When Qingyun heard Mei Xiaolan say this, he was in a bit of a dilemma. Before, he gave it to the master in the capital. Even the master said it was a wonderful thing. But because there are only 800 pieces per month, it's not enough for the restaurant to use it alone. Shopkeeper Xu asked Qingyun to ask if she could give more each month. The price is easy to discuss. At this time, Miss Mei is not at home, Qingyun is in a bit of a dilemma. "Madam, I want to know when Miss Mei will come back."

If you don't do this well today, you may be skinned by shopkeeper Xu when you go back in a few days.

"This..." Mei Xiaolan has some difficulties, because she is not very clear about the specific time, duo'er did not tell her when to come back“ Dor didn't say when he would be back. What do you want

Seeing that the woman in front of her is very gentle, Qingyun thinks that since she is Miss Mei's mother, she should be able to make decisions. After thinking about it, Qingyun says, "madam, our shopkeeper wants to ask if Miss Mei can give more every month."

Mei Xiaolan heard Qingyun say so, frowning slightly, "I can't do this, or you wait for duo'er to come back." Mei Xiaolan still remembers that when Mei Qiduo went, she told her not to promise anything, but to wait until she came back.

Qingyun didn't have much hope for Mei Xiaolan, but when she heard Mei Xiaolan say so, she was still disappointed. Then she immediately said with a smile on her face: "in this case, please tell Mei when she comes back. Sometimes she goes to town, and my shopkeeper has something to discuss with Mei."

"All right." Mei Xiaolan agreed to this.

Qingyun carries the sausage to the carriage, then hands Mei Xiaolan the silver in his arms, and then leaves. When I left, I repeatedly asked Mei Xiaolan to tell Mei Qiduo what happened just now.

Mei Qiduo came back with sweat all over her head. As soon as she came back, she hurried back to her room to change her clothes. When Mei Xiaolan saw the stone, it was like nothing. Mei Xiaolan doesn't dare to talk to stone. Every time she sees the momentum on stone, she can't help but want to escape, so now she looks at stone with a desire to talk and stop.

"Aunt Mei, what's the matter?" Stone naturally is to see Mei Xiaolan's expression of desire to talk and stop, the tone is very indifferent asked.

"No... nothing. I just want to ask if I'm still used to it here?" Mei Xiaolan still didn't have the courage to ask what she thought. Every time she saw the indifference in the stone's blue eyes, she always felt afraid.

"Well, all habits." The stone replied.

"That's good. Just tell dor if you need anything. I'll cook." Mei Xiaolan ran away and seemed to approach the kitchen. She was still a little scared. Every time she saw the stone, she really felt that she was thinking of nothing but nowhere to hide.

It's a thrilling feeling.

When Mei Qiduo changed her clothes and came out, she saw the stone looking at the direction of the kitchen. Her expression was full of gloom and her mood seemed very unhappy.

"What's the matter?" Mei Qiduo guessed in her heart that who provoked him could feel his obvious displeasure.

"Nothing. Aunt May is afraid of me." Stone said calmly, but he was a little depressed in his heart. Sometimes he wanted to have a good talk with Mei Xiaolan, but every time he wanted to have a good talk with Mei Xiaolan, he saw Mei Xiaolan look scared.

Mei Qiduo thought a little, and his eyes were full of banter. Then he said seriously, "maybe it's because you look disgusting." Finish saying oneself also feel very funny, poof hiss a to laugh out.

Stone face helpless, looking at Mei Qiduo eyes full of tenderness, "if I look disgusting, you will take me."

Mei Qiduo touched her nose and laughed awkwardly. She thought she was better at covering up, but she didn't expect to be seen by him. On the one hand, she took him in because she could provide a labor force for her family. On the other hand, she looked more in line with her own aesthetic.

Stone mouth with a happy smile, that is, sometimes I will see her face in a daze, sometimes I really can't laugh or cry, I really didn't expect that I would be accepted because of her face one day.

But it doesn't seem that bad.

Mei Qiduo was about to say something when she was interrupted by the sound outside the yard.

"Is anyone home, please?" A middle-aged man has a slightly arrogant voice.

Outside the courtyard door came a strange voice, Mei Qi duo eyebrows slightly around, some doubt looking at the stone, who will be this time?

"At home, who are you?" Although Mei Qiduo was unhappy, she still went out. See a very smart middle-aged man with a small guy standing outside the yard. A trace of displeasure flashed in Mei Qiduo's eyes, because she saw the shrewdness and greed in the man's eyes, and the arrogance of the superior looking at the inferior.

Meiqiduo mouth with a cold smile, this person should be the shopkeeper of Baifu restaurant, think of here, meiqiduo tone more alienated way: "what's the matter?"

