This was taken from his boots when he was carrying them.

As a small head, this dagger looks really tight.

However, Mei Qiduo didn't expect that the magistrate's young lady was thinking about it.

At this time, however, the nurse opened her mouth.

"Benefactor, we didn't take the thief's knife just now. Now we are really unarmed. If you leave a knife in this mountain, we can defend ourselves. "

Mei Qiduo is not a sentimental person. She has lived a generation as a mercenary. It's a joke to want her to be compassionate.

If it wasn't for Mei Xiaolan of the Mei family, she would have put all her sincerity on her daughter.

Let her appreciate the sincerity of a mother, she will not stay in Mei's house.

And if the stone doesn't really lose his memory, and he still really looks good, he has a taste for her.

She wouldn't let a stranger in.

Of course, she does not deny that the property on the stone is also an important condition to attract her.

Now it's impossible for two strangers to want what she handed over.

But for the sake of the village she lived in, she didn't turn into an outlet. At this time, she was a little bit more temperamental. For the sake of their safety, Mei Qiduo didn't leave any weapons.

"You wait. I'll get you some weapons." With that, Mei Qiduo took the stone's hand and walked hurriedly on the way.

Out of the cave, the stone asked, "seven flowers, I have a firewood knife here. Why did you pull me out?"

Mei Qiduo glared at him: "what do you think? They have two masters and servants. Which one is with a knife.

Don't mention big Dao. Even our firewood Dao is not something they can dance with. I'm looking for you to make two wooden sticks with sharp ends. It's just a good look.

You really want to keep our knife! Hum... "

The stone's hand called Mei Qiduo to pull very tightly. Listening to the evil voice of seven duo, he not only didn't feel angry, but had a sweet feeling.

At this time, in the shanwozi, Miss Wang said to Yu qiujie, "sister, you look like an official miss, too?

Do you want to come back to Fucheng with me? "

Yu qiujie's eyes glittered, "no need." Then he stayed aside and said nothing.

Yu qiujie is afraid that if she talks too much, she will lose. Now the young lady of the magistrate's family is in trouble, but is her family status really good?

Therefore, Yu qiujie didn't even say her name, let alone communicate with her.

Just like that, Mei Qiduo and Shi Shi came back against some homemade guns.

They are all made of small tree trunks that one hand can hold. The stone sharpens one end, about one meter and four long, just enough for these women.

It's too long for them to carry the weight of the gun. It's too short for people who don't know anything.

"Why is this thing?" Wang Xiaocui asked in surprise. "

Mei Qiduo glared at her. This man is really annoying. He was saved and didn't mean to thank. Instead, he made the appearance that you lower class people should save me.

"I can take a knife, but you must be able to move it. I can't even move that knife, which is heavy from the beginning to the end. Do you want to defend yourself with that?

Don't say I look down on you. These four or five sticks and guns, tied together, are much lighter than a knife. If you dance three or five times, you will bring you a knife. "


As soon as I entered the cave, it was quiet and there was nothing to say.

"Come on, I'll go. You can wait for the letter here. Remember, don't run around outside the Valley this time.

Those thieves don't know if they have any accomplices. It's a real accident. Don't involve others.

It's midday when you burn a fire and collect firewood. "

After that, Mei Qiduo, no matter what the master and servant thought, turned and pulled the stone out of the cave.

Followed by Yu qiujie. Mei Qiduo took a look at her, but didn't say much. She went back to the village together, and she was not alone.

From a group of wooden sticks at the back, she took two self-made long wooden sticks one meter up and down, which she wanted to tie to her feet.

That's how she walked back and forth from the wetland. At this time, Mei Qiduo can still remember the route. I'm not afraid of the middle.

First bind yourself, and then sign for them to do so, then they will be the first to enter the wetland at the mouth of the valley.

However, before entering the wetland, Mei Qiduo asked us to carry two more sticks on our backs.

We still need to keep one as a backup. If something goes wrong in the middle of the way, we may not be able to make it this evening.

This land is really hard to walk, Yu qiujie just walked a few steps, can't help but stop.

"Brother stone, I really can't go this way." She keeps cycling her eyes on stone and meiqiduo.

The twinkling look of eyes is clearly to make people back.

Meiqiduo stood aside and said nothing. She was really angry. But Yu qiujie can't do this.

"In this way, you go in the middle, I and the stone on both sides, if you really can't go. You will stay in this stone Valley tonight and go back tomorrow morning. "

However, Yu qiujie cried: "Mei Qiduo, I can't imagine you are so vicious. In the broad daylight tomorrow, what's the matter if I didn't return last night?

