Mei Qiduo knows that Shitou may not be able to have dinner today. She asks Mei Xiaolan to leave a meal for Shitou. Thinking about today's affairs, she knows that Lai Yu comes in to take medicine through Mei Xiaolan's kindness. Mei Qiduo doesn't blame Mei Xiaolan. Mei Xiaolan says good is good, and bad is steamed bun.

Mei Qiduo knows that the person Lai Yu wants to harm is not a stone, but the stone comes back earlier than herself by mistake. If she comes back earlier, it's estimated that she will be the victim. After all, she is very relaxed at home.

It seems that we should buy a few people back to avoid this happening again.

"Seven, are you at home?" Lai Yu's voice came from the door.

Mei Qiduo heard Lai Yu's voice, with a clear look in her eyes and a slight smile on her mouth. She didn't find the door, but she sent it to the door. It seems that there is still a move.

However, if she knew that her well-designed game turned out to be a stone hit, she didn't know what kind of expression she would have. Mei Qiduo's mouth showed a faint evil spirit, and she wanted to know the expression on her face.

"Yes, what can I do for you?" Mei Qiduo is very indifferent to come out, looking at Lai Yu's eyes are full of alienation and indifference, but look carefully, the depth is all over the sky cold.

Lai Yu looked at Mei Qiduo and wondered if she didn't drink the water in the teapot. Erhua observed for a long time and said Mei Qiduo would drink a cup of tea at that time every day. However, looking at her white face with a touch of ruddy, she didn't know why she was uneasy. Lai Yu suppressed her uneasiness, She just hasn't given full play to her medicine. Wait a minute. It's worse than death.

"Well, I want to talk to you about stones." Lai Yu said with a smile in her mouth, with some eagerness in her eyes.

Mei Qiduo's eyes flashed a trace of deep, Lai Yu's character should not be like this, it seems that someone behind her may have said something to her, it is possible that this matter is her plan.

I don't know why a beautiful face flashed in Mei Qiduo's mind.

Suppress the doubt in the heart, the corner of the mouth is still with the same smile, "OK, just I have something to find you." Mei Qiduo especially strengthened "things", and the corner of her mouth was a smile that Lai Yu couldn't understand.

Lai Yu's eyes flashed doubts. She looked for something to do with herself. Could it be that... Lai Yu's eyes flashed a glimmer of satisfaction. "Let's go, let's talk about it alone." Then he went on.

Mei Qiduo walked slowly behind Lai Yu, and it was getting late. Many people who worked went home for dinner. At this time, there were very few people on the road. If anything happened, it was estimated that only dumb people ate Coptis - I can't tell the pain. If I didn't guess wrong, Lai Yu was going to design to destroy Mei Qiduo's innocence.

If he did not cross over, Lai Yu with a trick will be successful, but, Mei Qiduo mouth showed a strange smile.

This time I asked them to lift a stone and hit my own foot, but I can't say it hurts.

Lai Yu followed him to a sparsely populated bamboo forest. There was silence all around, which could be called dead silence. If anything happened in such a place, no one would come even if he broke his throat.

Mei Qiduo didn't go forward with Lai Yu any more. She stood in the bamboo forest and said, "if you have something to say, it's late. The stone is still waiting for me at home." Mei Qiduo knows that Lai Yu likes stones in her heart, so she uses them to stimulate her.

Sure enough, Lai Yu heard Mei Qiduo say so, immediately stopped, did not go to the place agreed with others, turned to look at Mei Qiduo's eyes with resentment, the original pretty face is very ferocious, "little bitch, is it you don't let stone marry me?"

Mei Qiduo looked at Lai Yu with a smile. She was angry. She seemed to like stone very much. Thinking of the face of stone, Mei Qiduo was a little angry. She wanted to beat the face of stone out of her anger now, but she still solved the current problem. Canthus provoked a provocative look, "is how, stone but tell me, she doesn't like you."

"No, stone likes me." Lai Yu couldn't stand Mei Qiduo's provocative eyes. It seemed that they were laughing a few days ago. They didn't put themselves in their eyes at all. Lai Yu's eyes were full of anger. It seemed that they would rush up and tear Mei Qiduo the next second.

"Shitou said that he would rather marry Erhua than you. Tut Tut, I feel sorry for you." Mei Qiduo's tone was too obvious, but it was a real mockery in Lai Yu's ear.

"You're all little bitches." When Lai Yu heard Mei Qiduo say this, her anger was no longer suppressed. She didn't know that she had face when she married stone, but Stone said she couldn't compare with the little bitch Er Hua. Lai Yu was always proud of her identity. She was the daughter of the village head, and the girl in the village couldn't compare.

