When the shopkeeper came out, he saw Mei Qiduo holding an old man. There was a little uneasiness in his heart. But this kind of beggar was the most annoying. He came to this move every time. Although he was very contemptuous in his heart, the shopkeeper was also a human spirit. He didn't show it at all. He said politely: "what's the matter with you? The man in the shop is a new comer. Please don't have the same opinion with him After that, he also made a salute to the people. When he looked at the man, his face was very severe, "don't go to work as soon as possible."

When people saw the shopkeeper's face changed a little bit, Mei Qiduo looked at the shopkeeper with a smile on the corner of his mouth. He secretly appreciated that he was worthy of being a shopkeeper. His speaking ability was very strong, but in the end, he didn't lose anything.

Mei Qiduo's smile remained unchanged, and her voice was soft. "In fact, we all come to dinner, and we don't want to be so unhappy. We just don't know why the man in your shop had an argument with this old man."

"This..." the shopkeeper was embarrassed and looked at the old man with disdain in his eyes. However, it's more important to protect the reputation of the restaurant now. After all, if today's affairs are not handled well, he can't explain to the above“ I'm listening to you guys. This old man has no money to eat, so... "

We are all smart people. We only need to say half of what we say, and the rest will be taken care of by us.

"Uncle has the most say in this matter. Uncle, can you tell us what's going on? We will all decide for you. " Meiqiduo didn't give the shopkeeper any chance. If he didn't tell it at this time, it would be the old man's fault. But meiqiduo could see at a glance that the old man was not such a naughty person.

The old man looked at Mei Qiduo with tears in his eyes. His face was full of traces of life, and his eyes fell down. He said sadly, "my little grandson is ill. He wants to eat the drunk chicken from Baifu restaurant. The little grandson's hard-earned money is used to sell the drunk chicken. But the guy took the money and said he didn't receive my money. Pity my little grandson..."

When the shopkeeper heard the old man say this, his face suddenly became ugly. He turned to look at the man. The man was obviously guilty and quickly lowered his head. The shopkeeper secretly gritted his teeth, scolded a fool in his heart, and said with a smile on his face: "is this old man wrong? Our Baifu restaurant has always been reputation first. It's impossible to do such a thing."

Said indignation, everyone also nodded, Baifu restaurant has never happened such a thing, this thing is not made up, everyone looked at the old man's eyes a little strange.

The old man seemed very excited, and said excitedly: "the money that the little old man has worked so hard to save, you Baifu restaurant are not afraid of being punished by heaven?" It's like I'm going to faint in the next second.

Mei Qiduo's eyes are flowing. When she looks at the man, she knows that it must be like what the old man said. It's just that Baifu restaurant is an old man. She's easy to bully. She's cold in her heart. "Old man, are you a peddler?"

The old man was stunned for a moment, and then said truthfully: "the little old man is really a peddler of oil. I worked hard to sell the oil in exchange for the money, and there are still some money I usually save, just to buy a drunk chicken." Who knew it would happen.

Mei Qiduo heard the old man say this, a smile on the corner of his mouth, looked at the shopkeeper and said: "since the shopkeeper wants to prove the innocence of his restaurant, I have a way. I don't know if the shopkeeper is willing to try."

The shopkeeper is like a horse in the back. If he doesn't agree, it's not the same as implementing the previous thing, but if he is willing to... The shopkeeper looks at Mei Qiduo, a village woman dressed up. He is suspicious. What can the village woman do? "Why not?"

"Then ask the shopkeeper to bring out a basin of clear water. Let's let the silver talk and see who is lying." Mei Qi duo's smile on the corner of her mouth remained unchanged, and her tone was full of dexterity and playfulness.

When you heard let silver speak, you were a little curious for a moment. How can silver speak?

When the shopkeeper heard Mei Qiduo say this, he was even more disdainful. How can this silver speak? If there is no evidence, don't blame him for being rude.

"Yes, sophomore, you can go and get this girl a big pot of water." The shopkeeper told the waiter to fetch a basin of water. Then coldly looking at Mei Qiduo what ability.

Mei Qiduo asked the old man gently: "old man, are you using silver or copper money?"

"The little old man uses copper money. There are seven hundred Wen!" When the old man said this, he was even more excited. It was the money he had worked hard to save! I was confused by this black hearted hotel.

Mei Qiduo glanced at the guy just now, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, but the other guy felt cold behind his back, so he quickly lowered his head and didn't look at Mei Qiduo.

