After the car slowly arrived at Liushu Town, it was almost seven o'clock in the morning. The sunrise in the distance dyed all the endless mountains, just like a fairyland.

Mei Qiduo jumped out of the car and said, "Dad Li, thank you today." The tone is kind and makes people feel good.

Old man Li took a puff of dry tobacco and waved his hand. "It's OK. I'll wait at the mouth of the town when I go back."

"All right." Mei Qiduo likes this open-minded and kind old man very much.

When they came to the town, they had not had breakfast yet. Uncle Fu was very careful with the bamboo basket on his back. Mei Qiduo looked at this and secretly laughed. Uncle Fu was really nervous.

"Uncle Fu, let's have breakfast first. After breakfast, we'll go there." Mei Qiduo saw the shop in the town before. She had eaten it before, and the taste was OK.

Uncle Fu quickly waved his hand and quickly refused: "no, DOR, I'll go back to eat later." This breakfast also requires money. If you can save a little, you can save a little.

Mei Qiduo sighed in her heart. They are not willing to spend money indiscriminately, but she is not, "it's OK, uncle Fu. A breakfast doesn't cost much. Besides, it's still early. "

Then he ignored uncle Fu and went straight to the breakfast shop for three breakfasts.

Uncle Fu shook his head. Duo'er was filial, but he couldn't spend money indiscriminately. Seeing that Mei Qiduo had already applauded, he was very helpless and raised his feet to keep up with the stone.

Just at the door of the restaurant, a man rushed out, ran to Mei Qiduo, and said with a smile, "Miss Mei, you have come. Our shopkeeper has been worried for several days."

With that, he warmly greets Mei Qiduo and others to come in. Then, he rushes into the backyard to call manager Xu.

Mei Qiduo looks at the restaurant secretly, because it's not noon yet, so there are not many people in the restaurant, but the mental condition of the waiter is obviously better than that of the last time. Mei Qiduo has thought about it, and it is estimated that the business of the restaurant is very good in the past half a month.

It was only a quarter of an hour before and after that, I heard the rapid footsteps, followed by the warm and frank voice of shopkeeper Xu, which was also full of joy and expectation. "Oh, Miss Mei is coming." When he saw the two bamboo baskets behind him, his eyes were even brighter. "You're coming. I can't wait to ask about your place." He immediately asked the waiter to serve tea.

Mei Qiduo picked her eyebrows, but she didn't break her appointment. She tasted the sweetness. "Manager Xu, I didn't break my appointment. It's just that it's not very convenient for the farmer's family to come to town." Tone with a faint smile.

Shopkeeper Xu is an open-minded person. He doesn't care about these details and laughs“ Miss Mei said, "Xu is too worried."

Isn't it a hurry? Since they had sausages and miss Mei's menu, their business in fumanlou has been full for the past 15 days. Seeing that 30 sausages are getting less and less every day, I feel as miserable as cat's paw. Isn't it true that they are looking forward to his God of wealth coming early?

"It seems that shopkeeper Xu has had a good half month." Meiqiduo said with a smile, ruddy complexion, look happy, not as sad as last month.

"Ha ha... What Miss Mei said is, I wonder if Miss Mei has brought her sausage." Xu ZhangGu looks forward to looking at the two bamboo baskets behind Mei Qiduo. Although he already knows it, he is still looking forward to it.

Mei Qiduo pointed to the two bamboo baskets. "One hundred sausages, one of them is not enough. Please rest assured, shopkeeper Xu."

Mei Qiduo knows that the sale of sausage is not a problem. Now it seems that sausage should be very popular. Otherwise, shopkeeper Xu would not be so anxious.

Shopkeeper Xu laughed and said, "I believe Miss Mei. To tell you the truth, I sold two sausages a day last time, but I didn't dare to sell more sausages. Seeing that sausages are so popular, Xu is very happy. Seeing that sausages are gone, I hope Miss Mei will come earlier. Since it's inconvenient for Miss Mei to come to town, I can send someone to your house to collect them, What do you think of Miss Mei? "

When Mei Qiduo heard manager Xu's story, she was worried about it. It's really not convenient for her to come to town. There's no problem with the sale of sausage. Since manager Xu's story is like killing two birds with one stone, she certainly agreed.

"I think it's very good. That's it. Shopkeeper Xu comes every 15 days and I give him 400 sausages every time. What do you think of it, shopkeeper Xu?"

Shopkeeper Xu nodded while listening. When Mei Qiduo finished, he said with a smile, "of course, there's no problem. We'll make a deal like this." Because he signed a contract with Mei Qiduo, this sausage is only for fumanlou, so shopkeeper Xu doesn't worry about other restaurants.

"Naturally." Don't go back and forth by yourself, Mei Qiduo will be happy.

