Just a little girl who doesn't understand. She Mei Qiduo is a man of two generations. Can you really care about her?

"Write now, and I'll deliver it for you tomorrow. In addition, not far from here, there is a stone Valley, where there is a cave, which is not bad. After a while, you'll take dry food with you, and then you'll go and live there for a few days. "

I don't know what the nurse said in her ear. Anyway, she calmed the little girl down.

At this time, Yu qiujie didn't know what to think, but she got close to the stone.

In that way, Mei Qiduo looked like a bird clinging to a person!

Mei Qiduo comes to the stone step by step. She pulls Yu qiujie and asks, "what are you doing so close to me?"

Yu qiujie was much calmer at this time. She looked at Mei Qiduo contemptuously: "nothing has been done, but it's too dark and the night is too cold here.

Just ask brother brother's plan. I heard that stone should be registered residence in the village.

But just now, it seems that brother stone has a good skill. In the small village below, it's very difficult to be a farmer.

It's better to be a guard in my father's Yamen than to dig food in the earth.

Don't worry, you and brother stone saved me. As a guard, my father can still talk.

After another year and a half, it will not be difficult to operate again and become a commander in chief of the army.

Why, Mei Qiduo, do you want to stop the stone? "

Mei Qiduo takes back her evaluation of Qiu Jie. This person is too annoying.

That high tone, a mouthful of charity smell, disgusting.

If the stone is really a normal person, this kind of good thing Mei Qiduo will not stop.

But stone has lost his memory now. Who knows what the situation is now? If the enemy recognizes him because he shows up so much, many officials can't buy him back.

Thinking of this, Mei Qiduo flatly denied: "my stone will not be a guard. Don't worry about others.

I'd better think about going back to the village for a while and explaining to my own people. "

"Bah! Mei Qiduo, you are such a bitch! Just like your mother! "

Yu qiujie was kind and asked Mei Qiduo to throw her on the ground. She was really angry.

At this time, she doesn't pretend to have a background. She goes directly to the village girl who annoys her most and scolds her.

At this time, the nanny of the magistrate's house folded the letter and came to Mei Qiduo with both hands.

"Benefactor, this is my miss's letter. Please pay more."

Her arrival interrupted Mei Qiduo's dialogue with Yu qiujie.

It can be seen that the wet nurse is kind-hearted and has the heart to protect the strange girl who is in trouble.

Meiqiduo put the letter away.

"Come on, stone Valley, which is not far from here, no one will go there.

I'm not going to take you to any hunter's hut. There will always be people who will find out, and it's not good. "

"Nurse, what are you doing with the village girl? Don't they just dazzle these thieves with overpowering drugs in their hands? If you send a letter to our family, you can still get less benefits.... "

This young lady's voice, with a trace of unspeakable pride. Let her wet nurse's face change color, for fear that they would be angry in front of them. Watch Mei Qiduo and stone carefully.

Mei Qiduo didn't care much about the magistrate's words at this time, although she hated the little girl.

But after so many things, she still has so much courage, which is praiseworthy on the whole.

At this time, Mei Qiduo deliberately introduced the stone Valley she was going to take them to.

"There is a stone Valley not far from here.

There is no grass in the valley. I'm not afraid that there are any large mammals in it to hurt people. "

The nurse said obediently: "benefactor, since the stone Valley is not far away, my young lady and I will take some food and follow you?"

Mei Qiduo looked at her with a smile and nodded.

The nurse of the Wang family didn't even think about it. She took her daughter and took flint and some dry food from the package of food stored by the bandits.

After he carried it on his back, he took his young lady to meiqiduo and the stone.

She grabbed the young lady and followed Mei Qiduo. Wang xiaocuixiao was pulled by her own nurse and staggered.

From time to time the resentment to stare at Mei Qiduo. But it's not as domineering as it was just now.

"Let's go." Mei Qiduo whispered.

After that, Mei Qiduo took a piece of burning wood from the fire to make a torch, and the party went away slowly.

Stone is at the front. He is a pioneer with a big knife. But Mei Qiduo's heart aches.

I don't know what the stone wound is like. I'm afraid it will crack again along the way.

But she wants to change with the stone, but the stone should not. Mei Qiduo knows the nature of the stone best. He is stubborn. He really wants to stand still. I'm afraid I can't go home tonight.

After only two-thirds of the way, Wang Xiaocui called. She looked at Mei Qiduo and said, "nanny, my feet hurt. You carry me!"

