Mei Qiduo walks leisurely on the road, with a casual smile on the corner of her mouth. It seems that there is a beautiful scenery on the road, not on the way to Gongfang. I didn't seem to feel that someone was following me.

Mei Qiduo glanced at the back and smiled at the corners of her mouth. In a moment, she turned around and disappeared.

Dazhuang came out from behind. He didn't see the figure of Mei Qiduo. His eyebrows wrinkled tightly. Where did Mei Qiduo go? As soon as he turned around, he saw Mei Qiduo standing behind him.

"You're looking for me." Mei Qiduo looks at the person in front of her with a smile, but there is no smile in her eyes. She looks at the man in front of her coldly, full of disdain and disgust.

"You..." Dazhuang was surprised. As soon as he was about to say something, a white powder appeared in front of his eyes. Then he fell down before he finished.

Mei Qiduo puts away her handkerchief. Her eyes are full of disgust. She kicks Dazhuang hard. A few days ago, she was still thinking about whether to screw up the wedding banquet. Now she doesn't have to think about it. To screw up her wedding banquet is to count people. Why should she consider others.

The more you think about it, the more you think about it.

Mei Qiduo's mouth shows an evil smile. If Lai Yu knows that the man who is going to be her husband has an affair with others at the wedding banquet, and the person who has an affair with others is still close to her, it must be wonderful to think about that face.

Mei Qiduo did all these things and was ready to go back to the wedding banquet. When she was about to turn around, she saw where Da Zhuang was. She had not experimented with what she had just done a few days ago. It's better to experiment with him.

Go to Dazhuang's side and take out a little powder. This is the itching powder made a few days ago. I don't know how it works. Originally, it was just made for fun. Now

Mei Qiduo's ruddy lips burst out a smile, cunning and full of evil.

After making these, Mei Qiduo returned to the wedding banquet, eyes full of interest, this wedding banquet is expected to be very interesting.

When they saw Mei Qiduo return to the wedding banquet, they were full of surprise in their eyes and suspicions in their hearts. Did she not hit the trick, but they all saw her drink the wine with something in her mouth.

"Miss Mei, didn't you meet anyone on the way?" An aunt asked softly, looking at Mei Qiduo's eyes with a touch of anxiety and expectation. I've made a lot of inquiries. Mei Qiduo is good at making money and building a green brick house.

Promise the village head's daughter-in-law is also because she promised herself a lot of benefits, but seeing Mei Qiduo sitting here with no trouble, her heart suddenly became a little uneasy.

Mei Qiduo took a sip of tea, then said softly, "aunt, who do you think I will meet?" Looked up at her, eyes are cold, like December ice in general, there is no temperature.

The aunt was blocked by Mei Qiduo, and she didn't know what to say, but she didn't speak, just the shrewd and calculating in her eyes still didn't go on.

Mei Qiduo gave a cold hum in her heart. She thought the village head's daughter-in-law would have a cup of poisonous wine to understand herself. However, if something happened here today, the village head's daughter-in-law could not escape responsibility, so she used the same means as Lai Yu.

But Mei Qiduo still has a question in her heart. Since the village head's daughter-in-law wants to harm him, why does she still call Dazhuang to come? Isn't this a face fight?

In fact, the village head's daughter-in-law originally poisoned Mei Qiduo, but he didn't expect to be heard by Dazhuang when he talked to Lai Yu. Dazhuang changed the wine of the village head's daughter-in-law in the middle of the conversation. That's why there was such a scene.

Stone raised an eye to see a plum seven, seem to be in silent of ask to have a matter.

Mei Qiduo shakes her head, suggesting that there is nothing wrong. Meanwhile, she looks at the stone with a smile in her eyes.

Stone clear, this little fox must have done something bad, and this bad thing must make her very happy, otherwise also won't show this look.

It seems that I'm really worried about her for nothing.

Mei Qiduo was looking forward to something interesting happening at this time. She glanced at Gong Fang's road with her eyes. She was a little worried. Why didn't it happen? Suddenly she heard some voices. Her excited look in her eyes was even worse, and her cunning smile became more and more obvious.

Here we go.

The villagers were drinking wine on the table and saying some auspicious words when they heard a cry like killing a pig. They all stopped their chopsticks and were surprised in each other's eyes. Then they all ran to the place where there was a cry.

See Dazhuang constantly grasp the body, the clothes have been torn off, but he is still constantly grasp, everywhere to rub, some places have been caught bleeding out, the fingernails of both hands are full of blood, but Dazhuang still keep grasping, mouth issued a voice of shame.

Da Zhuang just feels as uncomfortable as being eaten by ants. He can only be more comfortable if he keeps grasping. However, the more he scratches, the more itchy he wants to grasp. It seems that only in this way can he be more comfortable, but the pain of swallowing comes with him.

When people saw Dazhuang in front of them like a bloody man, some people could not bear to vomit. Dazhuang was about to pull off his trousers. Some brave people in the village rushed to stop him, but Dazhuang's strength was so strong that he threw all the people to the ground.

