Shopkeeper Xu asked for all the sausages this time, a total of 30, 50 Wen a piece, a total of 1500 Wen, or one or two and a half silver. Mei Qiduo was quite satisfied. He didn't really expect the sausages to make money. After all, it wasn't very profitable. He had to make plans for buying wine in the future.

"Shopkeeper Xu, I'll come again in 15 days." Mei Qiduo put the silver in his pocket and was ready to leave.

"Miss may, wait a minute." Shopkeeper Xu is in a bit of a dilemma. Although Mei Qiduo has already given the sausages to the kitchen, thirty sausages can't last for 15 days. The craftsmanship of Mei is also very good. She just doesn't know if she is willing to sell some cooking methods. Shopkeeper Xu's eyes flashed and he didn't know how to open his mouth for a moment.

Mei Qiduo looked at shopkeeper Xu with a smile in the corner of her mouth, and a glimmer of light flashed in her eyes. "Shopkeeper Xu, if you have any difficulties, just tell me. I'll do my best." I knew he would ask, but I didn't take my menu for nothing, so I waited for him to speak.

Shopkeeper Xu breathed a sigh of relief, and even said: "it's Mei girl like this. The quantity of sausage is relatively small. I don't know if Mei girl has any other menu. Of course, it won't let Mei girl suffer."

"Shopkeeper Xu, there is a way, ten Liang silver. I don't know what shopkeeper Xu thinks." Mei Qiduo said with a smile that she directly told shopkeeper Xu about her price.

Shopkeeper Xu is a little reluctant to hear Mei Qiduo say it's ten Liang silver. It's just a way. I don't know if it's useful. But at the moment, only Mei is better. Mei Qiduo sees the hesitation of shopkeeper Xu and smiles and doesn't speak. On the contrary, the stone next to him was a little unhappy. In his opinion, all the meals cooked by Mei Qiduo were the best.

Shopkeeper Xu struggled in his heart. Since he had decided to gamble, he made a decision in his heart, "no problem, go and get the silver."

Mei Qiduo nodded in her heart. It seems that it's good to become a partner. "Manager Xu, don't worry. Let your cook come with me. I'll teach them three or four dishes."

Shopkeeper Xu wanted Mei Qiduo to stay here, but he knew it was impossible. He said quickly, "Miss Mei, please." He quickly motioned the waiter to take Mei Qiduo to the kitchen. He could count on the God of wealth to bring him good luck.

"You won't lose." Stone said low.

Shopkeeper Xu was very surprised to see the stone. When he saw the stone's blue eyes, he took a breath. There is only one person in the world who has such eyes. That is fenglingjue, the king of Haoyue kingdom. But at this time, the man's eyes are blue. Does this man have anything to do with Lingwang? "Do you know Lingwang?"

Stone slightly frown, looking at the eyes of shopkeeper Xu is very deep, "do not know." This Ling King feeling gives him some very familiar feeling, inexplicably let him in the heart is very uneasy.

"I must have recognized the wrong person." As like as two peas in the mind, he seems to have explained to the master that he is not very familiar with Ling Wang, but the blue eyes of his Ling king are exactly the same, especially the cold inside is like ice cold, but there is no bloodthirsty and cruel inside.

"Here is the fire, then the seasoning is put in, and finally the small fire ends..." Mei Qiduo's hand movements are very sharp, and her mouth also explains her own steps in great detail. The cooks in fumanlou are also very serious. They smile at the corner of their mouth and tell them what they should say. The rest is for them to practice frequently, which is the three or four dishes, Enough to make fumanlou business report.

"OK, thank you, Miss Mei." The cook was a little excited.

"Well, the rest is up to you to get in touch." Mei Qiduo wiped his hand and said faintly, "I'll go first." Then he went out.

Mei Qiduo came out and saw that the atmosphere between shopkeeper Xu and stone was strange, but there was no specific question. She blinked her eyes and said, "shopkeeper Xu, if there is nothing, we will leave. I believe the business of fumanlou will be prosperous."

When stone saw Mei Qiduo coming out, his eyes were full of tenderness, and the corners of his mouth also had a smile, which made his cold face show a gentle radian.

Shopkeeper Xu's heart trembled. If this man is really Ling Wang, and his eyes are full of friendship, who in the capital can... Shopkeeper Xu disguised what he thought and said with a smile: "thank you, Miss Mei. This is forty-two taels of silver. Please take it away."

Mei Qiduo didn't refuse. She took the silver and put it in her arms. "Shopkeeper Xu, we'll come back in 15 days."

"All right."

"Stone, let's go."

Shopkeeper Xu looks at the back of Mei Qiduo and stone. His eyes are full of brilliance and doubt. The man's temperament is high, which is not in the pool. If he really proves what he thinks, then... I'd better write to the master and let him decide.

Mei Qiduo and Shitou go out of fumanlou. Mei Qiduo walks in front of them with a happy smile. All the money used to build the house has come back today. Now that she has made money, she must enjoy it. Since she wore it, she only made clothes once. It's time to buy cloth, And I also want to take good care of my child like body. Although her skin is much whiter, her figure is like bean sprouts. Mei Qiduo is very dissatisfied.