"If you want to prove your innocence, please take out the companions you collected today." Meiqiduo said.

The man stepped back and looked more guilty. The shopkeeper looked at him and said to himself, "yes, we can. The coppers we collect are usually for our guests. This..."

"It's okay. There's always a clue." Mei Qiduo interrupts the shopkeeper, "the shopkeeper puts off like this, but he doesn't want to..."

The shopkeeper heard that Mei Qiduo was so aggressive. He secretly gritted his teeth. It seemed that things couldn't be better today. He waved his hand and asked the man to get the copper plate. He wanted to see how the village woman let silver talk.

The man took out the copper and handed it to Mei Qiduo. Mei Qiduo looked at the copper and raised his mouth slightly. The shopkeeper didn't change the copper, but even if he changed it, he had a way. Mei Qiduo said: "silver! Silver! Tell us who is lying. " Then she put all the copper coins into the water and waited slowly. Mei Qiduo saw something on the water and a smile flashed in her eyes.

He turned to look at the crowd and said, "silver has already told us who is lying."

All of a sudden, someone in the crowd said, "there's oil on the water."

Many people know which old man is the copper plate. The eyes of the shopkeeper are full of different colors. The shopkeeper also sees the oil slick on Qingshui's face, and his face looks very ugly. The eyes of Mei Qiduo are full of deep and quiet. I'm afraid the reputation of Baifu restaurant will be damaged after today's incident.

The old man quickly thanks and says that he met a good man. Mei Qiduo gave him the remaining two liang of silver and told him to take it to his grandson for medical treatment. The old man thanks again and again. When people saw Mei Qiduo, they also donated some silver. The originally orderly crowd suddenly became a bit chaotic. When the crowd dispersed, the shopkeeper wanted to find Mei Qiduo, But there was no one. The shopkeeper clenched his teeth secretly. It seemed that he wanted to find out who the woman was just now.

Mei Qiduo's words and deeds below were clearly seen by the people in the wing room of Baifu restaurant. The man's mouth was wearing a kind smile. "I didn't expect that there were some interesting people in this place." The sound is magnetic and intoxicating.

Just now, I saw that the girl pressed the shopkeeper step by step, which made the shopkeeper neither advance nor retreat. In the end, when I saw the copper coin, I saw that the girl seemed to have wiped something on her hand. Thinking of this, there was a smile in her eyes, which was an interesting person.

"Go and find out who the man was just now?" The tone of indifference seemed to have nothing to do with him.

"Yes." Next to someone should be way, just a moment, the figure swaying, no trace.

The man is still indifferent looking at the crowd on the street, with cherry like lips with a trace of radian, white jade like fingers gently tapping on the table, not slow, seems to exude a touch of pleasure, the people next to the head down even lower.

He knew that the master was in a better mood now.

After Mei Qiduo and Shitou come out of Baifu restaurant, they feel that there is always someone behind them. Mei Qiduo has been familiar with this kind of thing for a long time. As an experienced killer, he still has this ability. Moreover, there is a smile in Mei Qiduo's eyes. He has not teased people like this for a long time.

The people behind Mei Qiduo are really unlucky today. They not only have to be punished when they go back, but also they are a strong kung fu man. They even lost a village woman. They really can't get around in front of their master.

After shaking off the person behind her, Mei Qiduo smiles and is in a very happy mood. She looks at the stone and follows her without saying a word. She doesn't ask her why she came out for an old man today. She believes that she should know all her little actions. Now if he doesn't ask, Mei Qiduo is a little uncomfortable, Very puzzled asked: "you do not ask why I do this today?"

Stone turns around and looks at Mei Qiduo. There is no wave in his eyes. It seems that he wants to start something these days. But if he thinks about it seriously, his head will hurt. He vaguely knows that if he recovers his memory one day, he will drive himself out of her life without hesitation. He still doesn't want to let her know, The tone said without a trace of waves.

"I support everything you do." So there's no need to ask why. It doesn't make any sense at all.

Mei Qiduo's face was slightly red. Every time she heard the stone say so, a faint sweetness would gush out of her heart, "when did you speak like this?"

"Don't I always say that?" Stone squint at Mei Qiduo, but he has always supported her. Now it's strange that I can speak.

Mei seven Du mouth, eyes flashed dissatisfaction, he is very enjoy this feeling of being trusted by him.

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