To build a house in Liushu village, you just need to report to the village head, and then the village head agrees that you can build a house. Originally, you need to build a house on your own ground, but you don't need to go to Lizheng to sign a certificate. If the Mei family's house is burned down, you can't allow others to cover it, unless Lai Da doesn't want to be the village head.

Because the Mei family is not very good in the village, few people in the village go to help except the masons invited by Mei Qiduo and the people invited by Uncle Fu. They all look at it from a distance, and no one comes forward.

In the afternoon of that day, more than a dozen skilled masons started work under the leadership of Zhang Er. The neat green bricks and tiles made the villagers feel no emotion. The Mei family, whom the villagers despised most, began to build houses. It's really a turn of geomantic omen!

Aunt Fu and Mei Xiaolan are both quick workers, not to mention Mei Qiduo. They have a clear division of labor. They will soon prepare the meal for lunch today, but there is no need to invite someone to cook. Mei Qiduo is a very delicious cook, so all the dishes today are cooked by Mei Qiduo, which makes people look forward to it.

Near noon, the kitchen was completely busy. Aunt Fu was burning a fire in front of the stove. Mei Qiduo, with a shovel, was frying the chicken in the pot. Bursts of irresistible fragrance filled her nose and stirred everyone's taste buds.

"It's delicious to cook. What's in it?" Aunt Fu took a deep breath of the fragrance, which made her forefinger move.

"Nothing, just add some pepper and star anise and so on. It's used for flavoring." Mei Qiduo raises the star anise in her hand to signal aunt Fu, and her hand moves constantly.

Aunt Fu said with a smile: "this is the way! Next time Chunsheng comes back, I'll give it to him like this. "

Mei Qiduo smiled and didn't answer. The original owner estimated that he liked this spring birth. Suddenly he remembered something and reminded him, "aunt, this can only be used to make incense, not to eat."

"I remember, but it's very annoying." Aunt Fu yawned a few times, straight choking tears, very uncomfortable, "cough... Really uncomfortable tight, I went out to breathe."

Then he rushed out.

Mei Qiduo doesn't care and smiles. Seeing Mei Xiaolan still washing vegetables, her eyes and face are smiling. Mei Qiduo doesn't say anything. She is still busy with her own actions.

However, when the plate of chicken came up, the smell drifted far away. People who built houses could ask this question. Suddenly, they felt hungry. Unconsciously, they quickened their actions and wanted to eat such delicious food quickly.

As Mei Qiduo brought the dishes to the table one by one, the craftsmen who built the house there also had a rumbling noise in their stomachs. They could not agree to wait until people came to eat. They all put down their hands and walked to Aunt Fu's yard. Because there was no temporary shed, the weather was ok, so they all ate in the yard.

There were three tables outside. Mei Qiduo quickly took out the dishes that had been loaded before. There were two ingredients, two meat dishes, and a soup. They all had meat. Even if they went to build a house in a rich family, they would not be able to eat such a good meal.

"Miss Mei, you're so... You're so polite, and the food is also..." that's great. Before Zhang Er finished, he was interrupted by Mei Qiduo. If he looked carefully, he would find that his dark face was a little red. He felt that he didn't do any work this morning, but he was very embarrassed by such a good meal.

"Uncle Zhang, you can eat. After all, it's cold now, and it's not easy for you. You must have enough food to build a house in my house. Because you have to start work in the afternoon, I'm not ready for wine. When my house is built, I always remember to come to my house to drink. I'll have a good time. Both rice and steamed bread are enough, and so are the dishes. Just eat them. Don't be polite to me. "

When you see Mei Qiduo talking, there is no man in Mei's family, and they will live no worse than others. Zhou Nan has been to the north for many years, but they haven't seen anything. Mei Qiduo's bright appearance, not only doesn't make people feel disgusted, but also admires the little girl.

They all said that if they could eat such good food every day, they would be willing to pay nothing.

Early this morning, Lai Yu heard that Mei Qiduo's house was going to build a green brick house. She was very jealous. She came out early to see the excitement, especially when she smelled the delicious meat and saw Mei Qiduo talking in the crowd. She was not shy in her eyes. She scolded little bitches and little girls in her heart.

When I marry brother stone, your cousin, the yard will not be hers. When I think of stone's handsome face, my heart jumps like a deer, and my eyes are full of greed and jealousy.

Mei Qiduo's building a new house is an earth shaking event in Liushu village. No one thought that Mei's mother and daughter, who were despised by everyone in Liushu village, had nothing but one mu of thin farmland. What's more, Mei Qiduo was still a wild seed. She built a house similar to the village head, even better than the village head. It's not surprising.

But thinking of the treasure Mei Qiduo mentioned, people resent Dazhuang's family. If it wasn't for Dazhuang, maybe they would have built a blue brick house.

Sure enough, these Masons are the most famous in the town. In just ten days, all the quiet and elegant blue brick houses have been built. They also gave birth to a earthworm to Mei Qiduo, which can disperse the flavor in the house as soon as possible, so that they can move in early.

