After Li matchmaker came out of Mei's house, she had nightmares for several days. Her dreams were full of seven plum flowers, cold eyes like hell. She didn't have any emotion. She just looked at you and let you have nowhere to hide.

When matchmaker Li came to her senses, she went to the village head's house with the ten taels given by the village head's daughter-in-law. She couldn't do it by herself. She didn't see the eyes of the girl in Mei's family. At that time, she thought she was going to die. She couldn't give her life for ten taels of silver.

Although she felt ridiculous, matchmaker li felt that if she continued to be a matchmaker, she would die sooner or later.

When the village head's daughter-in-law saw matchmaker Li walking here, she quickly welcomed her. She was also very worried these days. Since the dead girl yu'er told her that she wanted to marry the stone of the Mei family, her heart was like frying in an oil pan. On the one hand, she had bullied the girl of the Mei family before and almost killed her, On the other hand, looking at the house built by the Mei family now, his heart is full of jealousy.

But if they become in laws, the Mei family is not free to let their daughter take care of them.

"Matchmaker Li, why did you come here this evening?" Village head daughter-in-law tone with a touch of displeasure and resentment, his daughter and plan this thing, but hide from their own man“ Come in and talk

"Jade his Niang, this is ten Liang that you give me, this matchmaker I don't do, you find someone else, I'll go first." Matchmaker Li didn't procrastinate either. After returning ten Liang silver to the village head's daughter-in-law, she left in a hurry.

Before the village head's daughter-in-law reacted, she was stuffed with ten Liang silver. When she reacted, she saw that matchmaker Li had gone far away. The village head's daughter-in-law's face was down, and she walked into the yard cursing.

When Lai Yu was in the yard, she heard her mother talking to the matchmaker. There was a glimmer of pride in her eyes. When she became Mei Qiduo's cousin, the little slut didn't let herself knead casually. Thinking of this, Lai Yu's eyes were full of expectation.

Anyway, it's the words of the matchmaker and the fate of the elders. There's nothing to worry about. Besides, if a bad reputation like stone can marry himself, it's also a blessing from his previous life.

Lai Yu'an is waiting for the good news from her mother in the house, but when she comes to her room with silver in her hand, her pride sinks down.

"Mother, what is this?" Lai Yu looks at the silver in Niang's hand. She knows that the silver is the money that Niang took out from her private money to make matchmaker for herself. Now matchmaker Li has returned it, which means that the matchmaker has not made it.

"Yu'er, the Mei family doesn't know what's good or bad. You're good. Wait for your mother to find you a better one." The village head's daughter-in-law sighed in her heart. How could her daughter not know? She opened her mouth in person. She was afraid that she had a crush on the stones of the Mei family.

When Lai Yu heard her mother say this, her face turned pale and her eyes were full of jealousy. Why did she refuse? It must be Mei Qiduo who told stone to refuse“ Mother, is Mei Qiduo that little bitch? I'm going to find her

Then he stood up and rushed out, his face full of anger and anger.

The village head's daughter-in-law quickly grabbed Lai Yu and said, "yu'er, as soon as you go, your father will know, and your boudoir reputation will be destroyed." The village head's daughter-in-law knows her man very well. If Lai Yu goes to Mei Qiduo today, it's very likely that Lai Yu will suffer when she comes back.

"If it's destroyed, it's destroyed, as long as you can marry brother stone." Lai Yu stood in the room with a black face.

When the village head's daughter-in-law heard what Lai Yu said, she quickly said, "I can't, I can't. If this woman's reputation is destroyed, it's over."

Lai Yu heard her mother say so, and did not want to find Mei Qiduo, but the anger in her eyes still showed her displeasure. She angrily went to the bedside and sat down, "what do you say?" I just want to marry brother stone.

"You let Niang think about it..." the village head's daughter-in-law saw that Lai Yu gave up the idea of looking for Mei Qiduo. She quickly comforted her and was interrupted by the village head's voice outside the door.

"Yutaniang, the magistrate is coming. You can cook some good dishes for us."

When the village head's daughter-in-law heard this, she immediately said, looking at her still angry daughter, she sighed and comforted her: "mother, go ahead, you are in the room. Don't tell your father about this."

Lai Yu nodded reluctantly and turned away from her mother.

When the village head's daughter-in-law went out, she saw Yu qiujie standing in the yard. Looking at the county magistrate's daughter, she was slightly surprised, but she still said with a smile: "miss is here, what's the matter?"

Yu qiujie begged her father to bring her out this time. She was not liked by the noble people, but she never forgot the elegant person. So she came here today to take a chance and blessed herself. She said: "today, I mainly want to play with sister Yu."

