Stone and Mei Qiduo go to the middle of the burned house to see what can be used. When they see that the previous house has been burned in a mess, Mei Qiduo's eyes darken.

I'm afraid I would have been burned if I hadn't prepared for it!

"Are you going to take them into the mountains?" Stone light said.

"Well." This has already been said, but Mei Qiduo's eyes are full of cunning, unspeakable smart and charming, with a faint smile in her tone, "they won't find anything."

The corner of stone's mouth is filled with a faint smile, and her eyes are full of tenderness. What she does is always unexpected and can't be moved.

Sure enough, Mei Qiduo took the villagers to the place where Da Zhuang broke his leg that day. There are obvious traces of excavation and collapse. Mei Qiduo comes back to stone and says that she feels guilty when she sees the disappointed eyes of the villagers.

Stone's eyes are full of tenderness, this silly girl is still kind.

"When you become the richest man in the world, why don't you give them a hand?" He touched Mei Qiduo's head, and his eyes were unspeakable tenderness.

Mei Qiduo raised her head and looked at the stone with a confident light in her eyes. "Of course, I will be the richest man in the world."

"Of course I believe you."

The blue eyes of the stone reflected Mei Qiduo's proud face. Even the bright stars in his eyes were light and shallow. His eyes were full of deep love. Although they were quickly covered by the stone, only he knew that in this life, he would not marry her, but she would marry him.

Stone's eyes are full of potential in the light, their own silly girl or their own care.

When Mei Qiduo raised her eyes, she saw her own shadow reflected in the stone's eyes. For a moment, Mei Qiduo's white face was faintly red. She quickly dropped her eyes and spit in her heart. It's hard to control what she looks like to do.

Mei Qiduo spits on himself in her heart, but she can't help looking at the stone secretly.

Because Mei Xiaolan is not well, Mei Qiduo borrows a chicken from Aunt Fu and is ready to kill it. After all, she is shocked and should be mended. Here Mei Qiduo is killing the chicken outside. Aunt Fu and Mei Xiaolan are talking inside.

Aunt Fu heard Mei Qiduo say yesterday that she would probably rebuild her house. She joked: "sister-in-law, duo Er is very capable. Yesterday she said that she would go to the town to find a bricklayer and build a big house with two bedrooms."

Aunt Fu's tone did not have any jealousy and acerbity, but just a touch of comfort and joy.

Mei Xiaolan with a loving smile on the corner of her mouth, others praised Mei Qiduo, she was also happy, "yes! Dor, that girl is very capable. On the contrary, it's my mother who implicates her. "

If it weren't for her, DOR wouldn't have to show up. Maybe she could embroider like other girls... Alas, Mei Xiaolan sighed in her heart.

Aunt Fu quickly comforted: "sister-in-law, you can't say that. You will enjoy happiness in the future. The stone looks very reliable. Duo'er is also filial. Sister-in-law, you can be regarded as a happy and hardworking man."

"What she said was that I wanted to fork." Mei Xiaolan's eyes are distant, and she seems to have made some decision.

Inside, two people are still whispering. Outside, meiqiduo has cleaned up the hen. It is absolutely clean and there is absolutely no hair.

She heard the voice inside gradually lower, eyebrows slightly pick, eyes overflow a smile.

It seems that every piece of chicken has been carefully measured, and the uniformity is amazing.

Although she sometimes felt that her mother was useless, she had to mention that it was her love for Mei Qiduo that made her stay here, otherwise she would have left long ago. It's also because Mei Xiaolan was taken in by Liushu village at the beginning, and she was grateful, otherwise it would have made Liushu village restless.

However, when I heard their conversation just now, it seemed that the mother had figured out something.

Put the unused hot water into the wooden basin. When the pot is warm, pour in the oil. Then put the chopped chicken pieces into the pot and stir fry. When the surface color changes, add a little salt, add water and cover. Mei Qiduo squatted down to add matches to the stove. Just for a short time, a smell of index finger partner came out of the kitchen.

When Aunt Fu opened the curtain and came out, she smelled the fragrance and swallowed her saliva. She had never smelled the fragrance before. When she went into the kitchen, she saw Mei Qiduo, who was busy, "dor, what's this for?"

"Aunt Fu, fry the chicken and mend my mother's body. Aunt Fu will eat together later. I have something else to ask Uncle Fu." Mei Qiduo did not stop when she said that. She put the chicken on the plate, and the aroma was appetizing.

When Aunt Fu heard Mei Qiduo say this, she didn't refuse, "OK, I'll try her craft later."

Mei Qiduo smiles and doesn't speak. She just moves faster on her hand. After a while, a plate of vegetables that sell well has been put on the pot.

Mei Qiduo went out with the vegetables and saw the stone fighting with the firewood. The black line on her face was really fighting with the firewood. "Stone, uncle Fu, have a meal."

Uncle Fu wiped the sweat on his forehead and said, "here we are. What are seven flowers for? I smell hungry."

