Liushu Town, county magistrate Yu Jia.

The shopkeeper stood below, his face was very pale, his forehead was full of cold sweat, and the look in his eyes was indescribable.

"You mean fumanlou is doing well this month." Sitting on the top of the tone with a touch of anger, it is obvious that they are trying to suppress their anger.

When the shopkeeper heard this, he felt even colder, "yes, the business of fumanlou is better than ours this month."

"Well, you've been raised for nothing." Although the tone is shallow, but it has its own dignity, which is a long-time superior's momentum.

The shopkeeper's face is more pale, his back has been drenched with cold sweat, and he looks more cautious“ Master, I sent someone to taste the latest food of fumanlou, and said that it was made of sausages. " Then he looked up at Master Yu's face.

"Sausage? What's that? " Master Yu took a sip of tea to suppress his anger. Baifu restaurant has been his hard work for decades. And it's about to be evaluated. It's time to use money, but there's something wrong at this point.

Thinking of this, Master Yu's face is even more gloomy. If you know that the man has trouble with himself secretly, you must make him regret it.

When the shopkeeper heard Master Yu's question, he breathed a sigh of relief and quickly replied, "I don't know what it is, but it's delicious."

Master Yu's eyes flashed brightly. He said that the thing must sell very well. If it is sold in our restaurant, "go and find out who provided fumanlou sausage." If you make good use of it, you can finally go up this time.

"Yes, I'll check it now." The shopkeeper gave up.

Master Yu is sitting on the chair calmly, with an unidentified smile on the corner of his mouth, and his right index finger tapping on the chair regularly.

Having been a county magistrate in Liushu town for more than ten years, it's time to move up.

Mei Qiduo looked at the invitation in her hand, but her eyebrows were slightly wrinkled. She didn't expect that the village head was really big. She even invited herself to have a wedding wine. She wasn't afraid that his daughter would go crazy when I went. Moreover, she actually married Lai Yu as a flat wife. At least, it was much more decent than being a concubine.

It seems that the village head has made a promise to a strong family.

But this time to give yourself an invitation, had to let Mei Qiduo think more, the so-called nothing to pay attention to, not rape or steal. If you don't give yourself an invitation, I feel better. But now, I always feel that there is a conspiracy waiting for me.

"Don't go if you don't want to." The stone is fiddling with some wooden sticks. Seeing Mei Qiduo's tangled appearance, he can't help making a sound. And he could see that it was not a good thing to send an invitation at this time, either to cheat or to steal.

Mei Qi duo's mouth cocked up and her eyes were full of banter. "Oh, I want to do a good job in the end. Everyone else has already invited me. I don't have the reason not to go." Like a coquettish tone, but listen carefully. It's full of schadenfreude.

Stone continues to do things in his hand, and doesn't look up at Mei Qiduo's expression at this time, because he doesn't need to look to know that Mei Qiduo's expression at this time is like a fox stealing stars.

Smart and cunning.

"Stone, you say, if I mess up Lai Yu's wedding, will she appreciate me?" Mei Qi duo's smile was like a prank, and her eyes were full of interest.

Stone is still silent, did not answer Mei Qiduo's words, but he secretly decided not to make Mei Qiduo angry in the future, otherwise he would be held in revenge for a long time.

Here, the shopkeeper of Baifu restaurant has investigated who sold fumanlou sausage.

"Master, the sausage maker is a village girl named Mei Qiduo in Liushu village." The shopkeeper said respectfully to master Yu.

"Village girl?" Master Yu frowned slightly, but he didn't believe it. He said that sausage was very popular and thought it was made by a strange man, but he didn't think it was made by a village girl. This is far beyond his expectation.

"Yes, sir, I've heard that every 15 days, the guys in fumanlou go to the village girl's house. I think they go to get sausages." The shopkeeper told the news he had inquired about. This is not a small thing. The business of the restaurant is getting worse and worse day by day. He is very anxious. The shopkeeper didn't do it in vain.

If the master is good, the servant will be better. He knows this very well.

Master Yu's index finger knocked rhythmically on the table. He looked uncertain, with a gloomy and cold look. Then he said in a cold voice: "you quietly follow the man in fumanlou, and then go and ask if she is willing to cooperate with us. If not..."

Master Yu made an action, his face was very fierce.

The shopkeeper immediately understood what Master Yu wanted to express and arched his hand, "yes, I know."

Then the shopkeeper said some other words with the master. Because the conversation was too devoted, he didn't notice the light green maid leaving the window.

"What you said is true." Yu qiujie stood up, her pretty face full of shocked expression, and then slowly turned into deep thinking. His eyes were full of obscurity.

"Yes, I heard it with my own ears outside the master's window." A man dressed in a light green dress and dressed as a servant girl said that he was Yu qiujie's close servant girl and confidant.

