After yesterday, Mei Qiduo is not in charge of whether the Wangs send someone to meet them in the stone valley. She has already done what she should do. She is the killer, so it's just a burden to sympathize with him. She and Shi Shi resumed their previous life. Every day they went up the mountain to collect herbs and wild vegetables. It was almost October today. The air in ancient times had not been seriously polluted, so winter was really cold. If we don't save money to build a house now, then this winter will be really hard.

Although Mei Qiduo wanted to use the robbers' gold and silver treasures, he also knew that the unknown treasure would cause people's speculation. Mei Qiduo was a little discouraged at the thought.

It's really troublesome. It's a rich man and he has to pretend to be poor. Mei Qiduo really wants to say three character classic.

Stone looked at Mei Qiduo, for a while, he thought of something. His eyes were shining and full of looks, but for a while, he went dark again. There he sighed and sighed. He must be thinking about money, "worrying about money."

Stone has never understood why Mei Qiduo likes money so much, but inexplicably, he feels very real, vivid, smiling and smiling, all of which are amorous feelings.

Mei Qiduo didn't want to hide the stone. She was just curious. How did he know, "well." Now she is very short of money, not ordinary, but very short.

Stone saw through Mei Qiduo's careful thinking at a glance, how did he know? It's not because it's too obvious that people can see through her mind at a glance“ Don't worry. Those should have cash. " I really don't know whether she is smart or stupid.

Mei Qiduo heard the stone say so, suddenly enlightened, right! How can I forget that it didn't take much to build a house in ancient times. Thirty or forty Liang is enough to build a good house. In addition, I saved some stones a few months ago. "You are so smart." Mei Qi duo fiercely hugs the stone, how did he not think of it.

When the stone was hugged by Mei Qiduo, his whole body was as rigid as wood. His face was as white as jade, with a slight blush. When he looked at the petite body in his arms, his eyes were full of doting“ Well... How are you? "

It's a pleasure to be praised by her.

Mei Qiduo is immersed in the joy of building a house. She doesn't notice the difference of the stone at all. If she looks up at this time, she will see the deep-sea blue eyes full of tenderness.

"Niang, I'm going to pick some wild vegetables in the mountains with Shitou." Mei Qiduo came out of stone's arms and ran to the room to talk to Mei Xiaolan.

Stone looked at Mei Qiduo shaking and smiling. Now her whole mind was attracted by silver. She thought of her petite and soft body in her arms just now, with faint herbal fragrance. Her eyes were deep and dark.

Mei Qiduo and stone happily went to the mountain to take the robber's money, and some places were really not so good. For example, the king's family in the city.

"Dad, can you teach your daughter a lesson?" After Wang Xiaocui was taken home, she thought more and more of Mei Qiduo's mockery of her. She was the daughter of the mansion, and she was just a small village girl. Why should she monopolize brother stone? After her father promised himself, she could see brother stone every day. Thinking of this, Wang Xiaocui blushed.

Who is master Wang? Although he can't be regarded as an old fox, at least he has a vicious eye. He can see what his daughter thinks at a glance. He's afraid that it's a false lesson and what she wants is true“ Oh, who are you going to teach? " Master Wang's tone was slightly cloudy.

Wang Xiaocui didn't recognize the shadow in Master Wang's tone. Instead, she was very happy. It seemed that her father agreed, "it's a village girl. She bullies her daughter." Wang Xiaocui's eyes are full of shame and yearning.

"Well, I'm very brave. I'm from that village." Mr. Wang asked carelessly.

Wang Xiaocui was stunned. She didn't know, "my daughter doesn't know, but she has a stone brother around her..."

"Peng." Master Wang's angry corners of his mouth twitched slightly and said in a sharp voice: "you're not kneeling down yet."

Wang Xiaocui's eyes are full of unbelievable. When she looks at Master Wang, her eyes are full of grievances. "Dad, you are a fierce daughter." Although she is a daughter's family, but because the family is her daughter, so it is very doting, few people so fierce her.

"Well! You are good at being fierce. A dignified City lady wants to occupy a village man. " Looking at the daughter, Master Wang was very disappointed. He thought she was smart, but he didn't think she was so stupid.

Wang Xiaocui heard that Master Wang was so careless that she said what she thought in her heart. She handed in her handkerchief and whispered, "no daughter." I have no confidence.

"Well, better not." Master Wang shook his sleeve and said faintly: "I'll stay in the room these days. I'm not allowed to go anywhere, otherwise..." the eyes of Wang Xiaocui were cold.

