In the countryside, if there is a little disturbance in one's family, it will spread again in the whole village. After all, there are no entertainment programs in the countryside, and some women can only use gossip to solve the problem.

"Da Zhuang Niang, do you really see seven flowers eloping with others?" A woman looks at the woman in front of her with a little doubt. Everyone in the village knows it. At this time, she didn't believe it.

"Jade her mother, I can't cheat, that small wave hoof is just like her mother, full of coquettish spirit." Big Zhuang Niang heard someone question her. Staring at the woman just now, he turned to everyone and said, "I saw it when I went to town. That little bitch was protecting the wild man. When I came back, it was still a big bag. It must have been bought by the wild man."

"Yes! So poor, how come it's all big and small bags coming back to town these few months. " Thought the woman sour said.

"No, that little bitch went to the village head's house to steal food a few months ago? Sweet scented osmanthus, don't you Zhuang Niang looked at the village head's daughter-in-law and said, hum, that little bitch, if you don't teach her a good lesson, it's just a pot of rabbit meat. You really think you're a miss.

When the village head's daughter-in-law heard Da Zhuang Niang ask her, she scolded the woman in her heart and said with a smile: "no, alas! It's because she's pathetic that she didn't report to the official. "

They all said yes with a smile, but they all knew that the village head's daughter-in-law was the one who suffered losses. Mei Qiduo was almost killed by the village head's daughter-in-law a few months ago, but they didn't say it. Fortunately, they said it like this. When the village head's little grandson was born a few months ago, he borrowed fine grain from the Mei family. It's really funny to say it like this.

"Is, that little bitch is..." big strong Niang just want to say what was Mei Qi duo's voice to interrupt.

"What is it? Zhuang Niang, who did you just say is a bitch? I'd like to know. " Mei Qiduo looked at the crowd with a smile, but his eyes were full of deep.

Big Zhuang Niang heard Mei Qiduo's voice and was startled. When she saw Mei Qiduo's deep eyes, her legs were a little weak. But she thought that in front of so many people, I don't dare to do anything to herself. "Look... What you look at, I'm telling you the truth. If you have the ability, you can tell us where you got your money today." Big Zhuang Niang's eyes flashed greed and expectation. The village had just suffered the locust plague, and many grains were not harvested, but the little bitch was carrying home with big bags.

Mei Qiduo swept all the people's faces, and all the people's faces were greedy. Mei Qiduo hummed coldly in her heart and wanted to pay attention. Mei Qiduo suddenly raised a sincere smile and said, "Oh... Aunt Zhuang wants to know this!"

When they heard Mei Qiduo say this, they pricked up their ears for fear of missing the opportunity to get rich. Aunt Zhuang, in particular, said eagerly, "tell me how you made a fortune."

Mei Qiduo smiled and said, "Alas, aunt Dazhuang, you and I are neighbors. As the saying goes, distant relatives are better than close neighbors. Of course, I want to help aunt Dazhuang get rich." Get rich? Dream, this time I want you to have a hard time.

When people heard Mei Qiduo say this, they suddenly looked at Aunt Zhuang with different eyes. It turned out that the mother-in-law slandered Mei Qiduo for the sake of this matter, and wanted to get rich alone. All the women resented in their hearts. Who didn't want to get rich in this disaster year? Everyone looked at aunt Zhuang with indignation.

"But ah, how did I hear that Aunt Fu said that someone said I eloped with a wild man." Mei Qiduo looks at them with a smile.

"The girl who doesn't have long eyes, seven flowers, is such a well behaved girl. She is kind and sensible. That gossip woman, your strong mother is absolutely in charge of you." Big strong Niang says in a hurry, both hands fork waist looking at Mei Qi duo, as long as she says the way of getting rich with herself.

The women laughed when they heard Da Zhuang's mother say this. She was shameless, but no one spoke at this time. After all, everyone wants to be rich.

Mei Qiduo looked at the village head's daughter-in-law, slightly picked her eyebrows and eyes, smiled and said, "aunt Chunhua, how are your little grandson recently?"

When the village head's daughter-in-law saw Mei Qiduo looking over, her eyelids picked slightly. When she heard Mei Qiduo say this, she quickly said, "it's OK, it's OK."

"Oh! Now that it's ready, please don't forget to return the fine grain you received last time tomorrow. " Mei Qiduo said faintly that Mei Xiaolan is kind, but she is not a kind person. What she pursues is that others don't offend me and I don't offend. If people offend me, they must pay a price.

"What? Tomorrow, Xiaojian... Qiduo, where do you ask your aunt to find fine grain? " The village head's daughter-in-law cried out.

"That's not my concern." Mei Qiduo didn't give her a look. "If I don't return it tomorrow, I'll get it myself. There won't be so many at that time."

"You..." as soon as the village head's daughter-in-law wanted to say something, she was frightened by Mei Qiduo's eyes and didn't say anything.

Mei Qiduo's eyes are full of deep and cold, like ice without any temperature, just looking at you like that, making you cold all over.

"Aunt Zhuang, come here and tell you the way to get rich." Mei Qiduo smiled and wondered if you could bear the price of making a fortune.