Lai Yu can't take care of any plans at this time. Now she just wants to spread it and tear Mei Qiduo's mouth well to let her taste her power. However, he also did so. Lai Yu was cleverly hid by Mei Qiduo when he threw himself at Mei Qiduo.

Seems to dislike the fire is not enough, "you said Erhua know, will be happy, after all, you Laiyu fancy people actually don't like you." The tone was full of sarcasm.

"Little slut, I'll tear your mouth, and you'll say it." The air, Lai Yu heard Mei seven so said, and turned to rush up. There's no reason in my eyes, there's just madness.

Mei Qiduo has a sneer in her eyes. If she had been before, Laiyu would have died many times, but not here. Besides, Laiyu is still the daughter of the village head. Killing her will only bring more trouble, so she has to have a good taste of being designed by herself. When Lai Yu pours on her, Mei Qiduo suddenly raises her arm. The tiny powder disperses the air from Mei Qiduo's hands. Lai Yu who pours on Mei Qiduo suddenly falls to the ground.

Mei Qiduo looks at Lai Yu on the ground. It seems that the ecstasy has become more mature, colorless and odorless. It is scattered in the air, and there is no trace when it is blown by the wind. Is it hard for Lai Yu to say that she came to the bamboo grove to design others? In ancient times, women's innocence is more important than anything. She really wants to know who Lai Yu asked to do something.

However, how can her body move Lai Yu? Mei Qiduo frowns slightly, which is a problem. Suddenly, Mei Qiduo hears the sound of bamboo forest, and Mei Qiduo hides.

A figure came out of the bamboo forest. It seemed that the figure was very strong, but the way he walked was a little strange. It seemed that there was something wrong with his feet. As the figure came in, Mei Qiduo could see who it was. Dazhuang, with a face full of shadows, came to Lai Yu, and his eyes were full of deep hatred.

"Mei Qiduo, I will make your life worse than death." Big strong and gloomy voice spread to Mei Qiduo's ear.

Because it was dark, Dazhuang didn't see who was falling on the ground. Seeing a woman, he thought it was Mei Qiduo, so he rushed away.

Mei Qiduo looks at Dazhuang and Laiyu's back coldly, and his eyes show clearly. It's really vicious. He designs Dazhuang's mother, breaks Dazhuang's leg, and sends Dazhuang's father to prison. It's estimated that Dazhuang's family would like to kill themselves. If he is designed today, then the end is to marry Dazhuang and be tortured. Mei Qiduo's mouth and eyes are full of deep indifference. This strategy is not vicious.

When Mei Qiduo and Lai Yu walk into the bamboo forest, Erhua, who is watching, runs to Mei's house and tells Mei Xiaolan.

"Aunt Mei, it's bad, it's bad. I just saw seven flowers in the bamboo forest. It seems..." Er Hua was very nervous when he said such words. It seems that it's hard to say anything.

Because it's evening, the Mei family is a newly built house, and occasionally someone comes to talk to Mei Xiaolan in the evening. Aunt Fu frowns slightly when she hears Er Hua's words. What's the meaning of Er Hua's words.

"What happened to seven flowers? What's in it? " Some ladies are hard to read and get excited when they see Er Hua like this. Did the girl of the Mei family have an affair with the man? She had watched the Mei family build a house. If she became a daughter-in-law, she would have to think about it.

"..." Erhua still didn't speak and lowered her head.

Erhua's appearance makes more and more women's eyes more and more bad. It seems that Mei Qiduo has an affair with others. Aunt Fu and Mei Qiduo's face suddenly came down, especially Mei Xiaolan. Her daughter could not understand herself, and she could never have an affair with others. "What's the matter? Are you clear? " Mei Xiaolan's voice was full of harshness.

Erhua was so scared that she tightened her handkerchief and said, "I just saw seven flowers and thought they were men..."

"Why is everyone like this?" Mei Qiduo's voice came from behind, with a smile in her eyes and some wild vegetables in her hands.

Mei Xiaolan and aunt Fu heard Mei Qiduo's voice and breathed a sigh on their faces. Fortunately, it wasn't duo er who had something wrong. Their eyes were full of disdain when they looked at Er Hua.

Erhua hears Mei Qiduo's voice and is startled. She turns around and sees Mei Qiduo looking at herself with a smile on the corner of her mouth. However, there is no smile in her eyes. Her eyes are frosty and cold, as if she were a Shura in hell. It's frightening.

Erhua can't help shivering. If it's not Mei Qiduo who married in the bamboo forest, then... Erhua can't imagine the bamboo forest she wants to go to, but she can't move a step when she sees Mei Qiduo's eyes. Before I could react, I heard Mei Qiduo's voice.

"Speaking of it, I met Lai Yu on the way. It seems that I went to the bamboo forest."

Mei Qiduo shows Er Hua with her eyes, as if to say.

You see, it's a good show.

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