After Mei Xiaolan and aunt Fu's discussion, they are going to set up a running water banquet at their own door for a whole day. Mei Qiduo felt nothing. Anyway, the water table was just a noon time. Even if all the people in Liushu village came to eat it, it would cost seven or eight Liang silver.

In the early morning, Mei's family, which has always been a lonely village, is no surprise. Although people in the village still can't see Mei Qiduo's identity as a wild species, they are very curious about Mei Qiduo's parents. The villagers of Liushu village came at seven or eight, except for the strong family.

This time, Mei Xiaolan is going to have a lively banquet. Mei Qiduo will let her have a meal. This time, the banquet is divided into two groups. There are 20 tables with 10 people at each table. Although it is a flowing banquet, it is also the most difficult. Because you don't know who has a good relationship with whom or who has a festival with whom, Mei Qiduo doesn't want to take care of it and gives it all to Mei Xiaolan and aunt Fu, Just pay the money.

Originally, it was just a water mat built in the new house. No one thought that there were waves of people coming for dinner, not to mention that the newly built yard couldn't accommodate so many people, even with aunt Fu's yard.

"Sister in law, her uncle Fu has borrowed all the desks and chairs in the village yesterday, and will come to help cook tomorrow. This time, duo'er is building a new house, but they are envious." Aunt Fu thought of those people's expressions and chuckled.

Mei Xiaolan also followed with a smile and said, "yes! I didn't think that dor, that girl, is a capable one I also want to understand these days. Let the future and the past go with the wind. As long as the flower is good, it's better than anything.

"Yes, the man in the village doesn't boast that the house is beautiful, but is he envied?" Aunt Fu attached to Mei Xiaolan's ear and said that just now she saw some people, she almost didn't screw up her veil. Her face was full of resentment and red eyes. She couldn't decide how to scold in her heart. Bah, it's a good idea to eat wine. It's shameless.

Mei Xiaolan smiled awkwardly. Such a house is also in the head of Liushu village. Can you not find someone to hate.

Aunt Fu glanced at Lai Yu, who was sitting on the table. Today, she looked like a fox, "sister-in-law, let me remind you that you need a long snack to choose a daughter-in-law for stone. Now many girls are willing to marry you."

Mei Xiaolan didn't understand for a moment. Aunt Fu's eyes motioned her to look at the village head's table. When she saw Lai Yu's appearance today, she knew that most of the time she was attracted to the stone. The stone was handsome. There was no little girl in Liushu village who didn't like him.

Lai Yu is with the village head and his wife this time. Today, Lai Yu is very bright. Her pink dress is bright. She wears a silver hairpin on her head and lightly smears 10% rouge. It would be better if her eyes were not so jealous and her face was not full of greed.

Lai Yu saw that the meal was very rich. There were seven hot dishes, six cold dishes, and a soup. All the ingredients in the meal were sufficient, and each dish was full of meat. The villagers had eaten such a good meal there. At this time, he was worried again.

Lai Yu's eyes turned slightly. If she could marry here, she would not eat meat every day. It was better than her family's food. She was more and more looking forward to marrying Mei's family. She was the best girl in Liushu village. She was also the village head's daughter. It was a good thing for Shi Shi to marry her. She would not listen to herself and drive Mei's mother and daughter away, This house is my own.

The more she thought about it, the more she felt it. But when she went back to her parents, they agreed with her very much. At that time, Lai Yu's eyes became very dark, and Mei Qiduo didn't let herself handle it at will.

Mei Qiduo is cooking in the kitchen at this time. She doesn't know that someone has started to make her new house.

The staple food of Liushui banquet can never be white flour steamed bread and white rice. In that case, it is estimated to eat as much as possible. Therefore, meiqiduo has long thought about it and has been steamed. Corn flour and white flour are mixed together. The steamed steamed bread is not only soft and delicious, but also with a strong sweet smell of corn.

For this reason, Mei Xiaolan and aunt Fu have been together for a long time. They have steamed ten pots, but they can't finish. It's enough to give them to the villagers.

Because there are a lot of people outside, most of the men leave after eating, and some of them are ready to pack their meals. Mei Qiduo doesn't care. She had to throw them when she couldn't finish eating, but now it's natural. Why don't she do it? Aunt Fu is very happy to serve food constantly, because people who have eaten food say it is delicious, and they all ask who is the cook who is in charge today. Then Aunt Fu says that it's not the cook who is invited, but the spoon of Mei Qiduo's palm. Some of them are surprised, and they seem to be a little unbelievable. Aunt Fu likes to see these people's expressions now, which makes her very satisfied every time.

Mei Qiduo heard aunt Fu say so, and felt that Aunt Fu was abusive, but she still liked this hobby.

The Mei family's water table passed in the bustle. They were all full and ready to leave. They also had some steamed bread and the rest of today's dishes in their hands. They were ready to take them back for dinner in the evening.

This meal made the villagers Miss Mei Qiduo's craftsmanship on the water table, but they couldn't eat it at that time. These are all afterwords.

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