When it was still dark that day, Mei Qiduo had already woken up. Because she was thinking about something in her heart, she couldn't sleep. She had to sell the herbal medicine she picked a few days ago and go to the town to ask a better Mason.

"Mother, are you up?" Usually Mei Qiduo doesn't get up so early. Generally Mei Xiaolan gets up earlier.

"Up, DOR, why are you so early today?" Mei Xiaolan looked at Mei Qiduo with some doubts. Since last time, her daughter won't get up too early.

Mei Qiduo said with a smile, "mother, I'm going to sell some herbs in the town today." There are other things, of course.

"Remember to go and return early." Mei Xiaolan said with concern, "take the stone with you. You're a girl. I don't trust you."

"I see, mother." Mei Qiduo's advice to Mei Xiaolan was to take the stone with her.

"You wait a moment, mother to make breakfast, after breakfast to go." Mei Xiaolan looked at Mei Qiduo lovingly, and her heart was full of complexity and comfort.


After breakfast, Mei Qiduo and stone walked towards the village with a bamboo basket on their back. Mei Xiaolan stood at the door of her house and looked at Mei Qiduo's back in a daze, with a complex look in her eyes.

Because it was still early, the visibility was not very high. When they got to the big poplar at the entrance of the village, there were already two cars and some market people waiting. When they saw Mei Qiduo and the stone, some people looked at them unfathomably.

Mei Qiduo walked up to one of the old men with white hair and said with a smile, "Uncle Li, let's take a ride. Here are four copper plates. Please keep them."

After all, the old man lived most of his life. He didn't hear Mei Qiduo's words like the villagers. He smoothed his beard with a smile and nodded, "Oh, duo'er, come on up and go right away."

"All right." Meiqiduo returns with a smile.

It's just that the old man is easy to talk. It doesn't mean that the people beside him are the same as him. Someone opens his mouth with a high pitched voice and a sharp tone.

"Oh, who should I be? It turns out that he is a wild seed. He is rich when he is a young lady. With a wild man, what are you going to do? "

"Big Zhuang Niang, what are you talking about? Can the wild seed be a big miss?"

"That is, Lao Li Tou, you old people can't pull them, such people do your car, this is not to let us be stained with bad luck, so later who dare to do your car."

"Yes, yes, Lao Li Tou, you can't pull this wild seed, or we won't sit. Close to the wild seed with coquettish mother, we are not affected by bad luck? I don't think men dislike me

A few women, pointing at Mei Qiduo and stone, there was no cover up for the dislike and disgust in the tone.

"You're looking for..."

"Stone." Stone heard this slander Mei Qiduo, blue eyes full of evil spirit, looking at those women's eyes full of murderous, just about to say something, Mei Qiduo stopped.

In fact, Mei Qiduo didn't feel anything in her heart. These words fell in her ears, as if they had nothing to do with her. What she said was like an insignificant person.

She looked at the stone and said faintly, "stone, if the dog bites you, do you want to bite back?". What's more, some people are not as good as dogs. After all, dogs know how to wag their tails when they eat other people's food. Some people just chew their tongue behind their backs, which is worse than pigs and dogs. "

"No, it's dirty." Stone looked at Mei Qiduo with a faint smile in his eyes.

Plum seven corners of the mouth bloom a smile, say: "that is not, why care."

"Little bitch, who do you think is worse than pigs and dogs? You tell me clearly, otherwise, I will never finish with you. " Big Zhuang Niang heard Mei Qiduo's words and knew that she had taken their rabbit meat last time, but she said it carelessly at this time. Big Zhuang Niang stared at Mei Qiduo angrily.

Who knows Mei Qiduo has not been affected by her anger at all, a pair of black deep beautiful eyes, a light glance at Da Zhuang Niang, only one eye, but her heart seems to see a ghost in general, scared to say nothing.

Her eyes were as cold as ice, not as soft and joyful as facing the stone beside her, like Shura from hell, with chilly fear like blood.

Mei Qiduo faintly took back her eyes and said gently to the old man: "Uncle Li, are you still going? If they don't leave, I'll take my uncle's car today. What do you think? "

"Come on, if anyone doesn't want to, don't get in the car." The old man looked at the women with long mouths, but he couldn't see the happiness and anger in his eyes. It was Mei Qiduo's performance today that surprised him.

Several women heard the old man say so, just angrily shut up, but looking at Mei Qiduo's eyes are full of disdain and disgust. Especially Da Zhuang Niang, looking at Mei Qi duo, would like to tear Mei Qi duo's mouth.

Although it was a bit rough at the beginning, people also realized that Mei Qiduo was no longer scolded by others, and did not dare to offend him at will. But the big Zhuang Niang looked at Mei Qiduo and the stone angrily, and her eyes turned around between them. She secretly hated her, little bitch. She even scolded her that she was better than a pig or a dog. She believed it without giving her a lesson.

Da Zhuang Niang didn't notice that one of the people was looking at her all the time, with deep and fierce eyes. It depends on what you can do.

