Mei Qiduo looks at Erhua's stiff face, with a cruel smile on her lips. Doesn't she want a sister-in-law? I'll give you one, but don't live up to my kindness. My words were full of worry and said, "looking at the sky getting late, what if something happens to Lai Yu?"

When a woman heard Mei Qiduo say this, her eyes flashed. Some people who had always been at odds with the village head's daughter-in-law were worried about it. She said quickly, "then Leyao, tell the village head's daughter-in-law quickly, or what can Lai Yu do if something happens?" Although this said, but the tone is some schadenfreude. Usually, if something happened to a family, the village head's daughter-in-law would not gloat.

Mei Qiduo is very satisfied with the reaction of the people around her. Some people just don't say it, but they still have a knot in their heart, especially the mouth of the village head's daughter-in-law. Now that she has a problem, that person is not the one to gloat.

"Dor, where did you see Lai Yu?" Mei Xiaolan came down for a while and asked. Her eyes were full of questions. She just saw that Lai Yu had asked her daughter to go out with her. Now only her daughter came back alone. What happened?

Mei Qi duo's smile on the corner of his mouth remained unchanged, and said softly, "Niang, I'm on the way to Zhushan." I didn't lie, but I was on the way to Zhushan again. I just hid the part when I was there.

Mei Xiaolan heard Mei Qiduo say so, and her brow was still tightly wrinkled. Although she didn't know why duo er said so, she vaguely knew that it seemed that it was a bad thing. She tightly pursed her mouth and didn't ask, waiting to ask again in private.

"It's better to tell the village head as soon as possible, and Zhushan is not a safe place at night. A girl's family should not have anything wrong." Mei Qiduo looked at the distance with deep eyes. The corners of her mouth were unidentified smiles. She not only gave a simple ecstasy, but also added some interesting things. Don't live up to the gift I gave you.

Some women heard Mei Qiduo say so, quickly nodded and said, "yes, it's better to go to the village head's house and tell him."

"Yes, isn't it dangerous for a girl to go up the mountain at night?"

They bid farewell to Mei Qiduo. Some went home, waiting for tomorrow's play. Some went directly to the village head's house, and some went directly to Zhushan.

Mei Qiduo looks at people's back with indifferent eyes. Deep in her eyes is the constant cold. It's frightening. Erhua has been standing there without moving a step. Looking at the figure of people leaving, she secretly gripes her teeth. Mei Qiduo, a little bitch, leads people to Zhushan with a few words. If she finds something in Zhushan, she can't imagine it, and her body shakes unconsciously. Looking at the plum seven direct to this side, ruthlessly suppress the fear in the heart.

Erhua gritted his teeth and asked, "are you?"

Mei Qiduo showed a smile at the corner of her mouth. Her eyes were calm, and she didn't dodge at all. She seemed to say that it was me, so what about you?

"You bitch..."

"Pa." Mei Qiduo blew her hand. It really hurts to hit people. Mei Qiduo looked at her hands and said calmly, "it hurts."

"You... You hit me." Erhua covers her face and looks at Mei Qiduo in shock. Although she is a girl, she has never been beaten since she was a child.

"Well, yes, do you want another slap?" Mei Qiduo looked at her hand. Well, it's not red any more. Although it hurts to hit her hand, she is in a good mood,

"You... You... You wait for me." With that, he ran out of Mei Qiduo's yard.

Mei Qiduo picks her eyebrows and is in a happy mood. As soon as she is ready to go back to the room, she sees Mei Xiaolan's disapproval in her eyes. Mei Qiduo sighs. She is really a virgin. She probably sees her slap on Er Hua, but she has no regrets.

"Niang, I know what you want to say, but you see, people are good at being bullied and horses are good at being ridden. I don't take the initiative to provoke them, but they come to provoke me. Don't you think I should fight back?" Mei Qiduo didn't want to explain anything, but it's better to think about it clearly. After all, Mei Xiaolan is really thinking about herself.

Mei Xiaolan heard Mei Qiduo say so, eyebrows are still tightly wrinkled, although the heart is not very agree with Mei Qiduo, but also know that they can not change Mei Qiduo's idea, can only sigh, some worry said: "it's not good, mother is worried about what you have."

Mei Qiduo knows Mei Xiaolan's worry, but as long as she is strong enough, everything is not a problem. She smiles at Mei Xiaolan and says, "don't worry, mother, it won't be." Even if it's dangerous, I'll take care of it.

"Well... You've grown up." Mei Xiaolan sighed and said nothing more, but the worry in her eyes remained unchanged.

When Lai Yu wakes up, she sees her clothes in tatters, her body as if she had been run over by a car, and her head slowly wakes up. When she sees the man like figure next to her, her brain is blank, and then she screams.


People around him seem to be very impatient and turn around to give Lai Yu a slap. But when he sees the person clearly, his eyes are full of surprise, "how are you?" Shouldn't it be Mei Qiduo?

