Because some things have been solved, Mei Qiduo is very happy and doesn't take care of Lai Yu. But guess what, Lai Yu must not be there. Mei Qiduo heard Mei Xiaolan and aunt Fu talking about yesterday when she got up the next day. Mei Qiduo was a little surprised. She didn't expect to be a concubine.

But Mei Qiduo didn't sympathize with them at all, just asking for trouble.

"You made them." Stone asked in a low voice when passing by Mei Qiduo. After he heard about Lai Yu, he knew for the first time that it must be something Mei Qiduo did behind his back.

Mei Qiduo looked up and saw the stone's face. For some reason, she thought of yesterday's gentle but dangerous kiss. Her cheeks were flushed unconsciously. She lowered her head and didn't speak. Really, she was shy. Mei Qiduo spitted at herself in her heart.

"Cough... It's just to treat someone in his own way, and I'll avenge you. Don't thank me." When I look up at the stone, I praise you quickly. I'm your benefactor. The stone is speechless.

The slender white finger knocked Mei Qiduo's head, and said with a slightly reproachful tone: "you shouldn't be alone."

Mei Qiduo slightly picked eyebrows, inadvertently, the flow of a touch of charming gas, thin lips light, "you sure you can come out yesterday." Eyes full of ridicule, mouth with an informal smile.

Stone was helpless, but he really couldn't come out yesterday. It had almost disappeared. However, when Mei Qiduo came in, she almost wiped her gun and went off fire, which made Yuwang strong again. She ran a cold bath all night. Fortunately, she was strong, Otherwise today where still have the opportunity to tease with her here, however, see such plum seven flower, the stone is again the heart is not willing, the corner of the mouth peeps out a put on evil spirit smile, gather to plum seven flower's ear to say softly: "next time absolutely won't let you off so easily." Then he turned around and left without looking at Mei Qiduo's expression.

Mei Qiduo stayed in the same place, then remembered what stone meant by this sentence. Her face was even more red, just like the morning glow.

When Lai Yu was taken home by the village head's daughter-in-law, she was like an empty shell. She kept saying, "it shouldn't be me, it should be Mei Qiduo." When the village head's daughter-in-law saw Lai Yu like this, her heart was as painful as being cut by a knife, and her tears stayed as if she didn't want money.

"The child's father, yu'er really wants to be strong..." the village head's daughter-in-law can't say the word "Concubine". She loves her big child like a pearl. Although she is pretty, she is the only girl of her own. How can she be willing to be a concubine for others now.

Village head Lai Da heard his mother-in-law cry, frown tightly, can kill a fly, see Lai Yu like this, in the heart is very sad, "you shut up, let her say, in the end is how?" Lai Da felt that things would not be so simple. Her daughter knew that she would never take a fancy to Da Zhuang.

When the village head's daughter-in-law and Lai Yu heard the village head's loud roar, they immediately stopped crying. Lai Yu looked at her father's gloomy face and said everything in a trembling voice. When Lai Da heard Lai Yu's words, his face became more and more gloomy. Looking at Lai Yu's eyes, he wanted to kill her.

"This is the good daughter you taught. She was so shameless that she asked someone to marry you." Lai Da is suppressing his anger. He and I want to kick Lai Yu to death now.

When the village head's daughter-in-law heard what Lai Da said, she bowed her head and didn't dare to speak. If she knew her husband's business, she couldn't stop her by starting a fire. Now, don't touch Lai Da's bad luck. Although the village head's daughter-in-law knows Lai Da, Lai Yu doesn't! Hearing what Lai Da said, his face dropped and he yelled at Lai.

"Yes, I'm shameless, but why don't you, the village head, avenge your daughter? You kill Mei Qiduo..."

Lai Da heard that Lai Yu said, "I hate that you should have strangled you when you were born." The tone is gloomy and cold, and the eyes are very fierce and gloomy.

Lai Yu was kicked by Lai DA and cried on the ground. The village head's daughter-in-law quickly climbed over and cried with Lai Yu in her arms. Lai big forehead tight tight tight, head also did not return of walked out.

Mei Qiduo, Mei's family, there's always one thing I need to revenge on you.

Mei Qiduo was busy making sausages at this time, because he thought that this was the first time to try this kind of thing in ancient times, and he didn't know whether he could succeed. So Mei Qiduo didn't make many sausages this time, just made 40 or 50. Mei Xiaolan and aunt Fu are full of doubts when they look at the sausage. They have never seen anything like this. For a moment, they are a little confused. Can this thing really make money?

"Dor, can this thing really make money?" Aunt Fu asked carefully, because she had never seen this thing before.

