"Oh, I lost it." Men's voice, but it is incomparable indifference, like a cold day in December, without any temperature.

"Atone, my Lord." The kneeling man had a cold sweat on his forehead. This time he underestimated the village woman. His body trembled slightly. The master never needed useless people.

The man looked at the street, and there was no fluctuation in his eyes. He said faintly, "go and get the penalty."

Kneeling on the ground, the man breathed a sigh in his heart. Fortunately, he was only punished and did not follow the master.

"Your position is supported by the Qianlong." The man light mouth way.

Then she looked out of the window, her eyes cold as ice. The woman was very interesting.

At this time, Mei Qiduo didn't know that she had been watched by others. If she knew, she wouldn't make it, but now she didn't know it. Because of which one of Baifu restaurant, Mei Qiduo is going to another restaurant in the town to have a try. The business of this restaurant is not as prosperous as that of Baifu restaurant. It's just that some scattered people eat here, and the staff here are lazy.

"Stone, let's eat here." Mei Qiduo turned around and said, and then went in. She had planned to go to Baifu restaurant before, but after a thing like that just now, it seems that Baifu restaurant is not a good choice. She can only come to the better fumanlou in the town.

"Well." Stone nodded, for this aspect of eating, I always like Mei Qiduo's cooking.

The shopkeeper saw Mei Qiduo with sharp eyes and met her quickly. With a smile on his face, he said, "what would you like to eat?"

Mei Qiduo nodded in her heart when she saw the guys in the shop. Although there were no guests and the guys were lazy, she could teach them well and said with a smile, "if you have something delicious here, just give us two dishes."

"Well, my guest, just a moment." Shopkeeper quickly wiped the table and turned to the back.

Mei Qiduo looks at the decoration of Baifu restaurant, but the business here is not as good as one tenth of that of Baifu restaurant. There is only one reason, that is, the food here is not delicious enough, which makes the business of fumanlou not as good as that of Baifu restaurant. Mei Qiduo has increased his confidence in what he brings, As long as the shopkeeper of fumanlou is not a fool, he should want to make his restaurant business better.

"Stone, when we're done, let's go to the shop and buy some daily necessities." Mei Qiduo said while drinking the tea. Her eyes flashed with surprise. The tea of fumanlou is good. Before the rain, Longjing actually used it to greet the guests. This shows that the shopkeeper is worried.

"Well." One word response, without any words.

Mei Qiduo is used to stone's speech. She drinks her tea quietly. When she hears the guy next to her talking about Baifu restaurant, her eyebrows and eyes pick slightly. She didn't expect to have such a speech.

"Have you heard? Baifu restaurant lost an old man's money today. Tut tut... It's shameless. "

"That is, who let them poach the chef of our restaurant at the beginning, they deserve it, they will use some dirty means."

"Shopkeeper Xu is expected to be happy for several days this time."

"Not at all."

It turned out that Baifu restaurant had dug the corner of fumanlou, and it was still an ignominious way. However, Baifu restaurant does make her uncomfortable, especially the gloomy eyes of the shopkeeper. Such a person is suitable for being an opponent, but his partner is not. Maybe one day he will stab you in the back.

"My guest, your dishes are ready."

The waiter's voice interrupted Mei Qiduo's thoughts. Looking at the dishes in front of her, her eyebrows wrinkled slightly. These dishes are hardly delicious in her eyes. They are general in terms of both appearance and taste. From these dishes, you can see why the business of this restaurant is so depressed.

"Shopkeeper." Mei Qiduo asked the waiter to come over. She didn't have to eat it herself. She knew that the taste of this dish was just ordinary. If it was mine, I would not come to fumanlou. Such bad food and wine could not arouse her any appetite.

"My guest, what can I do for you?" The waiter was embarrassed. This is not the first time that someone complained that the food in their restaurant was terrible, but they had no way. Now there are no chefs willing to come to fumanlou, so they can only use the current chefs.

"Don't you know where your shopkeeper is?" Mei Qiduo goes straight to the theme and doesn't want any nonsense.

"This..." the shopkeeper's face is more ugly. Is it because he complains with the shopkeeper that the food is bad? It's said that if Fuman road is still like this this month, the owner will close the Fuman building in Liushu town.

Mei Qiduo looks at the ugly face of the shopkeeper. She knows it clearly. She seems to be afraid that she will tell the shopkeeper about the terrible food. Mei Qiduo says with a smile: "well, I want to talk about a business with your shopkeeper. Is your shopkeeper here?"

The waiter was stunned. Instead of talking to the shopkeeper about the food, he quickly nodded, "our shopkeeper... Shopkeeper Xu, this girl is looking for you." The shopkeeper saw shopkeeper Xu come in with a sad face and said to shopkeeper Xu.

Mei Qiduo was stunned. She turned her head and saw a man in a long shirt in his thirties and forties. Her eyes showed shrewdness. Her face was very anxious and her body was thin. It seemed that it was because of the restaurant.

