"Drink water?" Mei Qiduo poured two cups of warm water for them and put them on the table, "but what's the matter with manager Xu?" In my heart, I knew that the sausage had not been sold out in 15 days, so I sent someone to take it.

Qingyun drank a mouthful of warm water and said: "well, Miss Mei, the sausage that Miss Mei brought last time has been sold out, so he sent me to come here ahead of time. The shopkeeper said that he wants all the sausage Miss Mei has now." Thinking about the corner of the shopkeeper's grin these days, Qingyun wants to smile inexplicably.

"Well, that's it! Wait a minute, I'll load the basket. " Mei Qiduo stood up and turned to the house.

Qingyun is stunned. She doesn't react for a moment. Looking at Miss Mei's reaction, she seems to know the purpose of his coming today. She doesn't have the slightest surprise. Looking at the furnishings in the house, she is more convinced that Miss Mei has great ability.

Mei Qiduo approaches the house and sees aunt Fu and Mei Xiaolan fiddling with sausages so that they can dry them as soon as possible. Mei Qiduo's mouth smokes. In the past half a month, aunt Fu and Mei Xiaolan like to make sausages when they have nothing to do. Every time they see sausages dried well, their eyes are bright. Mei Qiduo always thinks that he has fallen into money's eyes, The restaurant has sent someone to get sausages and load them with 400. "

Next time, it is estimated that these 400 pieces are not enough. I think shopkeeper Xu must have given the sausage to his master. Maybe shopkeeper Xu will ask her to increase the supply of sausage when he comes next time. Mei Qiduo smiled at the corners of her mouth. Then she had more chips to discuss cooperation with shopkeeper Xu.

"Ah! Isn't it fifteen days yet? " Aunt Fu was surprised. She didn't expect that the sausage was sold so well.

"Yes! Aunt Fu, let's hurry up and don't let people wait for a long time. " Mei Xiaolan is also a face of joy, he also want to open, let it be. When dor asked about her life, he told her. So the whole person has improved a lot.

Mei Qiduo looks at two busy people, standing at the door without doing anything. As expected, aunt Fu and her mother are brought into the eyes of Qian.

"Do you need to count?" Asked Mei Qiduo.

Qingyun looked at the baskets full of sausages, and his face was full of smiles. There was no need to worry about it. He waved his hand and said with a smile, "Miss Mei, we believe very much. Since Miss Mei says it's four hundred, it must be four hundred." I counted them when I sent them before. They were just 100, no more, no less.

"Well." Plum seven pick eyebrows, this green cloud to and Xu shopkeeper is the same personal essence, said a beautiful words. But hear green cloud say like this, the eyes arrive is cordial a few minutes, is no longer light of estrangement.

Qingyun took out the silver from his arms, handed it to Mei Qiduo, and said, "Miss Mei, here are two pieces of silver, twenty taels in total. Please put them away."

Plum seven under hand silver, ordered a little, "laborious you." I'm very satisfied. My cash is nearly 100 Liang. One day, I'll ask Uncle Fu how much the mountain behind costs. However, Mei Qiduo frowns slightly and wants to do something about Lai Yu. It's estimated that the village head will take advantage of this incident to make an article.

"It's not hard, Miss Mei. I'll go first. The shopkeeper is still waiting for me in the restaurant." Qingyun smiled back. When he came out, the shopkeeper repeatedly told him to go back early. The kitchen is still waiting for sausage.

Mei Qiduo watched Qingyun disappear on the road with a faint smile. It's only 20 Liang in a month. When can she become the richest man in the world? But Mei Qiduo immediately thought of wine and got excited again. She had better buy the mountain earlier.

"Dor, how much money did you sell this time?" Aunt Fu is in a happy mood these days. She always smiles on her face. At this time, she rubs her hands and feels a little embarrassed.

Mei Qi duo's mouth slightly cocked up, and her tone was full of pride. "Aunt Fu, you can rest assured that you can have a good new year." Mei Qiduo took out a ten Liang silver ingot from her arms and gave it to Aunt Fu“ Auntie Fu, this is for you. Auntie Fu, keep it

Aunt Fu looked at the silver in her hand and didn't know where to put it for a moment, "this... So much silver." It's really funny to want to take it but dare not.

Mei Xiaolan said with a smile, "aunt Fu, take it. You've worked hard for half a month."

When Aunt Fu heard Mei Xiaolan say this, she took the silver into her arms. Her face and eyes were full of excitement, and her hands trembled.

"That's to say, save it for Chunsheng's wife." Mei Qiduo also joked.

"Hahaha... No, I'm going to build a house like yours." Aunt Fu is not afraid of Mei Qiduo's joking, but she is very beautiful. When the time comes, her family will build a new house, and she is afraid that the matchmaker won't come.

