
With the sound of a broken cup, the servant girl outside hung down her head and tried her best to lower her sense of existence, for fear that if she couldn't lower her heart, she would touch the mold of the master.

"A little village girl dares to say so." Master Yu's tone is very gloomy, but it's hard to hide his anger. Since he became the county magistrate of Liushu Town, few people have spoken to him like this. Even Master Wang of Chengfu wants to be polite when he sees himself. Now he is threatened by a yellow haired girl.

The shopkeeper secretly wiped the non-existent sweat on his forehead, with a flattering smile on his face, and said, "yes, the village girl actually said that she would not let us go if we did it." The village girl's indifference is frightening.

"Well, I thought it was a smart one, but I didn't think it was a stupid one." Master Yu snorted contemptuously. A little village girl was ashamed. Master Yu's eyes were full of gloom and ruthlessness. She whispered, "in this case, then..."

The following words didn't come out, but the shopkeeper naturally understood the meaning of the master's words.

If the shopkeeper didn't care about this kind of thing before, but suddenly thought of that pair of indifferent eyes, looking straight at you, large pieces of indifference followed, it's amazing“ But if that's the case, you won't get the sausage. "

When Master Yu heard shopkeeper Li say this, his eyes were a little softer, but still full of gloom, "I can't get it, and others don't want it." Finish saying, already is to kill machine to expose completely.

Shopkeeper Li's back was cold and greasy, and he was surprised with a cold sweat. He still had a cautious look on his face and said, "but if we make a rash move, we will definitely guess that we made it in fumanlou. At that time..."

Shopkeeper Li didn't say what he said, but Master Yu naturally knew it, because the relationship between Master Yu and the city government is not very good, and it's just to maintain a good appearance. If anything happens to master Yu, Master Wang would like to hear about it.

Master Yu's face is very gloomy, but the shadow in his eyes has dissipated a lot. Now the end of the year is coming, and the top will send someone to evaluate. If something happens at this juncture, the gain is not worth the loss.

"How are you going to be?" Master Yu asked faintly. He raised his eyelids and looked at the shopkeeper Li below.

"Since dachshun is so profitable, it's better for her to contribute the recipe for dachshun, which is to benefit Liushu village, and give her some benefits at that time. It's not good at that time, as long as she hands over the recipe, then..." shopkeeper Li said, his eyes are full of Yin, as long as she hands over the recipe for dachshun.

It is not for them to has the final say to kill or shave.

Master Yu nodded, "it seems that I have to go down and take good care of the people."

"The little one left." Shopkeeper Li bows to master Yu, ready to step down.

"Remember to be careful." Master Yu said lightly.


Then shopkeeper Li went out of the room.

Mei Qiduo woke up early in the morning. Yesterday, she heard Mei Xiaolan tell herself that manager Xu had something to do with me. Just in time, she also had something to do with manager Xu. So today she woke up early in the morning.

"Good morning." Mei Qiduo yawns very gracelessly. It's really inappropriate for her to wake up early. At this time, Mei Qiduo's eyes are almost closed.

I thought about it all night last night. I'm in a bad mood this morning.

"Duo'er, you don't look very well today." Mei Xiaolan came out with breakfast, and saw Mei Qiduo's face was wanton and pale blue. Mei Xiaolan knows that her daughter usually likes to sleep in. She always gets up a little early because she is in a bad mood. Today she seems to have something wrong.

"Well, I didn't sleep well yesterday." Meiqiduo didn't want to talk, just said lightly, and then sat down to have breakfast.

"Remember to pay more attention to rest." Mei Xiaolan can't do anything except care like this. Since the accident last time, she can't control herself as long as she makes any decision.

"I see, mother, I will." Mei Qiduo had a warm current in her heart. No one would care about her in her previous life. So I will protect the warmth in this life.

After breakfast, Mei Qiduo took the stone to the town by car, because it was the end of November, and the weather was very cold. Mei Qiduo sat on the ox cart, and his smiling face was very pale.

Mei Qiduo is secretly regretting. She knew she should buy a carriage first. It's a pain to do this ox cart in winter! She felt like she was going to be stiff by the cold wind.

Suddenly she felt a burst of warmth on her back. Mei Qiduo looked back in surprise and saw the expressionless face of the stone. Mei Qiduo felt a faint sweetness in her heart, and then approached the stone. After all, there was a man-made heater behind. Don't be silly.

But Mei Qiduo is comfortable. Naturally, someone is uncomfortable. If you don't stab someone, you will feel uncomfortable.

"Oh, the stone will hurt my daughter-in-law so soon." A sharp and mean voice rang out, and the tone was full of sarcasm, just like there was any adultery between Mei Qiduo and stone, which made people very unhappy.

"They are cousins. They haven't got married yet. Don't talk nonsense, sister Yang." Then a woman said, but not in a very good tone. With a touch of schadenfreude.

