall and lightly swept Gu's above the main position. There was no temperature in her eyes. Her thin lips raised a cool smile and said, "what? Aren't you going to let my son see my mother? " The voice is a mockery.

Gu Shi, who had been sitting on the table, heard Feng Ling Jue say so. A pair of angry and powerful eyes flashed with surprise. Then he slowly regained his calm and said, "jue'er has grown up a lot." The voice is not the original majesty, but also with the delicate and cheerful.

Feng lingjue heard Gu speak like this, and her eyes were full of disgust and indifference. "I didn't expect that my mother hid more powerful than I thought. Even the old poisonous Gu can be used by you."

Gu stood up from the main position and walked slowly to fenglingjue, with a smile on the corner of his mouth. No matter how he looked, it was extremely cold, without a trace of temperature. "Haoyue, there was no need to exist for a long time." This place should have disappeared long ago, and she or the reason is to let Haoyue perish.

"Why? You can do it, brother Feng Ling Jue's eyes are colder and colder.

Gu Shi looked at his hand above the finger protection, expression light said: "this is no way, Haoyue should also change the Lord in Kashgar."

"Change the master? "Yan family?" Feng Ling Jue's tone was full of irony. Looking at Gu's unspeakable irony and coldness, there was also a touch of deep darkness and unspeakable loneliness.

"Why not?" The tone is full of charming, but the words are incomparably cold“ Even if the surname is Yan, is there anything you can't do? "

Haoyue, Phoenix family, now also should pay the price they should pay. She wanted to avenge her beloved.

Now she is no longer the Yan Qingqing who is amazing in the Yan Family of Haoyue, but the corrupt and vicious Yan Qingqing who wears the face of the Empress Dowager Gu.

"Hehe... Why not be a good one?" Feng Ling Jue heard the woman in front of her say such words. Her blue eyes were cold and heartless, especially with bloodthirsty madness.

"Why kill brother?" Feng Ling Jue asked coldly in her eyes. Over the years, she thought it was Gu who killed her elder brother, but she found out recently, especially the appearance of Liu Er, which strengthened the question in her heart?

There's a conspiracy for big brother's death?

Gu Shi, no, it should be called yanqingqing at this time. Hearing Mei Qiduo say this, he has a cold and heartless smile in the corner of his mouth. There is no smile in his eyes. I have to say that fenglingjue's blue eyes really miss her. Every time I see fenglingjue, yanqingqing's heart can be said to be mixed. On the one hand, he is a member of the Phoenix family, on the other hand, he is her son.

"You don't have a big brother. I'm your only relative." Yan Qingqing's eyes at this time with endless madness, said out loud, that person is just Gu's son of humble life, since his first child died because of Gu, then I want Gu's son to die in her hands.

Feng Ling Jue looks at the woman in front of her. She is very sad. Compared with Yan Qingqing, elder brother is his only relative.

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