Then she looked straight at the stone in front of her. That's too obvious. I just want to recite.

"Benefactor, shall we stop for a while? I've been walking too long, and some of them are tired. "

Hearing the young lady's cry, Wang's nurse was very aggrieved for her own young lady, but she didn't have the strength to betray others.

He wanted to call the man in front of him, but when he thought of his young lady's innocence, he had no idea.

It's better to stop and have a rest. She doesn't know how long it will take.

Mei Qiduo's voice immediately cooled down. She has a time limit. How can she let them rest now?

For a moment, he said in a very bad voice: "OK, you can stay by yourself. Let's go ahead first. "

After that, Mei Qiduo raised her foot and went over the master and servant and followed the stone.

"Well, why are you like that? No sympathy! " Wang Xiaocui said frankly.

"We can't walk any more, and we're not asking for trouble!" Wang Xiaocui is even more dissatisfied with the village girl's attitude.

At this time, Yu qiujie is also a little tired. She can't help looking at the stone. She knows that Mei Qiduo is not easy to talk. It's better to put her hope on the stone.

"Brother stone, I'm tired too. Let's have a rest."

Yu qiujie's voice, delicate and soft, is much better than Mei Qiduo's voice.

Glared at these people, Mei Qiduo pulled the stone in front of him: "do you like to go or not, anyway, stone and I will never stop."

I don't know what time it is now. If we have a rest, they don't have to go home tonight.

Even Yu qiujie is an ignorant person. Isn't it noticeable to go back to the village in broad daylight?

The magistrate's daughter is afraid of damaging her reputation. How can the magistrate's young lady be better?

There was no room to discuss with the people in front. For a while, they were not angry. They just moved step by step and walked more slowly.

Wang Xiaocui was even more angry. Didn't she just save them?

Even if she doesn't save people, they just ask the family to send some money. Then they will be able to go home and save suffering.

Mei Qiduo sneered and glanced at them. She took the torch and didn't stop at all. Stone also follows Mei Qiduo's steps.

At this time, the nurse said again: "girl, just tell us how many roads we have taken and how long it will take us to get there."

"Yes, talking about how far away it is can always lift your heart." Yu qiujie also readily agrees.

"It's coming soon. You should be faster. " Mei Qiduo is too lazy to talk to these people.

Mei Qiduo was upset when she walked the second half of the road. She was fed up with these people's chirping.

Her body is just a little better than these people. She doesn't walk the same way.

It's just supported by perseverance.

"Look, it's a stone!" This is Wang Xiaocui's voice. It turns out that under the torch of Mei Qiduo, there are big gray stones.

The stone Valley is slightly narrow and long, with small openings on both sides and large gourd like in the middle.

There are some natural caves in it, but there are not many insects. After a little care, people have to live in them.

Mei Qiduo came to think of it just recently. Because the other part of the valley mouth is the wetland, and as long as you pass the several mile long wetland, you can get to the village mouth.

Before, there were people who wanted to dig this stone valley. It's a pity that the stones in this place will break if they are too big.

In addition, it's not easy to walk in those few miles of wetlands. There are poisonous insects in them. Every bite is a boss and a bag. It's not easy to disappear in ten days, so no one comes.

However, some villagers are not idle and troublesome. In winter, cats take chisels, transport some stones back and store them. When they come to see farming in the spring, they have idle people to use for their houses.

But it's too hard to chisel stones in winter, so those who have time are not willing to come here. For a long time, this place has not been mentioned.

Mei Qiduo's house is not very good. It's a grass house.

She also has the heart, wants to start a decent house, only then inquired about this news.

After walking around the mountain once, I learned something about it.

Fortunately, there are only two masters and servants who want to live here. It's easy to live in this small depression for two or three days.

When she got to the place, Mei Qiduo handed the torch to the people behind her. "You can live here for a few days. It will take some time for the news to come and go.

There are poisonous insects in the other part of the valley. It's hard to pass. Don't go that way. If you want to use firewood, just pick it up from our way. "

Mei Qiduo is not worried that the two people will eat less. The nanny is smart. Look at the package on her back, you know the ration is definitely enough.

"Well, you're leaving now. What can we do if there's a beast here? Or leave the dagger in your hand. "

It was Wang Xiaocui who was talking. After only one look at her, Mei Qiduo's fire lit up again.

Wang Xiaocui's eyes flashed with greedy light. Just now, in order to open the way, Mei qiduofeng used this gorgeous dagger to depict gold and Phoenix.

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