Capital, Zhufu

"Master, you're back." A housekeeper like middle-aged man said respectfully to the man in front of him.

"Well, how is everything in the mansion?" Zhu Yuxuan, the owner of Zhu's family who just came back from other places, went back to the mansion a little tired, then went straight to the study and asked faintly.

"Everything is fine in the house, but..." the housekeeper's tone is a little unnatural.

"What's the matter?" Zhu Yuxuan is sitting on the chair, with a pair of well-defined hands beating the table rhythmically. His narrow eyes are full of indifference. He clearly has the scholar's elegant temperament, but he has an indescribable indifference. He gently sips the good blue and white porcelain cup.

"There's something wrong with the fumanlou over there in Liushu town." The housekeeper replied respectfully, looked up at Zhu Yuxuan and seemed to be waiting for him to ask, but the people above still looked cold and didn't answer. The housekeeper could only answer: "half a month ago, there was a food called sausage. Both the master and wife liked it very much, but the person who provided it only provided hundreds of pieces a month, so..."

The housekeeper didn't say anything at the back. His back was very cold.

"They've got someone to ask for a prescription, haven't they?" Zhu Yuxuan chuckled, with a sneering smile on the corner of his mouth and disdain in his eyes. What a fool.

"Yes, and shopkeeper Xu said that the people who provide sausage are ready not to provide any more." When the housekeeper heard Zhu Yuxuan say this, he said everything at once, and then looked up at Zhu Yuxuan.

There is a storm brewing in Zhu Yuxuan's eyes. His slender white fingers hold the cup tightly. Ling Wang has been missing for nearly half a year. The emperor is more and more impatient in the past half a year, but he still hasn't found any clues about Ling Wang. Moreover, some people in the court have begun to suspect that if Ling Wang can't be found all the time, then

I'm afraid this day will change again.

Zhu Yuxuan looked down at the golden embroidery thread on his white robe. He didn't know what he was thinking, but his face was very ugly.

Some people, taking advantage of their absence, began to make some small moves.

"What does shopkeeper Xu say?" Zhu Yuxuan asked faintly, a touch of deep thought flashed in his eyes. Even those people said it was delicious and wanted to have something for themselves. I thought it was excellent. No, so as not to get interested in this sausage.

"Shopkeeper Xu said that this sausage is a wonderful thing, and now only fumanlou has it for the time being," the housekeeper replied, suddenly remembering another thing that shopkeeper Xu mentioned in his letter, "and shopkeeper Xu also said that there is a man with blue eyes around him."

Zhu Yuxuan suddenly stood up and asked in surprise, "are you sure it's blue eyes?" His voice was full of excitement and disbelief, and his hands trembled faintly.

In the Haoyue Dynasty, only one person's eyes are blue, that is the most noble king Ling in the Haoyue Dynasty.

The housekeeper was very excited and stammered: "yes... Yes, shopkeeper Xu said so." Just such a sentence, is the master so excited?

"It seems that I have to go to willow town to find out." Zhu Yuxuan light said, heart secretly said, hope this is an accurate information, otherwise... I'm afraid that day really will change.

"Yes, I'll arrange it for the little one." The housekeeper said respectfully, then wiped the sweat on his forehead when he walked out of the room, and let out a long sigh of relief. The master didn't get angry this time, but it doesn't mean they won't get involved in the business next time.

One day, they will regret that they offended the master like this.

Since last time, Mei Qiduo hasn't said anything about her intention to cooperate with shopkeeper Xu. A person who wants your prescription is not a wise partner. Although Mei Qiduo didn't explain it, shopkeeper Xu should have felt it.

The previous affection is gone, and there are only business contacts with each other.

"Are you not disappointed?" Stone was a little surprised. If she was herself, she might not cooperate with fumanlou, but she didn't.

"If there's anything to be disappointed about, he'll come to the door in half a month at most." Mei Qiduo said faintly, and the corners of her mouth were still a shallow smile. So what do you have to be disappointed? Everything is under your control. Only when the other party is more and more impatient, can he get more benefits.

All that's left is time.

"You're so sure." Said the stone with a smile in his eyes.

"Of course, shopkeeper Xu must be worried now." Plum seven hook lips a smile, in the eye energetic.

"Yes! After all, business is hard, isn't it? It's just like before, but now I've tried the taste of fighting for money every day. If I go back to the past again, it's the most sad. Manager Xu is not like this now.

Mei Qiduo guessed right. More and more sausages are needed in the past half a month. Shopkeeper Xu sent someone to get the sausages, but they were all rejected, and the reasons are ready-made.