Fu aunt smell speech, hands akimbo, make fierce appearance, "you mean I usually cook not delicious."

Uncle Fu quickly waved his hand and said in a hurry: "no, it's just that these seven flowers are very good. All the greedy insects in my stomach have come out. " Uncle Fu looked at Aunt Fu with a flattering smile.

When people saw Uncle Fu like this, their eyes were full of smiles.

"Uncle Fu, I want you to help me go to town to buy some food for tomorrow's work." Mei Qiduo put down his dishes and chopsticks, looked up at Uncle Fu and said.

"Well, it's OK. It's a small matter. Do you have any requirements?" Asked Uncle Fu.

"There's no special requirement. Just buy some meat as much as possible. After all, it's hard for them at this time."

"All right."

When Mei Qiduo gave uncle Fu ten liang of silver, they were all surprised. They had never seen so much money in their life. They were relieved to think that Mei Qiduo had bought a baby.

When it was just dawn, there was a noisy sound outside. The sound of footsteps was mixed with the sound of talking. Mei Qiduo, who was a little sleepy, knew that it must be uncle Fu. He invited the people who helped build the house, put on his clothes and went out.

Sure enough, there were several big men standing outside the door. They all seemed to be good workers. Mei Qiduo didn't expect that uncle Fu was very efficient. When he had any new ideas, he must tell Aunt Fu. After all, they were the only ones who really took her mother and daughter.

"Do you think these people are enough, DOR?" Uncle Fu saw Mei Qiduo get up and hurried up.

"Uncle, that's enough. Please tell us that rice and meat are enough."

"All right." Uncle Fu smiles.

Mei Qiduo looked at the sky and thought that it should be very early. Maybe everyone came here without dinner. She came to the kitchen and saw that Aunt Fu and Mei Xiaolan were already busy. She went up to help. Her face was a little shy and she was sleeping so hard.

"Dor, get up." Mei Xiaolan is still busy with her friends. Because the heart is very happy, with the face is also beautiful a bit.

"Well, mother, I'll do it." Mei Qiduo takes over the work in Mei Xiaolan's hand, but Mei Xiaolan avoids it.

Mei Xiaolan pushes Mei Qiduo and asks her to go outside to see how many people they have. Don't leave anyone behind. After all, it's hard for them to help build a house“ You go out and have a look. It's enough to have aunt Fu and me here. "

"Yes! Go out, dor

Mei Qiduo heard them say this and didn't insist. Forget it, I'd better go and see how the house is built.

"Is Miss Mei here?" Asked another voice outside.

Mei Qiduo heard the sound and ran out. She saw a middle-aged man in a dark brown gown, with dozens of people standing in front of the door.

"I am."

"Miss Mei, my name is Zhang. I'm the head bricklayer in the town." Zhang Er said with a smile.

Mei Qiduo knew as soon as she saw it. She quickly let them into the room, took out the tables and chairs, and poured a cup of hot tea for each of them. So they can warm up.

"Miss may, I don't know what kind of requirements you have for a house? Zhang Er has been in this business for decades, and I'm not afraid of no girl's jokes. As long as Miss Mei says it, I can generally cover it. " Zhang Er drank a mouthful of warm water. It was sweet and quenched his thirst. He didn't know what he had put.

"Uncle Zhang, it's like this. I just want to have two rooms in the hospital, and then have two wing rooms with a piece of land left behind to do some chicken coop and so on. Every room also needs earthworm, so that it's warmer in winter. I'll have a separate shower room to make the drainage place more proper, so that the weather won't be cold and frozen... Uncle Zhang, that's what I mean. In the light of your experience, how about building a big blue brick house for me? " Then he handed over the drawing he had talked about last night.

Zhang Er took the drawing and looked at it. The more he looked at it, the more surprised he was. He looked at Mei Qiduo with great admiration and said, "Miss Mei, did you think of it?"

"Well, I came up with it casually last night. I don't know if Uncle Zhang saw it and thought it was ok?" He asked.

"Yes, absolutely." Zhang Er patted his thigh. He was very excited. He had built his own house for decades, but he saw such a novel drawing for the first time,

"Uncle Zhang, look at 3000 bricks. Is that enough?" Mei Qiduo asked with some doubts. When she decided to build a house, she had already ordered green bricks. Now she wants to build so many, and she doesn't know if it's enough.

"Enough, I can't. I'll change a henhouse for you with wood. It's absolutely solid." Zhang Er said with a smile“ I think such a house will be completed in at least half a month. Do you think it's OK, Miss Mei? "

"Uncle Zhang, because my house was burned down, I want to live in it as soon as possible. I asked several people in the village to help me, hoping that the house could be completed as soon as possible. Although Uncle Zhang can rest assured that my family will have enough lunch every day."

Zhang Er was a little surprised when he heard Mei Qiduo say that her family had been burned. No wonder he went to the town ten days in advance to call himself to come here today. He heard Mei Qiduo say so and laughed, "OK, it's OK to decide. As long as you can eat enough, you can guarantee that Mei will be finished in ten days."

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