After Mei's family finished the running banquet, the furniture was ready soon. Mei Qiduo went to the town to do these things in advance. She was not in a hurry. Because of her strong father, Mei Qiduo had to speed up the pace of these things. Move into a new house before the cold winter.

Mei Xiaolan touched the warm wall with her hand. Her eyes were full of joy. "Duo'er, this wall is hot." She never dreamed of living in such a good house.

"Of course, I'm going to let my mother enjoy her happiness in the future." Mei Qiduo said with a faint smile. The eyes are full of self-confidence and bright light. The house is ready. Next, it's time to make money.

"When it comes to enjoying happiness, I just hope you can be safe." Mei Xiaolan looks at Mei Qiduo with anger. Her eyes are full of tolerance and love.

Mei Qiduo just smiled and didn't speak. Mei Xiaolan is too easy to be satisfied. She is an extremely ambitious person. If she doesn't believe in the wrong person, she will kill the boss sooner or later. Now she's here to kill people. She has no interest now. Silver is more interesting.

"Niang, what do you think of living in the west chamber and the stone East chamber with me?" Although it is for opinions, it has been determined.

Mei Xiaolan doesn't have any opinions. When stone hears that Mei Qiduo asks him to sleep in the East Wing room, he frowns.

Mei Qiduo obviously felt the displeasure of the stone. She pretended to be stupid and didn't know anything. She was a girl. If someone was in a wing room, my boudoir reputation would not be needed. Besides, it was only a few steps away from the East Wing room!

This day, looking at the weather is still good, Mei Qiduo and stone ready to go into the mountain, Mei Xiaolan originally said nothing to let them go, now the mountain for her is the embodiment of danger, Mei Qiduo repeatedly guarantee, and stone will be OK, and promised to come back soon, just let Mei Xiaolan at ease.

Meiqiduo has not been in the mountain for a long time. Although the mountain in winter is not as rich as the mountain in spring and summer, the mountain is still generous.

"Are you going to drive me away?" Stone standing there did not walk, looking at Mei Qiduo walking in front, suddenly such an idea in his mind constantly repeated, otherwise how to let him live in the east wing.

Mei Qiduo almost fell down after a step. Mei Qiduo kept back the impulse of rolling her eyes and kept suppressing her anger. Her aunt finally saw the rabbit and was scared away by the stone. Turning around, looking at the stone with some gnashing of teeth, "you scared my rabbit away." Although the tone is gentle, you can still hear some gnashing of teeth inside.

The corner of the stone's mouth suddenly burst out with a very clear and gentle smile. The cool air on the eyebrows disappeared for a moment, leaving only the eye-catching tenderness. The blue eyes were also full of intoxicating amorous feelings, occupying a touch of glamour in the world.

"It doesn't matter. I'll pay for it by myself." The tone is soft and magnetic, but it implies a hint of provocation.

When Mei Qiduo saw the stone like this, she suddenly had a faint blush on her face. She was so good-looking that she didn't want to do anything. Although Mei Qiduo was with beautiful men almost every day in modern times, damn it, this guy actually surpassed those men, otherwise she would not be lost.

What a monster.

Hurriedly turned around and said, "hum, you still owe me a life. It's mine." I'm still in the red. I'm in the red again, but

Meiqiduo seems to think of something, and a smile is raised in the corner of her mouth. This feeling is not bad. Suddenly aware of what he was thinking, he quickly walked forward and said to the stone: "hurry up, you have to compensate me for the rabbit."

This tone in the stone's ears, but it is another scene, with a touch of shyness and coquettishness, stone feel a little drunk, sure enough, the scenery is intoxicating.

Especially that sentence, he is her person.

It's especially wonderful.

The atmosphere of Mei Qiduo and stone in the mountain is light and pleasant, but Mei Xiaolan's atmosphere is unspeakable weird and embarrassing.

"Who are you?" Mei Xiaolan looks at the fat woman in front of her, with a flattering smile on her face and silk flowers on her head.

This man is clearly dressed as a matchmaker.

"Sister Mei, I'm very happy. I'm here to match your family." Matchmaker Li covered the corner of her mouth with a handkerchief and laughed. The powder on her face almost fell off.

"Ha ha... It's a joke. It's a happy event from my home." Mei Xiaolan's eyes suddenly become pale, looking at matchmaker Li's eyes are full of alienation and coldness. There are always some people in front of my house these days. Mei Xiaolan doesn't understand why. It's just her own experience. She just wants Mei Qiduo to find someone she likes, so she won't be like herself.

"Sister Mei, this is a big happy event. I'll match your family's stone." Matchmaker Li's eyes are full of pure light. When the village head's daughter-in-law asked her to be a matchmaker, she was very surprised. The village head's daughter-in-law has always been high minded and low handed. This time, she actually made a matchmaker herself.