The appointed time has not arrived, no!

Shopkeeper Xu knew that Mei Qiduo was angry, with a bitter smile at the corner of his mouth. But such a reason can't make people angry. After all, it has been agreed at the beginning, and most of them are their own side. This is a big deal. It's stupid. Shopkeeper Xu certainly can't say his doctrine is stupid! Otherwise, fumanlou will not be full in the country, and the most important thing is that the master's ability is far more than these.

It's just that smart people make mistakes!

"Shopkeeper, here comes the master." Qingyun said in manager Xu's ear.

When shopkeeper Xu heard this, he was very surprised that the master came and went out to meet him. Seeing a low-key and luxurious carriage parked outside the door and the driver, shopkeeper Xu was surprised. Is it because of that that that the master came here suddenly“ Welcome, master Shopkeeper Xu saluted respectfully.

The curtain of the car was lifted, and out came a man in white fox fur and moon white splendid clothes, who came out of the car gracefully.

People on the street had never seen such a noble man. They were stunned for a moment. They saw that the man's narrow Phoenix eyes were full of laughter, but when they looked at them carefully, he was indifferent all over the sky. His actions were as natural and uninhibited as a childe, but he was noble. His skin was as white as a woman's. maybe it was because he was tired on the way, and his cheeks were light pink, Especially attractive, straight nose, lips like a good rouge, full of charm. But the lips tightly pursed, with a not angry and powerful momentum, let a person panic. Is such a man really a man?

Zhu Yuxuan frowned slightly, and knew that his appearance was too feminine. But at this time, he was still frowning tightly when he was looked at so unscrupulously. He was very unhappy.

"The nameless house is ready. It's important for me to come here this time. I have tea in my car and let people cook it with spring water." Zhu Yuxuan lifted his robe and got out of the car. His voice was as beautiful as a spring in a mountain stream.

"Yes, I'll go now."

Zhu Yuxuan came here to see the man who made the sausage. Another thing he wanted to do was to make sure whether the man with blue eyes had been missing for half a year. If so, it would be interesting.

Thinking of this, Zhu Yuxuan's mouth was wearing a teasing smile. People in the capital were going crazy to find him. He actually lived leisurely here. If anyone knew, how much trouble would it cause? Especially the man in the capital

Zhu Yuxuan lay on his side in front of the open window, with a pair of long and narrow eyes looking at him indifferently. He said, "manager Xu, today I'll make that sausage to taste." I also want to know if this sausage is really as good as I said.

"Yes." Shopkeeper Xu respectfully said that since he was the shopkeeper of fumanlou, when he saw the owner behind him for the first time, he was inevitably a little excited. He did not expect that the owner was so young, but shopkeeper Xu also knew that people should not be ugly.

Shopkeeper Xu is ready to leave lightly, but he hears Zhu Yuxuan's voice.

"You said in the letter that you had seen a man with blue eyes." I wish Yu Xuan's tone with a touch of expectation, but if you don't listen carefully, you can't hear it at all.

Shopkeeper Xu was stunned for a moment and understood at random, "back to the master, yes, the blue eyed man's name is stone. He often comes with Miss Mei."

Miss Mei?

It seems that it's the man who made the sausage. I didn't expect that it was a woman. I feel relieved at random. It's a talent who can bring back manager Xu's Fu Man Lou. But the stone

Zhu Yuxuan slightly frowned, such a vulgar name, will be that overbearing person? Zhu Yuxuan for a time some doubts, it seems that he still need to make sure that day, or this trip even white run.

Shopkeeper Xu saw Zhu Yuxuan's doubts and explained: "this sausage is made by Miss Mei. And the four signature dishes in the restaurant are also miss Mei's He also raised his eyes and looked at Zhu Yuxuan, then dropped his eyes.

"Well, go down." Zhu Yuxuan light said.


Zhu Yuxuan has a light smile on his mouth, and his eyes are full of smile. If the stone is really fenglingjue, his name is enough to laugh at him all his life, and there's even miss Mei. It's interesting. The woman who can make sausage should be a very interesting woman, better than the one who puts on airs in the capital.

At that time, there will be a good play to watch. It's really a good reincarnation of the way of heaven. If you don't add a fire properly, how can you be worthy of his love for yourself in recent years.

Wish Yu Xuan more think more joyful, more joyful, more want to see that plum girl.

"Ha ha ha..."

The guard of the guard heard his master's elegant laughter in the room. He was surprised when his master was so happy. There was no good scenery along the way. The master was so happy.

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