The night is as quiet as ink, and there is no one in Liushu village. After all, the night is the time for people to rest. After all, it is the time for people in rural areas to work tomorrow morning. The night is just the time to cover up some unknown things, and it is also the time for hatred to grow in their hearts.

A figure went to the back of the adobe house, put some dry firewood in front of the door, and then poured oil. Ignite it with a fire fold. The light of the fire shines on the face. It's Da Zhuang's father.

Da Zhuang's father looked at the burning flame, his eyes were full of deep hatred and the joy of relieving hatred, and his mouth showed a fierce smile. Heart silent way, burn, burn.

See the fire gradually increase, the corners of the mouth show a satisfied smile, cool you Mei's mother and daughter wings also difficult to fly, this time you must pay the price.

When Da Zhuang's father was ready to go home, he heard a voice and was stiff all over.

"Don't you feel sorry to leave like this?" Mei Qiduo's voice is light, seems to be saying a very pleasant thing, but her eyes are extremely cold, like ice, making life cold.

Hearing the voice behind him, Da Zhuang's father was stiff and turned around slowly. Seeing Mei Qiduo and Shi Shi standing behind him, a smile of despair appeared on the corner of his mouth. It was a failure. He said with hate in his tone: "I hate your Mei family. I wish I could eat your blood and drink your meat. My only son was broken by you little bitch. I want to revenge for him." Dazhuang's eyes were like poisonous snakes, looking at the seven plum blossoms and stones.

Mei Qiduo heard Da Zhuang's father, and a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He said: "Uncle Zhuang should blame aunt Zhuang, after all..." Mei Qiduo paused, looked at Da Zhuang's father coldly, "aunt Zhuang let brother Zhuang go up the mountain."

Da Zhuang's father snorted coldly and said, "it's not you who instigate that damned woman."

Mei Qiduo heard that Da Zhuang's father said this, but she didn't say anything. She just looked at Da Zhuang's father's eyes more and more coldly. She sneered in her heart. When she had just crossed over, Da Zhuang's family robbed her own rabbit meat. She didn't believe Da Zhuang's father. She didn't know that this family was used to selfishness. Now she's blaming others, But I'm not a bully, and I'm planning to build a new house, but I can't find a good excuse. Now it's a wonderful excuse.

I really should thank Da Zhuang's father, but I still need a fire,

"You're wrong. If it wasn't for Aunt Zhuang's greed, how could you let him go up the mountain alone at night? At that time, I told aunt Zhuang that there was a treasure in the mountain, but aunt Zhuang didn't know how happy she was. " Mei Qiduo's eyes flashed with a smile, as if to say, it's me who hurt you, what can you do?

When Da Zhuang's father saw Mei Qiduo like this, he didn't know that she had designed all this. His eyes were full of hatred. He didn't know what kind of person his mother-in-law and son were, but he was his only son after all. He saw that his only son broke his leg and became a waste. Da Zhuang's father's heart was full of hate. At this time, he saw the smile on Mei Qiduo's face and wanted to jump on her and kill her, "you poisonous woman, bitch, even if I die, I will avenge my da Zhuang."

Finish saying, then rushed up.

Before meeting Mei Qiduo, he was kicked to the ground by a stone. He looked at Da Zhuang's father coldly, just like a dead man. There was no temperature.

Mei Qiduo saw the hand on her waist, and her face was quite helpless. She patted the hand on the stone, saying that she had nothing to do with it. Although she gave it away, she still held it on her waist.

Mei Qi Duo is helpless in the heart, forget it, let him embrace it, after all, this also makes him feel at ease.

Da Zhuang's father was kicked to the ground and couldn't get up for a while. He looked at the man standing in front of him, spit out a mouthful of blood and said ferociously, "Mei Qiduo, like your * * * * mother, you can't live without a man, * * * * bitch."

Meiqiduo didn't seem to hear it, but her eyes were more and more cold and heartless. Looking at the light from afar, a fox like smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. In a moment, Mei Qiduo's face changed and became pitiful.

"Uncle Dazhuang, I know brother Dazhuang looks like this. You feel bad. I understand, but why do you want to set fire in our house? I have made it clear before."

Mei Qi duo's voice is crying, her eyes are full of water, her hair is loose and boastful, obviously very embarrassed, very powerless, leaning on the stone. It turns out that the place where they live is burned, and they can't see their original appearance.

When the villagers saw that the Mei family had been burned down, they saw Da Zhuang's father sitting on the ground. When they saw this, they immediately understood the course of the matter. Everyone looked at Da Zhuang's father with very different eyes.

I really didn't expect that the big strong father who looked simple and honest would do such a thing when he was cruel.