However, because the village head's daughter-in-law gave me ten liang of silver, so I also should, still thinking about which family's son-in-law, and the village head's daughter-in-law looked up, really did not expect that it was Mei Xiaolan's stone.

However, thinking that Mei has built a big house of green bricks and tiles with two courtyards, the girl in the village is not moved by the people's envy, stone and appearance.

If it wasn't for the bad reputation of Mei's mother and daughter, I'm afraid the threshold of matchmaking would be broken.

"Stone?" Mei Xiaolan was surprised and said, "why did you suddenly make a match with stone? But when you think of stone, you can't decide your own business. After all, it must be extraordinary because of its appearance."“ We'll have to wait for them to come back and discuss this. "

Matchmaker Li looked at the furnishings of the Mei family. Tut Tut, matchmaker Li was surprised that the Mei family is really developed. It is said that the Mei family girl picked up some treasure and developed it. However, a girl's family will marry out sooner or later. As the saying goes, the water thrown by the married daughter will not be the stone daughter-in-law's house at that time,

Matchmaker Li spits at the village head's daughter-in-law in her heart. She seems to be jealous and wants to take it for herself. However, after receiving money from others, I still have to work for them.

"Sister Mei, which girl is a virtuous and courteous one. Her appearance is also very good. The family conditions are not bad, and..." matchmaker Li chuckled and said: "other girls also say that they don't mind keeping dor's sister."

Is not willing to keep it, who in the village does not know Mei Qiduo has a baby in her hand.

Mei Xiaolan heard that matchmaker Li said, and her heart moved. It was not bad for a girl to say that. If she was a good girl, DOR had a guarantee. She was just about to speak when she was interrupted.

"I don't know which girl the matchmaker is talking about?" Mei Qiduo stood at the door, looking at the people sitting in her own door. The smell of cheap Rouge powder filled the air. With the cheap taste, Mei Qiduo frowned.

"Dor, stone, you're back." Mei Xiaolan saw her daughter quickly stand up and go out to see if Mei Qiduo was injured.

"Well." Mei Qiduo's smile is faint. Can she not come back, or she will miss the good play. I want to see the girl like what matchmaker Li said.

When matchmaker Li saw Mei Qiduo's light eyes looking at her, she felt tight in her heart. The girl's eyes were so cool that it was colder than the autumn night. For a moment, my throat was a little tight.

"Mother, put this thing in the kitchen for me." The seven plum blossoms opened the plum Xiaolan and gave a cool glance at matchmaker Li.

"All right." Mei Xiaolan didn't think much. She took the things in Mei Qiduo's hands and went to the kitchen.

As soon as Mei Xiaolan left, the atmosphere in the front hall was suddenly suppressed. Mei Qiduo didn't hide her momentum. She looked at matchmaker Li coldly and said in a light tone: "now you can say it."

Matchmaker Li was overwhelmed by Mei Qiduo's momentum. Her fingers were white and tightly grasped the tight chair. Her mouth trembled and said, "yes... Yes... Village head's daughter-in-law."

After that, Mei Qi duo got up and ran out of Mei's yard, as if there were evil spirits chasing her. Mei Qi duo looked at matchmaker Li's back with disdain in her eyes.

The village head's daughter-in-law? Lai Yu!

I didn't come to you, but you came to me.

Mei Qiduo has a slightly evil smile on the corner of her mouth. People who know Mei Qiduo well will know that whenever she smiles like this, it means that someone is going to have bad luck.

When the stone came in, he saw Mei Qiduo's smile full of evil spirit and playfulness. There was no wave in her eyes, as if it were a normal thing. Mei Qiduo saw the stone's face without any expression, and her heart was full of resentment.

It's a monster. With such a good bag, no wonder there are so many peach blossom debts?

If you castrate him, it would be good for women all over the world.

Mei Qiduo thinks like this, his eyes look at the stone wantonly, and his eyes are full of ridicule and evil.

Stone suddenly felt a chill, caught a glimpse of Mei seven flowers unrestrained eyes, eyes deep, this damned girl, low way: "what are you thinking?"

The tone was full of danger and warning.

Mei Qiduo quickly took back his eyes. If he knew what he had just thought, he would be miserable. He shook his head and said, "I didn't think about anything." Then he looked up at the stone with sincere expression and innocent eyes to show that what he said was true.

Stone did not pay attention to Mei Qiduo, the more such expression, the more it shows that there is a problem, forget it, remember first, sooner or later to get back. Over Mei Qiduo and into the room. I didn't even look at Mei Qiduo.

What a mean man.

Mei Qiduo touched her nose. She just thought about it casually. Unexpectedly, she was caught by this man. Sure enough, it's better to do bad things behind her back and be good people face to face.

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