Since matchmaker Li was scared away by Mei Qiduo, Mei Qiduo lived a comfortable life for a few days. She thought that winter would soon come. She couldn't enter the mountain any more, but she didn't know how to make money, so she ignored Lai Yu. However, Mei Qiduo was not happy.

The client didn't respond at all.

"Stone, are you angry that I let you not hold the beauty back?" Because she was really bored, Mei Qiduo sat on the chair and looked at the stone, her eyes full of teasing.

Stone on the hands of the work, wipe sweat, eyes indifferent to see a plum seven, did not speak to continue to chop wood.

Mei Qiduo said to herself, "stone, I think Lai Yu is also a beauty. Why don't I invite a matchmaker." Then he looked up at the stone, full of ridicule.

Stone was a little helpless. If he didn't do anything, it was estimated that the girl would say some annoying words and said faintly, "well, you're right. It's OK to marry back."

Mei Qiduo's eyes were wide open, full of surprise, and then angry, "hum, your eyes are so bad, I'm not as good as you want, and you still owe me." With that, he turned and entered the room. He seemed very angry.

Stone eyes swing with a shallow smile, is really a duplicative little girl, he does not even know who the woman is, how to marry her.

Since listening to Yu qiujie's method, Lai Yu's mind has been wavering and making an indecisive decision. This is to go out and relax. Unconsciously, she goes to Mei Qiduo's house. When she sees the stone chopping firewood in the yard, her eyes become bright. She is full of anger when she thinks that Mei Qiduo has rejected the matchmaker. Brother Shi must be willing to marry herself.

I'm going to ask him.

Lai Yu straightens her hair and dress. She is the most beautiful girl in Liushu village, and she is also the daughter of the village head. Who doesn't like me? Lai Yu smiles and walks to Mei Qiduo's house.

Stone is concentrating on chopping firewood. Ever since he saw Mei Qiduo's eyes when he was chopping firewood at Uncle Fu's house, he has been working with this firewood these days, so he doesn't believe he can't chop well. To ignore the people who come in.

Lai Yu looked at the stone greedily. Her eyes were full of admiration, and her voice said softly: "brother stone" is delicate and soft.

When he heard the sound, he suddenly got goose bumps and got up. It was disgusting. Then he continued his action and didn't want to pay any attention to the people in the yard.

Lai Yu saw that the stone didn't move at all, and her eyes were full of anger. No one ever did this to her, but she still suppressed her anger and said, "brother stone, when will you go to my house to propose marriage?"

Stone put down his axe, frowned and turned to look at Lai Yu. His eyes were full of danger and indifference, and his tone was as cold as an autumn night. "I don't lack a fire maid."

Lai Yu's face turned white and red. Her face was very angry and her tone became sharp. "Brother stone, I'll be your wife in the future. I'll go to find her if I'm the little bitch Mei Qiduo." I'm going to rush into the house. I haven't seen Mei's parents before. It's mine from now on.

"I don't know what Miss Lai wants from me?" Mei Qiduo leaned in front of the door indifferently, with cold eyes.

When Lai Yu saw Mei Qiduo's eyes, her heart trembled unconsciously. The eyes were very frightening. Lai Yu raised her courage. She would be Mei Qiduo's sister-in-law, and she was afraid of her. "Why do you refuse matchmaker Li? Brother stone wants to marry me in the future." He looks proud and proud.

Mei Qiduo took a look at Lai Yu and said to herself, "stone, do we lack a servant girl to burn a fire?" The tone was puzzled and the expression was innocent.

"No shortage." Stone's eyes were full of smiles. He was willing to cooperate with her as long as she was happy.

"What else do you want?" The expression is more innocent.

"No one else." The tone of the stone is tender and affectionate, which seems to be the most beautiful love words in the world.

"Yes, it's good to waste my money, trouble." Mei Qiduo looks at Lai Yu with a smile on the corner of her mouth. Her eyes are full of sarcasm and ridicule. She also wants to marry my family's stone. She thinks it's beautiful.

He's mine.

Meiqiduo didn't expect that he had already regarded the stone as his own property. At this time, he was looking at Laiyu in front of him. The expression on his face was very good-looking, and his mood was happy.

Lai Yu saw stone and Mei Qiduo compare themselves to fire maids, and her face suddenly became extremely ferocious. Looking at Mei Qiduo's eyes, she wanted to eat her. She said sharply: "you little bitch, I'll be your sister-in-law, your sister-in-law." Pretend to be crazy.

"My family is relatively small. It can accommodate you." Mei Qiduo said indifferently, not caring at all.

"Brother stone likes me. He will marry me." Lai Yu said with proud eyes, he is sure that stone brother is very shy to see him.

Mei Qiduo heard that Lai Yu said, no, her eyes are so bad. Is she blind looking at the stone.

The stone regards Lai Yu's words as the air, and says with a strong tone: "it looks like the fire maid of Yichun building."

Mei Qiduo pursed her lips and smirked. Looking at Lai Yu's angry face, she was really poisonous. She didn't expect that stone would say that.

