When the stone came back with a bundle of firewood on his back, he didn't see Mei Qiduo, who was standing at the door a few days ago, smiling rather than smiling. His eyebrows wrinkled slightly. "Aunt Mei, where have seven gone?" Stone usually does not talk to Mei Xiaolan, usually when Mei Qiduo is not at home, and he wants to know where she is going.

Mei Xiaolan was startled. "Seven flowers went to her aunt Fu's house. Today, she worked hard and drank water." Mei Xiaolan looked at the sweat of the stone and quickly poured a glass of water for the stone. She complained: "seven flowers are true. There are enough firewood at home. It's so dangerous in the mountains. Don't go next time."

The stone took it, drank it gracefully, frowned slightly, felt that the water didn't taste like ordinary, put down his hand with the bowl, and looked at Mei Xiaolan with some deep eyes.

Mei Xiaolan saw the stone's deep eyes. She didn't know why she couldn't move. She looked at the stone with some fear. How could the stone's eyes be so cold? Some trembled and asked, "how... What's the matter?"

Stone takes back his eyes, Mei Xiaolan is Mei Qiduo's mother after all, should not do anything, but the taste of the water is a little different from tasting, "it's OK, just the taste is a little different."

"Ha ha... Put a little sugar, DOR said put a little sugar more quench thirst." Mei Xiaolan smiles. She also knows that men don't like sweet very much. She can understand it. But she is still afraid of the way the stone looks at her just now?

"Well, Aunt May, I put firewood in the kitchen." The stone put down the bowl in his hand, and then took the firewood in his hand to the kitchen. During this period, he always looked at the teapot with his eyes. He always felt a strange smell, but he couldn't tell exactly what it was.

"Ah." Mei Xiaolan didn't think much. She packed up her things and began to cook dinner. She thought that Mei Qiduo should be back soon at this time.

Mei Qiduo came out of aunt Fu's house with a light smile. Both aunt Fu and uncle Fu said that they would work with their own family. Mei Qiduo would not let uncle Fu's family suffer losses. She just agreed on a good time, and then discussed it carefully. She wanted to keep all the pigs that aunt Fu would kill this year.

"Mother, is the stone back?" When Mei Qiduo gets home, he asks Mei Xiaolan. He thinks that Shitou said today that he would go to the mountain to cut firewood. He is very confused. He is not so active at ordinary times.

"It's back. It should be in the room now." Mei Xiaolan came out of the kitchen.

"Well, I'll ask him to eat." Then he went out and didn't care about Mei Xiaolan's face.

Mei Xiaolan looks at Mei Qiduo, who doesn't care about the defense between men and women. She sighs a little in her heart, thinking that stone is a good-looking child, but she doesn't know what the family looks like. If she marries a wife, she will be a concubine, and her face turns white.

He was extremely unwilling to be a concubine.

When Mei Qiduo came to the stone room, she knocked on the door. There was a very depressed body chant in it. Mei Qiduo frowned, as if she was trying to suppress something. Is there something wrong with the stone? Mei Qiduo is worried. She pushes the door open and sees that there is no movement inside. Her eyebrows are slightly wrinkled and she walks in. But she sees that Mei Qiduo wants to hit the door. However, there is no chance to push it out.

Inside the big barrel, the man sat with a faint blush on his face. Because of the light fog, what he saw was not true. He just saw that the man's ink hair was scattered randomly, a white jade face with abnormal blush, blue eyes with fatal lure or thin lips, Every part of the body exudes a sense of beauty with strength.

"How did you get in?" His voice was low and hoarse, with a charming tone.

"You... You're bathing." Mei did not know whether to turn around or continue to enjoy the scenery.

"Well." The stone puts his head on Mei Qiduo and looks at Mei Qiduo. Because of the early attack of *************************************************************************.

In a complete mess of every act and every move, the plum tree was red and red, and she had been coveted by the stones. The stones at that time explained everything in a way, and the sex was very messy. In the heart, there was no air retreat, and they still had no ability to play a trick on it. And then he bowed his head a little guilty.

Bah, I didn't mean to see it. I feel guilty.

"Ha ha..." the deep, dark and magnetic laughter came from behind, followed by the clattering sound of water, which made Mei Qiduo cool.

"Hey, hey, you're OK. I'll leave first." It's better to go as soon as possible, or you'll have nosebleed and lose face. Said, toward the outside.

