Zhu Yuxuan adjusted his expression. In a moment, he restored the image of the previous Pianpian childe, with a gentle smile at the corner of his mouth, "Miss Mei, I don't know how you want to cooperate?"

When shopkeeper Xu heard Zhu Yuxuan say these words, he was shocked, which showed that the master gave in.

Mei Qiduo picked his eyebrows. "It's just a workshop. What do you think?"

Zhu Yuxuan's eyes brightened. He ate the so-called sausage yesterday. It tasted very good, like pork. There was no way to tell if it tasted. Moreover, the three recipes provided by Mei Qiduo were also very good. No matter in taste or color, they were all in line with his taste.

Hearing Mei Qiduo say this, he knew that the workshop must be very profitable. When he thought of running a lot of money to himself, the light in his eyes was very bright. "Miss Mei's workshop refers to the sausage workshop."

Mei Qiduo didn't speak, but her expression answered Zhu Yuxuan.

Zhu Yuxuan is not angry, slightly excited, said: "Miss Mei, how do you want to cooperate?" The narrow Phoenix eyes are full of light, just like a fox.

Mei Qiduo picked her eyebrows, but she didn't miss it. However, as far as cunning is concerned, she is the first, and no one dares to be the second. Since she's sent to the door to be slaughtered, if she doesn't do it, isn't she sorry for herself, "three seven open."

Zhu Yuxuan's expression was even more fierce. The woman was really cruel. She could say it. Her eyes were full of discontent, "four or six."


Mei Qiduo is very leisurely drinking tea, not worried at all. He thinks that Pianpian Pian's face is green and green in front of him. Tut Tut, I really enjoy it.

Zhu Yuxuan couldn't believe it on his face. His eyes looking at Mei Qiduo were full of surprise. This damn woman dared to say twenty-eight. Then I'm working for her. Who is he? But how could the biggest profiteer of the Haoyue emperor do such a thing? Although he told Zhu Yuxuan rationally that he should get up and leave, when he saw the woman's leisurely face, he wanted to go up and strangle her.


"Then go away." Mei Qiduo interrupts Zhu Yuxuan's words and makes an action of asking, not caring about Zhu Yuxuan's angry expression.

It's just a matter of time before the workshop will open. Why do you have to hurt yourself? What's more, she is a person who doesn't want to hurt herself.

When shopkeeper Xu heard Mei Qiduo say this, he was worried secretly. Based on his understanding of the master, Miss Mei must have a hard time, but this time he obviously guessed wrong.

Zhu Yuxuan secretly clenched his teeth. If it wasn't for the sake of determining whether the person was the one who guessed by himself, he would not accept the anger. No one ever drove me away. He was the first one, but the more he did, the more he wanted to cooperate with her. "That's it. Three or seven points."

The last few words are almost gnashing of teeth.

The people behind heard Zhu Yuxuan say so. They were surprised, but they admired him a little. No one dared to make the master angry like this. This woman was the first. They don't admire it.

Mei Qiduo has a smile on her lips. Since she has finished what she thinks, she should show a little kindness. After all, did she just make people angry“ Since we will be partners in the future, let's stay for dinner today. It's my treat. "

Zhu Yuxuan hears Mei Qiduo say so, is more internal injury, unexpectedly is a meal to send, just want to make trouble for a while, but see Mei Qiduo's eyes, swallow the mouth of the make trouble, I believe that if you say something, this woman is expected to be impolite to drive himself out, "then trouble Mei girl."

I'm here to see if this woman is really as powerful as shopkeeper Xu said

"You're welcome." Mei Qiduo said faintly, and got up to go to the kitchen. After all, there are so many people today. Since we have to prepare more food, we suddenly thought of something, "do you know who is behind Baifu restaurant?"

Zhu Yuxuan heard Mei Qiduo say so, a little surprised, "county magistrate at home." I'm very impatient. Last time I heard that this Yu family was going to give her daughter to that person. I didn't see what Miss Yu looked like. With that person's pickiness, I would see her. If it wasn't for the sake of avoiding some rotten peach blossoms, I don't think that person would look up to him.

"It's really fate." Mei Qiduo said this sentence with deep meaning. She didn't care what the expression of the people behind her was, so she went into the kitchen.

Zhu Yuxuan good to see the eyebrows slightly pick, listen to this woman said, it seems that this home must have done something to offend her, but he did not miss the cold in her eyes, that kind of cold I just saw in that person's eyes, now think about it really make people tremble.

I'm really curious. How does this woman raise her?