The village head's daughter-in-law was very happy that her daughter could have such a handkerchief as the county magistrate's daughter. She quickly said, "yu'er, she's in the house. Go and find her."

"Thank you, aunt." Yu qiujie saluted and approached the room.

The village head's daughter-in-law looks at Yu qiujie's temperament and comes to play with her daughter. Her eyes are full of pride. Which daughter in the village has such a face handkerchief, but she ignores the disdain and irony in Yu qiujie's eyes.

Yu qiujie came to the room and saw that Lai Yu was growing up. She asked with concern: "sister Yu, I've come to play with you. What's the matter with you?"

When Lai Yu saw Yu qiujie, she was not interested. She just said perfunctorily, "Why are you here?"

Yu qiujie's eyes are full of disdain and ridicule. You think I'm willing to come. A village girl dares to be rude to herself. Yu qiujie uses her strength to suppress her anger. When she looks up, she sometimes looks gentle and says with a smile: "my father comes to inspect, I come to play, and by the way, I bring you some gadgets in the county.

As soon as Lai Yu's eyes brightened, she quickly walked over to Yu qiujie and said, "come on, sit down. Are things beautiful in the county?"

Yu qiujie looked at the earthen Kang and frowned slightly, but still sat down, "it's OK. I'll bring you something fresh in the county." Then he took out the things he chose casually in the street. Anyway, there was no village girl who could see the good or bad.

Lai Yu saw some hairpins and bracelets that were not in the village. Her eyes were shining. She felt this and took that. "Do you think I look good with them? Will brother stone like it? " Lai Yu inserted the hairpin into her hair and asked Yu qiujie.

Brother stone? Is he, in Qiu Jie's heart a little excited, but the face is still not obvious, nodded with a smile, "it's very good-looking, by the way, the stone you said is not your sweetheart." The tone is relaxed, as if it is really like a joke between close friends in the boudoir.

"He's my husband." Lai Yu tone affirmative said, although not now, but will be.

Yu qiujie heard that Lai Yu said, and her fingernails pinched her palm so hard that she didn't let herself out of control. Looking at Lai Yu, her eyes were full of danger and profundity. Such a village girl and her portrait were so clear and meaningful, "really or not, I haven't heard the news from my father."

The relationship between the village head and the county magistrate is relatively close. When the village head marries his daughter, he will definitely invite the county magistrate to act as a front. But Yu qiujie did not hear that his father received the news.

"Hum, it must be Mei Qiduo who disagrees, but I will be stone's husband sooner or later." Lai Yu thought that it was Mei Qiduo who let the stone refuse, so she was very unhappy. Looking at the hairpin in her hand, she was not interested.

Yu qiujie breathes a sigh in her heart, that is, there is no more. Thinking of Mei Qiduo, she has not forgotten the insult she gave her last time, and she will get it back. However... Yu qiujie's eyes turn, and she can use the hand of Lai Yu to teach Mei Qiduo a little lesson, so she says with a smile: "that girl Mei is really hateful, How can you refuse to be married so casually. "

Lai Yu heard that Yu qiujie said the same thing, and immediately felt that she had found someone in the alliance. She quickly took Yu qiujie's hand and said, "you feel the same way. I'm angry and want to teach her a lesson." It's better not to make her lame, just like da Zhuang.

"But how do you want to teach?" Yu qiujie asked softly.

"This... I haven't thought about it yet." Lai Yuyi was asked for a moment that she had always said that she would teach Mei Qiduo a lesson, but Mei Qiduo was so powerful that she couldn't get any benefits at all, so now she really didn't know how to teach Mei Qiduo a lesson.

"Sister Yu, I have a way here. I don't know if you want to."

"Yes, of course." Lai Yu is willing to do anything as long as he can teach Mei Qiduo.

"I'll tell you, don't tell people that I taught you." Yu qiujie's eyes are light, full of ridicule and ridicule. What a fool.

"Certainly not, you say quickly." Lai Yu urged.

"This method is..."

Yu qiujie looks at Lai Yu with an excited face, looks down at her skirt, and shows a mysterious smile at the corner of her mouth. Her eyes are full of smiles, and she won't find herself. If there is such a fool as Lai Yu, stone will know that Lai Yu's design has made Mei Qiduo lose her body, so she will hate Lai Yu even more, and it will be easier for her to make a move at that time.

Only by drawing slowly can we succeed.

I'm also looking forward to Mei Qiduo. If I lose my body, will I still have that kind of lonely and cold eyes?

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