Mei Qiduo was just about to walk to the door when she was pressed on the door by the stone. The cool breath of cold water on the stone wrapped Mei Qiduo's nerves tightly. Looking at the cold and elegant person in front of her, Mei Qiduo's heart trembled for a moment. She could see the dangerous jade in the stone's eyes, and her muscles were very stiff when he pressed herself.

Haven't you seen a pig? Haven't you seen a pig run? What's more, Mei Qiduo has seen a pig and a pig run in her last life.

The stone is either in heat or drugged.

"That... That impulse is the devil, you must not be impulsive!" Mei Qiduo's voice trembled. Although she could kick back without hesitation, it was really pleasing to see the evil face of the stone. If it was swollen, it would be a sin.

The stone smelled the light fragrance from Mei Qiduo. Yuwang, who had just been suppressed, was a little bit stronger. The hands that had been pressed on the door automatically hugged Mei Qiduo's waist, making Mei Qiduo closer to herself. Mei Qiduo's body had been raised for several months. Although it can't be said that her skin was like fat, it was very white, Especially the star eyes, more shining, with pride and cold, at this time in the eyes is a bit shy, is to please the stone, close to Mei Qiduo's ear whispered: "I where impulse, originally is depressed for a long time."

I've been holding you like this for a long time.

Mei Qi duo heard stone say so, the blush on the face is more serious, suppress the smile of the corner of the mouth, "flow busy." But the heart is full of light sweet.

"To you alone." Stone heard Mei Qiduo say so, to is not angry at all, gently exhale in her ear, lead to Mei Qiduo a shudder. It seems that the ear is her sensitive part.

Mei Qi duo turned her eyes and didn't look at the stone. "You've been drugged." Tone to is very calm, looking at the face with abnormal blush, forehead is full of sweat, at this time said that he is not in heat to believe.

"Well," he said, not caring at all, with a twinkle in his eyes, "I was drugged by your mother."

Mei Qiduo blinked. She really didn't know Mei Xiaolan was so powerful. She actually... Drugged the stone. Did she take a fancy to the stone? For a moment, she didn't know what to say, but her eyes were full of surprise and doubt.

The stone saw through what Mei Qiduo was thinking at a glance. He bounced Mei Qiduo's forehead. The cold touch made him want more. He pressed his teeth to suppress this feeling, "your mother has been used."

People with a good heart will always be used.

Mei Qiduo smelled the speech, and her eyes were full of fierce and cold. She seemed too leisurely these days. She didn't pay attention to this. A bloodthirsty smile came up at the corners of her mouth, "it seems that someone thinks life is comfortable."

Stone looked at plum seven thin lips light open appearance, a time want to taste a taste, whether and body aroma general sweet, unforgettable, so think, so do.


Mei Qiduo really didn't expect that her first kiss here was gone. She opened her eyes and looked at the beautiful face in front of her. Her head was a little empty. When she came back, she was pushed out of the door by the stone. Inside came the suppressed sound of stones.

"You go out."

I don't know if I can control it before I go out.

Mei Qiduo blushed and stood outside the door. She couldn't help smiling when she thought of the stone's present appearance, but she was still a little unhappy in her eyes. After all, her first kiss didn't make people happy. However, looking at the beauty under the water was very interesting, and she felt that the stone's figure was very good, which was a match with the Niulang shop she had been to in her previous life.

Mei Qi duo has some evil smiles on her lips.

If stone knows that Mei Qiduo compares him with the people in the cowherd shop, he must regret letting Mei Qiduo go.

When Mei Qiduo returns to the front hall, he just sees Mei Xiaolan come out. Thinking of the stone, Mei Qiduo doesn't know how to open her mouth for a moment. To be honest, she doesn't want to believe that Mei Xiaolan will do such a thing.

Mei Xiaolan looked at Mei Qiduo's red face and was very sad. She wanted to talk to Mei Qiduo and said with a trace of uncertainty“ Do you have a man in your heart, DOR

Mei Xiaolan prayed in her heart not to be a stone.

Mei Qiduo is a little speechless. How can she talk about it well? "Niang, how can I feel in the mood to think about it now? By the way, Niang, does anyone come to our house today?" Random tone, but Mei Qiduo already had a suspicious object in her heart, just need to confirm.

Mei Xiaolan frowned, but still answered Mei Qiduo's question and said, "no one has come today, ah! By the way, the daughter of the village head's family has been here to return the fine grain. "

It was her.

Mei Qiduo heard Mei Xiaolan say so. Her eyes were full of clear expression, and a smile appeared at the corners of her mouth. Evil and cold.

Since everyone else has given a big gift, there's no reason why I don't return it.

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