Mei Qiduo has been very leisurely these days. She sleeps very sweetly in the morning. At noon, she plans her own fish pond and what to grow besides grapes on the mountain.

And I didn't ask Mei Xiaolan and aunt Fu to make sausage, but let them have a good rest.

Looking at the smile they couldn't understand on Mei Qiduo's face, they thought it was a business that couldn't be done, so they didn't care. I just sigh that such a good business is gone.

However, because they had some spare money a few months ago, they sighed and thought about the tens of taels of silver at home. They must have had a good year.

Mei Qiduo didn't tell them that we won't have to do it in a short time. Originally, she wanted to put forward the workshop by herself, but because she wanted to annex Baifu restaurant, she needed to make a new plan. She always felt that the owner behind Fuman restaurant should be a person that Baifu Restaurant can't provoke.

Otherwise, how could it not be closed down in Liushu town!

"Dor, it's not very good to sell sausage." Mei Xiaolan carefully looked at Mei Qiduo and asked, her eyes full of worry.

"Nothing." Mei Qiduo didn't want Mei Xiaolan to know so much, but she said faintly that her eyes were full of confidence.

If you are not wrong, shopkeeper Xu will come to the door in two days. Why rush for a moment.

"But..." Mei Xiaolan didn't say it. The last time she saw Mei Qiduo coming back from town, she didn't look very well. She was worried about whether there was something wrong with the business. But she knew that even if she asked, she would not answer her question, but she was still worried.

"Mother, don't worry. Business is very good. I'm hungry." Mei Qiduo knows that Mei Xiaolan is concerned about herself, but Mei Qiduo doesn't want Mei Xiaolan to worry. The most effective way is to change the topic.

Sure enough, Mei Xiaolan heard that Mei Qiduo was hungry, so she didn't ask, "why didn't you see the stone all morning?" Mei Xiaolan asked casually.

Mei Qiduo also frowned slightly. Recently, it seems that stone likes to go to the mountain. Sometimes he stays all morning. It's estimated that this morning, "it's estimated that he went up the mountain." Mei Qiduo said casually.

"You, although stone seems to be a capable man, you should not always let him do everything." Mei Xiaolan ordered Mei Qiduo's forehead and taught him.

Mei Qi duo frowned. For a moment, she couldn't stand such intimate actions. She quietly moved away. "I'm for him to eat and drink. If I don't work, I'm not at a loss." I'm going to be the richest man in the world in the future. How can I do some loss making business.

"You! It's in the eye of money. " Mei Xiaolan looked at Mei Qiduo with a bitter smile. Her eyes were full of love and helplessness. Her daughter really fell into the eye of money.

Mei Qiduo pretends not to hear Mei Xiaolan's words. She doesn't look down upon Mei Qiduo, so she doesn't tease her. She goes to the kitchen to get ready to eat.

Here, on the Huangtu road to Liushu village, two carriages are dusty. Two carriages come at a gallop. One of them is gorgeous, the other is ordinary. The direction is Mei Qiduo's house.

"Miss Mei, are you at home?" Shopkeeper Xu stands outside the door and shouts to the inside. In the heart secretly anxious, is Miss Mei not at home at this time.

Mei Qiduo had just had enough to eat and drink at this time. She was in a good mood. She heard someone shouting outside the door and picked her eyebrows. Listening to this voice, she was very much like manager Xu. She was surprised that she was a few days early. Still leisurely out of the house, walked to the yard door.

Sure enough, it was manager Xu, but when she saw a low-key and luxurious carriage beside her, Mei Qiduo was awed in her heart.

Although the car looks low-key, it is extremely luxurious. The white ceiling and the black body are all made of top red sandalwood paint, and the exquisite flowers are carved on it. The sculptors are excellent. They look lifelike. In front of the car are two black horses with black manes. Each one is very strong and powerful. People with a clear eye will know that they are rare BMWs.

He who can be so luxurious means that he is rich or expensive.

Mei Qiduo, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, asked suspiciously: "manager Xu, what's the matter? The fifteen day deadline has not yet arrived. " She is very vengeful. Don't expect her to forgive.

Shopkeeper Xu is suffering. He only knew yesterday that it was not the master's idea to buy a sausage recipe. It was just some actions that someone took advantage of the master's absence. Now shopkeeper Xu's intestines are green. If he had known that Mei Qiduo was such a vengeful person, he would have beaten her to death without provoking her!

At this time, shopkeeper Xu still said with a smile: "Miss Mei is like this. My master has something to talk with Miss Mei."

Mei Qiduo raised her eyebrows and looked at the people who didn't move in the carriage. How could you enter my house if you wanted to? Then she burst out with a very bright smile, "sorry, shopkeeper Xu, I don't want to talk about it because I'm not feeling well recently." It's obvious that Miss Ben is in a bad mood now. I'm sorry. I don't want to talk about it.

