Because Mei's house was burned down, Mei Qiduo and Shi Shi lived in Fu Shen's house for the time being. Mei Qiduo asked aunt Fu to help and asked a doctor to help Mei Xiaolan and see what happened.

Stone tightly pursed mouth does not speak, eyes light looking at Mei Qiduo, although they know she has their own ideas, but stone is still very angry, because she does not trust themselves.

Mei Qiduo knows that the stone has something to say, but now is not the time to speak. Mei Qiduo motioned to the stone with her eyes.

Let's go out later!

Stone light nodded, eyes are still light, eyes with a little anger, this woman does not put his words in mind.

The doctor came to see Mei Xiaolan and said that there was no big deal, but he fainted because he was too scared. Mei seven flower eyes with a touch of apology, if not for themselves, Mei Xiaolan will not be such a thing.

"Duo'er, you sleep here peacefully today. When your mother wakes up, try to persuade her. As long as people are OK, it's better than anything." aunt Fu patted Mei Qiduo on the shoulder and said, her eyes full of worry and concern.

"It's OK, blessing God, I know, I'll try to persuade my mother." Mei Qiduo said with a smile. She can't live in that dilapidated adobe house all her life. Isn't this a thing designed by herself from the beginning to the end?

So there is nothing sad!

When Aunt Fu heard Mei Qiduo speak like this, she laughed and patted her out of the room.

Mei Qiduo saw the blessing God go out of the door. The room was quiet without any sound. She didn't seem to be used to such a dull atmosphere. She looked up at the stone and saw the thin lips tightly closed by the stone. In the eyes is light anger, plum seven Nu nuzui, don't have words to say with me? What are you going to do if you don't talk now!

"What don't you say?" Mei Qiduo broke the silence first. It seems that the stone is very angry.

Stone heard meiqiduo say so, eyes light looking at her, still did not speak.

"That... That... I..." Mei Qiduo didn't know what to say. She could only falter, constantly stirring her fingers, and her movements were full of grievances,

Stone see such plum seven flower of, the eyes end is helpless, oneself still soft hearted to her, "know oneself wrong where?" Stone light said.

Mei Qiduo heard the stone say so. What's wrong? I really don't know what's wrong, but if I say that at this time, I think he will be angry again. Mei Qiduo's eyes are flowing, full of smart and witty.

"Wrong, absolutely wrong."

She doesn't know what's wrong. First, appease the stingy person, otherwise, she may not talk to herself.

Stone heard Mei Qiduo so perfunctory words, eyes full of helplessness, this little woman always put his words as ear wind, always let himself unhappy, but it is helpless.

She always makes herself reluctant to blame!

Although reluctant to blame her, some things should be explained to him so as not to happen again.

"You don't believe me?" Stone light looking at the gas said, he is really angry this time, although I know her preparation, but she still did not put himself, said the words in mind.

"I don't believe you." I just can't believe it.

Stone light looking at plum seven, eyes still have no any expression, "I want to listen to the truth."

Mei Qiduo heard that it was Shi Shi who said that. She slowly lowered her head and kept silent. Indeed, she was not a person who was easy to trust, especially a man. Besides, she doesn't know much about stones, but judging from the jade pendant and the clothes that saved him, stones are not in the pool.

One day, stone will remember his identity and everything about him, so there is no need for him to participate in his life too much.

Killers are always on their own.

Stone one eye see through plum seven in the heart think, this damned woman, really take her have no way. The stone knocked Mei Qiduo's head and said with a little anger, "remember, I'm always on your side. I'm not allowed to be like this in the future."

Mei Qiduo looks at the blue eyes of the stone. It seems that there is a whole starry sky in his eyes, which is as bright as a broken diamond. It makes people unconsciously indulge in it. It makes people unconsciously believe that Mei Qiduo points and drops his eyelashes to cover the thoughts in his eyes.

I don't know if I can believe you?

Stone saw Mei Qi duo nodded, sighed, stopped Mei Qi duo, let her gently rely on his arms, heart secretly to a, silly girl, when can you put it down.

When Mei Xiaolan woke up the next morning, she heard Mei Qiduo say what happened last night, but Mei Xiaolan didn't respond. She looked at Mei Qiduo carefully, and was relieved. Mei Xiaolan sent Mei Qiduo sad and quickly comforted: "Duo Er, it's OK, as long as people don't have things, it's OK to leave the Castle Peak without firewood."