Wang Xiaocui trembled. Even in ignorance, she knew that Master Wang was really angry this time. She even said, "my daughter knows." Eyes down, face full of anger, you don't teach her, I'll do it myself.

"Hum." Master Wang went out in a cold voice.

When Master Wang went out, Wang Xiaocui ruthlessly swept all the things on the table to the ground, which was seriously full of tears. "Nanny, dad was cruel to me."

The nurse sighed. Master, it's all for the young lady. Although that girl looked like a village girl that day, she was full of style... But now she really can't say it. She quickly advised: "Miss, don't say it like this. Master is for your own good."

"Hum... If he doesn't help me teach the village girl, I'll do it myself." The tone is full of discontent, I don't believe it. It's not easy for a city lady to teach a village girl.

Think of let Mei Qiduo clear arrogant eyes full of infinite panic, and stone with a gentle voice called himself, Wang Xiaocui face is full of shame and cruel.

Mei Qiduo doesn't know that she has been calculated. At this time, she is looking at the treasure with the saliva of the bus.

"Stone, you see, so much gold and silver, rich, rich." Mei Qiduo's eyes are full of copper coin symbols.

Stone some black line, how so greedy, but... He inexplicably like, "saliva out."

Mei Qiduo heard the stone say so, raised her hand to wipe the saliva that no longer exists, and didn't care that the stone teased her, "stone, I tell you, I will become the richest man in the future."

"Yes." Stone silently put the cash into his arms.

"You don't believe it." Mei Qiduo picks her eyebrows, but does she dare to believe her.


"But you are silent."

"I just wonder how long it will take you to be the richest man." The stone rubbed his forehead. If he continued to talk like this, I'm afraid there would be no result. He quickly changed the topic.

Mei Qiduo raised her eyebrows slightly, and a confident smile came up at the corner of her mouth. Her eyes were shining, which made her eyes unable to move for a long time“ Two years at most, I will be the richest man. " He used to be a killer, but now he has become a businessman here. Mei Qiduo's identity change is not bad.

Stone saw the self-confidence in Mei Qiduo's eyes, and suddenly he didn't want to let people see her so dazzling, "en, let's go home, it's getting dark."

"Well, go home." Plum seven corners of the mouth show a bright smile, solved a matter in the heart, it seems that even the mood has become sunny.

On the way back, Mei Qiduo walked in front, singing catch loach in his mouth, and stone walked behind. Looking at Mei Qiduo who was so happy, his mouth also raised a happy smile.

No matter whether she becomes the richest man or not, she is always by her side.


Haoyue palace.

The emperor usually deals with government affairs in the Xuanwu hall.

Haoyue emperor fengqingchen looked at the mountain of memorials piled up on the table. Her pretty eyebrows wrinkled slightly. Uncle Huang seemed to have no news. She said to the air, "shadow."

In Xuanwu hall, there were several people wearing black brocade. The discerning people could see at a glance that the Royal dark guards were all experts. "See you, Emperor."

"Have you heard from Uncle Huang?" Feng Qing dust languidly asks a way, the tone is taking light worry.

"Not yet." Head dark Wei secretly swallowed saliva, has been looking for months, still no Ling king of any news, the emperor has no patience. If they can't find Ling Wang, their fate will not be good.

Feng Qingchen looked at several people kneeling in front of him with a gloomy face. His tone was bloodthirsty. "It seems that I have raised you for nothing." Although it is light, but for no reason to let a few people behind the cold sweat.

"Please forgive me." The head of the dark Wei just bite teeth back to the road, they did not protect the Lord, really make their dereliction of duty, they can't say.

"Waste, it's a group of waste. Even one person can't be protected. What's the use of you?" Feng Qingchen's eyes are cold and anxious. Uncle Huang has been missing for several months, and the dark guard can't find any information and trace. The longer the time goes on, the more uneasy his heart is.

None of the following people dare to go out. The relationship between King Ling and the emperor has always been close. Now, the king has been missing for several months. I'm afraid someone in the court has discovered something. After all, the king of a country hasn't gone to court for several months. Although King Ling has always been free, it still makes people aware of the clues.

"Well! If you can't find the Lord, you don't have to come back. " Feng Qingchen waved to let them go down and looked at the distant sky. He didn't know what he was thinking. His eyes were full of sigh and worry.

"Yes." With that, he disappeared in the temple as if nothing had happened.

They all know that if they can't find Ling Wang, they will die.

Feng Qing Chen rubbed his forehead, looked up at the moonlight and sighed.

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