The next morning, uncle Fu came to Mei's house and waited for Mei Qiduo. Because Mei Qiduo gave him 200 Liang silver yesterday, but because Lai Da said that, he didn't buy it and gave it back to Mei Qiduo. This morning, uncle Fu came after breakfast.

"Good morning, uncle Fu." Mei Qiduo is very indecent and yawns. Originally, she was still sleeping here. Today, because of something, she got up earlier, but the whole person still looks a little depressed.

"Good morning, dor. Today uncle will do a good job in buying mountains." Uncle Fu didn't sleep well last night. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that Lai Da was unkind. He thought that if duo Er took out so much money today, Lai Da's face would be bad.

"Ha ha... It's hard, uncle Fu." Mei Qiduo smiles and takes out three hundred taels of silver from the bag. These three hundred taels are exactly the last silver on Mei Qiduo. Some of them are jewelry. Mei Qiduo doesn't want to move those things yet.

Uncle Fu saw that Mei Qiduo really took out three hundred Liang, his heart trembled again, and his understanding of Mei Qiduo's wealth went up a step again, "duo'er, you are really sure to buy that mountain." Uncle Fu looked at the three banknotes and asked again.

"Well, uncle Fu, I've made sure." Mei Qiduo nodded. She had wanted to do it for a long time. First, she had no silver and second, she had no chance. Now she has both. There is no reason to retreat.

"Well, now that you've made sure, I'm sure I'll do a good job for you." Uncle Fu said with a simple and honest smile, ready to go to Lizheng's home.

Mei Qi duo lowered her head and thought about it. She called Uncle Fu, who was just about to leave. "Uncle Fu, this is fifteen Liang silver. Since someone is invited to do something, it's necessary to give some silver." Take out a purse from the sleeve, Mei Qiduo heart wry smile, this laida really can calculate, but it doesn't matter, there is a shed just have, although more than 100 Liang silver, but in the future will make more money.

It doesn't matter. It's easy just to wait for spring.

Uncle Fu took the silver and put it in his arms. "It's still thoughtful of duo'er. That's OK. Uncle left." Then he raised his feet and walked out of the door.

Li Zhengjia, Xu Genzi, Lai Da, Xu Wenyuan, Fu Shu and Li Zhengjia's second son all gathered in the room.

Xu Wenyuan left the last stroke, then picked up the contract document in front of him and put it on his mouth and blew, "quanzi, you see, there are still some things that haven't been written clearly. I'm adding them."

Uncle Fu hurriedly took the contract document and looked carefully. It said: land lease greenhouse, today sell 120 mu of small barren mountain at the end of Liushu village to meiqiduo, a total of 300 Liang. Now pay it! The bright moon set on November 20, 2003. Real seller: Xu Genzi, head of Liushu village, Lai da. Real buyer: Mei Qiduo, agent: Xu Wenyuan.

"No problem, Wen Yuan is still very powerful." Uncle Fu looked at the deed in his hand, and the wrinkles on his face stretched a lot. Especially when he saw Lai Da's gloomy face, if he didn't care about someone, the wrinkles on his face would be gone.

Xu Wenyuan modest smile, "where where, after all, did not know how many copies."

When the contract arrived, uncle Fu carefully took out three brand-new banknotes from his arms. "Uncle Genzi, look, this is three hundred Liang."

Xu Genzi took it and looked at it carefully. When he saw that it was really three hundred Liang, his eyes shrank. This treasure house of Tongyuan is the largest silver house in China. It's all over the country, from the capital to every village and town.

Then uncle Fu took out three pieces of silver from his body, one for Xu Genzi, one for Xu Wenyuan, and one for Lai da. Xu Wenyuan looked at the silver in his hand, and with a satisfied smile, he really felt that the Mei girl was a smart girl.

Uncle Fu quickly got up and said, "uncle, since the matter has been finished, I'll leave. Dor is waiting for me to go back and tell her the news?" With that, he bowed to Xu Genzi and Xu Wenyuan. He didn't even look at Lai. Then he turned around and left.

Seeing uncle Fu leaving, Xu Wenyuan hurriedly said, "quanzi, I'll help you finish the land deed tomorrow. And send it to May's house. "

Uncle Fu said thanks with a smile and then left.

Xu Genzi took a cigarette, looked at Uncle Fu's back, and looked at Lai Da's face. He couldn't believe it. He sighed silently in his heart. It's a matter to take care of! Originally, I wanted Mei's girl to take care of the people in the village. Now it's OK.

It's all retribution!

Sure enough, Xu Wenyuan was very efficient. The next afternoon, he came to the house with the title deed. Mei Qiduo was at home. When he saw Xu Wenyuan, he stood up and asked with a smile, "Uncle Wenyuan, you're here. Please come in and do it."

"Alas! Isn't this to give you the title deed? " Xu Wenyuan came into the house to know how well Mei Qiduo's house was built. "Duo Er, your house is well built. Look at how flat and spacious the yard is." And it's warm inside.