Yu qiujie slowly does it and looks at the cup on the coffee table in a daze. Yesterday, she sent someone to inquire about Lai Yu. As a result, Lai Yu wants to marry someone to be a concubine. She already knows that Lai Yu must have been designed by someone, and the person who designed Lai Yu is Mei Qiduo.

Thinking of what meiqiduo said to her in Buzhuang, I felt a little flustered. I did it very secretly and didn't do it myself. Lai Yu's fool must not know that he was used, but

Yu qiujie's hand tightly clenched, sharp nails into the palm, forced himself to calm down, eyes full of gloomy look, I can't let Mei Qiduo doubt to his head, Mei Qiduo can design Lai Yu like this, this shows that Mei Qiduo is a person who has revenge.

"Yu'er, come here. I have something for you to do. " Yu qiujie said lightly.

It's better to start first, and you should not doubt yourself at this time.

Yu'er came in and asked respectfully, "Miss, what can I do for you?" The bottom of the eyelids drooping, there is no tension in the eyes.

Yu qiujie is very satisfied with yu'er's performance. After all, she is her confidant. "It seems that the lady of Chengfu family hasn't come out for a long time. It's said that she has been banned." It's not convenient for me to do it, but the Wang family could have a try. After all, I could see it clearly at that time.

Miss Wang's eyes were full of admiration and love when she looked at the stone.

"I heard that Miss Wang is ill. She has been born for more than three months." Yu'er lowered her eyes and said.

Yu qiujie with a light sneer smile, that is sick, afraid to quarrel with Lord Wang, and then was forbidden by Lord Wang, and this forbidden foot reason? If you're not wrong, it's Mei Qiduo“ I've been sick for so long. I'm sure it's boring now. If she knows something interesting, she will be very happy. Come here... "

Yu'er sticks her head out, and Yu qiujie says a few words to yu'er's ear.

"Just do it. Remember, let Miss Wang know." Yu qiujie gently sips the tea, and a satisfied smile appears at the corner of her mouth. Now she is almost sixteen, and her father says that she will be evaluated soon. This year, she is hopeful to move up, and her marriage will be more respectable.

It's not that I don't want to marry a stone, it's just that if I can't get something, I'm not willing to.

"Yes, miss, do you want my wife to know?" Yu Er hears Yu qiujie say so, some worry of ask a way, although she is very surprised, the young lady will take a fancy to a villager, just do such a thing, if be known by the master, I'm afraid the master will be angry.

"No, go down." Yu qiujie refused. If she knew about this, she would not agree. You might as well do it secretly.

What's more, this matter will not be found on my head. What's to worry about.

"Yes." Jade son see in autumn clean so, know this one affair have no what to revolve of leeway, hurriedly salute down.

Yu qiujie sat on the chair and slowly tasted tea, but the corners of her mouth had a pleasant smile. She was very happy to think that she might see Mei Qiduo in a mess

On the eighth day of November, the weather was bright and clear in autumn. After several days of overcast weather, it finally cleared up today. It seemed that I knew there was a happy event today and it was specially cleared up.

Today is the day when Lai Yu marries Da Zhuang.

In the early morning, Mei Qiduo got up. Today, she specially dressed up. Because of the delicious food and good clothes, Mei Qiduo's body has gradually grown and opened up. Her face is now full of white and tender, her face is ruddy, and her complexion is very good. Her big eyes are like the best black jade, clear and cool, Every time slightly pick up, always with the charm of the said. Just like the cherry like lips with an evil smile at this time, making the whole person clear and full of evil.

Stone frowned at Mei Qiduo at this time, but did not expect that it was only half a year. Originally, the person like a tomboy was as charming as a pearl. At this time, Mei Qiduo is more beautiful than usual. He has a bad feeling in his heart. "This dress is good-looking. Go to change it." Her beauty can only be seen by herself and not by those people.

Mei Qiduo is a little surprised to hear stone say this. It's her new dress. It's still light pink. She likes it very much. Today, it's her first time to wear it. After seeing the light displeasure in stone's eyes, Mei Qiduo's smile is even bigger. "No, it's a new dress. Besides, she's going to the wedding, so she naturally wants to wear a little more festive."

The tone was full of mischief and coquettishness.

When the stone heard the speech, his eyebrows wrinkled more and his eyes were more unhappy. He wanted to catch Mei Qiduo and teach him a good lesson, but Mei Qiduo dodged it flexibly.

"Come on, stone, I'm still waiting to see the bride." Mei Qiduo turns around and smiles at the stone.

The stone heart inside shook to shake, secretly swear a way, next time catch this little fox again, must teach a good lesson.

Raise your feet to keep up with Mei Qiduo's pace and walk towards a strong family.

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