Little by little, the sun is on the other side of the sky. Suddenly, the mist in the whole sky is gradually dispersing. In front of them, a archway appeared in front of them and wrote: Castle Peak town.

Make an appointment with Uncle Li. It's like walking around town.

Mei Qiduo and Shitou go to baicaotang with a bamboo basket on their back. When they entered the town last time, they had already inquired about it. Baicaotang is the largest pharmacy in the town and the most reasonable price, so Mei Qiduo didn't hesitate to go there.

"Miss Mei, you are here. Our shopkeeper is in it. Just a moment, I'll go to the shopkeeper." When the smart guy saw Mei Qiduo, he quickly met her.

Mei Qi duo nodded and said, "no problem, we'll wait here for a while."

The man turned and ran into the inner hall. After a while, a middle-aged man in a long shirt, who looked like he was in his forties, came out. When he saw Mei Qiduo, his eyes lit up and he quickly met her“ Miss Mei, is there any good herbal medicine this time Last time, the girl brought some good herbs. It seems that this time, there are some better herbs.

When Mei Qiduo heard the shopkeeper say this, she took down the bamboo basket she was carrying on her back. "I'm lucky this time, just some Angelica sinensis, Panax notoginseng and Polygonum multiflorum."

When the shopkeeper heard this, his eyes were very bright, and he said excitedly: "there is Polygonum multiflorum."

Mei Qiduo nodded and looked at the excited shopkeeper with a smile. She said with a smile, "shopkeeper Xu, baicaotang is the most fair pharmacy in the town. I believe shopkeeper Xu will give me a fair price."

When shopkeeper Xu heard Mei Qiduo say this, he laughed even more happily. He praised both baicaotang and him. This girl is very good at speaking. He said hurriedly, "it's natural. I think the quality of Mei's herbal medicine is also very good. Well, I'll give you 15 Liang silver. Do you want to see Mei?"

Mei Qiduo didn't care about how much these herbs could be sold. After all, he just went on to sell herbs for demonstration. He said hurriedly, "yes, baicaotang is really the most reasonable pharmacy."

Mei Qiduo is holding 15 Liang, with a smile on the corner of her mouth. It seems that she has a good income today. It's more than enough to build a house. Thinking that she won't have to live in the thatched cottage in the future, Mei Qiduo is more happy.

"Come on, stone, let's go find the Mason and let's build a house." Take the stone by the hand and walk forward.

The stone looked at Mei Qiduo, shook his head and smiled, very much like a child.

Because Mei Qiduo was late and had a lot of things, she didn't get into Uncle Li's car. She came back two hours later than those women.

Mei Xiaolan looks at the sky getting late, but Mei Qiduo and Shitou still don't come back. It's hard to avoid some anxiety in her heart. She keeps anxiously walking around the door. Why don't the two children come back. When Mei Xiaolan was very anxious, she heard Mei Qiduo's voice.

"Mother, we are back." Mei Qiduo saw Mei Xiaolan walking at the door. She was very clear and warm. After all, no one had ever worried about her before.

"Just come back, just come back. It's late. My mother is worried." Mei Xiaolan looked up and down at Mei Qiduo. After making sure she was all right, she gave a sigh of relief.

"Niang, I made money today and bought a lot of things. In a few days, my family will build a house." Mei Qiduo said with a smile.

"Building a house? Really. " Mei Xiaolan can't believe it. His family is going to build a house. It's good, it's good... Mei Xiaolan looks at Mei Qiduo with joy and love in her eyes. Her flower grows up.

"Of course..." Mei Qi duo's words had not finished, but was interrupted by the rush of blessing God.

"Sister in law, Xiao Qiduo, it's said in the village that you eloped with a wild man." Blessing God is running to come over, see seven big bag small bag to carry home, a sigh of relief.

"Her blessing God, you... What did you say?" Mei Xiaolan's eyes are full of panic. Her seven flowers are standing here. How can there be such a rumor?

"Sister-in-law, I just passed by the village head's house. I heard them all say that there are wild men outside xiaoqiduo. If you buy it, it's also the wild man who gives her money." The blessing God looked at the stone carefully. The wild man is a stone, but isn't this stone Qiduo's cousin? Fortune has some doubts.

"Dor... What can I do?" Mei Xiaolan's eyes are full of despair. Her daughter has been rumored like this. How can she get married in the future?

Mei Qi duo's mouth is slightly pursed. Her eyes are as deep and cold as ink. Hum, and she's killing her bloodthirsty temperament when she comes here. It seems that some people just like to bully the good and fear the evil. If they don't teach a good lesson, they just don't have a long memory.

"Niang, it's OK. I know who it is. I'll find her myself later. You go back to the room first." Mei Qiduo comforts Mei Xiaolan, and her eyes are full of ruthlessness.

The stone looked at Mei Qiduo's fierce and bloodthirsty eyes, and a smile came up at the corners of her mouth. She didn't think there was anything wrong with her.

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