Aunt Fu saw Mei Qiduo like this and the house of Mei's family. She quickly went to Mei Qiduo's side and said, "duo'er, are you ok? Where's your mother?" Don't let anything happen.

When Mei Qiduo saw aunt Fu's caring eyes, she immediately hugged aunt Fu and cried: "aunt Fu, our house was burned, my house is gone, aunt Fu, what can we do!"

When Aunt Fu heard Mei Qiduo say this, she felt heartache in her heart and even more in her eyes! You can do all this killing and arson. "

"Yes! It's a murder that can be done. "

"The Mei family didn't know what they had done to make him feel sorry. Let him do it."

When the village head saw Da Zhuang's father lying on the ground, his eyes were uncertain, "Fugen, why do you do this?"

Hearing what the village head said, Da Zhuang's father looked at Mei Qiduo in a gloomy way and said madly, "this bitch made my only son a waste, and asked her family to die."

When they heard Da Zhuang's saying this, some people sighed, some were gloating, some couldn't believe it, and some were just watching the opera,

When Aunt Fu heard Da Zhuang's father say this, she looked at the reaction of the villagers and immediately scolded them. "You don't listen to his nonsense. You say that sister-in-law and duo'er are kind-hearted people. The village head and sister-in-law also give your little grandson fine grain to eat. Do you think they are so cruel people? When it comes to being a strong family, when it comes to bullying the Mei family, I think it's just that the strong family wants to be greedy for their babies. They can't be angry and set fire. Such people should report to the official. "

When Mei Qiduo heard aunt Fu say this, her cry became more miserable. She hugged aunt Fu and said, "aunt, do you know? If I don't get up, my mother and I, as well as the stone, will be burned alive! My mother is still in a coma. If my mother can't wake up, what do you want me to do? "

Aunt Fu is very sad to hear that. She comforts Mei Qiduo and looks at Da Zhuang's father with disdain. It's true that the whole family bullies Mei Qiduo's mother and daughter. It's shameless to set fire now.

Although people in the village are selfish, they have never done anything vicious. Seeing Da Zhuang's father doing this and looking at Mei's mother and daughter, they immediately favor Mei's mother and daughter.

Mei Qiduo saw the reaction of the crowd, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. That's what his heart was like, "village head, you said that my mother and I have been in Liushu village for more than ten years, and we haven't offended anyone. Don't you think uncle Zhuang is going to kill us alive by doing this. Village head, you have to make the decision for us! "

When the village head heard Mei Qiduo say this, he raised his eyebrows slightly and said harshly, "Fugen, you still don't admit your guilt. It's against the law for you to do things like this."

"Hum, Lai Da, don't be so pompous. If your son is hurt, you don't take revenge." Dazhuang dad looked at the village head sarcastically, and his eyes were cold and gloomy.

"My son won't do anything to eat his own baby." When the village head heard Da Zhuang's father say this, his son idles all day and deserves to die.

"That's Mei Qiduo's little bitch's nonsense. There's no treasure. You're all cheated by her." Big strong father roars to say.

Mei Qiduo heard Da Zhuang's father say so, let go of aunt Fu and get rid of her. "Uncle Zhuang, you say I'm cheating. How do I buy things? I've seen those treasures with my own eyes. If you don't believe me, I'll show you tomorrow. " Of course, there are some babies. It depends on whether you can get them. They were originally prepared for the villagers.

"And I told aunt Dazhuang what she wanted to know. You said I lied to everyone. Why did aunt Dazhuang let Dazhuang go to the mountain?"

"You..." Da Zhuang's father heard Mei Qiduo say this. For a moment, he didn't know what to say, because what Mei Qiduo said was reasonable. He didn't speak immediately, but looked at Mei Qiduo fiercely.

When the village head heard Mei Qiduo say this, his eyes were full of brilliance, and his heart was worried. "Fugen, it's against the law for you to set fire. I'll send you to the county master tomorrow."

After all, compared with treasure, treasure is more important.

People in the village are quite satisfied when they hear Mei Qiduo say that. Although Mei Qiduo says that the baby is gone, the people in the village still don't believe it. But if they can see the baby with their own eyes, whether it's true or not, they want to see it.

"Lai Da, you will regret it one day." Dazhuang heard the village head say this and looked at him with malice in his eyes.

"You tie him up." The village head was shocked when he heard Da Zhuang's father say this, but he was still tied up.

Mei Qiduo looks coldly at Da Zhuang's father being taken away. There is no fluctuation in her eyes.

When the stone touched her, it seemed that he was saying with his eyes that you really want to go tomorrow.

Mei Qiduo also answered him with her eyes, yes.

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