The next morning, Mei Qiduo got up. She thought that she would go to the city to deliver letters today. Although there was a letter written by Miss Wang, she still made a perfect plan. It seemed that she would go to stone Valley again.

Thinking of Miss Wang, Mei Qiduo had a headache.

"Stone, I'll go to stone Valley to give them some food later, and then I'll go to the city." Mei Qiduo turned to the stone.

Stone good-looking eyes flash surprised, according to his understanding, Mei seven flower is not such a fussy person, "en."

Mei Qiduo doesn't care about the stone's reply. She supports most of the things she decides. If they just send letters, if they have any other plans, don't blame her for being rude.

In a cave in stone valley.

"Nanny, is that village girl really going to deliver the letter?" Wang Xiaocui slept in the cave all night. She was already dissatisfied. What if they didn't want to send the letter?

"Miss, since they have saved us, they will certainly save us to the end." Nanny is also a little uncertain. After all, with the master's character, they are terrible... They are more or less bad!

"Well! I said, "it seems that they are not good people, especially the village girl." Wang Xiaocui is very indignant to say, think of stone handsome face, light blush.

Nanny hurriedly went to pull her own young lady and said, "it can't be said like this. It's not them. Maybe we will be more miserable..." nanny just wanted to say something when she heard footsteps outside and quickly took Wang Xiaocui to hide.

"Anybody?" Mei Qiduo came into the empty cave and picked her eyebrows. Did she go by herself?

Nanny heard that it was Mei Qiduo's voice. She was relieved. Fortunately, she was not a bad person. She didn't make any mistakes at the crucial point and came out“ Girl, here we are

Mei Qi duo nodded and said to the nurse, "I've brought some food here, but the countryside is not as good as the city." Naturally, it was for Miss Wang.

The wet nurse sighed in her heart, with a smile on her face, "no, No."

Wang Xiaocui saw that only Mei Qiduo came alone and no one followed. She was disappointed. When she saw the food she brought, her eyes were full of discontent. "Hum, that's for sure. After all, it's a rural place."

Mei Qiduo looks at the disappointment in Wang Xiaocui's eyes and naturally understands why she is disappointed. She doesn't know why she feels uncomfortable. When she hears Wang Xiaocui say this, she gets angry and drives you to look down on her. "In the countryside, there is no room for your noble identity. You'd better hurry up."

"You..." Wang Xiaocui was very angry. She knew they couldn't go carelessly. She did it on purpose“ You wait. If I go back to... "

Before Wang Xiaocui finished, she was covered by the nurse and said cautiously, "girl, my girl is still young. I hope I don't care about her."

Small? Mei Qiduo sneers in her heart. It seems that the Wang's nurse is not a good friend. She is not the only one who cares about her. Forget it, after today, she is a stranger. Why bother“ Today I'm going to send a letter to the city. You can give me a token or something. I'm afraid it's only letters. Your family won't believe it. "

Nanny even said yes, quickly took Wang Xiaocui's purse, "this purse is embroidered by his wife, then they must believe it."

Mei Qiduo took it and went out. When she got to the door of the cave, she turned her head and looked at them and said, "please don't have any thoughts, otherwise..." so she showed her cold murderous spirit.

The nurse nodded quickly, saying that she would not have any thoughts.

If Mei Qiduo knew that what she did today left a hidden danger in the future, would she regret what she did today.

Due to the delay in going to stone Valley, Mei Qiduo returned home almost noon. The city is far away and needs to come and meet one day. It seems that it's impossible to walk. It seems that she must go by car. Mei Qiduo regretted that she really paid and worked hard.

"What's the matter?" Stone seems to feel Mei Qi duo's discouraged breath, turning to look at her.

"I regret it." Some of them are powerless. She doesn't care about money at all. But since she came here, she has never been rich and has to do something thankless.

"Yes?" Stone has some doubts. What do you regret?

"It's a pity that I have to spend money to go to the city." Mei Qiduo said with a look of a financial fan.

When the stone saw Mei Qiduo's money fan, he didn't feel any disgust in his heart. On the contrary, he felt very cute. His little face was full of tangled expression, and his eyes were shining, which was very good-looking. The corner of the stone's mouth involuntarily raised a happy smile, full of happy way: "you can be a little rich woman now, don't think I don't know those robbers' treasures are hidden by you."