This side is full of laughter, but Lai Yu's side is really miserable.

"Yu'er, just eat some! How can you stand it if you don't eat it? " The village head's daughter-in-law looked at her daughter like withered flowers, without any vitality, with great pain in her heart.

Lai Yu's eyes didn't move. There was no breath of life in her eyes.

"Yu'er, you are obedient. You still have children in your belly." The village head's daughter-in-law wiped her tears, and she wanted to take the place of her daughter to suffer. But that's already the case. It's better to marry a concubine than to soak a pig cage. The former is still alive at least!

When Lai Yu heard her mother say this, her eyes flashed with disgust and resentment. She was very reluctant to bear the child, but she couldn't beat the child. Every time she thought that the beast Dazhuang had defiled herself, she wanted to kill her. But what she hated most was Mei Qiduo. If it wasn't for her, "mother, you killed Mei Qiduo for me, That bitch designed me. She designed me. "

Lai Yu's eyes flashed a strong sense of madness and hatred. The village head's daughter-in-law was shocked by Lai Yu's eyes. Her daughter was destroyed, but the slut was alive.

"Good, good, mother revenge for you, jade, good, eat well." Lai Yu wants the moon now. The village head's daughter-in-law wants to take it off for her.

"Niang, I don't want to marry Dazhuang. I don't want to be a concubine. I'm the village head's daughter. I want to marry brother stone. Mei Qiduo hurt me and she hurt me..." Lai Yu yelled at the village head's daughter-in-law like a madman. Her eyes were wide open and full of hatred.

The village head's daughter-in-law, looking at such Lai Yu, was even more distressed. Holding Lai Yu, she cried together, "mother's jade, don't cry, don't cry, mother told your father to deal with her." In his heart, he made a decision that the village head was not going to avenge Lai Yu. He saw it in a month. Otherwise, he would not dare to go to the Mei family for trouble. But she was different. Lai Yu was born in October.

The village head appeases the crying Lai Yu, wipes his tears and goes out. His eyes are full of deep hatred. He goes back to the Taoist house and looks at Lai Da sitting on the pit smoking. The village head's daughter-in-law goes up to get the village head's cigarette gun and says sharply, "Yu Er has become like that. You still have the mind to smoke here."

Lai Da raised her eyes and looked at the village head's daughter-in-law. She pursed her lips tightly and did not speak. She was ready to go out.

"Where are you going? I'll talk to you again. Do you hear me? You are the village head. You want to revenge for yu'er." When the village head's daughter-in-law saw Lai Da, she didn't respond at all. Thinking of Lai Yu's appearance, her anger suddenly came up, and she went over to pull Lai DA and didn't let him go.

Lai Da was so annoyed that he threw away his daughter-in-law's hand and yelled, "have you had enough? If she doesn't come up with something else, she'll be designed. " His daughter is shameless, he let a matchmaker go ahead of time, his mother-in-law is also a stupid, actually with the blind.

"What about that, yu'er? That's the best girl in Liushu village." The village head's daughter-in-law couldn't see Lai Da slandering her daughter like this, and said with a stiff neck.

My daughter has been the most symbol since she was young. What's wrong with falling in love with the most handsome woman? The fault lies in Mei Qiduo's design of Lai Yu.

"Well, she should be looked up to." Lai Yu snorted coldly and looked coldly at his mother-in-law. When a noble man came before, he didn't think about it, but when he saw the county magistrate's daughter, he knew that his daughter was a joke.

"Rida, he's your daughter." The village head's daughter-in-law shrieked.

"Well, I would have killed her if she hadn't been my daughter." Lai Daling snorted.

Lai Yu listened to her parents' words with a dim look in her eyes. Her eyes were full of hatred. She was the daughter of the village head and the most famous girl of Liushu village head. The man in the village didn't like it. Now, she can only be a concubine, and she is the most despised strong man.

All this is Mei Qiduo's work.

Lai Yu closed her eyes. When she opened them again, there was deep hatred in her eyes, and the whole person's breath was gloomy. Through the bronze mirror, Lai Yu saw that she was like now. Her dark yellow skin and messy hair were like withered.

Lai Yu raised her hand and stroked her stomach. She had a child in her stomach for more than a month. That was the proof of her humiliation in her life. She didn't want to give birth to this bastard. I want revenge, I want Mei Qiduo to die.

Lai Yu pressed her abdomen, as if she wanted to press her abdomen through. Her eyes were full of hate and madness, and her mouth was full of crazy smile.

His voice was low and hoarse, and he said with a gnashing voice: "Mei Qiduo, you bitch, I want revenge, I want to kill you."

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