After Dazhuang Niang was pulled away by the villagers, the stone pulled Mei Qiduo into the house. Her eyes were full of displeasure. She looked at her with a light look, but she didn't speak. The hand holding her waist revealed his mood at this time.

He was very angry.

Mei Qiduo also felt the stone angry, carefully pulling the corner of the stone's clothes, asked softly: "stone, you are angry."

Stone looked at her faintly. She also knew that he was angry. In this way, regardless of his own safety, he frowned slightly and said, "No."

"You're angry." she's not a fool. Besides, she used to be a killer. It's common sense for a killer to look at his words and looks. If he does, she can't see it.

"No is no." The stone coldly says, let go to embrace Mei Qi duo's waist, turn round to enter a room.

Mei Qiduo looks like rolling his eyes. He is such a big man. He is as naive as a child. But because he has done something wrong, it's better not to do so. He ran up and said, "stone, don't be angry. Even if you don't hold me, I won't hurt myself." She is so easy to get hurt.

When the stone heard Mei Qiduo say this, he stopped, looked at her coolly and said, "did I pull it wrong?" The tone was cold.

Mei Qiduo said in her heart that her life was not good. She quickly said with a smile, "how can I, stone cares about me, I'm too happy. It's just that there are some things I wish I could handle myself. "

When stone heard Mei Qiduo say this, his ears were slightly flushed, and a smile flashed in his eyes. Looking at her, his eyes were not as cold as before, but he still put on an angry look: "I hope you can rely on me."

"Well, of course." Meiqiduo said with a smile.

Stone saw through at a glance that he didn't listen to his words at all. He was perfunctory, but he couldn't bear to blame her. He sighed and said, "I think tomorrow will be busy."

Mei Qiduo heard the stone say so, and knew that the stone had forgiven himself in his heart. His eyes were full of smile. Evil and evil smile bloomed in his mouth. "After all, baby, everyone wants to get it." Is whether they have the ability to get these treasures.

It's getting brighter. Mei Xiaolan rubs her dizzy head. She usually has insomnia, but how did she sleep so well last night? Mei Xiaolan goes to bed doubtfully, gets up and opens the door. She sees that people in the yard are at a loss, but people in the yard are very excited when she sees Mei Xiaolan coming out.

"Sister Xiaolan, you wake up. We didn't wake you up." A woman saw Mei Xiaolan's eyes shining when she came out, but she heard seven flowers say that there are treasures in the mountain. She came here to wait before dawn today, hoping to know what good treasures there are in the mountain.

Mei Xiaolan was a little at a loss. She had been here for decades. Except for Fu Shen, no one spoke to her. She waved her hand and said, "no... no, what are you doing?" Watching most of the people in the village come out, Mei Xiaolan's heart is a bit bottomless. Is it duo'er's business? Doesn't duo'er say that it has been made clear. Thinking of this, Mei Xiaolan's face turned white.

"Dor is a well behaved girl in our family. It's not what people say." Mei Xiaolan hurriedly said, for fear that if she spoke slowly, Mei Qiduo would be caught by them and soaked in the pig cage.

When people in the village heard Mei Xiaolan say this, their faces looked different, especially when some men glared at their mother-in-law. If they didn't know the baby and didn't break her legs when they went back, they were glad that they didn't talk nonsense yesterday.

The village head quickly came forward and said, "sister Xiaolan, don't get me wrong. We all know that Qiduo is the most disciplined child. We have other things to do this time. Please don't refuse. This is also an opportunity to benefit the village."

"That's... What's that?" Mei Xiaolan breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't come to catch a flower.

The village head told meI Xiaolan about the treasure on the mountain. He said that the village had just experienced the locust plague, and everyone's life was hard. If we knew what the treasure on the mountain was, we would all be grateful to Mei's family. When the villagers heard the village head say so, they all nodded yes.

Mei Xiaolan was in a bit of a dilemma. She didn't know what Mei Qiduo did when she went up the mountain every day. But looking at what everyone said and what she expected from her eyes, Mei Xiaolan said with a soft heart: "then... I'll ask Mei Qiduo later. It's estimated that she hasn't got up yet."

"Oh, what time is it? I really think I'm miss Qianjin. That girl's family still sleeps till this time." There was a slightly sour tone in the crowd. This person was Lai Yu.

When Lai Yu came back from his uncle's house a few days ago, she heard that Mei Qiduo had not only made a fortune, but also heard that her mother said that she wanted their family to return the fine grain borrowed last time. That's fine grain! I haven't eaten it yet. Why can that little bitch eat it every day? The more I think about it, the more jealous I am. The more I want Mei Qiduo to look good, I don't listen to her mother's words that let her stay at home today.