Shopkeeper Xu heard what the shopkeeper said and saw Mei Qiduo and Shi Shi sitting on the chair. His eyes flashed with surprise. Although they were wearing ordinary linen, their high temperament was hard to ignore. Especially the man, who had a deep-rooted elegance and the authority of the superior, was startling, He quickly saluted Mei Qiduo and said apologetically, "girl, because the food doesn't taste good, I'll pay you back immediately. Please..."

"Shopkeeper Xu, I have a business here. I want to do it with you." Mei Qiduo interrupts shopkeeper Xu.

Shopkeeper Xu was surprised when he heard Mei Qiduo say this. How about business“ What's your name, miss? What kind of business do you have Indifferent way, at this time he returned to the businessman smart look.

Mei Qiduo looked at shopkeeper Xu and nodded in her heart. Although she saw shrewdness in shopkeeper Xu's eyes, she also saw his righteousness. She was more relieved to cooperate with such people. "Shopkeeper Xu, my name is Mei. I want to cooperate with you. What do you think about how to save Fuman building and this business." Mei Qiduo looks at manager Xu with a faint smile.

Shopkeeper Xu quickly looks up and looks at Mei Qiduo. His eyes are full of surprise. If she can be saved, everything in this business must be done. But what can a girl do? Although she is very confused, her voice is still indifferent and asks: "why does Xu believe a girl?"

Mei Qiduo asked: "do you have a choice for manager Xu?"

Shopkeeper Xu is filled with disbelief when he looks at Mei Qiduo. Does he really have a choice? It has been said that if this month is still like this, then fumanlou will be closed. It's the worst result. It's better to gamble. Maybe it's really successful. Shopkeeper Xu has left Liushu town a long time later, I'm still glad I had the courage to gamble.

"What the girl said is right. What can she do?" It's better to treat a dead horse as a living horse than to wait for death.

Mei Qiduo pointed to the bamboo basket she had brought, then opened it to shopkeeper Xu to see it, and then explained, "this is sausage."

"Sausage? What is it? " Shopkeeper Xu looked at the bamboo baskets one by one. He was very confused. He had never seen anything like this, let alone heard of it.

Mei Qiduo smiled and said, "I know what shopkeeper Xu is worried about. Let me borrow your kitchen and cook some dishes for shopkeeper Xu. What do you think?"

Shopkeeper Xu's eyes brightened as soon as he heard this. It was a good idea. He quickly said, "please come inside."

Mei Qiduo takes the stone to the back kitchen. Shopkeeper Xu asks all the cooks and disciples in the kitchen to go out, because he knows that the cook's skill is very important to the cook, and since Mei Qiduo says he wants to cooperate, why should he be in a hurry.

Mei Qiduo looked at the things in fumanlou's kitchen. She was very satisfied. Some of the ingredients in the kitchen were fresh and the ingredients were quite complete. She planned to make two dishes: sausages fried with pepper and steamed sausages. First, take out the sausages and cut them into pieces, then turn around and cut the peppers, put them into the pot and stir fry them. Meiqiduo's speed is very fast. No, two dishes are good. Meiqiduo takes two dishes out of the kitchen.

Fuman road's staff had been smelling the fragrance outside for a long time, and the fragrance had to hook the greedy insects out of their stomachs. When they saw Mei Qiduo coming out with two dishes, they quickly followed up. Put the dishes in front of manager Xu.

"Shopkeeper Xu, have a taste." Mei Qiduo took a drink of water and poured another glass for the stone.

Shopkeeper Xu had already smelled the fragrance outside. At this time, he saw that the dish he was serving was more appetizing. He quickly put a piece in his mouth. Shopkeeper Xu squinted, his lips and teeth were fragrant, and it had a light sweet taste and a light spicy taste. The combination of the two was delicious. Shopkeeper Xu put down his chopsticks and looked at Mei Qiduo with flashing eyes, It's like seeing silver. "This girl, how do you want to cooperate?" He believes that with this sausage, Fu Man Lu will surely be able to live.

"I don't say much. I specialize in making sausages. Fifty Wen for a sausage, and you can only collect sausages from me. What do you think?" Mei Qiduo has already thought about it. She originally wanted to pay dividends with the shopkeeper, but it's not realistic to think about it. She just sold it one by one.

"OK, let's sign an agreement." Shopkeeper Xu said with a smile.

"No problem. Since shopkeeper Xu is so cheerful, I gave shopkeeper Xu the two dishes just now. I'll ask the cook how to cook sausage later." Mei Qiduo is not that kind of stingy person. Since others are so straightforward, why don't you be more generous? If their business is good, then their business will be good.

"Ha ha... Thank you, Miss Mei. I don't know how many sausages there are?" Shopkeeper Xu looks at Mei Qiduo and shows a light appreciation in her eyes. This Mei girl is a generous person.

"I only have 30 sausages now, and I'll bring 100 in 15 days. What do you think?"

"Yes, please wait for Miss Mei's good news."

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