Mei Qiduo smiled at the corners of her mouth. Her eyes were full of self-confidence. She was very confident. Sausage could definitely make money. She could make a lot of money. She had looked after the back mountain behind her house. At that time, she could plant grapes and make wine. "Aunt Fu, don't worry. When this is done thoroughly, you can ensure that you still want to eat."

"Really, DOR, aunt Fu will do it with you." When Aunt Fu heard Mei Qiduo say this, her eyes were full of expectations. When she really made money, she could tell Chunsheng not to work in the town, so that her son would not have to be so far away from them.

"Yes, aunt Fu is so kind to me." Mei Qiduo replied with a smile.

After several days in a row, aunt Fu stares at the sausages every day. Her eyes are full of expectation. They are all money! Mei Qiduo wanted to laugh every time she saw aunt Fu's eyes, but she also loved money. Finally, Mei Qiduo took some peppers and made half of them. Everyone felt hungry when they smelled the smell of sausage.

"Don't tell me, DOR, it's really delicious." Aunt Fu ate a piece and said, squinting. Now I fully believe what Mei Qiduo said. This thing will definitely make a lot of money.

"Sure." Mei Qiduo's mouth rises.

When the stone saw the rising corners of Mei Qiduo's mouth, a trace of smile flashed in her eyes. Her eyes were full of gentle friendship. Mei Qiduo didn't see it, but Mei Xiaolan nearby saw the friendship in the stone's eyes. She was surprised, but her face didn't show any expression.

"Aunt Fu is waiting to count the money at home." Aunt Fu thought about the days when she would count money at home. She felt wonderful.

"You're in the eye of money, and you count it all day." Uncle Fu couldn't help joking when he saw aunt Fu like this.

"I like money, but you don't!"

Everyone laughed when Aunt Fu said so. Mei Qiduo's eyes are full of smiles. This kind of life is beautiful, simple but warm. Compared with previous life, she has a lot of things, so she must take good care of it.

Mei Qiduo drove into the town early the next morning with stone and sausage. Before Mei Qiduo inquired about it, she wanted to buy the sausage into Baifu restaurant in the town, because it was said that Baifu restaurant was the restaurant with the largest number of people in the town, and no one dared to make trouble in Baifu restaurant. This shows that there were people behind the restaurant, and the origin was not small, This is just right. You don't have to worry about your safety.

When meiqiduo and Shitou arrive at the door of Baifu restaurant, they see a ragged old man holding a man who thinks he is a waiter defending something. Meiqiduo frowns slightly and has a worry in her heart. The idea of selling to Baifu restaurant needs to be considered again. Because you don't want to get into trouble, you want to leave directly, but man, it seems that you are patient with the old man's constant entanglement, and push the old man to the ground. Fortunately, the stone holds the old man, and the stone's brow is tightly wrinkled, and his eyes are cold.

"If you don't have any money to eat, go away." The man threw his clothes and looked at the old man with disdain, as if he was looking at some mole ant.

Originally did not want to care about this matter, but the attitude of the man suddenly angered Mei Qiduo, Mei Qiduo stopped to look at the man, his eyes were cold, then changed to gentle eyes, mouth with a kind smile, "excuse me, what's the matter? How can people not bring money out for dinner? " Although he asked the old man, he smelled it.

The man saw Mei Qiduo and stone dressed up in the countryside. Although the man looked amazing, he was still a village man in the final analysis. His eyes disdained and said, "if you are poor, don't come to our Baifu restaurant for dinner. We don't receive everyone." The tone was haughty.

Mei Qi duo's eyes were colder and his smile was more cordial when he heard the speech. "Oh, the Baifu restaurant only receives nobles, and we civilians can't eat it."

"That's for sure." Man, when Mei Qiduo said this, his eyes became more proud.

"Pooh... I'm very curious. Baifu restaurant only serves noble people. Why do we want common people like us to eat? Don't we beat ourselves in the mouth?" Mei Qiduo seems to hear a funny joke, but it's even more funny when she looks at the guy, but she doesn't have any temperature in her eyes. What she hates most is the bully, who is more shameless than Lai Yu.

When people around hear Mei Qiduo say this, their eyes change unconsciously when they look at Baifu restaurant. If you only receive aristocrats, we civilians can't eat. Some people who are going to eat have already left, and some people who are eating in the restaurant have already left angrily. They will never eat in such a restaurant again.

When the shopkeeper saw that the guest had left, he suddenly heard Mei Qiduo say so. He hurried out to check the situation. He saw that although they were dressed in ordinary clothes, their style was hard to ignore. He knew what was going on when he saw the ugly face of his fellow. He secretly hated that the fellow was not sensible and hurried to meet him.

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