Yichun building is the only Memorial Hospital in the town.

"You... Don't regret it." Lai Yuqi's voice turned and left. Her eyes were full of gloom. She suddenly made up her mind and agreed to do it according to Yu qiujie's method. She wanted Mei Qiduo, the little bitch, to be ruined and despised like her mother.

"Her eyes are not very good." Stone looking at Lai Yu's back, light said, eyes full of shadow and calculation.

"Soldiers come to block, water comes to cover the earth, and..." Mei Qiduo's mouth shows a playful smile, behind her did not say, if she does anything, she will not be merciful.

I have never been a kind person.

Lai Yu gets angry at Mei Qiduo's home. The more she goes home, the more she feels that Yu qiujie's way is OK. She can not only let Shi Shi marry herself, but also make Mei Qiduo lose her reputation. Thinking of this, Lai Yu's eyes are full of pride and calculation.

Mei Qiduo, wait for you. You'll be the little girl everyone despises at that time.

For several days in a row, Lai Yu didn't make any moves. Mei Qiduo was a little curious for a moment. Although she didn't have much contact with Lai Yu, people with Lai Yu's character were not tolerant. However, Mei Qiduo recently because of thinking about a thing, but did not go seriously to entangle this matter.

Mei Qiduo looks at the cold winter coming, and every family has a house to keep. When her eyes are bright, she suddenly thinks of sausage. She used to like to make sausage by herself. It's very suitable for fried meat and steamed sausage, especially for bacon rice. Mei Qiduo thinks that there should be no sausage in ancient times, which should be a very good way to make money.

At that time, you can pull aunt Fu's family to do it together. Aunt Fu's family is really good to Mei Xiaolan's mother and daughter. They always remember those things when they just crossed over. Although there are few, they let Mei Qiduo remember them forever. Mei Qiduo is not the kind of person who forgets to be gracious, so she can let aunt Fu's family sit with her. She must make a lot of money.

Thinking of Mei Qiduo, the more he thought about it, the more he thought about it. He said to Mei Xiaolan.

"Mom, I'll go to Aunt Fu's house." Then he went out.

"Be careful on the way. I'll call aunt Fu's family for dinner later. " Mei Xiaolan went out. She didn't see Mei Qiduo. She knew what she had just said. Mei Qiduo didn't hear her. She quickly shook her head and went in.

Laiyu heard Erhua say that meiqiduo and Shitou are not at home today. Since Dazhuang's father had such a thing, Erhua hated meiqiduo very much. She told herself that she hated meiqiduo too. If she wanted meiqiduo to make a fool of herself, Erhua agreed without saying anything. So she always let Erhua see which day meiqiduo was not at home. Today is a good opportunity, and heaven helps me.

This time, Mei Qiduo will be discredited.

"Aunt May. At home? " Lai Yu came to Mei's house with some things.

Mei Xiaolan heard the voice and came out. When she saw Lai Yu carrying something, her eyes were stunned, but the corners of her mouth still asked with a smile, "it's Miss Lai. What's up?"

Lai Yu's eyes were full of ridicule and ridicule. She quickly covered it up and said with a smile, "Aunt Mei, last time I borrowed your fine grain, my mother asked me to give it back to you." The face is full of gentle and friendly smile.

Mei Xiaolan saw the things in Lai Yu's hand and thought of what duo er said a few days ago to let the village head's family return fine grain. She hurriedly postponed and said, "come in and do it. Let's go after drinking water." After all, we can't let people leave without drinking water.

"Yes! Just a little thirsty. " A light flashed in Lai Yu's eyes“ Auntie, here you are, or my mother will tell me. " Then he returned the basket to Mei Xiaolan.

Mei Xiaolan looked at the basket in her hand. There was some helplessness in her eyes. Duo'er specially explained that if the village head came to return the grain, she would let her subordinates. If duo'er didn't know, she would be angry again. "Then take it. Come in and sit down."

Lai Yu tried her best to suppress her desire to curse others. It was shameless, but she said with a smile: "that's troublesome."

"No trouble, I'll put the basket in the kitchen! You're free! " Then he went to the kitchen.

Lai Yu looks at Mei Xiaolan '.

Seeing the teapot on the table, he smiles and touches the paper bag in his sleeve. This time, Mei Qiduo must be ruined. Looking around, he finds that Mei Xiaolan hasn't come out yet. He pours the powder into the teapot and looks at the powder missing. Lai Yu shows a satisfied smile. How can you escape this time.

When Lai Yu saw Mei Xiaolan coming out, she quickly stood up and said with a smile, "aunt, it's very late. I'll go back first."

"Let's have a little more time." Mei Xiaolan has some doubts about how to come in and leave.

"No, my mother will worry." Lai Yu stood up and went out. The corners of my mouth are full of smiles, but I'm looking forward to it tonight. That medicine is given by Qiu Jie. It takes two hours for the medicine to work. Everything has been arranged. By that time, Mei Qiduo will be hard to fly even if he inserts his wings.

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