Shopkeeper Xu said to the teenagers around him, "Qingyun, take the sausage that Miss Mei brought to the kitchen. Then I will give the silver to miss Mei. "

This time, thanks to this sausage, there were only 30 sausages before, but now there are 100. At the end of the month, there are still 400. So this time, we must give this sausage to the master. Thinking of this, shopkeeper Xu's smile is more brilliant.

Uncle Fu looks at Mei Qiduo talking with the shopkeeper of the restaurant in the town. He is very pleased and thinks that Mei Xiaolan has only one daughter. I saw the boy come out with money. Uncle Fu's heart is more firm, and he should follow Mei Qiduo well in the future.

Shopkeeper Xu took the silver from the young man and handed it to Mei Qiduo. "Miss Mei, this is five Liang silver. Keep it."

"Thank you, shopkeeper Xu." Mei Qiduo looked at five Liang silver and knew that sausage was more than anything else. But after a few months, she bought a mountain, swollen grapes and made wine. That's not the price“ Then we won't disturb shopkeeper Xu. I'll wait at home in 15 days. "

"Good! Go slowly, miss may Shopkeeper Xu hugged Mei Qiduo, then personally sent them out of the restaurant and disappeared in the crowd. Then he turned back to Qingyun and said, "Qingyun, you go to install some sausages and send them to the capital to taste for the master." Thinking that I can also give gifts to the master this year, I feel more happy. I walk into the backyard with wind.

Uncle Fu was still dizzy when he walked out of the Fuman building. He couldn't earn five Liang silver a month before, that is, in half a month, he had twenty-two and a half dollars at once. Isn't he dizzy?

"Dor, uncle Fu is not dreaming. This sausage sells so well. " Uncle Fu can't believe it now. Looking at the silver in his hand, he asks Mei Qiduo.

"Uncle Fu, I didn't tell you that this sausage is very easy to sell. In the future, I will have money at home." Mei Qiduo said with a smile, "Uncle Fu, stone, let's go home."

"Go home, go home." Uncle Fu repeated, his face still faint.

Mei Qiduo saw Uncle Fu's appearance and chuckled. At most, the farmers made their own snacks and sold some eggs that they usually saved. How could they sell more than twenty or twenty silver at a time? So Mei Qiduo was relieved to see Uncle Fu's appearance.

Seeing uncle Fu's dizzy face coming home, aunt Fu thought that the sausage business was not successful. Her heart sank, and she just wasted a little effort. Dor could waste a lot of money to buy meat. If the business was not successful, how could it be good? She asked carefully: "my child, his father, but the business is not successful?" Maybe the people in the town thought it was delicious before eating it, but they didn't like it after it was too fresh.

Uncle Fu looked dizzy. When he heard aunt Fu say this, he quickly regained his consciousness and said in an excited tone: "chunfen, I'll let you live a good life in the future." He quickly took out his silver and showed it to Aunt Fu. His face was full of excitement.

Looking at the silver on the table, aunt Fu was also very excited. In the past ten days, her family had more than three Liang silver, but she made a fortune. "It seems that the business is well remembered." His face was full of joy. Suddenly thought of Mei Qiduo said before, "I go to tell my parents, let them raise the pig well, then it will be a good year."

Then he hurried out, but he remembered what Dore said. This year, he should raise a few pigs well to sell at a good price. Dore is a good girl. I remember their kindness.

Because Uncle Fu followed Mei Qiduo to the town and saw that this sausage is a way to get rich. He is more concerned about the sausage and chops the meat faster. In just half a month, Mei Qiduo has made almost 1800 sausages, but Mei Qiduo does not intend to give them to shopkeeper Xu at one time, Because I know that the price of this sausage will go up.

Sure enough, before 15 days, Qingyun drove to Liushu village and asked Mei Qiduo where he lived.

"Is miss may here? I'm a friend of fumanlou. Don't you know Miss Mei is at home? " Qingyun looks at the green brick and tile house in front of her. She is puzzled. It seems that Meigu's family is not like a person who is short of money. How can a girl go out to do business? But Qingyun is not a gossip. Although she is puzzled, she still has a smile on her face.

I've followed shopkeeper Xu for a long time and learned the same way.

"Yes." Mei Qiduo saw that the weather was getting colder and the people were getting lazier. She heard the voice outside the yard, got up and went out. She saw Qingyun and a little guy standing in front of the door, "come in." Then he opened the yard door.

"Well, thank you, miss may." Qingyun asks the fellow to tie the car to the tree. Then they follow Mei Qiduo into the yard.

When they entered the yard, they couldn't help but marvel. The yard is very exquisite, with a place for growing vegetables, a place for raising flowers and fish, and a place for raising chickens and ducks. Although they are in disorder, they are extremely clean and tidy. The faint smell of food wafts from the house, which makes people swallow their saliva.

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