Someone rushed to the room to call the village head's daughter-in-law and Da Zhuang Niang.

The village head's daughter-in-law accompanied Lai Yu in the room and said some considerate words. Dazhuang Niang accompanied her with a smiling face. But the village head's daughter-in-law didn't even look at Dazhuang Niang.

If it wasn't for her daughter's pregnant body, she would not let her daughter marry a man like Dazhuang, no matter what she did, but her man said that if she didn't marry Dazhuang, she would be immersed in a pig cage.

I really have no way to discuss with Dazhuang's mother that his daughter will not marry Dazhuang as a concubine and let Dazhuang marry his daughter as a flat wife. That's not so humiliating.

"Yu'er, my mother told you, don't worry. If you give birth to this child well, their family will not wrong you." The village head's daughter-in-law touched her daughter's hand. She felt very sad. In just a few months, her daughter actually became like this, and her hatred for Mei Qiduo became more and more intense.

However, today I finally found a chance to revenge. Since Mei Qiduo had drunk wine, I also asked. The seller also said that this medicine would take two hours. When the effect of medicine arrived, Mei Qiduo's whole body festered, and no one would guess her head.

"Two aunts, go out and have a look. Something's wrong." It's a younger generation who came to tell them. It's not too much to call them aunts.

When the village head's daughter-in-law heard this, she was surprised. It hasn't been two hours? How can Mei Qiduo have poisonous hair? Is it ahead of time. Immediately answer a way: "this goes out."

Lai Yu also heard it. Her eyes were full of expectation. She had unspeakable pleasure in her heart. She wanted to go out and have a look at Mei Qiduo now.

However, Erhua, who had been standing beside her, heard that Mei Qiduo's cold eyes in the deep pool suddenly appeared in front of her eyes. It was as if she had insight that made people feel frightened. Suddenly, she felt a little uneasy.

Will meiqiduo be so easily fooled?

The village head's daughter-in-law went out with fear and expectation in her heart. When she saw Mei Qiduo with a smile on her face on the outside, she was already in her heart. Since this little bitch has nothing wrong, who has?

Before the village head's daughter-in-law asked, someone had solved the doubts for the village head's daughter-in-law.

"It seems that the giant is possessed by a demon." An old man looked at hunsheng's blood and whispered softly.

The village head's daughter-in-law stood there, her eyes full of fear, looking at the bloody man rolling in front of her. This man was actually strong. The village head's daughter-in-law subconsciously looked at Mei Qiduo, trying to confirm whether Mei Qiduo had done this thing.

Mei Qiduo noticed the village head's daughter-in-law '.

The village head's daughter-in-law looked at Mei Qiduo. When she saw Mei Qiduo's provocative eyes, she knew that Mei Qiduo had done it, and she admitted it generously.

Does that mean that meiqiduo knew her plan long ago, and she didn't drink that glass of wine. Now Dazhuang's way is her revenge.

The village head's daughter-in-law was a little chilly. She was shocked. How could there be such a person in the world to understand what people were thinking. When the village head's daughter-in-law saw Dazhuang like this, she was afraid of Mei Qiduo's doing this to her.

The more I thought about it, the more I was afraid. Suddenly, it was dark and I fainted.

Everyone saw the village head's daughter-in-law standing there motionless. Somehow, she fainted, and the original chaos became even more chaotic.

At this time, when Dazhuang Niang saw her son like this, she ran over and cried with Dazhuang regardless of anything, but she was ruthlessly caught by Dazhuang, and she also scratched a few printing words on her hand and face, which seemed very embarrassed.

Mei Qiduo coldly looks at the farce in front of her. There is no smile in her eyes. She never wants to provoke anyone, but if someone offends her, then don't blame her men for being merciless.

"You think I'm cruel." Mei Qiduo asked in a low voice. The voice was very nihilistic. If it wasn't for the stone to listen carefully, maybe he didn't hear what Mei Qiduo was saying at this time.

"...." the stone was just silent. Then he knew what Mei Qiduo meant. Looking at Mei Qiduo was an ethereal nothingness he had never seen, with deep loneliness.

Meiqiduo saw the stone silent down, in the heart there is a trace of ridicule, that man likes gentle and kind woman, stone is no exception.

Although I have been intimate, I am still a vicious woman.

Stone saw the look on Mei Qiduo's face and knew that her just silence made Mei Qiduo think more. He was always curious about what Mei Qiduo concealed from herself. Although she didn't say it, she would show such an expression of disgust after she did something.

Although I know it in my heart, I still can't bear to force her.

Stone sighed and grasped Mei Qiduo's hand. He said softly, "you don't have to be kind to them if you have any wishful thinking." When the Stone says them, the tone is full of disgust“ Besides, if you are really cruel, it will not be him who lies on the ground. "

She is kind-hearted. If she is really cruel, it will be Laiyu who will suffer. But Laiyu has a child, so she doesn't want to.

"And it's nice of you to do that." The stone looked at his eyes without autumn and winter and said that there was no escape in his eyes. He was full of seriousness.

I'm happy.

The last sentence didn't come out, just in my heart.

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