Mei Qiduo heard the stone say so, quickly covered his mouth with his hand, and said in a low voice: "Shh! Keep your voice down. Don't be heard How did he know? He was very careful.

The smile in the stone's eyes was even worse. Although Mei Qiduo covered his mouth, he didn't feel any unhappy. He whispered, "don't worry, no one will know."

The warm breath pours on Mei Qiduo's palm, not hot, but inexplicably makes her heart speed up, and her face turns slightly red. She quickly takes it down, looks at the soft eyes in the stone's eyes, and immediately lowers her head. It's so good-looking. What can I do? Isn't it a teaser“ Let's... Let's go to the city, or it's too late. " He hastened to cover up his gaffe.

The stone looked at her disguised look, his eyes became more and more gentle, and whispered, "OK."

I'd better not expose her. After all, some scenery is rare.

The palace in the city.

"I haven't found Miss yet." Master Wang, the master of the palace, said anxiously, with a mixed look. It has been two days since his daughter disappeared. He said that he had gone to visit relatives. But if he was sent back, he didn't know what outsiders said, then everything would be over. After all, how could a woman with a bad reputation live in this world. Thinking of this, Master Wang's face was full of shadow.

When the servants around saw their master's look like this, they were very afraid and replied with trembling: "not yet."

"A bunch of waste, what a bunch of waste. What's the use of the Wang family raising you." Master Wang was very angry and dropped the cup on the table to the ground. His face was full of haze.

The people around dare not go out, for fear of accidentally getting angry.

This is, from outside ran in a servant, holding a letter, mouth said: "master, master, found." The housekeeper was also a quick talker. He explained the matter clearly in two words. "Today, someone in the post station took this letter and the lady's purse and said that the lady is well now. Let's go to pick her up and go back to her house."

On hearing this, Master Wang quickly took the letter and purse in the servant's hand. He saw clearly that it was his daughter's handwriting, and that the purse was also his daughter's. He quickly asked, "do you know who sent it to the post station?"

The servant shook his head and said, "the people in this post station didn't say that. The messenger left after delivering the letter."

Master Wang is holding the letter, and his brow is even more tightly wrinkled. The Wang family is also a famous family in the city. If you know that Miss Wang's family has been dragged to the mountain, even if there is nothing to do, she will be said. Then there is no one in her daughter's family. How can cui'er get married. Master Wang made a decision in his heart, "go and ask the housekeeper to come."


The housekeeper hurried over. When he saw what Master Wang had in his hand, he knew clearly that it was because of the young lady's business. "What can I tell you?"

"Go and find out who delivered the letter to the post station today." Mr. Wang said in a gloomy tone.

"My Lord wants to..." the housekeeper didn't say the rest, but he knew it clearly in his heart.

"Cui'er's reputation can't be tainted. She's been dragged to the mountain this time. If she's known, there will be trouble in the future. In this world, only the dead have the tightest mouth." Master Wang said in a cruel tone that he would rather kill by mistake than let it go. After all, it is related to the future.

Although the housekeeper was surprised at Master Wang's decision, he still said respectfully, "yes." When he was ready to step down, he was called Zhu by Master Wang.

"Wait, you're sending some people to get the lady back."

"Yes, I'll arrange it for the little one."

For the moment, no matter what the Wangs are planning, Mei Qiduo and Shitou go shopping after sending the letter. It's the first time for Mei Qiduo to stroll through the streets of Chengfu. Looking at the shouting and some jewelry Rouge shops, Mei Qiduo's eyes flicker with curiosity. Look at this and feel this.

Stone really can't see past, "like to buy."

Mei Qi duo curled her lips. "Just look at it. Besides, I have a lot of money now."

Stone heard Mei Qiduo say so, sighed in the heart, really take him no way, "next time, rich, I buy it for you."

Mei Qiduo heard the stone say like this, his eyes flashed a look of joy, coquettish way: "you said, can't break your promise." If you break your promise, I will never forgive you again.

Stone touched the head that touched plum seven, soft voice way: "won't break a promise, rest assured."

"I'm afraid you don't dare. Let's go and go home. Everything has been done today."

Stone nodded and took Mei Qiduo's hand to walk towards the gate of the city. Mei Qiduo was staring at his cool hand tightly held by his warm hand. There was a flash of emotion in his eyes, which was too fast for people to grasp.

Stone, don't break your promise.

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