Mei Qiduo felt relieved when she heard Mei Xiaolan say this. She clapped Mei Xiaolan and cried. She was relieved when she said this. She said with a smile, "mother, I was going to build a new house. I've even found a bricklayer. Today, shitouban town and I told people to start work ahead of time."

Mei Xiaolan heard Mei Qiduo say so. She ordered something. She had no ability, and she wanted her daughter to be rude. Should she tell duo Er about her life experience, "Duo Er, do you miss you... Your father?"

Mei Xiaolan's tone was hesitant, and her eyes were full of unspeakable resentment.

Mei Qiduo is very surprised to hear Mei Xiaolan say this. It seems that what she doubts in her heart is not unreasonable. Mei Xiaolan really has something to hide from her, and this matter, and this matter should be related to Mei Qiduo. Meiqiduo tone light said: "what can I think of? Anyway, he doesn't want our mother and daughter. "

Mei Qiduo sneers in her heart. It seems that there is a story about a scum man abandoning his scum wife. However, the most pitiful thing is that the hero of the story is still his father. It's ridiculous.

Mei Xiaolan's eyes are full of pain and unspeakable resentment, "duo'er, if one day you find that your mother cheated you, don't hate your mother."

Mei Qiduo's eyes flashed a glimmer of understanding. I'm afraid Mei Xiaolan wanted Mei Qiduo not to see that heartless man in her life. She said in a light tone: "it's about my father." The faint tone seemed to have guessed what Mei Xiaolan thought.

Mei Xiaolan's eyes were full of surprise, "you... You all know."

Mei Qiduo nodded. You are so obvious that it's hard for you to know. Besides, you have doubts in your mind before. It seems that Mei Qiduo's life experience is not simple!

Mei Xiaolan took Mei Qiduo and said, "don't resent your father, duo'er. It was..."

Mei Xiaolan was interrupted by Aunt Fu's voice before she finished. When Aunt Fu came in, she saw Mei Xiaolan holding Mei Qiduo's hand and saying something. Her eyes were full of expressions that Aunt Fu couldn't understand. Aunt Fu thought Mei Xiaolan blamed Mei Qiduo for the burning of her home.

Aunt Fu put down the breakfast and hurriedly comforted, "sister-in-law, don't blame duo'er. If you want to blame Da Zhuang's family, they don't have a good thing."

Mei Xiaolan wiped her tears. "Aunt Fu, it's OK. As long as duo'er is good, it's better than anything."

When Aunt Fu heard Mei Xiaolan say so, she nodded and said yes. She put breakfast in front of Mei Xiaolan and said, "sister-in-law, have a porridge! There is nothing good to eat at home, so you can make do with it. "

"Aunt Fu, you'll be surprised if you say that. If it wasn't for you... You took care of our family like this, we wouldn't know what to do."

"It's OK, it's OK. It's all over. Everything will be OK."

"Yes, yes, everything will be all right."

Mei Qiduo looks at Mei Xiaolan and aunt Fu talking, turns around and goes out. It seems that it's time to find a chance to have a good chat with Mei Xiaolan. Mei Qiduo sees stone chopping firewood for Aunt Fu. The raw and astringent movements made Mei Qiduo laugh.

Stone heard Mei Qiduo smile, a little embarrassed, the expression on his face was not happy, but he still continued to move in his hand,

Mei Qiduo saw the stone angry, quickly shut up, he let him angry last night, today can't let him angry again, really like angry man, walked to Uncle Fu's front, tone cordial said: "uncle, what can I do for you?"

Uncle Fu is a simple and honest ordinary farmer. When he heard Mei Qiduo say this, he gave a simple and honest smile. He waved his hand and said, "no, no, it's all something to do every day."

"Uncle, our family is going to build a house in a few days. Uncle can do me a favor and find some people who can build a house. It's fast." Mei Qiduo picked up the firewood on the ground and put it where the firewood was.

"No problem, little thing. Is your mother OK?" Uncle Fu replied with a smile.

"Thank you, uncle."

Mei Qiduo is smiling, her eyes are full of smiles, which makes people look very kind. Finally, she can make good use of her own design. At that time, she must install all the earthworms, and it must be super warm in this winter.

The stone saw Mei Qiduo's expression like a star stealing cat on one side, and a faint smile flashed in her eyes. Then she turned and looked at the pile of firewood, frowning tightly.

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