In the past life, I had a devil like figure. It's not too much to say that my skin is curdling.

"Stone, we're going to buy cloth. Now that we've made money, we should buy things well." Mei Qiduo said to the stone behind, with a bright smile on her face.

"Well." Stone's eyes are full of smile, as long as it is what she wants to do, of course, she has unlimited support. Moreover, I believe that when she says she wants to buy cloth, she will not lose her own. Thinking of this, she is very happy and her eyes are softer.

Mei Qiduo is also quite clever in making money this time. Baifu restaurant is a very prosperous restaurant, so they may not be willing to use their own menu, but Fuman restaurant is different. The food is not very good, and after sausage, they can only gamble, but they won't lose.

To the cloth shop.

Mei Qiduo looked left and right. She was always curious about the ancient manufacturing technology. When she saw all kinds of cloth on the cloth shop, she suddenly felt respect. Sure enough, the clothes on the current assembly line are not as good as those made by hand. In particular, some prosperous and beautiful patterns have been lost in modern times. When you have money, you can open a cloth shop or something. After all, you like to make your own clothes in modern times.

"Stone, what color do you like." Mei Qiduo has a crush on a red one and a Aquamarine one. She just doesn't know what color to choose for the stone. She turns around and asks.

"Black." Stone thought for a while. If she didn't say anything, she would choose a brighter color for herself.

"That's it Mei Qiduo was disappointed. She was going to make a suit of stone with red. She always felt that red was more suitable for stone. Since he said so, forget it, "boss, please have a green lotus, a black, and a pink. By the way, plus a green fine cotton cloth."

Since you have money, you shouldn't treat yourself badly.

The boss of the cloth shop saw that Mei Qiduo was dressed as a village woman. He disdained what such a person could buy when he came in. But he didn't expect Mei Qiduo to ask for so much cloth. He immediately laughed and said, "OK, OK. I'll wrap it up for you later. The guest has to look at it. We've just arrived at some of the latest cloth. It's absolutely beautiful to make clothes." And then we'll ask the man to serve tea.

Mei Qiduo doesn't mind the comparison of the boss's attitude. The world is like this. If there is no profit, there is no time to get up early. Why worry“ Well, I'm looking. " Next, I didn't say anything, it was very cold.

The boss is not angry, can bring business, why care about other people's attitude, "then you slow look."

Mei Qiduo looked at the layout of the cloth shop. It should be quite good, but she was used to the beautiful modern architecture. This kind of architecture is just rubbish. She looked at the cloth in the shop and didn't like it. When she turned to go back, she saw a familiar face. Mei Qiduo's mouth began to smile.

The world is really small.

"Miss Yu, welcome. We have some new cloth. It's very nice." The cloth shop owner came up with a flattering smile.

"Well, I just want to..." Yu qiujie answered carelessly. Suddenly her eyes brightened. When she saw that she was standing in the cloth shop, her face was very excited. She hurriedly welcomed her and said, "brother stone, you're also here to buy cloth. It happens that I'm also here. I can help you to have a look." His face was full of shame and his eyes were full of admiration.

Mei Qi duo hears it and turns her eyes. She stands opposite her and ignores her. Then she stares at the stone. It's really a monster. She gets into trouble everywhere.

The stone saw Mei Qiduo stare at himself. The black line on his face was not as good as what he wanted to have. "Duo'er, go home." Directly ignoring Yu qiujie, he walked to meiqiduo, his eyes full of tenderness.

Yu qiujie's face was stiff, and her eyes were obscure. Then she returned to normal. She turned around and was surprised and said, "sister duo'er has come too. I didn't see her just now. Please forgive me."

"I'm sorry, Miss Yu. My mother only gave birth to me. She has no sister." Plum seven light way.

Yu qiujie heard that her face was even more ugly. Mei Qiduo was ugly to herself in public. Lai Yu was really useless. "I was rude. Miss Mei also came to buy cloth. I know the boss of the cloth shop. Maybe I can give you a discount." The soft voice seemed to really want to think of her, but the tone was full of ridicule.

"No, I can afford this silver. Besides, I can't afford it. Isn't there still a stone?" Mei Qi duo's eyes are full of disdain. Her elder sister is rich now, but she really doesn't need your discount. Suddenly she thinks about Lai Yu, and a smile comes to her lips. "Miss Yu, Lai Yu is going to get married, do you know?"

Yu qiujie's face turns white, and her fingers tightly hold her handkerchief. She is shocked and says, "yu'er is going to get married." Of course, I know that the fool Lai Yu didn't succeed. Mei Qiduo is lucky.

"Yes, but I think Lai Yuzhen should thank the person who told her the way, after all..." Mei Qiduo looked at her with a smile in her eyes, but there was no smile in her eyes, full of cold, "after all, she realized her dream of getting married."

Yu qiujie's heart is tight. Although Mei Qiduo is smiling just now, her eyes make her feel like a needle pricking.

"Miss Yu, let's go first." Meiqiduo light said, it seems that Laiyu make that thing is really in qiujie instruction.

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