"Uncle Wen Yuan, please come in. It's cold outside." Mei Qiduo took a smoke from the corners of her mouth and bowed her head to hide her helplessness in her eyes.

"No, I'll have something else to do later." Xu Wenyuan refused that the Mei family is the mother and daughter of the Mei family. It's better to avoid suspicion. Xu Wenyuan took out the lease from his arms and said with a smile, "duo'er is capable now. That's more than 100 mu of land. You can buy it if you want."

The tone was already a little sour.

Mei Qiduo said that the black line, at the same time, she knew that the barren mountain behind her was her from today on.

Looking at Xu Wenyuan's back, Mei Qiduo is dazed, but she is happy to bloom. In a few days, she will go to the mountain for a walk, and it will be a month before the Spring Festival. During this time, she will make a good plan. At that time, she will plant grapes on the mountain, and there will be a fish pond at the foot of the mountain. The fish pond can also grow lotus and raise crabs. It's not too beautiful.

As a result, Mei Qiduo sat in the yard, thinking more and more, and seemed to have seen the posture of lotus swaying in the wind, and groups of fish leaping out of the water, a lot of silver running towards him.

"What do you think, DOR? I'm crazy about that. " Mei Xiaolan saw that she had called several times without any response. Then she came out and saw her daughter's eyes shining and smiling. She didn't know what she was thinking.

"I didn't think of anything. What's the matter with me?"

"It's nothing. It's nothing to see you sitting outside. It's so cold outside. Don't get chilly at that time." This child, when to develop such a habit.

"I see. I'll go back to the house."

Because the weather is getting colder and colder, Mei Qiduo had planned to go to Houshan to have a look, but it was delayed by the weather. This day, the sun was a little brighter than a few days ago. Mei Qiduo decided to go to Houshan to have a look. After all, this is her own industry, and she also needs to take good care of it.

That day, Mei Qiduo got up early in the morning. After breakfast, he told meI Xiaolan that he was ready to go to the back mountain with Shitouhe. If Fu manlou's waiter comes to get the sausage, he will give him the 400 sausages she had changed last night. Don't say anything else. When she comes back, Mei Xiaolan nods.

Mei Xiaolan looks at the back of the two of them, but her brows are tightly wrinkled. She sighs a little in her heart. She knows that Mei Qiduo is a man with ideas. She persuades her that sometimes he may not listen. When does she plan to have a good talk with Shi Shi? I hope he can avoid it.

If you don't get married, please don't provoke duo'er.

Mei Qiduo walked in front, watching the soil frozen on the mountain, but she knew that once spring came, it would be very beautiful here. It was worth spending three hundred taels of silver. Moreover, if you exchange three hundred taels of silver for more silver, the fool would not like to!

However, meiqiduo is not a fool, so she is willing to.

"Stone, you said that I became the richest man in the world. How about Bao Yang?" Mei Qiduo suddenly turned to look at the stone and said teasingly, his eyes full of interest.

The stone rubbed his forehead, stepped forward and knocked Mei Qiduo's head, "nonsense." Although his food and clothing expenses are Mei Qiduo, which is no different from soft food, stone is a man after all, and he still has some self-esteem.

"Hey, hey... Stone, have you found that my mother's eyes are a little bit strange recently?" Mei Qiduo motioned to the stone with her eyes. These days, however, she noticed that Mei Xiaolan always looked at the stone with an expression of desire to talk and stop. Her eyes were full of jokes, and she didn't want to explain to the stone at all.

Stone heard Mei Qiduo say so, sighed, these days he also noticed Mei Xiaolan look at his eyes, although he did not think of his own life, but the only thing he can be sure is that he must not get married, because if married, why is the jade pendant given to him by his mother still on his body.

Stone glances at Mei Qiduo's chest. He knows that the jade pendant that his mother gave to his daughter-in-law is hanging on Mei Qiduo's chest at this time. Stone's mouth shows a smile. His daughter-in-law seems to turn the people around her into the most intimate person, which seems to be very good.

The more I think about it, the more I think it's a good idea. Looking at Mei Qiduo's eyes, it's more and more hot.

Before the stone for meiqiduo that is just good, but now it can be said that meiqiduo now is his future most intimate person.

Qingyun was rushed to Mei Qiduo's home by manager Xu early this morning. During this time, manager Xu was in a very good mood. In Qingyun's words, his mouth was almost at the end of his ears.

"Miss Mei, are you there?" Qingyun stops the car outside Mei Qiduo's house and shouts out loud.

"Dor is not here. Who are you?" Mei Xiaolan came out of the house and saw two guys dressed up!

Qingyun's sharp eyes saw that the man coming out was dressed by a woman. She quickly came forward and said, "Hello, madam! The younger one is Qingyun, a friend from fumanlou. This time she came here to get sausage. Did miss Mei tell you? "

Mei Xiaolan heard that Qingyun said, and understood that this man was Mei Qiduo who said he would come to get the sausage! He quickly opened the gate of the courtyard, welcomed the people in, and said with a smile, "come in! Dor has already told me and is ready for you

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