Originally, a good wedding banquet had been completely messed up because of Dazhuang. The village head's daughter-in-law fainted and was sent back to the village head's home. It is said that when the village head saw Dazhuang's whole body covered with blood, his face turned green again and again, which was wonderful.

However, Mei Qiduo didn't care. These days, Mei Qiduo and Shi Shi are very close to each other. They have a very tacit understanding recently.

One look, one action, you know what the other person wants.

Mei Xiaolan saw two people like this. She was worried. On the one hand, she hoped that stone would be like this. On the other hand, she worried that stone would have a wife. Isn't this a concubine? How can a proud man like Dole suffer.

Because there's something in my heart, I don't even have the heart to make sausage, and I feel a little lighter. Every time I see stone and Mei Qiduo, I look like I want to talk and stop.

Mei Qiduo saw what Mei Xiaolan was thinking, but she just didn't see it, but she had some worries in her heart. However, because it was about to end the month, fumanlou would come to transport sausage again. Mei Qiduo didn't have the mind to think about it.

On this day, Mei Qiduo counted her cash, and a satisfied smile appeared at the corner of her mouth. The silver had already been enough, but in order to avoid being too eye-catching, she said that Mei Qiduo didn't intend to take out so much money all at once, but slowly waited for the opportunity.

Now there's a time. Mei Qiduo knows that buying land must be approved by the village head, especially the mountain behind him. It must be approved by the village head and Lizheng before it can take effect. But after the case of Lai Yu, it's inevitable that the village head won't hate him.

So it's better to buy land as soon as possible.

"Uncle Fu, here is two hundred Liang silver. I think you can talk to the village head and Li Zheng. I want to buy the barren mountain behind." Mei Qiduo took the silver to Uncle Fu, and then said what she thought.

Uncle Fu was shocked when he saw Mei Qiduo take out so much silver. He didn't expect Mei Qiduo to have so much silver. He had never seen so much silver in his life! He stammered, "Duo Er, why do you have so much silver? You want to buy mountains." Uncle Fu stares at Mei Qiduo.

It seems to be necessary to make sure that the person standing in front of him is not the person he saw when he was young.

Mei Qiduo saw Uncle Fu look like this, puffed out a laugh, voice with a smile said: "Uncle Fu, you don't worry, these silver are earned by me."

It means absolutely clean, so that uncle Fu can rest assured. Of course, Mei Qiduo won't tell Uncle Fu that some of the silver was robbed by the bandits before.

Uncle Fu breathed a sigh of relief. Of course he wouldn't doubt what Mei Qiduo said. This month, his family earned more than ten Liang silver because of following the Mei family. If he had put it in the past, he didn't dare to think he would have more than ten Liang silver, and there would be more in the future. Seeing Mei Qiduo take out this silver all at once, it's hard to avoid some worry.

"Dor, are you going to buy a mountain?" Uncle Fu hoped that he had heard right, and that it was still the barren mountain behind him.

Mei Qiduo nodded, "I want to buy the mountain behind."

Now everything is depressed, but when spring comes, the mountain is absolutely beautiful. There are fruit trees, in addition to these, there are a large area of bamboo and some plums. Although the only scenery now is the bamboo mountain, Mei Qiduo believes that the mountain is absolutely beautiful in spring.

Besides, there are rivers on both sides of the mountain, and the current is very fast. I've seen it around before. It's better to build a fish pond in such a place. The soil is soft. Maybe it's not very suitable to grow crops in this kind of soil, but it's very suitable to grow grapes, especially wild grapes, which have strong vitality and take root in the ground.

When it comes time to plant grapes and turn them into wine, the profits will be even greater, and it will be a step closer to your goal and home.

Moreover, they have their own goals, so the main purpose of working in China is to make money, and then buy land, and then buy people and hire workers. Only in this way can they lay a better foundation for becoming the richest man in the world.

Thinking of this, Mei Qiduo firmly believes that she wants to buy a mountain.

But Uncle Fu is different. He has been serving crops in the fields for decades. He is an old hand at work. At a glance, he can see that the mountain is not suitable for growing crops. Isn't it a waste of money to buy it? He just wanted to persuade Mei Qiduo. He saw Mei Qiduo's firm face and swallowed his words.

Buy it, then help yourself to see more.

Thinking about this, uncle Fu quickly said, "OK, I'll go to uncle Genzi later." He didn't ask Mei Qiduo what to do with the mountain, but Uncle Fu was so happy.

Xu Genzi, Li Zheng of Liushu village, is also a respected old man.

Uncle Fu is very interested in what Mei Qiduo has explained. Just after lunch, he quickly asked aunt Fu to prepare a door-to-door gift.