When the middle-aged man saw Mei Qiduo, his pupils shrank. Isn't this the village girl who helped the old man out in front of the restaurant last time. Shopkeeper Li was surprised. She didn't expect to be the one who would make sausage.

"Hello, are you the girl who can make sausage?" The shopkeeper is very shrewd and doesn't reveal his name. If this thing is screwed up, it's estimated that Master Yu will not let him go easily.

The cold light in Mei Qiduo's eyes was even more intense. There was a sneer in her heart. It was really for the sausage, but Mei Qiduo's face didn't show. She said innocently: "sausage? What kind of sausage? What's that you're asking? "

Even if there is, it won't be sold to you.

When shopkeeper Li heard Mei Qiduo say this, his face suddenly came down and he clenched his teeth in his heart. But it was only a moment, and his face still said with a smile: "our master saw that the girl sold fumanlou sausage. Our master wanted to buy the sausage at a high price. I don't know, girl... "

"Alas! I said whether you can't understand people's words. If you don't know, you don't know. Are you sick again? " Mei Qiduo said with her hands on her hips, her eyes full of anger and her mouth unforgiving. Then he blinked at the stone.

He motioned to the stone to cooperate with himself.

Stone looked at Mei Qiduo and thought of a shrewd village girl. Although Mei Qiduo's eyes were so big that she couldn't say how cute she was, just like a little fox. Stone also saw Mei Qiduo's sign, and learned Mei Qiduo's appearance. "If you have a disease, you need to treat it quickly, otherwise it's not easy to deal with the infection."

Mei Qiduo blinked her eyes. She didn't expect that stone's mouth would be so poisonous. "That's it. I don't want to be infected."

When was shopkeeper Li so ridiculed and sneered at? Ever since he became the shopkeeper of Baifu restaurant, some people flattered him. Today, he was shamed by a girl. For a moment, the color of shopkeeper Li's face turned blue and blue, and his tone was angry. He said: "this girl, don't be unkind. Our Baifu restaurant is more expensive than Fuman restaurant."

The tone was vivid, like charity.

Mei Qiduo hates this kind of tone most. At this time, she hears manager Li say that. Her eyes are full of ice. "Baifu restaurant, what's that?" It's like hearing something disgusting.

"You..." shopkeeper Li looked at Mei Qiduo's eyes full of ruthlessness, but Master Yu had a good time. Since he couldn't help himself, he could only kill him quickly“ This girl should not let her family suffer because she is so quick. "

Shopkeeper Li's tone was full of threats and warnings.

"Ha ha..." Mei Qiduo laughed, as if she heard the most like a joke. She had never been afraid of anyone. This was the first time she heard someone threatening her.

"Go back to tell your master, wishful thinking is called daydreaming, and..." Mei Qiduo's tone suddenly becomes cruel and cold, it seems that the cold from hell makes people feel cold, "if your master doesn't want to die, let him come."

Meiqiduo will never be afraid of anyone. Even if she changes her body, the pride in her heart is still not allowed to be trampled by anyone.

Shopkeeper Li's back is chilly. I don't know how I suddenly believe what the people in front of me say. If there is a kind of words she says, she will feel like a general person.

For a moment, shopkeeper li felt that the woman in front of him seemed to be a traveler from hell. He accidentally dragged you into hell.

Looking at shopkeeper Li's back, stone frowned slightly and asked, "just let him go back." I don't want to know Mei Qiduo's character. Just look at Lai Yu's end.

Looking at shopkeeper Li's back, stone frowned slightly and asked, "just let him go back." I don't want to know Meiduo's character. Just look at Lai Yu's fate.

"As long as he brings his words to." Mei Qiduo's mouth showed a smile of unknown meaning, and her eyes were full of calculation.

I can't always supply fumanlou sausage. I have my own goal. I have long liked Baifu restaurant and wanted to swallow it one day. I was a little hesitant, but after today's release, I was determined to swallow it.

I could have opened a restaurant if I had given myself a little time, but it was too troublesome. Since I had a ready-made one, why should I open a new restaurant.

Don't be a fool for the things delivered to the door. Just make a good plan. I believe that Baifu restaurant will change its owner in a short time.

"What do you want?" When stone saw Mei Qiduo's smile, she knew that when she definitely saw something, her eyes would be so bright.

It is dazzling and eye-catching.

"Well, I didn't think about anything!" Mei Qiduo turns her head and looks at the stone innocently.

Stone light glanced at plum seven flowers, eyes full of disbelief.

Mei Qiduo smiles at the stone, not saying anything, but looking at the distance, not knowing what he is thinking. Just a mysterious smile on the corner of my mouth.

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