As soon as Da Zhuang's mother heard that she was just telling her, she hurried forward. It seems that the little bitch still has some eyes. When she knew this method and made a fortune, she asked the little bitch to carry her shoes.

Mei Qiduo saw what Zhuang Niang thought at a glance. She sneered and said a word in her ear. Her eyes were full of smile and calculation.

Big Zhuang Niang's eyes were full of greedy look, nodded repeatedly, indicating that she knew.

"Aunts, please don't believe the rumors. After all, no one knows which day he will have bad luck." Mei Qiduo said before, but when she wrote the last few words, her voice was cold. Then he ignored the faces of the people and turned away.

I'm really looking forward to what's going to happen tonight.

Everyone responded to Mei Qiduo's words and asked Da Zhuang Niang how to get rich. But how could a person like da Zhuang Niang let himself suffer losses? He quickly said that Da Zhuang's father was coming back, and he wanted to go home to cook. The rest of them scolded aunt Zhuang for her cunning, but they also wanted to know how to get rich.

Mei Xiaolan stood at the door, worried about Mei Qiduo's being bullied. When she saw Mei Qiduo, she quickly welcomed her. She looked at Mei Qiduo up and down, and was relieved when she was sure there was nothing wrong. Hurriedly asked, "have you made it clear to your aunts?" My eyes are full of worry.

Mei Qiduo didn't want Mei Xiaolan to think more, and said, "make it clear, aunts all say it's a misunderstanding."

"Just make it clear, just make it clear." Mei Xiaolan said with a smile, pulling Mei Qiduo into the room, "come into the room, it's cold outside, my mother has already cooked a meal."

"Yes." Mei Qiduo answered.

I really look forward to a good play in the evening.

Liushu village is always very quiet at night, but today is a little different. Some people in their sleep are awakened by the loud voice of Da Zhuang Niang.

"Mei Qiduo, you little bitch, come out to me. I don't want you to pay for your life today, but I don't believe it. Mei Xiaolan, you are a rotten son of a bitch. You have a bad behavior and give birth to a little slut, which is also a slut. The way to tell my mother to get rich turns out to be a way to harm others. I will tell the county master to let the county master cure you... "

Mei Qiduo knew that Aunt Zhuang would enter the mountain at night. However, the mountain at night was full of danger, like hell. This time, she would know the end of greed. The cold light flashed in Mei Qiduo's eyes. So Mei Xiaolan put a little overpowering drug in her drinking water. She didn't want to let her know about it. Originally, even the stones had to be put together, but they were found.

Get up, push the door and come out, light way: "big strong aunt, this is how, big night in here curse." I didn't expect to come so soon. It seems to be a little earlier than I thought.

Hearing Mei Qiduo's voice, Da Zhuang's mother rushed to tear Mei Qiduo, but Mei Qiduo dodged her. Mei Qiduo said faintly: "aunt Zhuang, what's wrong with this? What a mess. "

Da Zhuang Niang said: "Mei Qiduo, you little bitch, little poisonous woman. You gave me a way to harm people. I want to avenge my greatness. "

Mei Qi duo gently pulled the corners of her mouth, her eyes full of contempt, and said, "aunt Zhuang, it's wrong for you to say that. I'll tell you how to get rich. How can you say that?"

Around gradually surrounded by many people, are woken up by big Zhuang Niang to have a look, see big Zhuang Niang full of embarrassed standing in Mei's yard, and Mei Qiduo standing there.

"What's the matter, Granny? What are you yelling at in the middle of the night? " Thought that the woman said with a sarcastic tone, who let yourself busy getting rich way not to let others know.

"That's right. You wake up my big treasure."

"Yes! My daughter-in-law is still pregnant! "


Mei Qiduo looked at the people around her with a smile. Once she wanted to collide with her own interests, she would become the most vulnerable. She said with a smile, "I don't know what happened to Da Zhuang Niang? It seems that he is in a daze. "

Big Zhuang Niang heard Mei Qiduo say so, with hate eyes looking at Mei Qiduo, suddenly rushed to Mei Qiduo, "little bitch, you deliberately, you hurt my big Zhuang lame a leg, I fight with you today."

Meiqiduo didn't hide. She looked at dazhuangniang coldly. When dazhuangniang was close to her, she said softly in her ear, "it's you who hurt your son to lose a leg." Then he turned back and said in a loud voice, "aunt Zhuang, I really don't have it. I just told you that there are treasures in the mountains!"

As soon as they heard that there was a treasure in the mountain, they worried about it in their hearts and quickly came forward to hold Da Zhuang Niang. He exhorted: "Da Zhuang Niang, this is what you are not. This night in the mountains is like hell. How can you let Da Zhuang go alone. Don't you harm him? "

"Even if you want to get rich, you have to die."

"Yes! Seven such good girls, how can you do harm to your family

"Big Zhuang Niang, you are stunned."

Even if people don't pull her forward, she won't let Da Zhuang Niang hit her. When she fell down, she didn't expect that the stone would come and pull her. At this time, a hand on her waist hugged her waist tightly, with a touch of displeasure in her eyes, and said in a light tone: "satisfied."

Mei Qiduo smiles quietly, satisfied? How can you be dissatisfied? How can you be dissatisfied with watching others die.

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