Looking at Uncle Fu in such a hurry, aunt Fu chuckled and joked: "usually I don't see you working for me, so attentive."

Uncle Fu touched his beard and said: "isn't this dor who asked me to help her? She trusted me and gave me a lot of money. Of course, I want to do it well. "

I think that when I got the silver this morning, my hands were shaking. When did I see so much silver.

Aunt Fu didn't say anything more. She was also surprised. She didn't expect that Dore had so much silver. She thought that she and Dore were partners in making sausages. Dore didn't treat herself badly, and if she went on like this, her family would only get better.

Aunt Fu hurried to the kitchen to prepare gifts, including wine, meat, eggs and some sausages. For a moment, some of them couldn't make up their mind. They muttered to Uncle Fu: "how many things are suitable to take and make? Asking someone to help can't make people feel mean."

Uncle Fu thought, "why don't you send a few kilograms of better wine and sausage, and then a dessert."

"Don't send the sausages to avoid trouble." Fu aunt looked at things, sausage now only Duoer home and their own home, now take out is not eye-catching, "a few Jin wine and a few Jin meat, and then add 20 eggs, you on the road careful." As he spoke, he put the order on Uncle Fu. Then he handed it to Uncle Fu, "go and say it well. I'm afraid the village head will hate duo'er because of Lai Yu's affair. Moreover, the mountain is not very good. You don't know how to persuade duo'er."

Uncle Fu said with a bitter smile, "I want to persuade you. Do you think that girl will listen?"

Aunt Fu thought about it. At that time, she didn't have to persuade anyone, so she didn't say anything any more. She just told me again and again that if it was too expensive, she would come back and discuss it with Mei Qiduo.

"Well, I know it. I'm going." Then he went out.

Li Zhengxu and his family were having lunch in the pit. When Uncle Fu went in, he was a little surprised.

"Fuquan? Why are you here, her mother? Give me the whole stool as soon as possible. " Xu Genzi quickly called his daughter-in-law Li, who was eating out.

"Here we are." Li is a bright person with a loud voice. He comes in with the curtain, which makes people feel more energetic.

Uncle Fu waved his hand and said, "Auntie, you don't have to be busy. I'm here to talk to uncle Genzi about something."

Said, put things on the table, scratched his head, simple and honest smile: "aunt, this is the child his mother to bring things."

Xu Genzi stroked his beard and saw that the basket was full of pork and two pots of wine. Uncle Fu did this, "come on, what else do you bring? What can I do for you?"

When Uncle Fu heard Xu Genzi say this, he knew that the gift must be good. He hurriedly said, "yes, the girl dor has the ability now. She just changed to build a house, did some business and wanted to buy some land. After all, she can grow crops well." Uncle Fu has an advantage, that is honesty, so sometimes what uncle Fu says is generally believed.

But this time, honest people have learned to be cunning.

Xu Genzi's eyelids moved. Looking at Uncle Fu, he said, "the big house is made by the child of Mei family?"

"It's not dor's child who earned it by himself. He said he picked up the baby and pawned it, and then earned a little by himself. Otherwise, it's going to be winter. A house like theirs won't freeze people to death." Uncle Fu thought about it and said.

When Xu Genzi heard uncle Fu say this, he thought that it was also because of the baby's business. He straightened his face and asked, "the girl of the Mei family wants to buy that piece of land."

Uncle Fu heard Xu Genzi's question, hurriedly returned to his mind, looked at Li Zheng and said, "uncle, I just want to ask if the mountain behind our village belongs to the land in the village?"

Xu Genzi slowly swallowed his last meal, drank a mouthful of soup, and nodded, "it's from our village. Does the girl of Mei family want to buy that mountain?"

Uncle Fu nodded. "Dor wants to buy that mountain top."

Xu Genzi sighed, "quanzi, that hill looks very good, but it's all bad land. I can't grow crops. What does the girl of Mei family buy it for? That's white money. " Xu Genzi saw that although he didn't have deep contact with Mei Qiduo, he could see that Mei's mother and daughter were good, but people in the village sometimes like to chew their tongue.

Moreover, the Mei family has just built a house, and there are at least 120 mu of land on that hill. That's a lot of silver. The girl of the Mei family has so much silver.

"I've told dor about it, but she still insists on buying it, and there's nothing she can do. I'll help more and fertilize more, and it will become a good field." Uncle Fu had some helplessness. She told dor about all these things, but she didn't listen. Moreover, DOR still trusted herself. That is to say, Po Tian also wanted to take this matter down. "Uncle, if no one bought it, you can sell it to dor."

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