"Xu Dazhuang, I'll fight with you." Lai Yu knows that her innocence is gone. Even if she hates Mei Qiduo, she hates Dazhuang for not seeing people clearly. Now that her innocence is gone, can she marry brother stone? Looking at Dazhuang's eyes is full of deep hatred.

At this time, Dazhuang reacted that he wanted to design meiqiduo, but now he was designed by meiqiduo. He was a fool. Dazhuang looked at Laiyu with disdain in his eyes and said in a gloomy tone: "hum, fool, I shouldn't have you design meiqiduo that bitch."

Lai Yu had a blank in her mind. Hearing Dazhuang's speech, she suddenly thought of Mei Qiduo's sarcastic eyes and tone, and rushed up, "I'll kill you, you bitch." The tone was sharp and harsh,

Dazhuang frowned slightly. The woman was really stupid. She grabbed Lai Yu's hand and wanted to teach a good lesson. She heard a lot of footsteps coming here. Her body was a little stiff. She didn't know how to react, so Lai Yu broke free and grabbed her.

"You bitch." Dazhuang's backhand is to slap Lai Yu. Looking at his bleeding arm scratched by Lai Yu, his eyebrows are full of gloom.

"If you dare to hit me, I'll fight with you." It's like jumping on it again, but it attracts all the people.

When the village head's daughter-in-law saw her daughter lying on the ground in rags with traces on her body, she naturally knew what it was. She felt a sharp pain in her heart and wanted to faint in the dark. However, she was held by a quick eyed woman.

When Lai Yu saw that it was her mother who was coming, she rushed up and cried, "mother, you want to make the decision for me. That little bitch Mei Qiduo designed me. It shouldn't have been me, it should have been..."


Lai Yu was slapped by the village head Lai Da before he finished speaking. The slap was very heavy. Lai Yugang was slapped by Dazhuang just now. Now both sides of his cheeks are swollen. He just looks very miserable. Now he looks terrible.

It's shameless for people around to look at Dazhuang and Laiyu with disdain and disdain. Some people look at the village head with different eyes. Their daughters have all been taught like this, so laida doesn't know whether they can be qualified for the position of village head.

Lai nature noticed that people were looking at him with different eyes. She was very unhappy. There was a shadow between her eyebrows. This daughter made trouble for herself. "I don't have a daughter like you, so you should soak in the pig cage." The tone is full of ruthlessness.

Lai Yu was dazed by Lai da. At this time, she heard her father's voice and finally came back to herself. She cried out, "father, it's not my daughter, it's Mei Qiduo who framed me. He is jealous of her daughter."

Lai Da's face was even more gloomy. He was really a fool. "You said Mei Qiduo was jealous of you, but you said, what is she jealous of you?"

"She is jealous of her daughter..."

What Lai Yugang wanted to say was covered by the village head's daughter-in-law. The village head's daughter-in-law quickly said, "the child's father, yu'er certainly didn't mean it. Don't you know her daughter, it must not be yu'er, it must be Dazhuang." I haven't told the child's father about that. If I did, I would admit that I designed meiqiduo. My innocence is gone, but I can't have a bad reputation. There are several men waiting to marry at home.

Dazhuang was standing by with a gloomy face when he heard the village head's daughter-in-law say, hum, if I blame Laiyu, my face will be gloomy. "I design her, hum, just like her. It's worth designing her."

People originally came to see the play. It seems that there is something wrong with what Dazhuang said. Now Dazhuang has polluted Laiyu's innocence. When Laiyu comes out of the pig cage, she can only marry Dazhuang. But in the Haoyue Dynasty, a girl caught adultery can't be a wife and son, she can only be a concubine, although she is a farmer, But the legal system of Haoyue Dynasty is very clear.

"Dazhuang, you can admit it. I'm saying that Laiyu will be your concubine. You won't suffer." A woman said that she despised the villager in her heart. She didn't have any treasure in her village. She did such a thing. She wanted to keep my girl away from the strong family.

"That's right, no loss."

"Village head, it's better to marry Da Zhuang than to soak a pig cage!" I told you to be a bully at ordinary times, but now you've been pecked by a chicken. How can you be arrogant.

Lai Da's face turned red, listening to the voices of the people. His mouth was tightly pursed. His eyes were full of gloom when he looked at Dazhuang. After all, Lai Yu was his own daughter. If he was really reluctant to immerse in the pig cage, he would only marry Dazhuang and still be a concubine. The village head clenched his hand tightly and tried his best to suppress his anger.

When Lai Yu heard that she was going to be a concubine for Da Zhuang, she shook her head. Her eyes were full of fear. She said repeatedly, "no, no, I don't want to be a concubine. I... "

"If you don't become a concubine, you'll soak the pig cage."

When Lai Yu heard Lai Da say this, she stayed there without any sound, just like a broken doll without soul.

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