However, it seems that Yu's family is going to have bad luck soon. He has seen this woman before. Zhu Yuxuan has a funny smile on his lips. It's estimated that it's another good play. How can he miss it? It must be more interesting to add a fire to it.

Anyway, I've been looking at Baifu restaurant for a long time. It's better to have someone clean it up.

I must see this woman to clean up the old fox at home.

When stone came back home, he saw two carriages outside the door. One of them was extremely luxurious. His eyes were cold. He always felt that the carriage was very familiar, but when he thought about it carefully, he couldn't remember it.

In recent months, I always think of some fragments, but whenever I think about it carefully, I will have a headache.

When stone walks into the house, he sees shopkeeper Xu and several people beside him. Especially when he sees Zhu Yuxuan sitting on a chair with big hands and feet, some pictures float in his mind, but they are not clear.

What do these people have to do with themselves?

Stone eyebrows tightly frown up, the heart always feel that there are some things about to break out.

Zhu Yuxuan is very surprised to see the most noble prince of the Haoyue Dynasty. Now he is dressed as a villager, his mouth is open, and he hasn't closed it for a long time.

Is this still the one with the most serious habit of cleanliness? The hair was tied up at random, and it was covered with leaves. It was very dirty. The man who was once not wearing brocade was wearing a sackcloth and carrying a bundle of firewood on his shoulder.

If not as like as two peas, Zhu Yuxuan almost thought that this person could not be the Lingling king who disappeared for half a year, and still subverted the idea of Zhu Yu Hsu's tongue to man in this way.

Because Zhu Yuxuan's frightening eyes were too uncomfortable, the stone frowned slightly, "are you?"

When Zhu Yuxuan heard stone say this, his eyes were full of surprise, "you... Don't you remember me?"

Stone light glanced at the man who looked like Wen Ru Yu, "should I remember you?" Then he approached the room without looking at Zhu Yuxuan. It seems that he is just air, without any sense of existence.

Zhu Yuxuan is completely angry. In the face of Mei Qiduo, you can calm down by not fighting with women. But when you see the stone, you are completely angry. And every time you see the stone's light eyes, you can't help but want to go up and have a good beating.

But he didn't dare.

"Feng Ling Jue, you're saying that we haven't seen each other for a long time." The tone was full of ridicule, the narrow Fox's eyes were full of suspicion, and the anger on his face was obvious.

When Zhu Yuxuan's bodyguard saw the stone, they were surprised. They didn't expect that Ling Wang, the first king of the bright moon, was dressed like this. What surprised them most was that he didn't seem to know their master.

Fenglingjue? Stone stopped and turned to look at Zhu Yuxuan. His eyes were full of condensation, and his whole body was full of cold breath. He was cold and fierce, and his tone was a little hoarse. He asked: "who is this man?"

The name for stone, with a very familiar feeling, but just familiar, but not the slightest impression that they have any relationship with this person.

Zhu Yuxuan hears the stone say so, the anger in the eye spreads, looking at the stone's eye to take the doubt that can't speak out, this guy really don't know oneself? Otherwise, with his previous character, if he called his name, he would be kicked out, but this time he didn't.

"You really don't know me?" Zhu Yuxuan's tone was full of doubts.

Stone lightly picked pick eyebrow, meaning is very obvious, don't know.

"Tut tut... Fenglingjue, I didn't expect you to have today." Zhu Yuxuan's tone was full of schadenfreude. He really didn't expect that one day he would lose his memory. He looked at the stone with unspeakable ridicule in his eyes.

It's a good reincarnation of heaven. Who has heaven spared! It's time for him to take revenge today.

Maybe the tone of schadenfreude in Zhu's primary election is too obvious. He looks at Zhu Yuxuan's eyes under the stone, but he is cold and chilly. His gentle face suddenly becomes condensed, which makes people surprised. Zhu Yuxuan saw the condensation in the stone's eyes, and suddenly beat a retreat drum in his heart. He'd better not pluck the lion's hair, or one day he will remember that he may die miserably.

"Cough... Who are you, Miss Mei?" Zhu Yuxuan's eyes were full of gossip. He looked at the stone with inexplicable expectations. Do you want to tell the woman that this guy has a fiancee in the capital, and that fiancee is also a powerful person?

"It's none of your business." Stone said not back to the kitchen.

Zhu Yuxuan pinches his hand secretly. As expected, he is still the person with the venomous tongue. Has he changed a bit? Even if amnesia comes, his character is not likable. But this time, he still has something to gain. This guy has amnesia. It seems that he has met an expert.

Otherwise, with that guy's martial arts, it would not be like this at all. It seems that it is necessary for the Hades pavilion to check.

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