He just went to meiqiduo, he heard meixiaolan say so, one didn't resist to say it.

Mei Xiaolan's face looked stiff. The village head heard Lai Yu's voice. The look on her face was very cold. She looked at her mother-in-law. Didn't you ask her to stay at home? It's not enough for success, but more for failure.

When the village head's daughter-in-law received the village head's cold look, she stiffened. She hurried to Lai Yu's side and took her clothes to call her home. However, Lai Yu was always superior because she was the village head's daughter. How could she listen to her mother at this time.

"Mom, what are you pulling me for? Am I wrong?" Lai Yu said in a high voice. Her eyes were hard to hide jealousy.

"Miss Lai, what's the matter with you when I sleep in my house?" Mei Qiduo leaned against the door and looked at the people. It's strange that I can't hear such a big noise at the door.

"Not in the way, not at all." The village head said in a hurry and gave Lai Yu a hard look. When I saw Mei Qiduo, I wanted to be more sincere and said, "seven flowers! Yesterday, I heard that the baby on the mountain... You also know that our village has just passed the locust plague. If you say baby, you are the great benefactor in Liushu village! " Afraid of Mei Qiduo's refusal, the village head said that it was for the good of the village.

When Mei Qiduo heard the village head say this, she gave a cold hum in her heart. It was an old fox. She really thought that she could not see the greed in his eyes, but... "Alas! Village head, it's not that I don't tell you, it's just that... "

Mei Qiduo lowered her head slightly in embarrassment and didn't even look at everyone.

"Just what?" The village head said eagerly, his eyes full of eagerness.

Mei Qiduo still didn't speak and lowered her head. There seems to be something hard to say.

"Dor! You are a kind-hearted child, say it! "

"Yes, DOR! Come on, we won't blame you


Mei Qiduo lowered her head and showed a mocking smile at the corners of her mouth. Her eyes were full of irony, but when she looked up, she was full of fear. Looking at the people in the village, her expression was full of sincerity and said softly, "then... I'll say it." When I saw Dazhuang's sister Erhua in the crowd, a smile flashed in my eyes. "Originally, I thought that distant relatives were not as good as neighbors. I told aunt Dazhuang first, and aunt Dazhuang had a good relationship with several aunts. I thought that Aunt Dazhuang would tell an aunt, After all, it's not good for outsiders in the village to know about this baby. You say no

When they heard Mei Qiduo say this, they quickly said yes. After all, now that the locust plague has just passed, who doesn't want to get rich.

Mei Qiduo looked at the crowd with a smile in his eyes, and then said, "but I didn't expect that Aunt Dazhuang asked Dazhuang to go to the mountain last night. I didn't dare to go to the mountain that night. After yesterday's accident, I went to the place where there were treasures with stone and found that all the treasures were gone. "

"What?" When the village head heard Mei Qiduo say this, his eyes were full of doubt.

But who is Mei Qiduo? As a killer, the most important thing is camouflage. The expression on her face is more sincere, "really, I don't believe you ask stone."

Stone looked at the play directed and performed by Mei Qiduo. When Mei Qiduo heard his name, he sighed helplessly. It was really helpless, "the place with treasure has slipped."

When people see stone's handsome face, some women's faces are flushed. Since ancient times, good-looking people are more popular. Some people have begun to whisper.

The head of the village frowned tightly. Isn't it empty handed? Suspiciously, he took a look at Mei Qiduo and the stone, and asked, "how can the landslide happen?"

"The terrain is precipitous. One can't get it, otherwise it will be dangerous." Stone said calmly, not affected by the village head.

On hearing this, the villagers nodded their heads and said yes. Last night, they heard that Dazhuang had broken his leg because he didn't get it.

"It was only yesterday that I realized how dangerous it was for big brother Zhuang to enter the mountain alone." Mei Qiduo kindly reminds them who made them unable to make a fortune. The depths of their eyes are full of smiles. The wicked have their own grinding. Enjoy it.

"That is, a broken leg is light." Hum, if it wasn't for him, how could they not get the baby.

"A rat excrement spoils a pot of porridge."

"That's what people should end up with."

The voice of discussion became louder and louder. Erhua heard the sound of discussion in the crowd. Looking at Mei Qiduo, it seemed that she would rush up and tear her in the next second.

Mei Qiduo looks at Erhua with a slight eyebrow. Her eyes are full of contempt and disdain. She seems to be saying, look, everyone is talking about your home. How do you feel.

Erhua saw meiqiduo's eyes, and was angry in her heart. With a scream, she rushed up and said in a high voice, "meiqiduo, you bitch, I want to tear your mouth."

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