Shopkeeper Xu wiped the sweat on his forehead. It was cold winter weather, which made him feel uncomfortable in the fire.

Zhu Yuxuan looks at Mei Qiduo who is talking with Xu ZhangGu from the curtain. His eyes are full of surprise. He didn't expect to be a village girl. Then he hears Mei Qiduo's words and is surprised.

"But, Miss Mei..." shopkeeper Xu wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Mei Qiduo.

"Shopkeeper Xu, if you have nothing to do, please come back!" Mei Qiduo looked at shopkeeper Xu without any expression. Her dark eyes were full of condensation without any emotion.

"But, Miss Mei..." manager Xu had something else to say, but he was interrupted by Mei Qiduo.

"Shopkeeper Xu, if you have nothing to do, please come back!" Mei Qiduo looked at shopkeeper Xu without any expression. Her dark eyes were full of condensation without any emotion.

"This is Miss Mei's tutor. Don't you invite guests in?"

The sound came from the carriage. It was warm and magnetic, which made people sink the wheel inadvertently.

Mei Qiduo's eyes flashed a trace of appreciation. Mei Qiduo is a standard face control, but also a voice control. His voice is like a person. He should look warm and moist like jade, but in fact he is indifferent and resistant.

"Guests are invited. What is an uninvited guest?" Mei Qiduo said sarcastically, her eyes full of condensation.

"Ha ha..." Zhu Yuxuan heard Mei Qiduo say this at this time, and the laughter showed that the woman was really interesting. "It's us that embarrassed Miss Mei."

Mei Qiduo picked eyebrows, and there was still no expression on her face.

The curtain of the car was lifted and Zhu Yuxuan came out. When Mei Qiduo looked at Zhu Yuxuan's face, she couldn't help cheering. She really gave birth to the posture of dragon and Phoenix. If such a face went out, I'm afraid it would harm a lot of girls again.

It's just like a stone. There's always some extra trouble.

Zhu Yuxuan didn't miss Mei Qiduo's eyes for appreciation. However, although her eyes were filled with worries later, Zhu Yuxuan was slightly stunned. This reaction is her first time to see it. Every time an ordinary woman sees her, it's not shy, but she doesn't. her eyes are very clear, and she doesn't have a shy attitude.

I like this kind of vision very much.

"Miss Mei, are you satisfied with what you see?" Zhu Yuxuan asked with a smile at the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were full of smiles.

The bodyguard who came with Zhu Yuxuan's tone heard that his master was like clearing up, and his eyes were about to fall off. His master had always looked gentle and elegant. When was it like... Clearing up like a disciple.

Mei Qiduo looked at Zhu Yuxuan as if he were fine-tuning. A trace of displeasure flashed in his eyes, and then he turned back to a very calm appearance. "Please come in, or someone will say I'm not hospitable." Then, without looking at the look on their faces, they went to the house and stood outside for a long time. They were not cold, they were cold.

Shopkeeper Xu's cold sweat came out one after another. When he heard Mei Qiduo's words at this time, he was even more surprised. He was afraid that Zhu Yuxuan was angry at this time. He took a quiet look and found that Zhu Yuxuan was not angry at this time. Instead, he was in a good mood.

The surprise is not only manager Xu, but also Zhu Yuxuan's bodyguard. They have never seen their master's gentle expression before. They are satirized and not angry.

You know, the person who satirized the master last time is still living rather than dying.

Zhu Yuxuan was not reserved, so he raised his feet and walked into the house. He didn't look at the faces of the people behind him. Now he finally knows why this woman can make sausages. It's very interesting.

To the house, Zhu Yuxuan found Mei Qiduo taste is very elegant, whether it is the furnishings of the house, but also some other things, with a bright eye.

"I didn't expect miss may to be so... Elegant." Zhu Yuxuan said with a smile.

Mei Qiduo rolled his eyes. At first glance, this man looks very elegant, but in fact he should be a person with a vicious tongue and indifference. At this time, it's not a good thing to hear him say, "he can't compare with you." Take a look at Zhu Yuxuan's white fur.

Zhu Yuxuan's body is stiff. If he can, he really wants to strangle the woman in front of him, but... He suppresses the anger in his body, calms the anger in his body, and says: "I don't know if Miss Mei wants to cooperate with Zhu in a business."

He saw the ambition in her eyes, and he just appreciated her ambition, so he wanted to see how far her ambition could go.

"I don't know what business it is?" Here, Mei Qiduo is not worried any more. Mei Qiduo takes a sip of tea and asks leisurely. It seems that he doesn't know what Zhu Yuxuan is talking about at all.

Zhu Yuxuan a Leng, shouldn't be like this, for a time there are some reactions, looking at the corner of Mei Qiduo's mouth smoked, he really more and more like to strangle her.

Mei Qiduo looked at his face, which was more convulsive than just now. He couldn't help but smile. It seems that his endurance is very good, and he has to make it through.

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