Do you want to destroy my innocence if your family is not innocent? "

That's too bad. Mei Qi Duo is so angry that she shivers all over. What does it mean that my family is not innocent?

Didn't Mei Xiaolan give birth to me? I haven't been married these years. You are innocent on the left and innocent on the right.

It's really a treasure made of jade.

"Seven, I'll carry her." The stone whispered.

Mei Qiduo's face was ugly. She looked at the stone in surprise.

The stone pulled her close to her ear: "now, it's almost two hours.

If yu qiujie suddenly sleeps in the middle of the wetland, isn't it still you? This time, you listen to me. "

Mei Qiduo was silent. Stone is right. Yu qiujie really recited it.

Mei Qiduo glared at the stone and turned away.

Stone squatted down without saying a word, "come on up, I'll carry you, but I'll say it first.

Don't move. I'm really in the wet with a stick under my feet. I'm afraid neither of us can get up. "

Yu qiujie gave a little cheer: "brother stone, I knew you were the best."

With that, she quickly jumped on the back of the stone, for fear that Mei Qiduo would do something bad.

Sure enough, just half the way, Yu qiujie really fell asleep. Mei Qiduo can't put Yu qiujie in her own house, and her house has no place for Yu qiujie.

You can't let stones live on the floor anymore. It's very cold now.

Therefore, there is no way, or by the stone in qiujie back to her place.

Mei Qiduo stood alone at the door of the house, staring at the direction of the stone.

After waiting for a long time, the stone didn't come back. Mei Qiduo was in a hurry.

Fortunately, the lights in the village have not been on, which can also make Mei Qi feel a little relieved.

When the stone turned to go home, Mei Qiduo cooked the hot water early, waiting for him to come back.

Seeing the little oil lamp in the room, the stone's heart warmed.

Just standing at the door for a while, the stone quietly opened the door and entered the house.

"Why did you come back so late? You can't tell Yu qiujie to stay

Mei Qiduo's words had a sour smell, but she didn't notice it at all.

"No, there are still two servants in her family. It took some effort to keep them quiet for a while."

"Are you all right?" Mei Qiduo is so surprised that she thinks the stone has started with someone.

Stone awkwardly stares at Mei Qiduo's little hand and probes back and forth on him.

"No, I used the rest of the ecstasy."

Mei Qiduo didn't stop. "Take off your clothes quickly. Let me see if your wound is cracked?"

Stone obediently let Mei seven check, "the wound is OK, don't believe you see is."

At this time, Mei Qiduo's stomach grunted, but she didn't eat all the time. Naturally, she would be hungry.

Stone grabbed Mei Qiduo's hand and said, "you are hungry. I've heated my meal on the stove. I'd better take it first and then apply the medicine. My wound is not urgent. "

In the moment of grasping Mei Qiduo's hand, the little hand in his hand shrank unnaturally.

Stone surprised, regardless of Mei Qiduo's will, rolled up her sleeve.

There was a terrible cut in the white arm, which was startling.

"I'll give you the medicine!" Stone heartache to get the powder. Although the wound grew on Mei Qiduo, he felt that he was also in pain.

"Stone, I'm hungry." Mei Qiduo said in a soft voice. At the same time, he also rubbed his stomach with his hands to show that he was really hungry.

Staring at Mei Qiduo, the stone falls to the bottom, puts down the medicine bottle in hand, goes to the stove, and takes rice for him.

Stone was angry and funny at this time. He knew that the little girl was careless in front of him, but looking at her pitiful appearance, he had to compromise.

However, taking advantage of this gap, he looked at Mei Qiduo's coat. There was no other damage except some scratches on the grass leaves and branches, so he was relieved.

Meiqiduo quietly put down her sleeve. Her injury is nothing, but it was scratched by walking on the mountain.

There are not many medicines at home now. It's OK to use them close to the stone. After so many things happened tonight, I'm afraid the medicine is not enough. I'd better save it if I can.

After watching Mei Qiduo wolf down the meal, they were already too sleepy to open their eyes.

Otherwise Mei Qiduo insisted that the stone would like to save the upper wound.

However, this time he did not sleep on the ground, as if he had no sense of security. He had to hold Mei Qiduo's hand to fall asleep.

Fortunately, the Kang is big enough to sleep for two people.

In the warmth, the tired Mei Qiduo closed her eyes. Suddenly, she remembered that she had to get up early tomorrow and go to the city to deliver letters.

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