"I've forgotten that they're not married yet." The man named sister-in-law Yang pursed her lips and said with a smile, looking at Mei Qiduo and the stone closely, his eyes full of irony and disdain.

An unmarried woman is so close to a man that she has to be shameless.

"Of course, it's not as good as Yang's sister-in-law, otherwise Laiyu would not have married so early." Mei Qiduo didn't want to say anything. Because of the approaching of the stone, Mei Qiduo's rigid body gradually warmed up. She glanced at the woman who was talking and recognized her as a relative of the village head's daughter-in-law.

I'm afraid I'll say that this time. Actually, I hate you very much! After all, when something happened to Lai Yu, Yang's sister-in-law would be affected more or less. That's why she was sarcastic just now.

When the woman heard Mei Qiduo say this, her face dropped and she hated secretly. Originally, Lai Yu had such a thing, which made the Yang family unable to lift their heads. Seeing Mei Qiduo's appearance at this time, she couldn't recognize her sarcasm.

But Mei Qiduo said so, the women around didn't say anything to help out. There was disdain and ridicule in her eyes. Yang's sister-in-law didn't speak angrily, and her face was green again and again.

Because this time, there was no annoying sound all the way.

When Mei Qiduo arrived at fumanlou, shopkeeper Xu just came out of the backyard and saw Mei Qiduo coming. He rushed to meet her with a warm look on his face.

"Miss may, I'm looking forward to you." Shopkeeper Xu's voice is full of joy. Since he had sausage, the restaurant's business has been getting better and better. He also received a letter from the owner yesterday saying that this thing is excellent. He wanted to use sausage in all the fu man Lou. He was very happy to hear that.

The sausage was presented by myself. How can I not be happy with the master's eyes.

"Shopkeeper Xu seems to have a happy event." As soon as Mei Qiduo came in, she saw the joyful look on manager Xu's face. Even a fool can see it. There must be something very happy that can make manager Xu, who has always been calm, happy like this.

"Please come inside. We'll talk in detail in the wing room." Shopkeeper Xu stretched out his hand to make a gesture of invitation, and quickly restrained the joyful expression on his face.

"Well." Mei Qiduo nodded, and happened to have a detailed discussion with manager Xu.

"Qingyun, bring me tea and water." Shopkeeper Xu orders Qingyun to serve tea, and then asks Mei Qiduo to go upstairs.

Nameless Junei, floating light sandalwood, room heating, Mei Qiduo feel warm up, looked at the furnishings of the house, Mei Qiduo secretly praise, every time is very delicate, but also reveals a low-key domineering.

Shopkeeper Xu put Mei Qiduo's admiration into his eyes. With a light surprise in his eyes, he said, "Miss Mei, Xu really has something to discuss with you. Do you see?" Shopkeeper Xu motioned to the stone with his eyes.

"It's OK, stone is not an outsider, you say." Meiqiduo subconsciously said, the stone next to hear, originally heard manager Xu's words is very unhappy, but also heard meiqiduo said, the corners of his mouth and show a faint smile. In the heart displeasure disperses, only leaves gently.

"Well, our master said that sausage is a wonderful thing, but the quantity is small. Our master wanted to use this sausage in all restaurants, so let Xu ask if Miss Mei would like to sell us the recipe for this sausage." Shopkeeper Xu looked at Mei Qiduo, and his face became more and more indifferent.

Secretly complaining in my heart, this is not to offend people completely.

"This is also the idea of shopkeeper Xu." Mei Qiduo's smile on the corner of her mouth is still the same, but her easygoing eyes are full of cold, and the smile in her eyes does not reach the fundus of her eyes, with alienation and indifference.

Shopkeeper Xu was astringent. For a moment, he didn't know what to say, but he complained to himself, "this is the master's idea. If Miss Mei doesn't want to..."

"Shopkeeper Xu, do you know why I chose Fuman restaurant instead of Baifu restaurant?" Mei Qiduo interrupts shopkeeper Xu.

"This... Xu doesn't know." Shopkeeper Xu looked at the alienation in Mei Qiduo's eyes with a smile on his face. He knew that his previous friendship had disappeared, just when he proposed to buy a prescription.

This may girl is a seemingly gentle but actually inaccessible person.

"The reason is very simple, because I don't like the greed in the eyes of the shopkeeper of Baifu restaurant." Mei Qiduo said faintly that because of the kind of servants, there might be some kind of master. So when she saw the style of Baifu restaurant, she resolutely gave up and chose fumanlou.

I didn't expect that there was an unpleasant master in fumanlou.

When manager Xu heard Mei Qiduo say this, he was clear in his heart. He couldn't believe that his master had given such an order. He couldn't believe it, but he had to listen to his master's order.

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